Search results
- occidentalis, Cornus racemosa, Cornus rugosa, Cornus sanguinea, Cornus sericea (Dumortier) C. K. Schneider Ill. Handb. Laubholzk. 2: 437. 1909. Zack E6 KB (228 words) - 20:17, 5 November 2020
- polystachya, Eriochloa pseudoacrotricha, Eriochloa punctata, Eriochloa sericea, Eriochloa villosa Kunth Robert B. Shaw, Robert D. Webster, Christine M8 KB (456 words) - 18:56, 11 May 2021
- foetida, Pluchea longifolia, Pluchea odorata, Pluchea sagittalis, Pluchea sericea, Pluchea yucatanensis Cassini Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 1817: 31. 18179 KB (544 words) - 20:56, 5 November 2020
- macrolepis, Balsamorhiza macrophylla, Balsamorhiza rosea, Balsamorhiza sericea, Balsamorhiza serrata William A. Weber Treatment appears in FNA Volume 212 KB (195 words) - 21:10, 5 November 2020
- Muhlenbergia rigens, Muhlenbergia rigida, Muhlenbergia schreberi, Muhlenbergia sericea, Muhlenbergia setifolia, Muhlenbergia sinuosa, Muhlenbergia sobolifera,38 KB (1,181 words) - 18:58, 11 May 2021
- Danthonia decumbens, Danthonia intermedia, Danthonia parryi, Danthonia sericea, Danthonia spicata, Danthonia unispicata DC. Stephen J. Darbyshire Treatment9 KB (659 words) - 18:59, 11 May 2021
- species. F. R. Fosberg (1942) lectotypified C. sericea, establishing that it applies to this species. Cornus sericea is commonly planted as an ornamental and7 KB (709 words) - 20:17, 5 November 2020
- Panicoideae tribePoaceae tribe Paniceae genusEriochloa speciesEriochloa sericea (Scheele) Munro ex Vasey Robert B. Shaw, Robert D. Webster, Christine M3 KB (360 words) - 18:56, 11 May 2021
- cuneata var. cuneata, Horkelia cuneata var. puberula, Horkelia cuneata var. sericea Lindley Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 23: sub plate 1997. 1837. Barbara Ertter, James6 KB (566 words) - 23:56, 5 November 2020
- Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey Cornaceae Cornaceae Cornaceae Cornus canadensis Cornus sericea Cornus sessilis Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey3 KB (271 words) - 20:16, 5 November 2020
- genusBalsamorhiza subgenusBalsamorhiza subg. Balsamorhiza speciesBalsamorhiza sericea W. A. Weber Phytologia 50: 358. 1982. William A. Weber Endemic Treatment3 KB (206 words) - 21:10, 5 November 2020
- Derick B. Poindexter Common names: Creek dogwood Endemic Basionym: Cornus sericea var. occidentalis Torrey & A. Gray Fl. N. Amer. 1: 652. 1840 Synonyms: C4 KB (398 words) - 20:15, 5 November 2020
- Danthonioideae tribePoaceae tribe Danthonieae genusDanthonia speciesDanthonia sericea Nutt. Stephen J. Darbyshire Common names: Downy oatgrass Endemic Synonyms:3 KB (364 words) - 18:59, 11 May 2021
- Va., Wis. Some specimens of Salix sericea are difficult to separate from S. petiolaris (G. W. Argus 1986). Salix sericea can be distinguished from S. petiolaris5 KB (579 words) - 23:31, 5 November 2020
- subgenusSalix subg. Vetrix sectionSalix sect. Griseae Show Lower Taxa Salix sericea (Borrer) Barratt ex Hooker Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 148. 1838. George W. Argus2 KB (158 words) - 23:31, 5 November 2020
- Synonyms: Rudbeckia bicolor Nuttall Rudbeckia longipes T. V. Moore Rudbeckia sericea T. V. Moore Rudbeckia serotina Nuttall Rudbeckia serotina var. corymbifera (Fernald)4 KB (285 words) - 21:09, 5 November 2020
- C. foemina subsp. microcarpa (Nash) J. S. Wilson C. microcarpa Nash C. sericea var. asperifolia (Michaux) de Candolle C. stricta var. asperifolia (Michaux)4 KB (395 words) - 20:15, 5 November 2020
- study of hybridization and introgression between Salix eriocephala and S. sericea (T. M. Hardig et al. 2000) found that ca. one-third of plants originally32 KB (4,205 words) - 23:31, 5 November 2020
- Basionym: Horkelia californica var. sericea A. Gray Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 6: 529. 1865 Synonyms: H. cuneata subsp. sericea (A. Gray) D. D. Keck H. kelloggii (A4 KB (350 words) - 23:56, 5 November 2020
- or more broadly to include P. sericea and the species placed in Berthelotia. Alternately, Berthelotia (including P. sericea) might be accepted at generic4 KB (453 words) - 20:56, 5 November 2020