Search results
- sepals 0 (ovary subtended by a calyxlike structure in E. floridana, E. inundata, E. mesembrianthemifolia, E. porteriana, E. rosescens, and E. telephioides);12 KB (1,294 words) - 14:46, 17 May 2021
- Lycopodiella Lycopodiella alopecuroides Lycopodiella appressa Lycopodiella inundata Lycopodium annotinum Lycopodium clavatum Lycopodium dendroideum L cont41 bytes (51 words) - 19:18, 18 May 2022
- indianolensis, Rhynchospora inexpansa, Rhynchospora intermedia, Rhynchospora inundata, Rhynchospora knieskernii, Rhynchospora kunthii, Rhynchospora latifolia33 KB (1,224 words) - 13:02, 19 March 2024
- Lower Taxa Lycopodiella alopecuroides, Lycopodiella appressa, Lycopodiella inundata, Lycopodiella margueriteae, Lycopodiella prostrata, Lycopodiella subappressa5 KB (339 words) - 00:45, 17 December 2020
- sectionEuphorbia sect. Nummulariopsis Show Lower Taxa Euphorbia floridana, Euphorbia inundata, Euphorbia rosescens, Euphorbia telephioides Boissier in A. P. de Candolle5 KB (375 words) - 19:15, 5 November 2020
- Nummulariopsis speciesEuphorbia inundata Show Lower Taxa Euphorbia inundata var. garrettii, Euphorbia inundata var. inundata Torrey ex Chapman Fl. South.4 KB (386 words) - 18:10, 6 November 2020
- LAYOUT:treatment:TUOYAL familyLycopodiaceae genusLycopodiella speciesLycopodiella inundata (Linnaeus) Holub Preslia 36: 21. 1964. Warren H. Wagner Jr., Joseph M.3 KB (228 words) - 22:34, 20 February 2024
- Pennell L. dubia var. anagallidea (Michaux) Cooperrider L. dubia var. inundata (Pennell) Pennell L. dubia var. riparia (Rafinesque) Fernald Treatment5 KB (509 words) - 19:36, 5 November 2020
- Euphorbia inundata var. inundata (category Euphorbia inundata)sectionEuphorbia sect. Nummulariopsis speciesEuphorbia inundata varietyEuphorbia inundata var. inundata Victor W. Steinmann, Jess A. Peirson IllustratedEndemic2 KB (160 words) - 19:14, 5 November 2020
- Euphorbia inundata var. garrettii (category Euphorbia inundata)genusEuphorbia sectionEuphorbia sect. Nummulariopsis speciesEuphorbia inundata varietyEuphorbia inundata var. garrettii E. L. Bridges & Orzell Lundellia 5: 65, fig2 KB (146 words) - 19:13, 5 November 2020
- LAYOUT:treatment:TUOYAL familyCyperaceae genusRhynchospora speciesRhynchospora inundata (Oakes) Fernald Rhodora 20: 139. 1918. Robert Kral IllustratedEndemic Basionym:4 KB (327 words) - 20:40, 5 November 2020
- fallax (Warnstorf) Sherff Bidens connata var. gracilipes Fernald Bidens connata var. inundata Fernald Bidens connata var. petiolata (Nuttall) Farwell Bidens connata5 KB (446 words) - 20:12, 5 November 2020
- palustris var. americana (de Candolle) Fernald & Griscom L. palustris var. inundata Svenson L. palustris var. liebmannii H. Léveillé L. palustris var. nana Fernald7 KB (673 words) - 10:31, 9 May 2022
- other tetraploid species, L. subappressa. Its hybrids with the diploid L. inundata are sterile, however. Lycopodiella margueriteae can be distinguished from3 KB (245 words) - 15:59, 19 February 2024
- E. acicularis forma fluitans (Doellinger) Svenson; E. acicularis forma inundata Svenson; E. acicularis forma longicaulis (Desmazières) Hegi; E. acicularis10 KB (1,200 words) - 20:38, 5 November 2020
- Rhynchospora careyana forms clones as extensive as those of R. tracyi and R. inundata and is often found over acres of pond shallows and wet savanna, often sharing3 KB (304 words) - 20:40, 5 November 2020