Search results

  • Basionym: Hepatica triloba var. americana de Candolle Syst. Nat. 1: 216. 1817 Synonyms: Hepatica americana (de Candolle) Ker-Gawler Hepatica nobilis var
    4 KB (354 words) - 21:51, 5 November 2020
  • plumose achene beaks, and A. acutiloba and A. americana (the last two taxa in this treatment) in the genus Hepatica Miller, primarily on the basis of the involucre
    16 KB (1,220 words) - 19:37, 6 November 2020
  • formerly placed in Hepatica are closely allied to the Eurasian Anemone hepatica Linnaeus [=Hepatica nobilis Miller, Hepatica hepatica (Linnaeus) Karst]
    5 KB (540 words) - 21:52, 5 November 2020