

Gen. Eur. N.-Amer. Bryin., 15. 1897.

Etymology: For Sextus Otto Lindberg, 1835 – 1889, Scandinavian br y ologist
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 353. Mentioned on page 341, 434, 652, 653.

Plants small, in loose mats, dark green to yellowish or brownish. Stems irregularly branched; paraphyllia absent; rhizoids occasional on stem. Stem and branch leaves similar. Stem leaves crowded, imbricate when dry, wide-spreading to squarrose when moist, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, not plicate; margins plane, entire or faintly serrulate near apex; apex acute to short-acuminate, hair-point sometimes present; costa single, strong, ending below apex, straight to weakly flexuose; alar cells quadrate to short-rectangular; medial laminal cells oval, rounded, or rhombic, 1-papillose over lumen, walls thick. Specialized asexual reproduction sometimes present. Sexual condition autoicous; perichaetial leaves pale, erect, base sheathing, margins entire or finely toothed, apex long-acuminate, costa short. Seta 0.6–0.8 cm. Capsule erect, oblong-cylindric, symmetric or weakly curved; annulus sometimes present; operculum conic, blunt; peristome somewhat reduced; exostome teeth lanceolate, blunt, ± papillose, not striolate, external surface with low trabeculae at base; endostome basal membrane low, segments absent, cilia absent. Spores 18–24 µm, smooth to roughened.


North America, n Mexico, Central America (Guatemala), Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Islands (New Zealand).


Species ca. 18 (2 in the flora).

The temperate-tropical genus Lindbergia is distinguished from other members of Leskeaceae by leaves that are wide-spreading to squarrose when moist, short laminal cells, and more or less erect capsules with the endostome reduced to a low membrane. The pseudoparaphyllia are few and foliose, or absent; the leaves are more or less decurrent and concave; the seta is yellow-brown; the capsule is brownish and narrower at the mouth; the exostome teeth are yellow and connate at the base; and the endostome is finely papillose.


1 Stems subjulaceous when dry, often curved; brood branches absent; costae broad, extending nearly to apex; medial laminal cells indistinctly 1-papillose. Lindbergia mexicana
1 Stems not subjulaceous when dry, ± straight; brood branches often present; costae slender, 1/2 -2/3 leaf length; medial laminal cells bluntly 1-papillose. Lindbergia brachyptera
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Paul L. Redfearn Jr. +
Kindberg +
North America +, n Mexico +, Central America - Guatemala +, Eurasia +, Africa +  and Pacific Islands - New Zealand. +
For Sextus Otto Lindberg, 1835 – 1889, Scandinavian br y ologist +
Gen. Eur. N.-Amer. Bryin., +
crum1956a +
Lindbergia +
Leskeaceae +