Search results
- Huperzia selago L Lycopodiella Lycopodiella alopecuroides Lycopodiella appressa Lycopodiella inundata Lycopodium annotinum Lycopodium clavatum Lycopodium41 bytes (51 words) - 19:18, 18 May 2022
- genusLycopodiella Show Lower Taxa Lycopodiella alopecuroides, Lycopodiella appressa, Lycopodiella inundata, Lycopodiella margueriteae, Lycopodiella prostrata5 KB (339 words) - 00:45, 17 December 2020
- Cynodonteae genusMuhlenbergia Show Lower Taxa Muhlenbergia andina, Muhlenbergia appressa, Muhlenbergia arenacea, Muhlenbergia arenicola, Muhlenbergia arizonica38 KB (1,181 words) - 17:58, 11 May 2021
- Laphamia speciesPerityle bisetosa Show Lower Taxa Perityle bisetosa var. appressa, Perityle bisetosa var. bisetosa, Perityle bisetosa var. scalaris (Torrey4 KB (279 words) - 20:14, 5 November 2020
- sectionPerityle sect. Laphamia speciesPerityle bisetosa varietyPerityle bisetosa var. appressa A. M. Powell Sida 3: 178, fig. 2. 1967. Sharon C. Yarborough, A. Michael3 KB (167 words) - 20:14, 5 November 2020
- LAYOUT:treatment:TUOYAL familyLycopodiaceae genusLycopodiella speciesLycopodiella appressa (Chapman) Cranfill Amer. Fern J. 71: 97. 1981. Warren H. Wagner Jr., Joseph3 KB (238 words) - 20:21, 5 November 2020
- Chloridoideae tribePoaceae tribe Cynodonteae genusMuhlenbergia speciesMuhlenbergia appressa C.O. Goodd. Paul M. Peterson Common names: Devil's-canyon muhly Treatment3 KB (330 words) - 18:48, 6 December 2021
- sterile, however. Lycopodiella margueriteae can be distinguished from L. appressa and L. subappressa by the rather thick and large strobili, 1/3–1/2 the3 KB (245 words) - 15:59, 19 February 2024