Search results
- Pinus attenuata, Pinus balfouriana, Pinus banksiana, Pinus cembroides, Pinus clausa, Pinus contorta, Pinus coulteri, Pinus echinata, Pinus edulis, Pinus elliottii26 KB (1,313 words) - 21:22, 5 November 2020
- IllustratedEndemic Basionym: Pinus inops var. clausa Chapman ex Engelmann Bot. Gaz. 2: 125. 1877 Synonyms: Pinus clausa var. immuginata D.B. Ward Treatment appears4 KB (348 words) - 21:22, 5 November 2020
- soils in southeastern Georgia and Florida, being most abundant in Pinus clausa scrublands. It usually occurs in small stands, but stands of about a hundred3 KB (274 words) - 18:57, 11 May 2021
- turkey oak, evergreen oak-sand pine-scrub, scrub with Ceratiola and Pinus clausa Elevation: 0–50 m Generated Map Legacy Map Ala., Fla., Ga. None. None. window3 KB (227 words) - 21:09, 5 November 2020
- barrens, sandhills, open scrubby woodlands, often associated with Pinus clausa, P. palustris, P. rigida and xerophytic species of Quercus and Carya Elevation:7 KB (796 words) - 23:53, 5 November 2020
- Map Fla. Sabal etonia is found in the deep white sand of sand pine (Pinus clausa) scrub communities of the Central Florida Ridge and the Atlantic Coastal4 KB (310 words) - 21:31, 5 November 2020
- 30--50 years), sand pine scrub is the predominant vegetation. Here, Pinus clausa is the dominant canopy species, and a diverse array of shrubs and low palms133 KB (20,036 words) - 18:33, 13 February 2019