Search results

  • Eleocharis diandra Eleocharis elongata Eleocharis engelmannii Eleocharis equisetoides Eleocharis erythropoda Eleocharis fallax Eleocharis flavescens var. flavescens
    50 bytes (118 words) - 17:57, 16 December 2019
  • Show Lower Taxa Eleocharis cellulosa, Eleocharis elongata, Eleocharis equisetoides, Eleocharis interstincta, Eleocharis obtusetrigona, Eleocharis quadrangulata
    6 KB (410 words) - 20:38, 5 November 2020
  • genusEleocharis subgenusEleocharis subg. Limnochloa speciesEleocharis equisetoides (Elliott) Torrey Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 3: 296. 1836. M. Socorro
    5 KB (474 words) - 20:39, 5 November 2020
  • spikelet than in the rest of the culm in both Eleocharis interstincta and E. equisetoides. None. None. window.propertiesFromHigherTaxa=[{"rank":"subgenus","name":"Eleocharis
    4 KB (412 words) - 20:39, 5 November 2020