Volumes under Production
Volumes under Production
The following volumes are currently in preparation or production mode.
Provisional publications that have been through the editorial process and await publication are available here.
Click on a volume # for individual families, genera, contributors names and email addresses, and if the manuscript has been received. If a provisional publication is available, a link to a PDF is provided.
Vol. 13: Magnoliophyta: Geraniaceae to Apiaceae
Vol. 15: Magnoliophyta: Fouquieriaceae to Boraginaceae
Vol. 16: Magnoliophyta: Oleaceae to Verbenaceae
Vol. 18: Magnoliophyta: Rubiaceae to Valerianaceae
Vol. 29: Bryophyta: see BFNA website
Volume 13
Lead Editor | Luc Brouillet / luc.brouillet at umontreal.ca | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taxon Editor - Anacardiaceae, Apiaceae (part), Araliaceae (part), Geraniaceae (part),
Meliaceae, Simaroubaceae |
Luc Brouillet / luc.brouillet at umontreal.ca | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taxon Editor - Actinidiaceae, Balsaminaceae | Bruce A. Ford / bruce.ford at umanitoba.ca | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taxon Editor - Rutaceae | David E. Giblin / dgiblin at washington.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taxon Editor - Apiaceae (part), Araliaceae (part), Burseraceae, Nitrariaceae, Sapindaceae | Geoffrey A. Levin / levin1 at illinois.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taxon Editor - Escalloniaceae, Pittosporaceae | Richard K. Rabeler / rabeler at umich.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taxon Editor - Geraniaceae (part) | Gordon C. Tucker / gctucker at eiu.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Volume 15
Lead Editors | Nancy R. Morin / nancy.morin at nau.edu
David E. Giblin / dgiblin at u.washington.edu |
Taxon Editor - Boraginaceae, Cordiaceae, Ehretiaceae, Heliotropiaceae, Lennoaceae | David E. Giblin / dgiblin at u.washington.edu |
Taxon Editor - Polemoniaceae | Nancy R. Morin / nancy.morin at nau.edu |
Taxon Editor - Hydrophyllaceae | Mare Nazaire / mnazaire at calbg.org |
Taxon Editor - Fouquieriaceae | Jackie M. Poole / jpoole7225 at gmail.com |
Taxon Editor - Namaceae | Janet R. Sullivan / janetsullivan2018 at gmail.com |
Family/Genus | Author/Email | Status |
Boraginaceae | ||
Adelinia | Cohen, James I./james.cohen at tamiu.edu or jimcohen1000 at gmail.com | R |
Montoya, Barbara/c/o james.cohen at tamiu.edu or jimcohen1000 at gmail.com | ||
Amsinckia | Díaz Pena, Carmen Amalia/amaliadiaz at utexas.edu | R |
Amsinckiopsis | Guilliams, C. Matt/mguilliams at sbbg.org | S |
Hasentab-Lehman, Kristin/klehman at sbbg.org | ||
Anchusa | Halse, Richard R./halser at science.oregonstate.edu | R |
Andersonglossum | Cohen, James I./james.cohen at tamiu.edu or jimcohen1000 at gmail.com | R |
Montoya, Barbara/c/o james.cohen at tamiu.edu or jimcohen1000 at gmail.com | ||
Antiphytum | Cohen, James I./james.cohen at tamiu.edu or jimcohen1000 at gmail.com | R |
Mendoza-Díaz, Nidia/c/o james.cohen at tamiu.edu or jmcohen1000 at gmail.com | ||
Argusia | [= Tournefortia] | |
Asperugo | Halse, Richard R./halser at science.oregonstate.edu | R |
Borago | Graye-Raitz, Rhiannon/c/o Alexander_Krings at ncsu.edu or akrings at ncsu.edu | R |
Krings, Alexander/Alexander_Krings at ncsu.edu or akrings at ncsu.edu | ||
Brunnera | Krings, Alexander/Alexander_Krings at ncsu.edu or akrings at ncsu.edu | R |
Buglossoides | Halse, Richard R./halser at science.oregonstate.edu | R |
Cerinthe | [Not in Flora area] | |
Cryptantha | Kelley, Ronald B./rkelley at eou.edu | R |
Simpson, Michael G./msimpson at mail.sdsu.edu | ||
Cynoglossum | Cohen, James I./james.cohen at tamiu.edu or jimcohen1000 at gmail.com | R |
Montoya, Barbara/c/o james.cohen at tamiu.edu | ||
Dasynotus | Kelley, Ronald B./rkelley at eou.edu | R |
Echium | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R |
Eremocarya | Kelley, Ronald B./rkelley at eou.edu | R |
Simpson, Michael G./msimpson at mail.sdsu.edu | ||
Eritrichium | Murray, David F./dfmurray at alaska.edu | R |
Greeneocharis | Kelley, Ronald B./rkelley at eou.edu | R |
Simpson, Michael G./msimpson at mail.sdsu.edu | ||
Gruvelia | Guilliams, C. Matt/mguilliams at sbbg.org | R |
Hackelia | Kelley, Ronald B./rkelley at eou.edu | R |
Harpagonella | Guilliams, C. Matt/mguilliams at sbbg.org | R |
Heliotropium | [Moved to Heliotropiaceae] | |
Johnstonella | Kelley, Ronald B./rkelley at eou.edu | R |
Simpson, Michael G./msimpson at mail.sdsu.edu | ||
Lappula | Nazaire, Mare/mnazaire at calbg.org | R |
Lithospermum | Cohen, James I./james.cohen at tamiu.edu or jimcohen1000 at gmail.com | R |
Lycopsis | Halse, Richard R./halser at science.oregonstate.edu | R |
Macromeria | [Included in Lithospermum] | |
Mertensia | Nazaire, Mare/mnazaire at calbg.org | R |
Myosotis | Goldman, Douglas H./dgoldman at gnb.usda.gov. | |
Myriopus | [Moved to Heliotropiaceae] | |
Nonea | [not in the Flora area] | |
Omphalodes | Cohen, James I./james.cohen at tamiu.edu or jimcohen1000 at gmail.com | R |
Saenz, Erika/ c/o james.cohen at tamiu.edu | ||
Onosmodium | [Included in Lithospermum] | |
Oreocarya | Hasenstab-Lehman, Kristen/klehman at sbbg.org | R |
Kelley, Ronald B./rkelley at eou.edu | ||
Ripma, Lee/c/o klehman at sbbg.org | ||
Pectocarya | Guilliams, C. Matt/mguilliams at sbbg.org | R |
Kelley, Ronald B./rkelley at eou.edu | ||
Pentaglottis | Halse, Richard R./halser at science.oregonstate.edu | R |
Plagiobothrys | Guilliams, C. Matt/mguilliams at sbbg.org | S |
Hasenstab-Lehman, Kristin/klehman at sbbg.org | ||
Kelley, Ronald B./rkelley at eou.edu | ||
Pulmonaria | [Not in Flora area] | |
Simpsonanthus | Guilliams, C. Matt/mguilliams at sbbg.org | |
Sonnea | Guilliams, C. Matt/mguilliams at sbbg.org | R |
Symphytum | Tucker, Gordon C./gctucker at eiu.edu | R |
Tournefortia | [Moved to Heliotropiaceae] | |
Cordiaceae - Split from Boraginaceae | ||
Coldenia | [not in Flora area] | |
Cordia | Miller, James S./james.miller at mobot.org | R |
Varronia | Miller, James S./james.miller at mobot.org | R |
Ehretiaceae - Split from Boraginaceae | ||
Bourreria | Miller, James S./james.miller at mobot.org | R |
Ehretia | Miller, James S./james.miller at mobot.org | R |
Pholisma | [Moved to Lennoaceae] | |
Tiquilia | Nazaire, Mare/mnazaire at calbg.org | R |
Fouquieriaceae - Moved from Volume 6 | ||
Fouquieria | Henrickson, James/henrickson at mail.utexas.edu | R |
Heliotropiaceae - Split from Boraginaceae | ||
Euploca | Feuillet, Christian/freuillec at science.oregonstate.edu | R |
Halse, Richard R./halser at science.oregonstate.edu | ||
Heliotropium | Feuillet, Christian/freuillec at science.oregonstate.edu | R |
Halse, Richard R./halser at science.oregonstate.edu | ||
Myriopus | Halse, Richard R./halser at science.oregonstate.edu | R |
Tournefortia | [synonymized within genera above] | |
Hydrophyllaceae | ||
Draperia | Walden, Genevieve K./gkwalden at gmail.com | R |
Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | ||
Ellisia | Walden, Genevieve K./gkwalden at gmail.com | R |
Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | ||
Emmenanthe | Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | R |
Walden, Genevieve K./gkwalden at gmail.com | ||
Eriodictyon | [Moved to Namaceae] | |
Eucrypta | Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | R |
Hesperochiron | Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | R |
Walden, Genevieve K./gkwalden at gmail.com | ||
Howellanthus | Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | R |
Walden, Genevieve K./gkwalden at gmail.com | ||
Hydrolea | [moved to Volume 14: Hydroleaceae] | |
Hydrophyllum | Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | R |
Walden, Genevieve K./gkwalden at gmail.com | ||
Nama | [Moved to Namaceae] | |
Nemophila | Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | R |
Walden, Genevieve K./gkwalden at gmail.com | ||
Phacelia | Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | S |
Walden, Genevieve K./gkwalden at gmail.com | ||
Pholistoma | Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | R |
Romanzoffia | Baer, Taryn E. | R |
Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | ||
Walden, Genevieve K./gkwalden at gmail.com | ||
Tricardia | Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | R |
Turricula | [Moved to Namaceae] | |
Vermisperma | [=Eucrypta] | |
Wigandia | [Moved to Namaceae] | |
Lennoaceae - Split from Ehretiaceae/Boraginaceae | ||
Pholisma | Yatskievch, George/george.yatskievych at austin.utexas.edu | R |
Namaceae - Split from Hydrophyllaceae | ||
Eriodictyon | Hannan, Gary L./ghannan at emich.edu | R |
Nama | Taylor, Sarah/sarahtaylor77 at gmail.com | R |
Turricula | Hannan, Gary L./ghannan at emich.edu | R |
Walden, Genevieve K./gkwalden at gmail.com | ||
Wigandia | Walden, Genevieve K./gkwalden at gmail.com | R |
Polemoniaceae | ||
Aliciella | Porter, J. Mark/j.mark.porter at cgu.edu | R |
Allophylum | Johnson, Leigh A./Leigh_Johnson at byu.edu | R |
Collomia | Johnson, Leigh A./Leigh_Johnson at byu.edu | R |
Dayia | Porter, J. Mark/j.mark.porter at cgu.edu | R |
Eriastrum | DeGroot, Sarah J./sdegroot at rsabg.org | S |
Gilia | Porter, J. Mark/j.mark.porter at cgu.edu | R |
Giliastrum | Porter, J. Mark/j.mark.porter at cgu.edu | R |
Gymnosteris | Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | R |
Ipomopsis | Wilken, Dieter H./dwilken at sbbg.org | R |
Langloisia | Wilken, Dieter H./dwilken at sbbg.org | R |
Lathrocasis | Johnson, Leigh A./Leigh_Johnson at byu.edu | R |
Leptosiphon | Battaglia, Robyn/Battagliabunch at sbcglobal.net | R |
Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | ||
Linanthus | Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | R |
Porter, J. Mark/j.mark.porter at cgu.edu | ||
Loeselia | Porter, J. Mark/j.mark.porter at cgu.edu | R |
Loeseliastrum | Timbrook, Steven L. | R |
Wilken, Dieter H./dwilken at sbbg.org | ||
Microsteris | Ferguson, Carolyn J./ferg at kyu.edu | R |
Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | ||
Navarretia | Johnson, Leigh A./Leigh_Johnson at byu.edu | |
Phlox | Ferguson, Carolyn J./ferg at kyu.edu | R |
Mayfield, Mark H./markherb at ksu.edu | ||
Patterson, Robert W./patters47 at gmail.com | ||
Polemonium | Stubbs, Rebecca/stubbsrl at gmail.com | R |
Saltugilia | Johnson, Leigh A./Leigh_Johnson at byu.edu | R |
Sphenocleaceae - Moved to Volume 14 | ||
Status: S = submitted, R = review, G = galley |
Volume 16
Lead Editor | Nancy R. Morin / nancy.morin at nau.edu |
Taxon Editor - Verbenaceae | Michael J. Huft |
Taxon Editor - Lamiaceae (part) | Nancy R. Morin / nancy.morin at nau.edu |
Taxon Editor - Lamiaceae (part) | Mare Nazaire / mnazaire at calbg.org |
Taxon Editor - Oleaceae | Jackie M. Poole / j.poole7225 at gmail.com |
Family/Genus | Author/Email | Status |
Buddlejaceae - Moved to Volume 17 (within Loganiaceae) | ||
Callitrichaceae - Moved to Volume 17 (within Plantaginaceae) | ||
Hippuridaceae - Moved to Volume 17 (within Plantaginaceae) | ||
Lamiaceae | ||
Acanthomintha | Huft, Michael J. | R |
Acinos | [Included in Clinopodium] | |
Aegiphila | [Not in the Flora area] | |
Agastache | Sanders, Roger W./rws at coresci.org | R |
Ajuga | Ball, Peter W./peter.ball at utoronto.ca | R |
Ballota | Nelson, John B./nelson at biol.sc.edu | S |
Blephilia | Tucker, Arthur O.† | R |
Brazoria | Turner, Matt W./drmwturner at yahoo.com | R |
Calamintha | [Included in Clinopodium] | |
Callicarpa | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Caryopteris | [Not in the Flora area] | |
Cedronella | [Not in the Flora area] | |
Chaiturus | Ball, Peter W./peter.ball at utoronto.ca | R |
Clerodendrum | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Clinopodium | Ball, Peter W./peter.ball at utoronto.ca | R |
Coleus | Huft, Michael J. | R |
Collinsonia | Peirson, Jess A./peirsonj at umich.edu | R |
Conradina | Edwards, Christine E./christine.e.edwards at usace.army.mil or cedwar10 at uwyo.edu | R |
Huck, Robin B./southeastmints at gmail.com | ||
Cornutia | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Cunila | Garcia-Peña, Maria/mrgp at ibiologia.unam.mx | R |
Dicerandra | Huck, Robin B./southeastmints at gmail.com | R |
Diodeilis | [Included in Clinopodium] | |
Dracocephalum | Meyers, Stephen C./meyersst at science.oregonstate.edu | S |
Elsholtzia | Ball, Peter W./peter.ball at utoronto.ca | R |
Galeopsis | Tucker, Gordon C./gctucker at eiu.edu | R |
Glechoma | Alford, Mac H./mac.alford at usm.edu | R |
Hedeoma | Prather, L. Alan/alan at msu.edu | S |
Holmskioldia | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Hyptis | Harley, Raymond M./r.harley at rbgkew.org | R |
Hyssopus | Ball, Peter W./peter.ball at utoronto.ca | S |
Isanthus | [Included in Trichostema] | |
Lallemantia | Meyers, Stephen C./meyersst at science.oregonstate.edu | R |
Lamiastrum | Ball, Peter W./peter.ball at utoronto.ca | R |
Lamium | Ball, Peter W./peter.ball at utoronto.ca | R |
Lavandula | Tucker, Arthur O. † | R |
Leonotis | Alford, Mac H./mac.alford at usm.edu | R |
Leonurus | Ball, Peter W./peter.ball at utoronto.ca | R |
Lepechinia | Drew, Bryan T./bdrewfb at gmail.com | S |
Lycopus | Henderson, Norlan C.† | S |
Macbridea | Cantino, Philip D./cantino at ohio.edu | R |
Marrubium | Ball, Peter W./peter.ball at utoronto.ca | R |
Meehania | Poindexter, Derick B. / dpoindex at ad.unc.edu | R |
Melissa | Ball, Peter W./peter.ball at utoronto.ca | R |
Mentha | Tucker, Arthur O.† | S |
Micromeria | [Included in Clinopodium] | |
Moluccella | Ball, Peter W./peter.ball at utoronto.ca | R |
Monarda | Prather, L. Alan/alan at msu.edu | R |
Monardella | Brunell, Mark S./mbrunell at pacific.edu or mbrunell at uop.edu | S |
Mosla | Alford, Mac H./mac.alford at usm.edu | R |
Nepeta | Meyers, Stephen C./meyersst at science.oregonstate.edu | R |
Ocimum | Poindexter, Dereck B./dpoindex at ad.unc.edu | R |
Origanum | Tucker, Arthur O.† | R |
Perilla | Alford, Mac H./mac.alford at usm.edu | R |
Phlomis | Tucker, Arthur O. † | R |
Physostegia | Cantino, Philip D./cantino at ohio.edu | R |
Piloblephis | Ball, Peter W./peter.ball at utoronto.ca | R |
Plectranthus | [included in Coleus | |
Pogogyne | Prather, L. Alan/alan at msu.edu | R |
Straley, Elizabeth/straley4 at msu.edu | ||
Poliomintha | Prather, L. Alan/alan at msu.edu | R |
Premna | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Prunella | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Pycnanthemum | Chambers, Henrietta L./kenhen at peak.org | S |
Chambers, Kenton L./chamberk at science.oregonstate.edu | ||
Pycnothymus | [Included in Piloblephis] | |
Rhododon | Prather, L. Alan / alan at msu.edu | R |
Rosmarinus | Tucker, Arthur O. † | R |
Salazaria | [Included in Scutellaria] | |
Salvia | Porter, J. Mark/j.mark.porter at umich.edu | S |
Satureja | Ball, Peter W./peter.ball at utoronto.ca | R |
Scutellaria | Poindexter, Derick B./dpoindex at ad.unc.edu | R |
Olmstead, Richard G./olmstead at u.washington.edu or olmstead at uw.edu | ||
Sideritis | Huft, Michael J. | R |
Solenostemon | [Included in Plectranthus] | |
Stachydeoma | Alford, Mac H./mac.alford at usm.edu | R |
Stachys | Nelson, John B./nelson at biol.sc.edu | S |
Synandra | Cantino, Philip D./cantino at ohio.edu | R |
Tetraclea | Krings, Alexander/Alexander_Krings at ncsu.edu or akrings at ncsu.edu | R |
Teucrium | Tucker, Gordon C./gctucker at eiu.edu | R |
Thymus | Phillips, Harriet F./brightlyfarm at comcast.net | R |
Talbert, Rexford H./rexford75 at verizon.net | ||
Tucker, Arthur O.† | ||
Trichostema | McClelland, R. Kevan/schoonor at gmail.com | R |
Weakley, Alan S./weakley at unc.edu or weakley at bio.unc.edu | ||
Vitex | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Volkameria | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Warnockia | Turner, Matt W./drmwturner at yahoo.com | R |
Xenopoma | [included in Clinopodium] | |
Oleaceae | ||
Cartrema | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Chionanthus | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Fontanesia | Yatskievych, George/george.yatskievych at austin.utexas.edu | R |
Forestiera | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Forsythia | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Fraxinus | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Jasminum | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Ligustrum | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Menodora | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Olea | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Tucker, Gordon C./gctucker at eiu.edu | ||
Osmanthus | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Phillyrea | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Syringa | Pringle, James S./jpringle at rbg.ca | R |
Plantaginaceae - Moved to Volume 17 | ||
Verbenaceae | ||
Aloysia | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Bouchea | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Citharexylum | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Duranta | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Glandularia | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Holmskioldia | [Moved to Lamiaceae] | |
Lantana | Sanders, Roger W./sanders at bryancore.org | R |
Lippia | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Petrea | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Phyla | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Priva | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Stachytarpheta | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Stylodon | [Included in Verbena] | |
Verbena | Nesom, Guy L./guynesom at sbcglobal.net | R |
Status: S = submitted, R = review, P = provisional publication |
Volume 18
Lead Editor | Geoffrey A. Levin / levin1 at illinois.edu |
Taxon Editor - Aquifoliaceae | David E. Boufford / david_boufford at harvard.edu |
Taxon Editor - Viburnaceae | Bruce A. Ford / Bruce.Ford at umanitoba.ca |
Taxon Editor - Rubiaceae | Craig C. Freeman / ccfree at ku.edu |
Taxon Editor - Menyanthaceae | David E. Giblin / dgiblin at u.washington.edu |
Taxon Editor - Campanulaceae, Goodeniaceae | Lynn J. Gillespie / lgillespie at nature.ca |
Taxon Editor - Acanthaceae, Martyniaceae | Michael J. Huft |
Taxon Editor - Caprifoliaceae, Diervillaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Linnaeaceae | Geoffrey A. Levin / levin1 at illinois.edu |
Taxon Editor - Bignoniaceae | Jackie M. Poole / jpoole 7225 at gmail.com |
Taxon Editor - Dipsaceae, Valerianaceae | George Yatskievych / george.yatskievych at austin.utexas.edu |
Family/Genus | Author/Email | Status | |
Acanthaceae | |||
Anisacanthus | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Asystasia | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Avicennia | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Barleria | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Carlowrightia | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Dicliptera | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Dyschoriste | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Elytraria | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Henrya | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Hygrophila | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Hypoestes | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Justicia | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Nelsonia | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Odontonema | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Ruellia | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Stenandrium | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Strobilanthes | [Not in Flora area] | ||
Tetramerium | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Thunbergia | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Yeatesia | Daniel, Thomas F./TDaniel at calacademy.org | S | |
Adoxaceae [= Viburnaceae] | |||
Aquifoliaceae - Moved from Volume 12 | |||
Ilex | Whittemore, Alan T./atwhittemore at gmail.com | R | |
Nemopanthus | [= Ilex] | ||
Bignoniaceae | |||
Amphitecna | Lohmann, Lúcia G./llohmann at berkeley.edu | R | |
Amphilophium | Lohmann, Lúcia G./llohmann at berkeley.edu | R | |
Bignonia | Lohmann, Lúcia G./llohmann at berkeley.edu | R | |
Campsis | Lohmann, Lúcia G./llohmann at berkeley.edu | R | |
Catalpa | Lohmann, Lúcia G./llohmann at berkeley.edu | R | |
Chilopsis | Lohmann, Lúcia G./llohmann at berkeley.edu | R | |
Distictis | [= Amphilophium] | ||
Dolichandra | Lohmann, Lúcia G./llohmann at berkeley.edu | R | |
Jacaranda | Lohmann, Lúcia G./llohmann at berkeley.edu | R | |
Tecoma | Lohmann, Lúcia G./llohmann at berkeley.edu | R | |
Tecomaria | Lohmann, Lúcia G./llohmann at berkeley.edu | R | |
Calyceraceae | |||
Acicarpha | [Not in flora area] | ||
Calycera | [Not in flora area] | ||
Campanulaceae | |||
Asyneuma | [Included in Smithiastrum] | ||
Campanula | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Campanulastrum | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Downingia | Schultheis, Lisa M./schultheislisa at foothill.edu | R | |
Eastwoodiella | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Gadellia | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Githopsis | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Heterocodon | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Hippobroma | Lammers, Thomas G./lammers at uwosh.edu | R | |
Howellia | Lammers, Thomas G./lammers at uwosh.edu | R | |
Jasione | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Legenere | Lammers, Thomas G./lammers at uwosh.edu | R | |
Legousia | [Not in Flora area] | ||
Lobelia | Lammers, Thomas G./lammers at uwosh.edu | R | |
Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | |||
Melanocalyx | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Nemacladus | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Palmerella | Lammers, Thomas G./lammers at uwosh.edu | R | |
Palustricodon | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Parishella | [Included in Nemacladus] | ||
Platycodon | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Poolea | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Porterella | Lammers, Thomas G./lammers at uwosh.edu | R | |
Protocodon | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Ravenella | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Rotantha | [Included in Campanula] | ||
Rotanthella | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Smithiastrum | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Specularia | [= Triodanis] | ||
Triodanis | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Wahlenbergia | Morin, Nancy R./nancy.morin at nau.edu | R | |
Caprifoliaceae | |||
Diervilla | [Moved to Diervillaceae] | ||
Linnaea | [Moved to Linnaeaceae] | ||
Lonicera | Ebinger, John E./jeebinger at eiu.edu | R | |
Tucker, Gordon C./gctucker at eiu.edu | |||
Nintooa | [Included in Lonicera] | ||
Phenianthus | [Included in Lonicera] | ||
Sambucus | [Moved to Viburnaceae] | ||
Symphoricarpos | Applequist, Wendy L./wendy.applequist at mobot.org | R | |
Bell, Charles D./cdbell1 at uno.edu | |||
Triosteum | Tucker, Gordon C./gctucker at eiu.edu | R | |
Viburnum | [Moved to Viburnaceae] | ||
Xylosteon | [Included in Lonicera] | ||
Diervillaceae - Separated from Caprifoliaceae | |||
Diervilla | Tucker, Gordon C./gctucker at eiu.edu | R | |
Weigela | Tucker, Gordon C./gctucker at eiu.edu | R | |
Dipsacaceae | |||
Cephalaria | Carlson, Sara/sara.carlson01 at gmail.com | R | |
Dipsacus | Carlson, Sara/sara.carlson01 at gmail.com | R | |
Knautia | Carlson, Sara/sara.carlson01 at gmail.com | R | |
Lomelosia | [No longer in flora] | ||
Scabiosa | Carlson, Sara/sara.carlson01 at gmail.com | R | |
Sixalix | Carlson, Sara/sara.carlson01 at gmail.com | R | |
Succisa | Carlson, Sara/sara.carlson01 at gmail.com | R | |
Succisella | Carlson, Sara/sara.carlson01 at gmail.com | R | |
Goodeniaceae | |||
Scaevola | Brandenburg, David M./dmbrandenburg at dawesarb.org | R | |
Howarth, Dianella G./howarthd at stjohns.edu | |||
Thieret, John W.† | |||
Lentibulariaceae | |||
Aranella | [Now Utricularia] | ||
Biovularia | [Now Utricularia] | ||
Calpidisca | [Now Utricularia] | ||
Lecticula | [Now Utricularia] | ||
Pinguicula | Crow, Garrett E./garrett.crow at unh.edu or garrett.crow at gmail.com | R | |
Setiscapella | [Now Utricularia] | ||
Stomoisia | [Now Utricularia] | ||
Utricularia | Crow, Garrett E./garrett.crow at unh.edu or garrett.crow at gmail.com | R | |
Vesiculina | [Now Utricularia] | ||
Linnaeaceae - Separated from Caprifoliaceae | |||
Abelia | Landrein, Sven/s.landrein at kew.org | R | |
Kolkwitzia | Heiland, Brett A./ c/o gctucker at eiu.edu | R | |
Tucker, Gordon C./gctucker at eiu.edu | |||
Linnaea | Tucker, Gordon C./gctucker at eiu.edu | R | |
Martyniaceae - Separated from Pedaliaceae (Volume 17) | |||
Ibicella | Gutierrez, Jr., Raul/gutierrez.raul at epamail.epa.gov | R | |
Proboscidea | Gutierrez, Jr., Raul/gutierrez.raul at epamail.epa.gov | R | |
Menyanthaceae - Moved from Volume 14 | |||
Menyanthes | Tippery, Nicholas/tipperyn at uww.edu | R | |
Nephrophyllidium | Tippery, Nicholas/tipperyn at uww.edu | R | |
Nymphoides | Tippery, Nicholas/tipperyn at uww.edu | R | |
Pedaliaceae - Moved to Volume 17 | |||
Rubiaceae | |||
Arcytophyllum | Terrell, Edward E.† | R | |
Asperula | Freeman, Craig C./ccfree at ku.edu | R | |
Borreria | Kirkbride, Jr., Joseph H./kirkbridej at si.edu | S | |
Bouvardia | Magnaghi, Emily/emagnaghi at calacademy.org | R | |
Casasia | Taylor, Charlotte M./charlotte.taylor at mobot.org | S | |
Catesbaea | Taylor, Charlotte M./charlotte.taylor at mobot.org | S | |
Cephalanthus | Hines, Kelly/c/o Alexander_Krings at ncsu.edu or akrings at ncsu.edu | R | |
Krings, Alexander/Alexander_Krings at ncsu.edu or akrings at ncsu.edu | |||
Chiococca | Taylor, Charlotte M./charlotte.taylor at mobot.org | S | |
Coprosma | [Not in Flora area] | ||
Crucianella | Freeman, Craig C./ccfree at ku.edu | S | |
Cruciata | [= Galium] | ||
Crusea | Freeman, Craig C./ccfree at ku.edu | R | |
Diodella | [= Hexasepalum] | ||
Diodia | Kirkbride, Jr., Joseph H./kirkbridej at si.edu | R | |
Erithalis | Negrón-Ortiz, Vivian/Vivian_NegronOrtiz at fws.gov | R | |
Ernodea | Negrón-Ortiz, Vivian/Vivian_NegronOrtiz at fws.gov | S | |
Exostema | McDowell, Tim/mcdowelt at etsu.edu | S | |
Galium | Dempster, Laura M.† | S | |
Freeman, Craig C./ccfree at ku.edu | |||
Guettarda | Vincent, Michael A./vincenma at miamioh.edu | R | |
Hamelia | Taylor, Charlotte M./charlotte.taylor at mobot.org | S | |
Hexasepalum | Kirkbride, Jr., Joseph H./kirkbridej at si.edu | S | |
Houstonia | Terrell, Edward E.† | R | |
Ixora | Taylor, Charlotte M./charlotte.taylor at mobot.org | S | |
Kelloggia | Freeman, Craig C./ccfree at ku.edu | R | |
Mitchella | Krings, Alexander/Alexander_Krings at ncsu.edu or akrings at ncsu.edu | S | |
Malkin, Mark/c/o Alexander_Krings at ncsu.edu or akrings at ncsu.edu | |||
Mitracarpus | Kirkbride, Jr., Joseph H./kirkbridej at si.edu | R | |
Morinda | McDowell, Tim/mcdowelt at etsu.edu | S | |
Oldenlandia | Terrell, Edward E.† | R | |
Oldenlandiopsis | Terrell, Edward E.† | R | |
Paederia | Krings, Alexander/Alexander_Krings at ncsu.edu or akrings at ncsu.edu | S | |
Pentodon | Terrell, Edward E.† | R | |
Pinckneya | Taylor, Charlotte M./charlotte.taylor at mobot.org | R | |
Psychotria | Taylor, Charlotte M./charlotte.taylor at mobot.org | S | |
Randia | Lorence, David H./lorence at ntbg.org | S | |
Richardia | Kirkbride, Jr., Joseph H./kirkbridej at si.edu | R | |
Rubia | Freeman, Craig C./ccfree at ku.edu | R | |
Sherardia | Freeman, Craig C./ccfree at ku.edu | R | |
Spermacoce | Kirkbride, Jr., Joseph H./kirkbridej at si.edu | S | |
Stenaria | Terrell, Edward E.† | S | |
Stenotis | Terrell, Edward E.† | R | |
Strumpfia | Taylor, Charlotte M./charlotte.taylor at mobot.org | S | |
Valerianaceae | |||
Centranthus | Bell, Charles D./cdbell1 at uno.edu | S | |
Plectritis | Bell, Charles D./cdbell1 at uno.edu | S | |
Valeriana | Barrie, Fred R./fbarrie at fieldmuseum.org | S | |
Valerianella | Ware, Donna Eggers/dmeware at verizon.net | S | |
Viburnaceae [formerly Adoxaceae] | |||
Adoxa | Park, Tracy J./c/o gctucker at eiu.edu | R | |
Tucker, Gordon C./gctucker at eiu.edu | |||
Sambucus | Ebinger, John E./jeebinger at eiu.edu | R | |
Seigler, David S./seigler at life.uiuc.edu | |||
Tucker, Gordon C./gctucker at eiu.edu | |||
Viburnum | Annis, Jenna M./c/o gctucker at eiu.edu | R | |
Ebinger, John E./jeebinger at eiu.edu | |||
Sorrie, Bruce A./basorrie at gmail.com | |||
Tucker, Gordon C./gctucker at eiu.edu | |||
Status: S = submitted, R = review, G = galley |