Search results
- Parnassia cirrata, Parnassia fimbriata, Parnassia glauca, Parnassia grandifolia, Parnassia kotzebuei, Parnassia palustris, Parnassia parviflora Linnaeus5 KB (342 words) - 19:14, 5 November 2020
- Ocymum) Synonyms: Frankenia grandifolia Chamisso & Schlechtendal F. grandifolia subsp. campestris (A. Gray) A. E. Murray F. grandifolia var. campestris A. Gray4 KB (400 words) - 22:23, 5 November 2020
- Pereskioideae genusPereskia Show Lower Taxa Pereskia aculeata, Pereskia grandifolia Miller Gard. Dict. Abr. ed. 4, vol. 3. 1754. Michael W. Hawkes Etymology:3 KB (241 words) - 21:57, 5 November 2020
- Pereskioideae genusPereskia speciesPereskia grandifolia Show Lower Taxa Pereskia grandifolia var. grandifolia Haworth Suppl. Pl. Succ., 85. 1819. Michael2 KB (91 words) - 17:01, 6 November 2020
- LAYOUT:treatment:TUOYAL familyFagaceae genusFagus speciesFagus grandifolia Ehrhart Beitr. Naturk. 3: 22. 1788. Kevin C. Nixon Common names: American beech hêtre5 KB (576 words) - 21:46, 5 November 2020
- dark, moist hollows formed by flaring root buttresses of beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrhart) Elevation: 0–50 m Generated Map Legacy Map La., Mexico, West3 KB (234 words) - 20:23, 5 November 2020
- root hellfetter bristly greenbrier IllustratedEndemic Synonyms: Smilax grandifolia Buckley Smilax hispida Muhlenberg ex Torrey Smilax hispida var. australis Small4 KB (336 words) - 21:18, 5 November 2020
- LAYOUT:treatment:TUOYAL familyFagaceae genusFagus Show Lower Taxa Fagus grandifolia Linnaeus Sp. Pl. 2: 997. 175. , Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 432. 1754. Kevin C. Nixon3 KB (284 words) - 21:47, 5 November 2020
- Pereskia grandifolia var. grandifolia (category Pereskia grandifolia)subfam. Pereskioideae genusPereskia speciesPereskia grandifolia varietyPereskia grandifolia var. grandifolia Michael W. Hawkes Treatment appears in FNA Volume3 KB (262 words) - 21:57, 5 November 2020
- Family ⠉ Taxon Illustrator ⠉ Fagaceae Fagaceae Fagaceae Fagaceae Fagus grandifolia Chrysolepis sempervirens Lithocarpus densiflorus var. densiflorus Castanea8 KB (720 words) - 21:50, 5 November 2020
- LAYOUT:treatment:TUOYAL familyCelastraceae genusParnassia speciesParnassia grandifolia de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle, Prodr. 1:3 KB (265 words) - 19:18, 5 November 2020
- Cayaponia boykinii (Torrey & A. Gray) Cogniaux C. grandifolia (Torrey & A. Gray) Small Melothria grandifolia Torrey & A. Gray Treatment appears in FNA Volume4 KB (387 words) - 22:23, 5 November 2020
- Epifagus virginiana is an obligate parasite of the American beech, Fagus grandifolia (Fagaceae). Its range is coincident with that of its host, including disjunct4 KB (396 words) - 19:37, 5 November 2020
- substrates for A. splachnoides are knotholes or wet crevices of Fagus grandifolia and species of Acer and Betula. None. None. window.propertiesFromHigh4 KB (347 words) - 21:35, 5 November 2020
- Family ⠉ Taxon Illustrator ⠉ Fagaceae Fagaceae Fagaceae Fagaceae Fagus grandifolia Chrysolepis sempervirens Lithocarpus densiflorus var. densiflorus Castanea179 bytes (0 words) - 22:01, 19 November 2020
- species for the flora. The source for the record is uncertain. Pteris grandifolia Linnaeus was reported from Dade County, Florida, by T. Darling Jr. (1961)3 KB (225 words) - 20:22, 5 November 2020
- tt) R. R. Gates O. grandiflora var. tracyi (Bartlett) R. R. Gates O. grandifolia R. R. Gates O. muricata Linnaeus O. muricata var. rubricaulis Farwell11 KB (987 words) - 10:31, 9 May 2022
- Michigan. Fagus grandifolia and Acer saccharum are canopy dominants, often growing with lesser numbers of Fraxinus and Ulmus spp. Fagus grandifolia is replaced133 KB (20,034 words) - 13:39, 28 November 2024
- Various plant communities exist within the deciduous forest, as the Fagus grandifolia--Acer saccharum community to the north, Acer saccharum--Tilia americana66 KB (9,996 words) - 21:24, 13 February 2019