Search results
- hooveri Agrostis howellii Agrostis hyemalis Agrostis idahoensis Agrostis mertensii A cont. Agrostis microphylla Agrostis nebulosa Agrostis oregonensis Agrostis41 bytes (123 words) - 17:57, 16 December 2019
- Carex heteroneura, Carex holostoma, Carex idahoa, Carex media, Carex mertensii, Carex nelsonii, Carex norvegica, Carex nova, Carex parryana, Carex pelocarpa12 KB (420 words) - 20:42, 5 November 2020
- hooveri, Agrostis howellii, Agrostis hyemalis, Agrostis idahoensis, Agrostis mertensii, Agrostis microphylla, Agrostis nebulosa, Agrostis oregonensis, Agrostis26 KB (1,459 words) - 16:25, 11 May 2021
- Agrostis mertensii is also often confused with A. idahoensis (p. 649), but A. mertensii tends to grow in better-drained habitats. Agrostis mertensii differs5 KB (573 words) - 16:25, 11 May 2021
- Wash., Asia. Carex mertensii is represented in Japan and the Russian Far East by the vicariant C. urostachys Franchet [C. mertensii J. D. Prescott var3 KB (263 words) - 20:42, 5 November 2020
- anadyrensis so far have proven to be A. mertensii (see previous). Agrostis anadyrensis differs from A. mertensii in being more robust, with wider, more3 KB (306 words) - 16:25, 11 May 2021
- Agrasar and Molina 1997). Agrostis idahoensis is often confused with A. mertensii (p. 644) and dwarf forms of A. scabra (p. 646), both of which tend to grow4 KB (380 words) - 16:25, 11 May 2021
- species; for comparisons, see under the appropriate species description: A. mertensii (p. 644), A. clavata (see previous), A. hyemalis (see next), A. perennans6 KB (749 words) - 13:59, 14 December 2022