Medikus +
(Linnaeus) Moench +
Douglas ex J. Forbes +
(Linnaeus) Miller +
A. Murray bis +
(D. Don) Poiteau +
(Gordon & Glendinning) Hildebrand +
(Pursh) Poiret +
(Douglas ex D. Don in Lambert) Lindley +
(Hooker) Nuttall +
(Gordon) A. Murray bis +
A. Murray bis +
Rehder +
Müller Hal. +
(Hedwig) M. Fleischer +
Vahl +
(Burman f.) Kral +
Brandegee +
Lundell +
Greene +
Greene +
S. L. Welsh & Goodrich +
Heimerl +
N. D. Atwood +
J. M. Coulter & Fisher +
A. Nelson +
Nuttall ex Hooker +
Eschscholtz +
L. A. Galloway +
Nuttall ex S. Watson +
Douglas ex Hooker +
S. Watson +
(Heimerl) Munz +
S. Watson +
Heimerl +
Torrey ex S. Watson +
Lamarck +
(Standley) C. L. Hitchcock +
(Standley) L. A. Galloway +
Lamarck +
S. Watson +
(Abrams) Jepson +
S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
(Jacquin) Garcke ex Hochreutiner +
A. Gray ex S. Watson +
Kearney +
Guillemin & Perrottet +
(Lamarck) Sweet +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Torrey ex Baker f. +
A. Gray +
(Link) Sweet +
S. Watson +
(Willdenow) Sweet +
A. Gray +
S. Watson +
A. Gray +
(Willdenow) Sweet +
S. Watson +
Medikus +
(Jacquin) Urban +
A. Gray +
A. Cunningham ex Bentham +
F. Mueller +
A. Cunningham ex G. Don +
A. Cunningham ex G. Don +
Link +
Willdenow +
(Andrews) Willdenow +
De Wildeman +
R. Brown in W. Aiton and W. T. Aiton +
de Candolle +
Bentham +
Maslin +
Schlechtendal +
(Labillardière) H. L. Wendland +
(L’Héritier) Willdenow +
(Miller) Britton & Rose in N. L. Britton et al. +
(Miller) Britton & Rose in N. L. Britton et al. +
(Torrey & A. Gray) L. Rico in N. Diego-Pérez et al. +
(Rose) Britton & Rose in N. L. Britton et al. +
Kirk +
(Kirk) Allan +
Ruiz & Pavón +
Jacquin +
Poeppig +
Linnaeus +
Bentham +
(Lamarck) Müller Arg. +
(Weatherby) H. E. Ahles +
A. Gray +
(Engelmann ex A. Gray) Lillian W. Miller & Gandhi +
Cavanilles +
Müller Arg. +
Riddell ex J. M. Coulter +
Cavanilles +
Sprengel +
Torrey +
Rafinesque +
A. Richard +
Linnaeus +
Müller Arg. +
(A. Gray) A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(Harvey & A. Gray) A. Gray +
S. F. Blake +
(Harvey & A. Gray) A. Gray +
(Engelmann ex A. Berger) Britton & Rose +
(Linnaeus) Hummelinck +
Small +
(Parry) Small +
(E. A. McGregor) Reveal +
(Ertter) Reveal +
(Ertter) Reveal +
(Parry) Small +
Schrank +
(Loefling) Kuntze +
de Candolle +
(Swartz) de Candolle +
(Hedwig) Müller Hal. +
(Hedwig) Müller Hal. +
(A. Jaeger) H. A. Crum +
(Sullivant) Sullivant +
(Spruce) Müller Hal. +
Heimerl +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Fukuda & H. G. Baker +
(Smith) de Candolle +
P. Beauv. +
(M.E. Jones) Barkworth +
(S.L. Welsh & N.D Atwood) Barkworth +
(B.L. Johnson) Barkworth +
(Thurb.) Barkworth +
(Swallen) Barkworth +
(Swallen) Barkworth +
(Cav.) Barkworth +
(Vasey) Barkworth +
(Roem. & Schult.) Barkworth +
(Swallen) Barkworth +
(Vasey) Barkworth +
(Vasey) Barkworth +
(Crampton) Barkworth +
(Vasey) Barkworth +
(Swallen) Barkworth +
(Scribn.) Barkworth +
(Barkworth & J.R. Maze) Barkworth +
(Scribn.) Barkworth +
(B.L. Johnson) Barkworth +
(Thurb.) Barkworth +
(Merr. & Burtt Davy) Barkworth +
(Thurb.) Barkworth +
(Vasey) Barkworth +
(Vasey) Barkworth +
(M.E. Jones) Barkworth +
(Vasey) Barkworth +
Hoge & Barkworth +
(M.E. Jones) Barkworth +
(Link) Barkworth +
(Vasey) Barkworth +
(Vasey) Barkworth +
(Trin.) Nevski +
(Bol.) Barkworth +
(C.L. Hitchc. & Spellenb.) Barkworth +
(Piper) Barkworth +
J.R. Maze & K.A. Robson +
(Thurb.) Barkworth +
(Bol.) Barkworth +
Schauer +
Schauer +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
(Moquin-Tandon) C. C. Townsend +
(Miquel) Nakai +
Torrey & A. Gray +
Torrey & A. Gray +
A. Gray +
Standley +
(Torrey) R. A. Levin +
A. Gray +
(A. Gray) R. A. Levin +
A. Gray +
(A. Gray) R. A. Levin +
(Wooton) R. A. Levin +
(Wooton) R. A. Levin +
A. Gray +
(Standley) B. L. Turner +
(Choisy) Standley +
(Torrey) R. A. Levin +
(A. Gray) Bentham & Hooker f. ex Hemsley +
(Hooker & Arnott) R. K. Jansen +
(Walter) Persoon +
(Nuttall) Rydberg +
(Nuttall) Rydberg +
(Britton) Brouillet +
(A. Gray) Brouillet +
(Dunkle) Brouillet +
(Dunkle) Brouillet +
(A. Gray) Brouillet +
(A. Gray) Brouillet +
(Greene) Brouillet +
(Greene) Brouillet +
(Greene) Brouillet +
(Ottley) Brouillet +
(Isely) Brouillet +
(Bentham) D. D. Sokoloff +
(Bentham) Brouillet +
(Bentham) Govaerts +
(Greene) Govaerts +
(Bentham) Govaerts +
(Greene) Brouillet +
(Greene) Brouillet +
(Eastwood ex Abrams) Brouillet +
(Greene) Brouillet +
(Drew) D. D. Sokoloff +
(Vogel) Brouillet +
(Ottley) Brouillet +
(Vogel) Brouillet +
(Bentham) Brouillet +
(Bentham) Brouillet +
(Greene) Brouillet +
(Orcutt) Brouillet +
(Eastwood) Brouillet +
(Bentham) Brouillet +
(Greene) Brouillet +
(Bentham) Brouillet +
(Nuttall) D. D. Sokoloff +
(Ottley) Brouillet +
(Nuttall) D. D. Sokoloff +
(Britton) Brouillet +
(J. L. Anderson) Brouillet +
(Britton) Brouillet +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Brouillet +
(Greene) Brouillet +
(Bentham) D. D. Sokoloff +
(Brandegee) Brouillet +
(Greene) Brouillet +
(Ottley) Brouillet +
(Greene) Brouillet +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Brouillet +
(Bentham) Brouillet +
(Sharsmith) D. D. Sokoloff +
(Nuttall) Brouillet +
(Greene) D. W. Taylor +
(Nuttall) Brouillet +
(Greene) Brouillet +
(Hooker & Arnott) Govaerts +
(Hooker & Arnott) Govaerts +
(Hooker & Arnott) Govaerts +
(Ottley) Brouillet +
(Fisher & C. A. Meyer) D. D. Sokoloff +
(A. Gray) Brouillet +
H. Wendland +
(Grisebach & H. Wendland) H. Wendland ex Beccari +
Nuttall +
(Greene) Brink +
de Candolle +
Pallas ex de Candolle +
Pallas ex de Candolle +
A. Gray +
Linnaeus +
Eaton +
(Small) Soják +
(Small) Soják +
(Hultén) H. R. Hinds +
(W. H. Brewer ex A. Gray) Soják +
(W. H. Brewer ex A. Gray) Soják +
(G. N. Jones) S. P. Hong +
(Meisner ex Small) Small +
S. P. Hong +
(Meisner ex Small) Small +
(Rafinesque) Rafinesque +
Linnaeus +
de Candolle +
(A. Gray) Reveal & R. M. King +
(D. Don) B. L. Turner +
(A. Gray) Reveal & R. M. King +
(A. Gray) Reveal & R. M. King +
(B. Heyne ex Roem. & Schult.) +
Martius +
Mitten +
(R. S. Williams) H. A. Crum & L. E. Anderson +
Cassini +
(Linnaeus) de Candolle +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Langsdorff & Fischer +
Elliott +
(Aiton) Willdenow +
Wallich +
(Swartz) Hooker +
(J. M. Coulter) Pax & K. Hoffmann +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Hooker +
Hooker +
Persoon +
(A. Gray) Strother +
(A. Gray) Strother +
A. Gray +
Hooker & Arnott +
Hooker & Arnott +
Hooker & Arnott +
S. Watson +
Torrey +
(Ruprecht) Paris +
Linnaeus +
Swartz +
Müller Halle +
Willdenow +
Linnaeus +
Swartz +
Paris +
(Aiton) Greene ex Britton +
S. Watson +
(Kunth) Meisner +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Boiss. +
Host +
Roth +
Req. ex Bertol. +
Coss. +
Tausch +
(DC.) Trin. +
(Gouan) Parl. +
(Linnaeus) Webb & Berthelot +
(Linnaeus) Webb & Berthelot +
Salm-Dyck ex Webb & Berthelot +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Peter +
Poiret in J. Lamarck et al. +
Bentham in C. F. P. von Martius et al. +
Linnaeus +
Small +
Bentham +
Poiret in J. Lamarck et al. +
Poiret in J. Lamarck et al. +
(Linnaeus) Britton +
Michaux +
(Nuttall) Rafinesque +
(Douglas ex Bentham) Britton +
(Michaux) S. F. Blake +
Pennell +
Pennell +
(Greene) Pennell +
(Bentham) S. F. Blake +
(Chapman) Pennell +
Pennell +
(Elliott) Rafinesque +
(Bentham) Pennell +
(Nuttall) Rafinesque +
Hays +
(Small) Small +
(C. L. Boynton) Pennell +
Pennell +
(Nuttall) Small +
Pennell +
Pennell +
(Nuttall) Britton +
(Rafinesque) Rafinesque +
(Bentham) Pennell +
(Rafinesque) Rafinesque +
Dubrule & Canne-Hilliker +
(Greene) Fernald +
Rafinesque +
Pennell +
(Elliott) Rafinesque +
Pennell +
(Linnaeus) Pennell +
(Bentham) B. Boivin +
(Linnaeus) Pennell +
(J. F. Gmelin) Rafinesque +
(Alph. Wood) Britton +
(Bentham) Pennell +
Pennell +
(Vahl) Rafinesque +
(Small) Pennell +
(Lamarck) Judd +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
(Jacobi) Gentry +
Jacobi +
Jacobi +
Peebles +
Baker +
W. C. Hodgson & Slauson +
Engelmann +
Engelmann +
(Gentry) W. C. Hodgson & Reveal +
Jacobi +
Trelease +
Trelease +
Torrey +
Gentry +
F. Gibson +
Small +
Engelmann +
Engelmann +
(Wooton & Standley) B. Ullrich +
Engelmann +
(Engelmann ex Trelease) Kearney & Peebles +
(Baker) Little +
Engelmann +
Torrey +
W. C. Hodgson +
Engelmann +
Engelmann +
(Toumey) Kearney & Peebles +
Engelmann +
Engelmann +
Perrine +
Trelease +
Breitung +
Trelease +
Haworth +
Engelmann +
(McKelvey) Gentry +
Engelmann +
(Hester) Breitung +
Engelmann ex Greenman and Roush +
Engelmann +
F. Cels ex J. Poisson +
W. C. Hodgson +
Gentry & J. H. Weber +
(Engelmann) A. Berger +
Sessé & Moçiño ex de Candolle +
(Sprengel) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
(Linnaeus) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
(Linnaeus) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
(Small) Clewell & Wooten +
(Linnaeus) Spach +
(Kunth) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
(A. Gray) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
(Greene) Clewell & Wooten +
(B. L. Robinson) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
(Fernald) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
(Hooker) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
(A. Gray) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
(A. Gray) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
(D. W. Taylor & Stebbins) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
(Greene) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
(A. Gray) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
Linnaeus +
Zuccagni +
Miller +
Kunth +
(A. Gray) W. A. Weber +
(H. M. Hall) W. A. Weber +
(Greene) W. A. Weber +
(Torrey & Gray) W. A. Weber +
(Greene) W. A. Weber +
(Lessing) Greene +
(Lessing) Greene +
(Fedde) Munz +
(E. Sheldon) Cronquist +
(Hooker) Greene +
(Hooker) Greene +
(A. Gray) Cronquist +
(Pursh) Rafinesque +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Jepson +
(Pursh) Rafinesque +
(Nuttall) Greene +
(Nuttall) Greene +
G. I. Baird +
(Nuttall) Greene +
(Nuttall) Greene +
G. I. Baird +
(Hooker) Greene +
Greene +
(Nuttall) D. Dietrich +
(Bentham) Greene +
(Nuttall) Greene +
Wallroth +
Torrey & A. Gray +
Wallroth +
Aiton +
Wallroth +
Wallroth +
Michaux +
(L.) Gaertn. +
(Roth) P. Candargy +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Soczava +
Hitchc. +
Boiss. & Reut. +
Trin. +
Vasey +
Schult. +
Trin. +
Roth +
Vasey +
Hitchc. +
Swallen +
Scribn. +
(Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. +
Nash +
Trin. +
Steud. +
Boiss. & Reut. +
Vasey +
Trin. +
(Walter) Tuck. +
Vasey +
Willd. +
Kunth +
Rydb. +
Schreb. +
(Mert. & W.D.J. Koch) Mutel +
(Guss.) Fiori +
L. +
(Houttuyn) Decaisne +
Durazzini +
(Roxburgh) Prain +
(Linnaeus) Bentham +
(Roxburgh) Bentham +
Linnaeus +
Alefeld +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Buser +
(Buser) M. E. Bradshaw +
Neygenfind +
Wallroth +
Buser +
Buser +
(Buser) Rothmaler +
Opiz +
Buser +
Juzepczuk +
(Buser) Stefánsson +
Rothmaler +
Walter +
Northrop +
Linnaeus +
Small +
Nash ex Small +
Medikus +
Lejeune +
Withering +
Linnaeus +
Rafinesque +
Pursh +
Ventenat +
Moench +
Linnaeus +
Kuntze +
(S. Watson) Kuntze +
(M. Bieberstein) Cavara & Grande +
Standley +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
(Standley) Munz +
Ownbey +
(Ownbey & Aase ex Traub) McNeal +
Hooker +
Linnaeus +
Torrey +
Kellogg +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
(S. Watson) McNeal +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
(L. F. Henderson) McNeal +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
Davidson +
S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Ownbey +
(Bush) Ownbey +
(J. M. Bates) Ownbey & Aase +
(Regel) Ownbey +
Linnaeus +
Roth +
(Ownbey & Mingrone) P. M. Peterson +
(Ownbey & Mingrone) P. M. Peterson +
M. E. Jones +
Eastwood +
Wiegand +
Greene +
Small +
(Ownbey & Aase ex Traub) McNeal +
(Ownbey & Aase ex Traub) McNeal +
Greene +
H. St. John +
Hooker +
Regel +
M. E. Jones ex Ownbey +
Hooker & Arnott +
M. E. Jones ex Abrams +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
(Eastwood) Ownbey ex McNeal +
Linnaeus +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
M. E. Jones +
Ownbey +
S. Watson +
Eastwood +
Ownbey ex Traub +
Eastwood +
Ownbey & Aase ex Traub +
Eastwood +
(Traub) Ownbey & Aase +
Curran +
(Ownbey & Aase ex Traub) S. S. Denison & McNeal +
G. Don +
S. Watson +
(M. E. Jones) McNeal & Ownbey +
McNeal & Ownbey +
S. Watson +
Eastwood +
S. Watson +
Rydberg +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
Ownbey ex Traub +
Davidson +
(Ownbey & Aase ex Traub) McNeal +
Cirillo +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
Lemmon +
Mortola & McNeal +
Lemmon +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
Kellogg +
N. H. Holmgren & A. H. Holmgren +
Lemmon ex Greene +
McNeal & Ownbey +
Lemmon ex Greene +
S. V. Fraser +
S. V. Fraser +
Ownbey +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
Brandegee +
L. F. Henderson +
Wooton & Standley +
L. F. Henderson +
Linnaeus +
Ownbey +
Alph. Wood +
Alph. Wood +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Douglas ex S. Watson +
McNeal & Ownbey +
(Ownbey & Aase ex Traub) McNeal +
McNeal +
L. F. Henderson +
Ownbey ex Traub +
Ownbey & Aase +
Ker Gawler +
A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride +
Baker +
Ownbey +
Torrey +
Solander +
Solander +
Linnaeus +
Rottler ex Sprengel +
(Ownbey & Aase ex Traub) S. S. Denison & McNeal +
Kellogg +
S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Eastwood +
(Vasey) Soderstr. & H.E Decker +
J. Presl +
(L.) Stapf +
Torrey & A. Gray +
D. M. Bates +
(Scheele) D. M. Bates +
(Rose) D. M. Bates +
Á. Löve & D. Löve +
(Nuttall) Á. Löve & D. Löve +
(Ehrhart) K. Koch +
(Aiton) Raus +
(Ruprecht) Raus +
(Regel) Raus +
(Linnaeus) Gaertner +
(Linnaeus) Moench +
(Du Roi) R. T. Clausen +
(Nuttall) Breitung +
(Marshall) Muhlenburg ex Nuttall +
Torrey +
Nuttall +
Bongard +
(Aiton) Willdenow +
Baker +
(Schultz) Kindberg +
(Bruch & Schimper) E. J. Craig +
(De Notaris) Delgadillo +
(Hooker & Greville) Kindberg +
(Müller Hal.) Brotherus +
(Hedwig) Limpricht +
(Hedwig) Limpricht +
L. +
Sobol. +
P. Rubtzov +
Poir. +
Walter +
Trin. +
Huds. +
Eig +
Vasey +
(Graham) R. C. Foster +
(Persoon) B. L. Burtt & R. M. Smith +
(Hooker & Arnott) Sullivant +
Wallich ex G. Don +
(Linnaeus) R. Brown +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus f. +
Forsskål +
(Linnaeus) Kuntze +
Kunth +
(Linnaeus) Palisot de Beauvois +
(Regel) Backer +
Kunth +
(Martius) A. St.-Hilaire +
A. St.-Hilaire +
(Martius) Grisebach +
Kunth +
(Linnaeus) R. Brown ex de Candolle +
Tenore +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Liebmann +
(Urban) Cronquist +
Necker ex Desvaux +
(Schumacher) J. Léonard +
(Willdenow) de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
(Linnaeus) de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
(Linnaeus) Linnaeus +
Stapf +
Waldstein & Kitaibel +
(C. A. Meyer) Turczaninow +
Rudolphi +
Fischer & C. A. Meyer +
Jussieu +
Linnaeus +
J. D. Sauer +
Linnaeus +
I. M. Johnston +
(A. Gray) J. D. Sauer +
S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
(Moquin-Tandon) S. Watson +
(Linnaeus) J. D. Sauer +
Linnaeus +
Schlechtendal +
(Lespinasse & Thévenau) A. Braun ex J. M. Coulter & S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Martius ex Thellung +
(Torrey) Bentham ex S. Watson +
(S. Watson) J. D. Sauer +
Linnaeus +
S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
(Moquin-Tandon) Hieronymus +
(A. Gray) Standley +
S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
S. Watson +
Rafinesque +
Linnaeus +
Uline & W. L. Bray +
(Torrey) Mosyakin & K. R. Robertson +
(Linnaeus) Mosyakin & K. R. Robertson +
Mosyakin & K. R. Robertson +
Linnaeus +
(Linnaeus) Aellen ex K. R. Robertson +
(Kunth) Grenier & Godron +
Linnaeus +
Henrickson +
Moquin-Tandon +
(A. Gray) S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
(Moquin-Tandon) J. D. Sauer +
Linnaeus +
Greene +
Standley +
S. Watson +
Rydberg +
(A. Gray) Rydberg +
(Linnaeus) de Candolle +
(Hedwig) P. Beauvois +
de Candolle +
de Candolle +
Hooker & Arnott +
Hooker & Arnott +
G. Roth +
Schimper +
(Hedwig) Schimper +
Hooker +
(Delpino) W. W. Payne +
Linnaeus +
Michaux +
(Lessing) Greene +
A. Gray +
(Bentham) W. W. Payne +
de Candolle +
(A. Gray) W. W. Payne +
(Torrey) W. W. Payne +
(A. Gray) W. W. Payne +
(A. Gray) W. W. Payne +
(A. Nelson) Shinners +
Pursh +
(A. Gray) W. W. Payne +
(Rydberg) W. W. Payne +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Strother & B. G. Baldwin +
de Candolle +
(Nuttall) A. Gray +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Strother & B. G. Baldwin +
Nuttall +
Linnaeus +
Medikus +
(Nuttall) Nuttall ex M. Roemer +
(Nuttall) Nuttall ex M. Roemer +
(Torrey & A. Gray) C. K. Schneider +
(Hooker) C. L. Hitchcock +
Wiegand +
(F. Michaux) Fernald +
(Tausch) M. Roemer +
(Linnaeus) Medikus +
(Linnaeus) Medikus +
(Michaux) Britton +
Fernald +
Wiegand +
(Wiegand) Fernald & Weatherby +
Wiegand +
E. L. Nielsen +
Spach +
Wiegand +
E. P. Bicknell +
Tidestrom +
Greene +
(Pursh) de Candolle +
(Lamarck) K. Koch +
Koehne +
Arriaga & Barkworth +
(Godr.) Arriaga & Barkworth +
(Trin.) Arriaga & Barkworth +
(Hack.) Arriaga & Barkworth +
Hultén +
(Banks ex Pursh) Hultén +
A. Gray +
(Walter) A. Gray +
Willdenow +
Rottbøll +
S. A. Graham & Gandhi +
Linnaeus +
Heer & Regel +
(L.) Link +
Fernald +
(F. Seym.) P.J. Walker, C.A. Paris & Barrington ex Barkworth +
Sprague & Riley +
de Candolle +
A. Gray +
Nuttall in J. Torrey and A. Gray +
Nuttall in J. Torrey and A. Gray +
Pursh +
(Wilbur) S. C. K. Straub +
Rydberg in N. L. Britton et al. +
Linnaeus +
Wilbur +
Desfontaines ex Persoon +
Walter +
(Rydberg) Wilbur +
Walter +
Nuttall in J. Torrey and A. Gray +
Nuttall +
F. E. Boynton +
Wilbur +
Torrey & A. Gray +
Scheele +
C. K. Schneider +
G. L. Nesom +
(Walter) G. L. Nesom +
Link +
(Poir.) T. Durand & Schinz +
Michaux +
Bunge +
Michaux +
(Wallich) Momiyama +
(de Candolle) Nuttall +
(Shinners) Solbrig +
(de Candolle) Nuttall +
Nees +
Steud. +
(Hook. f.) Baill. +
(Trin.) Swallen +
Elliott ex Nuttall +
(Linnaeus) Fernald +
Kunth +
(Pursh) Nash +
(Schult.) Hitchc. +
(Hampe ex Müller Hal.) Brotherus +
(Hedwig) Schimper +
(Bruch & Schimper) Schimper +
Torrey & A. Gray +
Torrey & A. Gray +
Torrey & A. Gray +
(A. Nelson) Ced. Porter +
Oteng-Yeboah +
(S. Watson) Oteng-Yeboah +
Standley +
Walter +
Walter +
Alph. Wood +
(A. Gray) J. M. Coulter +
S. P. McLaughlin +
Alexander +
Woodson +
Woodson +
Woodson +
Torrey in W. H. Emory +
Torrey in W. H. Emory +
(Woodson) S. P. McLaughlin +
Vail ex Small +
A. Gray +
Woodson +
Shuttleworth ex Small +
Walter +
Woodson +
(K. Schumann) Woodson +
Walter +
(Woodson) J. K. Williams +
(Shinners) J. K. Williams +
(Pursh) Woodson +
Woodson +
Torrey & Frémont in J. Frémont +
Kearney & Peebles +
Torrey & Frémont in J. Frémont +
Bridel +
(Froelich ex Bridel) Bridel +
(Taylor) Flowers +
(Turner) Paris +
Linnaeus +
(Linnaeus) E. H. L. Krause +
Linnaeus +
Swartz +
(Linnaeus) Bentham & Hooker f. +
(K. Schumann) Britton & Rose +
(Engelmann) Britton & Rose +
(Salm-Dyck) Britton & Rose +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
Morefield +
A. Delgado +
(Fawcett & Rendle) A. Delgado +
(W. Wright) Kunth ex de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
(W. Wright) Kunth ex de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
Hedwig +
Schimper +
Hampe & Müller Hal. +
B. M. Murray +
Hooker f. & Wilson +
Hooker +
Thedenius +
F. Weber & D. Mohr +
Hedwig +
B. M. Murray +
B. M. Murray +
Dumortier +
Steere +
Steere & B. M. Murray +
Steere & B. M. Murray +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
L. +
Chapm. +
Chapm. +
Scribn. +
Vitman +
(Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. +
(Elliott) C. Mohr +
(Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. +
(Hack.) C. Mohr +
(Vasey) L.H. Dewey +
C.S. Campb. +
Spreng. +
Ashe +
(Hack.) C.S. Campb. +
Hack. +
Hack. +
Hack. +
Michx. +
(Hack.) Fernald & Griscom +
Nash +
C.S. Campb. +
Wulfen ex Host +
(Sprengel) Hultén +
Linnaeus +
(Greene) G. T. Robbins +
Retzius +
Pursh +
Linnaeus +
Torrey +
S. Watson +
(Scheele) Greene +
(A. Gray) J. F. Macbride & Payson +
(Linnaeus) Swartz +
Klotzsch +
Baker +
Link +
(de Candolle) G. Lawson +
(de Candolle) H. Hara +
Pritzel +
Linnaeus +
Walter +
A. Gray +
Hooker +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
(Rydberg) C. L. Hitchcock +
Tharp +
Correll +
Behr & Kellogg +
Pursh +
Britton +
(Greene) Standley +
Poiret +
B. Boivin +
(A. Nelson) B. E. Dutton & Keener +
(Porter ex Britton) C. L. Hitchcock +
Linnaeus +
de Candolle +
de Candolle +
(A. Nelson) B. E. Dutton & Keener +
S. Watson +
Keener & B. E. Dutton +
A. Gray +
(M. Peck) C. L. Hitchcock +
A. Gray +
Michaux +
Linnaeus +
Pritzel +
Britton ex Rydberg +
Linnaeus +
(de Candolle) Frodin +
Linnaeus +
Hooker +
Rydberg +
Linnaeus +
(Oakes) A. W. Wood +
B. Boivin +
Linnaeus +
(Nuttall) Hooker & Arnott +
(A. de Candolle) Miers +
Hooker +
(Jacquin) Choisy +
Nuttall +
Nuttall +
(Eastwood) B. G. Baldwin +
Torrey & A. Gray +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Jussieu +
A. Gray +
Ortega +
(Linnaeus) Schlechtendal +
Hooker & Arnott +
A. Gray +
S. Watson +
A. Gray +
Schwägrichen +
(Hedwig) Mitten +
Schiffner +
Mitten +
Schimper +
(Spruce) Lindberg +
(Schrader ex P. Gaertner +
(Hedwig) Huebener +
(Schleicher ex Bridel) Hartman +
(Hedwig) Lindberg +
(Hedwig) Schimper +
(Müller Hal.) Keissler +
Müller Hal. +
(Cesati) Sullivant & Lesquereux +
(Hedwig) Hooker & Taylor +
Kindberg +
(Tenore) Steenis +
(Lamarck) C. F. Gaertner +
Gaertner +
(Linnaeus) Gaertner +
Rydberg +
Cronquist +
Bentham +
Evert +
E. E. Nelson +
A. E. Porsild +
(Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray +
(Linnaeus) Gaertner +
(A. Gray) A. Gray +
(Trautvetter) E. Ekman +
(Malte) Hultén +
(Trautvetter) E. Ekman +
(A. E. Porsild) R. J. Bayer & Stebbins +
A. Gray +
Greene +
(Greene) R. J. Bayer +
(Greene) R. J. Bayer +
(Fernald) R. J. Bayer +
(Hooker) Greene +
Torrey & A. Gray +
(E. E. Nelson) R. J. Bayer & Stebbins +
Torrey & A. Gray +
Greene +
Greene +
Rydberg +
de Candolle +
(Greene) Hultén +
de Candolle +
Greene +
Fernald +
(Greene) R. J. Bayer & Stebbins +
Nuttall +
(Linnaeus) Hooker +
Greene +
(Hooker) Greene +
(Fernald & Wiegand) R. J. Bayer +
(Hooker) Greene +
Hooker +
Greene +
(E. E. Nelson) R. J. Bayer +
(Greene) R. J. Bayer +
(Greene) R. J. Bayer +
Greene +
Rydberg +
S. F. Blake +
Rydberg +
(A. Gray) A. Gray +
Greene +
Rydberg +
Stebbins +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
P. Beauv. +
(Elliott) Schult. +
(Michx.) P. Beauv. +
Schreb. +
(L.) Kuntze +
L. +
Veldkamp +
Boiss. +
(Schrank) Y. Schouten & Veldkamp +
(Bigelow) Veldkamp +
(Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng +
(Bigelow) Veldkamp +
(Weber) Y. Schouten & Veldkamp +
(Buckley) Veldkamp +
Linnaeus +
Hooker & Arnott +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Bridel +
Sullivant ex Lesquereux +
(Hedwig) Bridel +
Standley +
(Coville) Standley +
(A. Gray) Standley +
(Torrey) Standley +
(Waterfall) Spellenberg & Wootten +
Spellenberg & Wootten +
I. M. Johnston +
(Torrey) Standley +
I. M. Johnston +
Bruch & Schimper +
(Sommerfelt) Bruch & Schimper +
C. T. Mason +
(L.) P. Beauv. +
Adans. +
Linnaeus +
Rydberg +
(Nuttall) Rydberg +
Nuttall ex Moquin-Tandon +
Sullivant +
(Wilson & Hooker) Sullivant +
de Candolle +
Buckley +
de Candolle +
(Bentham) B. L. Turner & Birdsong +
de Candolle +
Torrey & A. Gray +
(de Candolle) Trelease +
(S. F. Blake) B. L. Turner +
(de Candolle) Trelease +
Andrzejowski ex de Candolle +
Medikus +
B. L. Robinson +
(Muhlenburg ex Willdenow) Torrey +
(Hornemann) R. Brown +
L. +
Jussieu +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Greene +
Van Tieghem ex Takhtajan +
Arnott +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
Linnaeus f. +
Linnaeus f. +
J. Agardh +
(Linnaeus f.) Schwantes +
(Nuttall) Barnhart ex Small +
Munz +
Hooker +
Linnaeus +
Standley ex Payson +
A. Gray +
E. James +
A. Nelson +
E. James +
(Tidestrom) Payson ex Kearney & Peebles +
(M. E. Jones) A. Heller +
Greene +
Van Houtte ex Planchon +
S. Watson +
Fischer ex de Candolle +
Fischer ex de Candolle +
(Greene) Munz +
(Fischer & Meyer) Baker +
Munz +
Parry +
A. Nelson +
A. Gray ex S. Watson +
Eastwood +
Coville +
Rydberg +
Tidestrom +
Eastwood +
Linnaeus +
(de Candolle) Heynhold +
(Richardson ex Hooker) Al-Shehbaz +
(Linnaeus) Lawalrée +
(Linnaeus) Lawalrée +
(Linnaeus) O’Kane & Al-Shehbaz +
(Fischer ex de Candolle) O’Kane & Al-Shehbaz +
(Linnaeus) O’Kane & Al-Shehbaz +
(Linnaeus) O’Kane & Al-Shehbaz +
(Linnaeus) Heynhold +
Greene +
Linnaeus +
Hooker & Arnott +
Willdenow +
Constance & Rollins +
Andrzejowski +
S. Watson +
R. M. Harper +
Eastwood +
Rollins +
(Kuntze) B. L. Robinson +
Piper +
Rollins +
Sullivant +
M. Hopkins +
M. Hopkins +
M. Hopkins +
Bentham +
Linnaeus +
Blume +
(Makino) Ohwi +
(Hooker & Arnott) Fontella & Goyder +
Brotero +
(A. Gray) Sargent +
Pursh +
Kunth +
M. Bieberstein +
Nuttall ex Engelmann +
Engelmann +
(Engelmann) Nickrent +
(Hawksworth & Wiens) Nickrent +
(A. Nelson) Nickrent +
(Hawksworth & Wiens) Nickrent +
(A. Nelson ex Rydberg) Nickrent +
(M. E. Jones) Nickrent +
(Hawksworth, Wiens & Nickrent) Nickrent +
(Engelmann) Nickrent +
(Hawksworth, Wiens & Nickrent) Nickrent +
(Engelmann) Nickrent +
(Hawksworth, Wiens & Nickrent) Nickrent, +
(Rosendahl) Nickrent +
Engelmann +
Engelmann +
Hawksworth & Wiens +
Peck +
(Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow) J. Presl +
(Engelmann) Hawksworth & Wiens +
Schimper +
(Dickson ex Hedwig) Mitten +
Austin +
Austin +
(Renauld & Cardot) Snider +
Müller Hal. +
Mitten +
Griseb. +
(R. Br.) Griseb. +
(Trin.) Tzvelev +
(R. Br.) Griseb. +
(Tzvelev) Tzvelev +
(Linnaeus) Tzvelev +
(Linnaeus) Tzvelev +
(Hultén) Tzvelev +
Linnaeus +
(Hill) Bernhardi +
Miller +
Wichura +
(Dickson) Bruch & Schimper +
(Gunnerus ex Withering) Bruch & Schimper +
Torrey & Frémont +
Torrey & Frémont +
Coville +
Coville +
(Rupr.) Andersson +
(Trin.) Andersson +
Adanson +
A. Gray +
Eastwood +
Eastwood +
Eastwood +
P. V. Wells +
Eastwood +
(Eastwood) P. V. Wells +
P. V. Wells +
Piper +
Eastwood +
Eastwood +
(J. E. Adams) V. T. Parker +
(P. V. Wells) V. T. Parker +
(P. V. Wells) V. T. Parker +
(Eastwood) V. T. Parker +
(Eastwood) V. T. Parker +
M. S. Baker +
J. T. Howell +
Eastwood +
V. T. Parker & M. C. Vasey +
Eastwood +
(Munz) Munz +
(Jepson) P. V. Wells +
(Eastwood) J. E. Keeley +
(P. V. Wells) J. E. Keeley +
(Eastwood) P. V. Wells +
J. E. Keeley +
(J. E. Adams) P. V. Wells +
Lindley +
B. Schreiber +
Howell +
G. Don +
(Hoover & Roof) P. V. Wells +
P. V. Wells +
Eastwood +
Greene ex Parry +
S. W. Edwards +
P. V. Wells +
(W. Knight & Gankin) P. V. Wells +
Parry +
(Jepson) P. V. Wells +
P. V. Wells +
(Eastwood) Munz +
(Gankin) P. V. Wells +
P. V. Wells +
Merriam +
(W. Knight) P. V. Wells +
Eastwood +
Eastwood +
(P. V. Wells) V. T. Parker +
Hoover +
Wieslander & B. Schreiber +
Parry +
A. Gray +
(Gankin & Hildreth) P. V. Wells +
Merriam +
(P. V. Wells) P. V. Wells +
A. Gray +
(P. V. Wells) V. T. Parker +
Eastwood +
M. C. Vasey & V. T. Parker +
P. V. Wells +
Wieslander & B. Schreiber +
(J. E. Adams) J. E. Adams +
Eastwood +
Lemmon +
J. E. Keeley +
J. E. Keeley +
Greene +
(Abrams) Dudley ex Eastwood +
Jepson & Wieslander +
Parry +
(Parry) P. V. Wells +
Nuttall +
Kunth +
P. V. Wells +
J. E. Keeley & Massihi +
Gankin +
Eastwood +
Jepson & Weislander +
Jepson +
Jepson & Wieslander +
(P. V. Wells) P. V. Wells +
W. Knight +
(Pursh) Lindley +
(de Candolle) J. E. Adams +
P. V. Wells +
(de Candolle) V. T. Parker +
(Pursh) Lindley +
(Linnaeus) Sprengel +
Eastwood +
(Eastwood) McMinn +
Parry +
(Dudley) P. V. Wells +
(Howell) P. V. Wells +
J. C. Wendland +
(Linnaeus) Levyns +
Jacquin +
P. J. Bergius +
(Linnaeus) Niedenzu +
(Rehder & E. H. Wilson) Nakai +
Sims +
Thunberg +
Schlechtendal & Chamisso +
(Thunberg) Blume +
J. Dransfield & N. W. Uhl +
Schultz Schultzenstein +
Griffith +
Schultz Schultzenstein +
Drude +
Martius +
Martius +
O. F. Cook +
Drude +
Fenzl ex Torrey & A. Gray +
Wahlenberg +
(Michaux) Rohrbach +
(Michaux) Rohrbach +
(A. Gray) Zarucchi +
Correll +
Hultén +
Shinners +
B. L. Robinson +
(Ostenfeld & Dahl) Schischkin & Knorring +
Linnaeus +
Mertens & W. D. J. Koch +
Linnaeus +
G. B. Ownbey +
Hornemann +
Hornemann +
G. B. Ownbey +
G. B. Ownbey +
G. B. Ownbey +
G. B. Ownbey +
Greene +
G. B. Ownbey +
Greene +
A. Gray +
Linnaeus +
Durand & Hilgard +
G. B. Ownbey +
Durand & Hilgard +
G. B. Ownbey +
(Rydberg) G. B. Ownbey +
Sweet +
Greene +
G. B. Ownbey +
G. B. Ownbey +
(Fedde) G. B. Ownbey +
Greene +
Greene +
G. B. Ownbey +
Webb ex Schultz-Bipontinus +
(Willdenow) Webb ex Schultz-Bipontinus +
(Burman f.) Bojer +
(J. Smith) Windham +
(Pursh) Windham +
(Kunze) Windham +
(C. Presl) Windham +
(Maxon) Windham +
(Maxon) Windham +
(Maxon) Windham +
(Maxon) Windham +
(Mettenius ex Kuhn) Windham +
P. Browne +
A. Gray +
Müller Arg. +
(Bertero ex Sprengel) J. W. Ingram +
Cory +
Millspaugh +
(I. M. Johnston) J. W. Ingram ex L. C. Wheeler +
Jepson +
(Wooton & Standley) J. W. Ingram +
(Engelmann & A. Gray) Müller Arg. +
(Bentham) Müller Arg. +
(Nuttall) Müller Arg. +
(Nuttall) Müller Arg. +
(Bentham) Shinners +
(Torrey) Müller Arg. +
J. W. Ingram +
(R. C. Jackson & R. R. Johnson) D. R. Morgan & R. L. Hartman +
(A. Gray) D. R. Morgan & R. L. Hartman +
(A. Gray) D. R. Morgan & R. L. Hartman +
B. L. Turner & G. L. Nesom +
(A. Gray) D. R. Morgan & R. L. Hartman +
(Kunth) D. R. Morgan & R. L. Hartman +
Scheidweiler +
(Engelmann) K. Schumann +
(Engelmann) K. Schumann +
(Linnaeus) Schott +
(Linnaeus) Schott +
Vasey +
Engelm. ex Vasey +
Thurb. +
Chapm. +
Trin. & Rupr. +
Michx. +
A. Gray +
Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. +
(Chapm.) Vasey +
Beetle +
Chapm. +
Vasey +
Muhl. ex Elliott +
Poir. +
(Raf.) Fernald +
Nash +
Michx. +
(Chapm.) Vasey +
Wooton & Standl. +
Chapm. ex Nash +
Poir. +
(Hitchc.) Allred +
(Trin.) Allred +
Nutt. +
(Steud.) Vasey +
(Steud.) Vasey +
(Vasey) Allred +
(Hitchc.) Allred +
Allred & Valdes-Reyna +
(Nash) Allred +
Engelm. ex A. Gray +
Swallen +
Trin. & Rupr. +
Chapm. +
Elliott +
Michx. +
Cav. +
(Henrard) Allred +
Nutt. +
Reveal & Hardham +
(Curran) Reveal & Hardham +
Linnaeus +
Torrey +
Linnaeus +
I. M. Johnston +
Linnaeus +
Lamarck +
Jacquin +
Jacquin +
Nuttall +
Linnaeus +
Sims +
Wooton & Standley +
Seemann +
Jussieu +
(Linnaeus) Rafinesque +
(Miller) Willdenow +
(Boissier) A. E. Porsild +
(Raup) A. E. Porsild +
(Miller) Willdenow +
(Turczaninow ex Boissier) Nyman +
P. Gaertner +
(Walter) Britton +
Vahl +
(Macoun) G. W. Douglas & Ruyle-Douglas +
Howell +
Lessing +
Hooker +
(A. Gray) B. G. Baldwin +
Bentham +
Pursh +
Rydberg +
Fernald +
(C. A. Meyer ex Iljin) S. J. Wolf +
Fernald +
Nuttall +
(Maguire) Strother & S. J. Wolf +
Bongard +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Greene +
Greene +
D. C. Eaton +
Farr +
Hooker +
A. Gray +
Greene +
A. Gray +
Greene +
Greene +
Greene +
Lessing +
H. M. Hall +
A. Gray +
Rafinesque +
L. C. Anderson +
(Linnaeus) H. Robinson +
(Torrey & A. Gray) H. Robinson +
(A. Gray) H. Robinson +
(Walter) H. Robinson +
Rafinesque +
(Hooker) H. Robinson +
(Fernald) H. Robinson +
(Linnaeus) Schweigger & Körte +
(Linnaeus) Persoon +
(Michaux) Elliott +
P. Beauv. +
(L.) P. Beauv. ex J. Presl & C. Presl +
Hedwig +
Hedwig +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Rydberg +
Hultén +
Linnaeus +
Nuttall +
(Osterhout) L. M. Shultz +
Willdenow +
A. Gray +
Pallas +
(Besser) Korobkov +
Lessing +
Linnaeus +
(Michaux) Scoggan +
(Michaux) H. M. Hall & Clements +
(Nuttall) H. M. Hall & Clements +
Pursh +
(A. Gray) G. H. Ward +
Pursh +
(Osterhout) Beetle +
Alph. Wood ex Carruth +
Besser +
Linnaeus +
Torrey +
Greene +
Willdenow +
M. Bieberstein +
Chamisso ex Besser +
Chamisso ex Besser +
(Hultén) L. M. Shultz +
Ledebour +
Willdenow +
Willdenow +
(A. Gray) W. A. Weber +
Nuttall +
Nuttall +
(Wooton) D. D. Keck +
(Rydberg) D. D. Keck +
(Nuttall) D. D. Keck +
(Willdenow ex Sprengel) D. D. Keck +
(A. Gray) D. D. Keck +
Besser +
P. H. Raven +
Fries +
(Besser) H. M. Hall & Clements +
A. Nelson +
J. W. Grimes & Ertter +
A. Gray +
S. F. Blake & Cronquist +
A. Gray +
Nuttall +
Linnaeus +
Cronquist +
(Lessing) de Candolle +
A. Gray +
(Nuttall) A. Gray +
A. Gray +
Linnaeus +
A. Gray +
Besser +
Nuttall +
Osterhout +
Besser +
(Miller) Lessing +
Linnaeus +
Besser +
(Rydberg) McArthur +
Piper +
Ledebour +
Nuttall +
(A. Gray) H. M. Hall & Clements +
(Rydberg) Beetle +
Beetle & A. M. Young +
Rydberg +
Linnaeus +
(Thunb.) Makino +
Moquin-Tandon +
(Parish) Standley +
(Walter) Fernald +
(Rydberg) H. Hara +
(Walter) Fernald +
(Rydberg) Fernald +
(Maximowicz) H. Hara +
Michx. +
Triplett, Weakley & L.G. Clark +
(Walter) Muhl. +
(Walter) Muhl. +
L. +
(A. Gray) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
Linnaeus +
Lindley +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
Piper +
K. L. Lu & Mesler +
A. L. Andrews +
S. Watson +
Smith in J. E. Smith and J. Abbott +
Schweigger +
Torrey in W. H. Emory +
(Decaisne) Woodson +
(Decaisne) Woodson +
(Woodson) Woodson +
Engelmann ex Torrey in W. H. Emory +
Greene +
Walter +
Baldwin in Elliott +
(Bentham) Jepson +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
(Woodson) Woodson +
Linnaeus +
A. Gray +
Woodson +
Barneby +
Bentham +
(Greene) Vail in J. K. Small +
Woodson +
Bentham +
Torrey in W. H. Emory +
Linnaeus +
Decaisne in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(Pennell) Woodson +
Walter +
(A. Gray) Woodson +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
(Ehrhart ex Willdenow) Woodson +
Engelmann ex Torrey in W. H. Emory +
M. E. Jones +
Walter +
Nuttall +
(Torrey) Rafinesque +
A. Gray +
Cavanilles +
Scheele +
Michaux +
Eastwood +
Torrey in W. H. Emory +
Torrey ex A. Gray +
Decaisne in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
Torrey in W. H. Emory +
A. Gray +
Elliott +
Schlechtendal & Chamisso +
Decaisne in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
Walter +
Walter +
W. H. Blackwell +
(A. Gray) Vail +
Linnaeus +
Jacquin +
A. Gray +
Linnaeus +
(Vail) Woodson +
Maguire +
K. D. Heil +
Vail +
Woodson +
Torrey +
Woodson +
A. Gray +
Decaisne +
(A. Gray) Vail +
Engelmann ex A. Gray +
Linnaeus +
A. Heller +
Elliott +
Linnaeus +
Woodson +
(Britton ex Vail) Woodson +
Linnaeus +
Greene +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Hooker & Arnott +
Rafinesque +
Walter +
Chapman +
N. H. Holmgren & P. K. Holmgren +
(Walter) Small +
(W. Bartram) Exell +
Kral +
(Willdenow) Nash +
(Michaux) Dunal +
(W. Bartram) Dunal +
Shuttleworth ex Chapman +
Small +
(Linnaeus) Dunal +
Medikus +
(Linnaeus) Fourreau +
Linnaeus +
(Linnaeus) W. Wight +
Linnaeus +
(Kunth) Jessop +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Richard +
A. Gray +
(Hooker) Nuttall ex Copeland +
(W. H. Wagner & E. F. Gilbert) Lellinger +
(Brackenridge in Wilkes) Lellinger +
Newman +
Willdenow +
Linnaeus +
J. Milde +
Swartz +
D. C. Eaton +
Lamarck +
Hooker +
R. R. Scott +
Beddome +
Kunze +
Linnaeus +
Willdenow +
Maxon +
Nuttall +
(Linnaeus) Britton +
E. P. St. John ex Small +
Swartz +
Kunze +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
(Fernald) Kartesz & Gandhi +
(Linnaeus) Hoffmann +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
D. E. Meyer +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Chapman ex L. Underwood +
Maxon +
(D. C. Eaton) A. A. Eaton +
Linnaeus +
W. H. Wagner +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus f. +
Berchtold & J. Presl +
Bentham & Hooker f. +
H. Robinson +
Bentham & Hooker f. +
Cassini ex Dumortier +
Bentham & Hooker f. +
Bentham & Hooker f. +
Bentham & Hooker f. +
B. L. Turner & A. M. Powell +
Cassini +
Cassini +
Cassini +
Cassini +
Cassini +
Lamarck & de Candolle +
Cassini +
Cassini ex Lecoq & Juillet +
Cassini +
Cassini +
Cassini +
(Cassini ex Dumortier) Anderberg +
Cassini +
Cassini +
(Ventenat) Britton ex Kearney +
(Linnaeus) Klotzsch +
Linnaeus +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
M. E. Jones +
E. Sheldon +
Barneby +
S. Watson +
A. Nelson +
Clokey +
Barneby +
Douglas ex G. Don +
Greene +
Wooton & Standley +
A. Gray +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Wooton & Standley +
Barneby +
Barneby +
(Hooker) M. E. Jones +
Barneby in C. L. Hitchcock et al. +
A. Gray +
Barneby +
(Barneby) Barneby in A. Cronquist et al. +
(E. Sheldon) M. E. Jones +
(S. L. Welsh) S. L. Welsh +
S. Watson +
A. Gray +
M. E. Jones +
N. D. Atwood +
Barneby +
(Barneby) Barneby +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
Nuttall in J. Torrey and A. Gray +
S. L. Welsh +
Nuttall in J. Torrey and A. Gray +
M. E. Jones +
(M. E. Jones) M. E. Jones +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
Björk & Fishbein +
E. Sheldon +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
Barneby in C. L. Hitchcock et al. +
M. E. Jones +
(A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride) M. E. Jones +
J. M. Coulter & Fisher +
S. L. Welsh & K. H. Thorne +
A. Gray in W. H. Brewer et al. +
(Linnaeus) Lamarck +
(Hooker) Isely +
(Hultén) S. L. Welsh +
(Hultén) S. L. Welsh +
S. L. Welsh & N. D. Atwood +
Barneby +
Ced. Porter +
Barneby +
Torrey & A. Gray in War Department [U.S.] +
Torrey & A. Gray in War Department [U.S.] +
M. E. Jones +
M. E. Jones +
M. E. Jones +
Barneby & E. L. Bridges +
A. Gray +
(Hooker) A. Gray in War Department [U.S.] +
(Hooker) A. Gray in War Department [U.S.] +
(A. Gray) Barneby +
(M. E. Jones) S. L. Welsh +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
E. Sheldon +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
Porter in T. C. Porter and J. M. Coulter +
Parish +
Buckley +
A. Gray +
(A. Gray) Greene +
Barneby +
Torrey ex S. Watson +
Torrey ex S. Watson +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
(A. Gray) M. E. Jones +
Barneby +
Linnaeus +
(Gandoger) Barneby +
Linnaeus +
(Nuttall) S. Watson +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
A. Gray in W. H. Brewer et al. +
S. Watson +
Barneby +
E. Sheldon +
Barneby +
E. Sheldon +
(A. Gray) F. J. Hermann +
E. Sheldon +
A. Gray in J. C. Ives +
Barneby +
Linnaeus f. +
Barneby +
Barneby & Spellenberg +
Barneby & Spellenberg +
S. L. Welsh & N. D. Atwood in S. L. Welsh +
E. Sheldon +
Linnaeus +
M. E. Jones +
M. E. Jones +
Barneby +
Jepson +
Greene +
S. L. Welsh & N. D. Atwood in S. L. Welsh et al. +
A. Gray +
Kearney +
(Parry) Brandegee +
(Hooker) Douglas ex G. Don +
(Hooker) Douglas ex G. Don +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
M. E. Jones +
Barneby +
S. L. Welsh +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
S. L. Welsh +
(Barneby) S. L. Welsh +
Linnaeus +
Greene +
S. L. Welsh +
Nuttall +
Barneby +
(E. H. Kelso) Barneby +
(Nuttall) Barneby in H. A. Gleason +
Barneby +
Barneby +
(Bentham) A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(A. Heller) J. F. Macbride +
(Barneby) Barneby +
(A. Heller) J. F. Macbride +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
Barneby in A. Cronquist et al. +
(Barneby) Barneby in A. Cronquist et al. +
(Barneby) S. L. Welsh +
A. Gray +
M. E. Jones +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
S. L. Welsh +
Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
M. E. Jones +
M. E. Jones +
(Barneby) Barneby +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Barneby +
Douglas in W. J. Hooker +
Hooker & Arnott +
Hooker & Arnott +
(A. Gray) Jepson +
(Rydberg) Jepson +
(Rydberg) Jepson +
Torrey & A. Gray +
Torrey & A. Gray +
(E. Sheldon) M. E. Jones +
A. Gray +
(Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray +
(Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray +
(A. Gray) M. E. Jones +
(Rydberg) Munz & McBurney +
Barneby +
Douglas in W. J. Hooker +
A. Gray +
M. E. Jones +
(Rydberg) Kearney & Peebles +
(Rydberg) Cory +
(Rydberg) Cory +
(Cory) Barneby +
(Barneby) Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
S. Watson +
Neese & S. L. Welsh +
E. Sheldon +
E. Sheldon +
M. E. Jones +
Barneby & Shevock +
B. L. Robinson +
M. E. Jones +
(Barneby) Barneby +
Lamarck in J. Lamarck et al. +
M. E. Jones +
Torrey ex A. Gray +
Nuttall in J. Torrey and A. Gray +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
Nuttall in J. Torrey and A. Gray +
S. L. Welsh in S. L. Welsh et al. +
(Hooker) Douglas ex G. Don +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
(Hooker) Douglas ex G. Don +
(A. Gray) Barneby +
Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
E. Sheldon +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(A. Gray) M. E. Jones +
Kellogg +
S. Watson +
Greene +
Tidestrom +
E. Sheldon +
E. Sheldon +
Linnaeus +
Nuttall +
Parry ex S. Watson +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
A. Gray +
Ced. Porter +
Barneby +
S. L. Welsh & N. D. Atwood in S. L. Welsh et al. +
S. L. Welsh +
Barneby +
Howell +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(Greene) M. E. Jones +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
(A. Gray) M. E. Jones +
M. E. Jones +
M. E. Jones +
Evert ex Dorn +
M. E. Jones +
S. Watson +
Douglas in W. J. Hooker +
Kellogg +
Munz & McBurney +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
E. Sheldon +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
S. L. Welsh +
Munz +
S. Watson +
Barneby +
B. L. Corbin +
A. Gray +
M. E. Jones +
(Barneby) Barneby +
S. Watson +
(M. Peck) Barneby +
(Barneby) Barneby +
(S. Watson) Dorn +
M. E. Jones +
P. J. Knight & Cully +
Barneby +
(M. E. Jones) S. L. Welsh +
A. Gray +
Jacquin +
(Hooker) Barneby & S. L. Welsh +
(Hultén) Barneby & S. L. Welsh +
Greene +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
A. Gray in W. H. Brewer et al. +
Douglas in W. J. Hooker +
M. E. Jones +
M. E. Jones +
Barneby in F. Shreve and I. L. Wiggins +
(Bentham) M. E. Jones +
(A. Gray) M. E. Jones +
(A. Gray) S. Watson +
S. L. Welsh & K. H. Thorne +
M. E. Jones +
(A. Gray) M. E. Jones +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
(Jepson) Barneby +
(M. E. Jones) M. E. Jones +
Douglas in W. J. Hooker +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
(A. Gray) M. E. Jones +
S. L. Welsh & N. D. Atwood in S. L. Welsh +
S. L. Welsh & N. D. Atwood in S. L. Welsh +
M. E. Jones +
(M. E. Jones) M. E. Jones +
(Rydberg) M. Peck +
S. L. Welsh & Barneby +
(Howell) Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
S. L. Welsh & N. D. Atwood +
S. L. Welsh +
(Greene) Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
A. Gray +
Torrey & A. Gray +
S. Watson ex M. E. Jones +
Barneby +
S. L. Welsh +
Engelmann ex A. Gray +
Osterhout +
Barneby +
Torrey in War Department [U.S.] +
Hooker +
M. E. Jones +
A. Gray +
(Hooker & Arnott) A. Gray +
Greene +
(Munz & McBurney) Barneby +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
(Nuttall) A. Gray +
(Kuntze) F. J. Hermann +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
Barneby +
Greene +
(Rydberg) Jepson +
(Rydberg) Jepson +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
Barneby +
Douglas in W. J. Hooker +
(M. E. Jones) Cronquist +
(Nuttall) Cronquist +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
Douglas in W. J. Hooker +
(Rydberg) Cronquist +
Barneby +
(A. Gray) Barneby +
(Nuttall) Barneby +
Nuttall +
A. Gray +
S. Watson +
(Clokey) Barneby +
S. Watson +
Torrey +
(A. Gray) Barneby +
Tidestrom +
(Greene ex Rydberg) Tidestrom +
(Greene ex Rydberg) Barneby +
(S. Watson) Barneby +
(Greene) Barneby +
(S. Watson) Barneby +
Barneby +
(Lavin & Marriott) S. L. Welsh +
(Barneby) S. L. Welsh +
Barneby +
S. L. Welsh +
Barneby +
Barneby +
(Pursh) A. Gray +
M. E. Jones +
Payson +
(Torrey & A. Gray) E. Sheldon +
Barneby +
Wooton & Standley +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(Rose ex Rydberg) Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
A. Nelson +
M. E. Jones +
M. J. Sanderson +
de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
(Small) Barneby in F. Shreve and I. L. Wiggins +
M. E. Jones +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
(Small) Barneby +
de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
(Shinners) Barneby +
Torrey & A. Gray +
(Torrey & A. Gray) J. T. Howell +
(Torrey & A. Gray) J. T. Howell +
(A. Gray) Barneby +
J. Rousseau +
Barneby +
Elliott +
S. Watson +
Barneby +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
S. Watson +
(M. E. Jones) M. E. Jones +
Barneby +
S. Watson +
S. L. Welsh +
Nuttall in J. Torrey and A. Gray +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
Greene +
Munz & McBurney +
A. Gray +
E. Sheldon +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
Greene +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
Piper +
(Hooker) Douglas ex G. Don +
Barneby +
Barneby +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
Barneby & S. L. Welsh +
Barneby & Mabberley +
Nuttall in J. Torrey and A. Gray +
A. Gray +
Bentham +
M. E. Jones +
S. Watson +
E. Sheldon +
(S. L. Welsh & N. D. Atwood) S. L. Welsh +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
E. Sheldon +
A. Gray +
M. E. Jones +
A. Gray +
Barneby +
(Rydberg) Wooton & Standley +
Barneby +
S. Watson +
Torrey & A. Gray +
(M. E. Jones) S. L. Welsh +
Torrey & A. Gray +
A. Gray +
S. L. Welsh +
(Howell) Barneby +
Osterhout +
(Greene) Barneby +
Osterhout +
Douglas in W. J. Hooker +
Barneby +
(Douglas) Barneby +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
(S. Watson) M. E. Jones +
(Barneby) Barneby in C. L. Hitchcock et al. +
Barneby +
Douglas in W. J. Hooker +
M. E. Jones +
A. Gray +
(Rydberg) Munz & McBurney +
Pursh +
Ced. Porter +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
Barneby +
Greene +
Torrey & A. Gray +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
A. Gray +
Barneby +
Barneby +
(Oakes) A. Gray +
(Rydberg) Barneby in C. L. Hitchcock et al. +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
Eggleston & E. Sheldon +
(Hooker) Barneby +
S. L. Welsh +
S. Watson +
(Oakes) A. Gray +
Greene +
A. Gray +
M. E. Jones +
M. E. Jones +
S. L. Welsh +
M. E. Jones +
Barneby +
(M. E. Jones) Rydberg +
Ced. Porter +
A. Gray +
Porter in T. C. Porter and J. M. Coulter +
Barneby +
Barneby +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
Linnaeus +
M. E. Jones +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
Barneby +
Bunge +
A. Gray +
M. E. Jones +
Barneby +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
Barneby +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Barneby +
Barneby +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Barneby +
Bunge +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Barneby +
Barneby +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
Karelin & Kirilov +
(W. D. J. Koch) Bunge +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
A. Gray +
Barneby +
Barneby +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
S. L. Welsh & B. L. Corbin in S. L. Welsh and N. D. Atwood +
S. L. Welsh +
Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
Barneby +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
A. Gray +
Barneby +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
Barneby +
Barneby +
Gontscharow +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
A. Gray +
de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
A. Gray +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
S. Watson +
S. L. Welsh +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
M. E. Jones +
A. Gray +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
Barneby +
de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
A. Gray +
Barneby +
Barneby +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
Barneby +
(Barneby) Barneby +
(Kuntze) E. Sheldon +
(Kuntze) E. Sheldon +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
M. E. Jones +
S. Watson +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
Barneby +
Nuttall in J. Torrey and A. Gray +
Barneby +
(Nuttall) A. Gray +
Piper +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
Lundell +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
E. Sheldon +
A. Gray +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
A. Gray +
S. L. Welsh +
(M. E. Jones) S. L. Welsh +
(Jepson) Barneby +
Douglas in W. J. Hooker +
M. E. Jones +
(Meinke & Kaye) S. L. Welsh +
M. E. Jones +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(Eastwood) Barneby +
A. Gray ex Chapman +
A. Gray +
(A. Gray) Barneby +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
S. Watson +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
Bunge +
(Rydberg) Clokey +
Barneby +
Barneby +
A. Gray +
S. L. Welsh & N. D. Atwood +
A. Gray +
Barneby +
J. L. Anderson & J. M. Porter +
Eastwood +
A. Gray +
(Nuttall) A. Gray +
(A. Gray) Jepson +
(M. E. Jones) Barneby +
(Nuttall) A. Gray +
A. Gray +
S. Watson +
Canby +
M. Peck +
Bunge +
E. Sheldon +
Barneby +
(Torrey) Torrey & A. Gray in War Department [U.S.] +
A. Gray +
M. E. Jones +
E. Sheldon +
E. Sheldon +
Michaux +
A. Gray +
Barneby +
A. Gray in W. H. Brewer et al. +
Barneby in A. Cronquist et al. +
M. E. Jones +
A. Gray +
Barneby +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
(Rydberg) Barneby +
(Greene) Jepson +
A. Gray +
Rydberg +
S. Watson +
Barneby +
Barneby +
E. Sheldon +
E. Sheldon +
A. Gray +
(Barneby) Barneby +
Barneby +
M. E. Jones +
S. L. Welsh +
M. E. Jones +
Nuttall +
(Rafinesque) G. L. Nesom +
(Michaux) Nuttall +
(Shinners) De Jong +
D. M. Benham & Windham +
(Goodding) D. M. Benham & Windham +
D. M. Benham +
D. M. Benham +
(Goodding) D. M. Benham & Windham +
(Hooker) D. M. Benham & Windham +
(Lagasca ex Swartz) D. M. Benham & Windham +
D. M. Benham +
(Lagasca ex Swartz) D. M. Benham & Windham +
D. M. Benham +
Lemaire +
(Zuccarini) Lemaire +
Miers ex Hooker & Arnott +
Miers ex Hooker & Arnott +
Tausch ex Opiz +
(Butters) Boivin +
(Linnaeus) Roth +
(Willdenow) G. Lawson +
(Michaux) Farwell +
Ruprecht +
(Hooker) Greene +
(M. E. Jones) Jepson +
A. Gray +
(A. Gray) A. Gray +
(Renauld & Cardot) B. B. Smyth & L. C. D. Smyth +
(Bridel) Bruch & Schimper +
Bescherelle +
(James) Sullivant +
(F. Weber) G. L. Smith +
Mitten +
Austin +
(Röhling) Bruch & Schimper +
(Hedwig) P. Beauvois +
(Torrey) S. Watson +
(Torrey) S. Watson +
(Henrickson) S. L. Welsh & Crompton +
Paul G. Wilson +
Nuttall +
Nuttall +
M. E. Jones +
(Stutz, G. L. Chu & S. C. Sanderson) S. L. Welsh +
(M. E. Jones) S. L. Welsh +
(Standley) S. L. Welsh +
Moquin-Tandon +
(Pursh) Nuttall +
(Pursh) Nuttall +
S. L. Welsh & Stutz +
(Torrey & Frémont) S. Watson +
Jepson +
(Stutz, G. L. Chu & S. C. Sanderson) S. L. Welsh +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
(Hoover) S. L. Welsh +
S. Watson +
(Moquin-Tandon) D. Dietrich +
(Standley) J. F. Macbride +
Rafinesque +
(Moquin-Tandon) D. Dietrich +
(Moquin-Tandon) D. Dietrich +
(S. Watson) M. E. Jones +
Jepson +
(Moquin-Tandon) D. Dietrich +
(A. Nelson) S. L. Welsh & Crompton +
(C. A. Hanson) S. L. Welsh +
(A. Nelson) S. L. Welsh +
(M. E. Jones) S. L. Welsh +
(Moquin-Tandon) D. Dietrich +
(M. E. Jones) Dorn +
(C. A. Hanson) S. L. Welsh +
Rydberg +
Rydberg +
(C. A. Hanson) S. L. Welsh & Crompton +
Edmondston +
(Taschereau) S. L. Welsh +
(Taschereau) S. L. Welsh +
Edmondston +
C. A. Meyer ex Bongard +
(S. Watson) S. L. Welsh +
C. A. Meyer ex Bongard +
M. E. Jones +
Bunge +
F. Mueller +
Linnaeus +
(Torrey) S. Watson +
A. Nelson +
M. C. Johnston +
Linnaeus +
(Torrey) S. Watson +
(Moquin-Tandon) D. Dietrich +
Moquin-Tandon +
S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
A. Nelson +
Rafinesque +
Boguslaw +
Lindley +
Waldstein & Kitaibel +
Moquin-Tandon +
A. Nelson +
S. Watson +
(Jepson) S. L. Welsh +
(Standley) S. L. Welsh +
S. Watson +
(Stutz & G. L. Chu) S. L. Welsh +
(Stutz & G. L. Chu) S. L. Welsh +
S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
(Jacquin) Standley +
(Torrey ex S. Watson) S. Watson +
W. A. Weber +
(Torrey) S. Watson +
S. Watson +
(Stutz & G. L. Chu) S. L. Welsh +
S. Watson +
Boucher ex de Candolle +
(Torrey) S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
S. Watson +
(Stutz, G. L. Chu & S. C. Sanderson) S. L. Welsh +
(M. E. Jones) S. L. Welsh +
S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
S. L. Welsh +
Moquin-Tandon +
(Torrey) McNeill +
(Gaertner) C. A. Meyer +
(Standley) S. L. Welsh +
S. L. Welsh +
(Ascherson) Ascherson & Graebner +
(Standley) Ulbrich +
Buxbaum +
Dumortier +
R. Brown +
A. Nelson ex Abrams +
(Standley) Munz +
A. Nelson ex Abrams +
J. F. Macbride +
I. Verdoorn +
Linnaeus +
(Gaertner) Reichenbach +
(Torrey & Frémont) S. L. Welsh +
(Standley) S. L. Welsh +
(Standley) S. L. Welsh +
(Standley) S. L. Welsh +
(Standley) S. L. Welsh +
(Standley) S. L. Welsh +
(Standley) S. L. Welsh +
(Standley) S. L. Welsh +
(Standley) S. L. Welsh +
(Standley) S. L. Welsh +
(Torrey) Rydberg +
Linnaeus +
(S. Watson) S. Watson +
(Standley) G. D. Brown +
(S. Watson) S. Watson +
(Torrey ex S. Watson) A. Gray +
Coville +
A. Nelson ex Abrams +
S. Watson +
(A. Nelson) S. L. Welsh +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
(Linnaeus) de Candolle +
Thunberg +
Schimper +
Schwagrichen +
(Lindberg & Arnell) Kindberg +
(Hedwig) Schwagrichen +
(Hedwig) Schwagrichen +
(Wahlenberg) Schwagrichen +
Rafinesque +
(Linnaeus) Farwell +
(Bentham) Pennell +
(Rafinesque) Rafinesque +
(Chapman) Pennell +
(Nuttall) Pennell +
(Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex Pennell +
(Linnaeus) Pennell +
(Arduino) Schur +
(Linnaeus) Desvaux +
S.W.L. Jacobs & J. Everett +
(Labill.) S.W.L. Jacobs & J. Everett +
(Trin.) S.W.L. Jacobs & J. Everett +
Pott ex Link +
L. +
Peterm. +
Durieu +
L. +
L. +
(Scribn.) Holub +
(Huds.) Dumort. +
(Sw.) P. Beauv. +
(Raddi) Kuhlm. +
(Flüggé) Hitchc. +
(Humb. & Bonpl. ex Flüggé) Kuhlm. +
Linnaeus +
Rose +
Grisebach +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
Cristóbal +
A. Gray +
Cristóbal +
Willdenow +
Lamarck +
C. Presl +
Wettstein +
Michaux +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
Vahl +
de Candolle +
Persoon +
Persoon +
Linnaeus +
A. Gray +
R. M. Beauchamp & Henrickson +
Britton +
de Candolle +
(de Candolle) C. B. Wolf +
de Candolle +
A. Gray +
de Candolle +
(Ruiz & Pavón) Persoon +
Torrey & A. Gray +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray +
Kunth +
R. M. Beauchamp +
A. Gray +
(Walter) B. L. Robinson +
(Poeppig) Pennell +
(Kellogg) Pennell +
(M. Gómez) Alain +
(Linnaeus) Wettstein +
(Swartz) Wettstein +
(Michaux) Wettstein +
Bentham +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(A. Gray) E. E. Schilling & Panero +
(Greene) E. E. Schilling & Panero +
(S. Watson) E. E. Schilling & Panero +
Harvey & A. Gray +
Harvey & A. Gray +
Harvey & A. Gray +
(Pursh) B. L. Robinson +
R. M. Harper +
Nuttall +
Hooker ex Nuttall +
A. Gray +
Nuttall +
W. M. Sharp +
Nuttall +
Nuttall +
(W. M. Sharp) W. A. Weber +
W. M. Sharp +
Nuttall +
A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride +
(Pursh) Nuttall +
W. A. Weber +
A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride +
(Nuttall) W. M. Sharp +
Hooker ex Nuttall +
(L.) Voss +
(Lour.) Raeusch. ex Schult. & Schult. f. +
Munro +
Schrad. ex J.C. Wendl. +
(Linnaeus) R. Brown in W. Aiton and W. T. Aiton +
W. H. Duncan +
(Linnaeus) R. Brown in W. Aiton and W. T. Aiton +
(Linnaeus) R. Brown in W. Aiton and W. T. Aiton +
(Lehmann) Fernald +
Muhlenberg ex Elliott +
Canby +
(Rafinesque) Fernald & B. G. Schubert +
Small +
(Rafinesque) Thieret +
(Rafinesque) Thieret +
(Larisey) B. L. Turner +
(Walter) Elliott +
(Small) B. L. Turner +
(Walter) Elliott +
Torrey & A. Gray +
Nuttall +
Chapman ex Torrey & A. Gray +
Small +
(Linnaeus) R. Brown in W. Aiton and W. T. Aiton +
Croom +
Nuttall +
(Linnaeus) R. Brown in W. Aiton and W. T. Aiton +
Ledebour +
Andrzejowski +
(Miller) Ascherson +
W. T. Aiton +
(Sullivant) M. Fleischer +
(Mitten) A. Jaeger +
(Müller Hal.) Brotherus +
Hedwig +
(Cardot & Thériot) R. H. Zander +
R. H. Zander +
(Hooker) Sprengel +
(Mitten) R. H. Zander +
(Hooker) Sprengel +
Müller Hal. +
Hedwig +
H. Robinson & Brettell +
(Kunth) H. Robinson & Brettell +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(Michaux) Muhlenberg +
(B. L. Robinson) J. M. Gillett +
(Michaux) Muhlenberg +
(Correll) K. G. Mathews +
(Michaux) Rafinesque ex Barton +
(Linnaeus) Britton +
Bridel +
Hedwig +
Bridel +
Hedwig +
Montagne +
Bridel +
Bruch & Schimper +
Schwagrichen +
Kindberg +
(James) Kindberg +
Linnaeus +
Moquin-Tandon +
Schlechter +
(Small) Ames +
(Linnaeus) Ascherson +
(Pallas) Kuntze +
(Linnaeus) Kunth +
Fryxell +
(Rose) Fryxell +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
A. Gray ex S. Watson +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
(Bentham) Greene +
Greene +
Host +
(Steud.) Fernald +
Willdenow +
Link +
C. Agardh +
Ventenat +
Adanson +
(Linnaeus) de Candolle +
(Linnaeus) Cuatrecasas +
(Linnaeus) Allioni +
(Linnaeus) Fischer & C. A. Meyer +
P. C. Chen +
(Griffith) R. H. Zander +
Linnaeus +
Schlechter +
(Reichenbach f.) Schlechter +
(H. M. Hall) D. D. Keck +
C. V. Morton +
(Abrams & Bacigalupi) C. V. Morton +
Jussieu +
(Eastwood) L. C. Wheeler +
Pursh +
Fortune +
Miller +
Hooker +
Jepson +
A. Gray +
Torrey +
Wooton +
Kearney & Peebles +
Munz +
Pursh +
A. Gray +
Lagasca +
Lagasca +
(Abrams) McMinn +
Greene +
Lindley +
Buckley ex M. J. Young +
de Candolle +
Moricand +
Linnaeus +
Kearney +
(Hill) K. Koch +
Britton & Rose +
(Engelmann) Britton & Rose +
(Hooker) Seubert +
de Candolle +
Bentham +
(B. L. Turner) Pinkava +
(Michaux) Nuttall +
(Nuttall) Nuttall +
de Candolle +
(Hooker) Small +
Small +
(A. Gray) M. E. Jones +
C. V. Morton +
(Scheele) S. Watson +
I. M. Johnston +
(Linnaeus) de Candolle +
(Sullivant & Lesquereux) Brotherus +
Linnaeus +
(Linnaeus) Arcangeli +
Linnaeus +
Britton +
Regel +
Michaux +
W. H. Evans +
Linnaeus +
Spach +
(Tuckerman) Fernald +
B. V. Barnes & Dancik +
Linnaeus +
(Sukaczev) Hultén +
Linnaeus +
Sargent +
Linnaeus +
Hooker +
Marshall +
Roth +
Marshall +
Ehrhart +
Ehrhart +
(Ledebour) Nyman +
Linnaeus +
(Ashe) Fernald +
Gray +
Koehne +
Koehne +
Greene +
(Michaux) Britton +
(Aiton) Sherff +
Torrey ex Sprengel +
(Nuttall) Britton +
A. Gray +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Britton +
Fernald +
Linnaeus +
(Fernald) Fernald & H. St. John +
A. Gray +
Greene +
(Linnaeus) Britton +
A. Gray +
Sherff +
(Michaux) Sherff +
Linnaeus +
S. F. Blake +
A. Gray +
(Michaux) Britton +
Linnaeus +
Greene +
(Michaux) de Candolle +
(L. C. Anderson) Shinners +
(Michaux) de Candolle +
L. C. Anderson +
Fryxell +
(Rose ex A. Heller) Fryxell +
Blume +
(Pursh) Small +
Delarbre +
(Small) Greene +
(Linnaeus) Delarbre +
C. Presl +
Linnaeus +
Richard +
(Linnaeus) Roth +
Lessing +
Heiser +
(Hooker) S. F. Blake +
(Hooker) S. F. Blake +
J. T. Howell +
Hack. +
(S. Watson) Hack. +
(S. Watson) Hack. +
Hooker +
Hooker +
(A. Gray) Greene +
Greene +
(Kellogg) Greene +
Nash +
(Torr.) Nash +
Graham +
(Lamarck) de Candolle +
(Hedwig) Bruch & Schimper +
S. Watson +
(Torrey) Coville +
(Kellogg) J. W. Ingram +
(Torrey) Coville +
(Greene) J. W. Ingram +
Hoover +
Rafinesque +
(Linnaeus) Mears +
Oteng-Yeboah +
(Hudson) Oteng-Yeboah +
Richard +
(Greene) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Nuttall) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Suksdorf ex Greene) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Al-Shehbaz +
(S. Watson) Al-Shehbaz +
(S. Watson) Al-Shehbaz +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Porter) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(G. A. Mulligan) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Linnaeus) Al-Shehbaz +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(M. E. Jones) Dorn +
(Fernald) Á. Löve & D. Löve +
(Greene) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Al-Shehbaz +
(Greene) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(B. L. Robinson) W. A. Weber +
(S. Watson) Al-Shehbaz +
(Greene) N. H. Holmgren +
(Rafinesque) Al-Shehbaz & Zarucchi +
(A. Nelson & P. B. Kennedy) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(M. E. Jones) Al-Shehbaz +
(A. Nelson) Á. Löve & D. Löve +
(Greene) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Windham +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Dorn +
(Rollins) Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Dorn +
(S. Watson) W. A. Weber +
(Rollins) W. A. Weber +
(Rollins) W. A. Weber +
(S. L. Welsh) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Greene) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(A. Nelson) Al-Shehbaz +
Dorn +
(M. E. Jones) Al-Shehbaz +
(S. L. Welsh) N. H. Holmgren +
(Greene) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Greene) Dorn +
(Lehmann) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) W. A. Weber +
(S. L. Welsh) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Greene) Al-Shehbaz +
(Munz) Al-Shehbaz +
(Hornemann) Á. Löve & D. Löve +
(Greene) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(S. Watson) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Al-Shehbaz +
(Munz) Al-Shehbaz +
(Howell) Al-Shehbaz +
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Dorn +
(S. Watson) W. A. Weber +
(A. Nelson) W. A. Weber +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(S. Watson) Dorn +
(S. Watson) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Nuttall) Dorn +
(Greene) Al-Shehbaz +
(Tidestrom) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Al-Shehbaz +
(Greene) W. A. Weber +
(Rollins) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) W. A. Weber +
(S. Watson) Al-Shehbaz +
(Nuttall) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Greene) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Greene) W. A. Weber +
(A. Nelson) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(S. Watson) W. A. Weber +
(E. L. Braun) Al-Shehbaz +
(Tidestrom) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Al-Shehbaz +
(A. Gray) Al-Shehbaz +
(Greene) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Wooton & Standley) Windham +
(Greene) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Nuttall) Dorn +
(M. E. Jones ex S. Watson) W. A. Weber +
(Rollins) Dorn +
(Rollins) Al-Shehbaz +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Greene) Al-Shehbaz +
(S. Watson) Al-Shehbaz +
(Graham) Á. Löve & D. Löve +
(Rollins) Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Al-Shehbaz +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Jepson) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Dorn +
(E. S. Steele) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Munz) Dorn +
(Nuttall) Dorn +
(Rydberg) Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Graham) Al-Shehbaz +
(S. Watson) Al-Shehbaz +
(S. Watson) Dorn +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Al-Shehbaz +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
(Rollins) Dorn +
Windham & Al-Shehbaz +
S. Boyd +
(Linnaeus) Swartz +
(Linnaeus) Gaudichaud-Beaupré +
Torrey +
Brandegee +
Miller +
(Hooker f.) S. Watson +
(Hooker f.) S. Watson +
(S. Watson) Spellenberg +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Heimerl +
M. E. Jones +
A. Gray +
Standley +
S. Watson +
A. Gray +
Choisy +
(S. Watson) Standley +
S. Watson +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
S. Watson +
(Ascherson) Palla +
(Torrey) Soják +
(Lamarck) S. G. Smith +
(Linnaeus) Palla +
(Linnaeus) Palla +
(A. Nelson) T. Koyama +
(Britton) S. G. Smith +
(Pursh) Soják +
L. C. Anderson +
(Linnaeus) L’Héritier +
(Linnaeus) L’Héritier +
(A. Gray) Cronquist +
(Fernald & Griscom) Cronquist +
(Walter) Fernald +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Alph. Wood +
Elliott +
Elliott +
Fernald & Griscom +
(Kuhn) L. Underwood +
(A. Gray) Hallier f. +
(Torrey) Hallier f. +
(Cavanilles) Ståhl & Källersjö +
(Cavanilles) Ståhl & Källersjö +
Linnaeus +
(Linnaeus) de Candolle +
(Linnaeus) de Candolle +
Britton & S. F. Blake +
C. A. Meyer ex Bongard +
(Chamisso & Schlechtendal) B. Fedtschenko +
Kuntze +
(Hitchc.) Henrard +
(Lag.) Herter +
(Retz.) S.T. Blake +
(Gould) Parodi +
(Nash) Henrard +
(Gould) Gould +
(L.) Keng +
(DC.) Herter +
(Gould) Allred & Gould +
(L.) A. Camus +
(Gould) Parodi +
(Hack.) Henrard +
Swartz +
W. H. Wagner +
W. H. Wagner +
(Savigny) L. Underwood +
J. Milde +
W. H. Wagner & Farrar +
W. H. Wagner +
Sprengel +
W. H. Wagner +
Farrar & Johnson Groh +
(Maxon & R. T. Clausen) W. H. Wagner & Lellinger +
L. Underwood +
(S. G. Gmelin) Angström +
(Pease & A. H. Moore) R. T. Clausen +
(S. G. Gmelin) Angström +
(Linnaeus) Swartz +
(Michaux) Swartz +
(Döll) A. Braun ex W. D. J. Koch +
Victorin +
W. H. Wagner +
W. H. Wagner +
(S. G. Gmelin) Ruprecht +
(Gilbert) House +
W. H. Wagner +
W. H. Wagner +
W. H. Wagner +
H. St. John +
W. H. Wagner +
Coville +
W. H. Wagner +
W. H. Wagner +
(Lyon) R. T. Clausen +
E. Hitchcock +
W. H. Wagner +
Swartz +
(J. Milde) R. T. Clausen +
(Linnaeus) Swartz +
de Candolle ex Dunal in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
(Kunth) Griseb. +
(Kunth) Griseb. +
M.E. Jones +
Lag. +
(Vasey) Gould +
Vasey +
(Kunth) Benth. ex S. Watson +
(Michx.) Torr. +
Gould & Kapadia +
(Michx.) Torr. +
Griffiths +
(Torr.) Torr. +
(Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths +
Lag. +
(Feath.) Wipff & S.D. Jones +
Warnock +
(E. Fourn.) Griffiths +
(E. Fourn.) Griffiths +
Scribn. ex Vasey +
(Kunth) Scribn. & Merr. +
(Steud.) Hitchc. +
Lag. +
(Desv.) A. Gray +
Thurb. ex S. Watson +
(Scribn. ex S. Watson) Vasey ex L.H. Dewey +
Thurb. ex S. Watson +
Vasey +
Gould & Kapadia +
Nuttall +
(Piper) G. N. Jones +
A. Gray +
Torrey & A. Gray +
(Hooker) Rothrock +
Parry ex A. Gray +
Schimper ex Cardot +
(P. Beauvois) Cardot +
Schott & Endlicher +
(Schott & Endlicher) R. Brown +
Fürnrohr +
(E. Britton) T. T. McIntosh & J. R. Spence +
(F. Weber) Fürnrohr +
P. Beauv. +
(Michx.) P. Beauv. ex Branner & Coville +
(Schreb.) P. Beauv. +
Schwagrichen +
Cardot +
Montagne +
P. Beauv. +
(L.) P. Beauv. +
(L.) Roem. & Schult. +
(L.) P. Beauv. +
(Host) Roem. & Schult. +
(Huds.) P. Beauv. +
Pennell +
(A. Gray) Pennell +
Schimper +
Ignatov & Huttunen +
(Schleicher ex Müller Hal.) Ignatov & Huttunen +
(Flowers) Ignatov +
(Sullivant) Ochyra & Zarnowiec +
(Grout) Ignatov & Huttunen +
(Funck ex Bridel) Ignatov & Huttunen +
(Hedwig) Ignatov & Huttunen +
(Schimper) Ochyra & Zarnowiec +
(Hedwig) Ignatov & Huttunen +
Schimper +
(Hedwig) Austin +
(Mitten) Sullivant +
(Hedwig) Schimper +
(Mitten ex Müller Hal.) Sullivant +
(Lesquereux) A. Jaeger +
Ignatov +
(Austin) H. Robinson +
(Müller Hal.) Schimper +
(Schwagrichen) Schimper +
I. Hagen +
Schimper +
Kosovich-Anderson & Ignatov Kosovich-Anderson & Ignatov +
(Müller Hal.) Bescherelle +
Ignatov +
(Bridel) Schimper +
Schimper +
De Notaris +
(Bridel) W. R. Buck +
(Hedwig) Schimper +
(Hoffmann ex F. Weber & D. Mohr) Schimper +
(Hartman) Kindberg +
I. Hagen +
Torrey & A. Gray +
(Nuttall) Semple +
(S. Watson) Cogniaux +
J. F. Gmelin +
(Linnaeus) Lindley +
Ehrhart +
Cirillo +
(Linnaeus) Czernajew +
Linnaeus +
(Linnaeus) W. D. J. Koch +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Gouan +
Burnett +
de Candolle +
de Candolle +
D. A. German & Al-Shehbaz +
de Candolle +
Al-Shehbaz +
de Candolle +
de Candolle +
Horaninov +
de Candolle +
Dumortier +
Ledebour, C. A. Meyer & Bunge +
Buchenau +
D. A. German & Al-Shehbaz +
Al-Shehbaz +
Dumortier +
de Candolle +
Al-Shehbaz +
Al-Shehbaz +
Prantl +
Webb & Berthelot +
Burnett +
de Candolle +
de Candolle +
Dumortier +
Al-Shehbaz & Warwick +
Al-Shehbaz +
B. L. Robinson +
de Candolle +
Al-Shehbaz +
de Candolle +
Lorentz +
(Hooker) Bruch & Schimper +
Abbe +
Richardson +
Richardson +
J. G. Harris +
(R. Brown) W. J. Cody +
(C. A. Meyer) B. L. Robinson +
J. G. Harris +
(C. A. Meyer) B. L. Robinson +
J. G. Harris +
J. G. Harris +
Rouy +
Fernald +
Hooker +
Ostenfeld +
J. G. Harris +
J. R. Forster & G. Forster +
Elliott +
B. L. Robinson +
A. Gray +
(B. L. Robinson) Jepson +
(B. L. Robinson) Jepson +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(A. Gray) A. Gray +
(Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray +
(Greene) B. L. Robinson +
Elliott +
A. Gray +
(A. Gray) B. L. Turner +
A. Gray +
A. Gray & Engelmann +
(de Candolle) Schultz-Bipontinus +
Coville +
(Linnaeus) Shinners +
(Wooton & Standley) B. L. Turner +
(Torrey & A. Gray) Shinners +
(Linnaeus) Shinners +
(R. W. Long) B. L. Turner +
(A. Gray) B. L. Turner +
(Shinners) Shinners +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(Hooker) Nuttall +
A. Gray +
Standley +
Standley +
(Flyr) B. L. Turner +
A. Gray +
Drew +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(B. L. Robinson) B. L. Turner +
A. Gray +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
(Kellogg) Cronquist +
(Nuttall) A. Gray +
(Nuttall) A. Gray +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
Nuttall +
(D. C. Eaton) B. L. Robinson +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(Wooton & Standley) B. L. Robinson +
(Kunth) A. Gray +
R. M. King & H. Robinson +
(A. Gray) R. M. King & H. Robinson +
(Elliott) Greene +
L. +
L. +
L. +
Hoover +
Lindley +
(Greene) J. C. Pires +
(Salisbury) Engler +
(Salisbury) Engler +
(Greene) T. F. Niehaus +
Hoover +
T. F. Niehaus +
S. Watson +
(Jepson) T. F. Niehaus +
Eastwood +
T. F. Niehaus +
(Bentham) S. Watson +
(Greene) Baker +
Hoover +
Eastwood +
S. Watson +
Kellogg +
(Hoover) T. F. Niehaus +
A. L. Jussieu +
(Kuntze) Rugolo +
Trin. ex Griseb. +
Rupr. ex E. Fourn. +
Labill. +
(Shear) Stebbins +
Colla +
Fisch. & C.A. Mey. +
Hook. & Arn. +
Hook. & Arn. +
(Nees) Barkworth & Anderton +
Vahl +
(E. Desv.) Planchuelo +
Schrad. +
Trin. ex C.A. Mey. +
Roth +
Huds. +
(Shear) Wooton & Standl. +
(Shear) Hitchc. +
(Hitchc.) Saarela & P.M. Peterson +
(J. Lloyd ex Billot) Maire & Weiller +
(P. M. Sm.) H. Scholz +
(Hardouin) Braun-Blanq. +
Leyss. +
Thunb. +
A. Gray +
Shear +
(Shear) Rydb. +
Roth +
(Scribn. ex Shear) Hitchc. +
Holmb. +
(Piper) Hitchc. +
Wagnon +
Fernald +
Vasey +
Shear +
Scribn. +
(J.M. Coult.) Nash +
Wagnon +
Muhl. ex Willd. +
Scribn. +
W.W. Mitch. & Wilton +
Huds. +
Link +
Rehmann +
L. +
Dumort. +
(P. Beauv.) Griseb. +
Dumort. +
(Shear) Hitchc. +
Trin. +
Vasey +
(Shear) Hitchc. +
(Hook.) Shear +
Kunth in A. von Humboldt et al. +
S. Watson +
Swartz +
(Sullivant) Müller Hal. +
Loeske ex M. Fleischer +
W. B. Schofield +
(Duby) M. Fleischer +
(Michaux) M. Fleischer +
(Renauld & Cardot) M. Fleischer +
L'Héritier ex Ventenat +
(Linnaeus) Ventenat +
Linnaeus +
Van Devender & P. D. Jenkins +
Lesquereux +
Sullivant +
Austin +
Hampe ex E. Britton +
(Schwägrichen) Müller Hal. +
E. Britton +
Austin +
Wilson ex Sullivant +
Austin +
Schwägrichen +
Schimper +
Banks ex Gaertner +
(Walter) Shinners +
(Bridel) Grout +
E. B. Bartram +
(Sullivant & Lesquereux) Grout +
H. Robinson +
(Hedwig) H. Robinson +
Hedwig +
Hedwig +
L. E. Anderson +
(Brotherus & Dixon) W. R. Buck +
P. C. Chen +
(F. J. Hermann & E. Lawton) R. H. Zander +
(Stirton) Giacomini +
(Taylor) R. H. Zander +
(Hedwig) P. C. Chen +
D. H. Norris & Enroth +
(Kindberg) D. H. Norris & Enroth +
Linnaeus +
Jacquin +
Salisbury +
(Raymond-Hamet & H. Perrier) A. Berger +
(Ecklon & Zeyher) Schinz +
(Raymond-Hamet & H. Perrier) Lauzac-Marchal +
(Raymond-Hamet & H. Perrier) Lauzac-Marchal +
(Lamarck) Oken +
Bescherelle +
Mitten +
(Bridel) Mitten +
Hedwig +
Hedwig +
Schwagrichen +
Bridel +
Bruch & Schimper +
J. R. Spence +
Mitten +
(P. Beauvois) Bridel +
Lindberg +
De Notaris +
(Nutt.) Engelm. +
Linnaeus +
Gandoger +
Bentham +
(Hedwig) Ireland +
Roivainen +
(F. Weber & D. Mohr) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Frisvoll) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Kindberg) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Hedwig) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Ireland) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Kindberg in Macoun) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra in R. Ochyra et al. +
(E. Lawton) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Kindberg in Macoun) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra in R. Ochyra et al. +
(Hedwig) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Frisvoll) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Renauld & Cardot) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Ireland & J. R. Spence) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Kindberg) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Bednarek-Ochyra) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Bednarek-Ochyra) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Bednarek-Ochyra) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Funck) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Frisvoll) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra +
(Nuttall) Torrey +
Franchet +
Lamarck +
Fortune +
Lamarck +
Bentham +
Torrey +
Torrey +
Willdenow +
Kunth +
Kunth +
Coville +
Thouars +
(A. Richard) Grisebach +
Kunth +
(Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke +
(Linnaeus) C. B. Clarke +
(Elliott) Fernald +
(Elliott) Fernald +
(Elliott) Kral +
(Steudel) C. B. Clarke +
(Vahl) Kükenthal ex Osten +
(Boeckeler) C. B. Clarke +
(Elliott) C. B. Clarke +
(Torrey) C. B. Clarke +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
(Walter ex J. F. Gmelin) Martius +
Martius +
Blume +
Richard +
Linnaeus +
Hedwig +
S. Okamura +
Best +
(de Candolle) de Candolle +
Schwägrichen +
Linnaeus +
(Miller) de Candolle +
A. Gray +
A. Richard +
A. Gray +
(A. Gray) A. Gray +
Burnett +
Engelmann +
(Linnaeus) Swartz +
(Linnaeus) Huth +
Rodman +
(Bigelow) Hooker +
(Bigelow) Hooker +
(Small) Rodman +
(Bigelow) Hooker +
Fernald +
(B. L. Robinson) Millspaugh +
(Willdenow) O. E. Schulz +
(Greene) Rodman +
(Willdenow) O. E. Schulz +
Scopoli +
Scopoli +
Adans. +
Thurb. +
Thurb. +
Hitchc. +
(Michx.) P. Beauv. +
(Michx.) P. Beauv. +
(Link) Inman +
(Vasey) Stebbins +
(Muhl.) W.P.C. Barton +
(L.) Roth +
Kearney +
Adans. +
Vasey +
(Wahlenb.) Hartm. +
(Scribn.) Vasey +
B.L. Wilson & Sami Gray +
(J. Presl) Steud. +
(J.T. Howell) Nygren +
Scribn. +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(Swallen) C.W. Greene +
R. Br. +
Buckley +
M.E. Jones +
(Trin.) Tzvelev +
(Timm) Koeler +
(A. Gray) C.W. +
(Timm) Koeler +
K.L. Marr & Hebda +
(Scribn.) Scribn. +
(Schrad.) D.C. +
Hack. +
K.E. Rogers +
(Torr.) Scribn. +
(Vasey) Scribn. +
(Nutt.) Scribn. & Merr. +
(Hook.) Scribn. +
(Hook.) Scribn. +
Scribn. & Merr. +
Kunth +
S. Watson +
(Ruiz & Pavón) de Candolle +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
(Asso) Thellung +
Cervantes in P. de la Llave and J. M. de Lexarza +
(Jussieu) D’Arcy +
Linnaeus +
(A. Jussieu) D. M. Johnson +
Bentham +
Tharp +
Bentham +
Bentham +
Bentham +
(A. Gray) L. D. Benson +
B. L. Turner +
H. A. Crum +
(Greville) H. A. Crum +
(Müller Hal.) Mitten +
(Hornschuch) Ångström +
(Sullivant) Kindberg +
(Hedwig) Kindberg +
(Schimper) Kindberg +
Mikutowicz +
(Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus +
(Mitten) Kindberg +
Vanderpoorten +
Loeske +
(Hedwig) Loeske +
Whitson +
(Riddell) Whitson +
(Michaux) A. Gray +
Fernald +
Nuttall +
(Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray +
(Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray +
R. F. Martin +
(Cavanilles) A. Gray +
(Nuttall ex Hooker) A. Gray +
B. L. Robinson +
(Leavenworth) A. Gray +
(Swartz) E. S. Anderson & Woodson +
(Lindley) Woodson +
(Small) G. C. Tucker +
(Torrey) D. R. Hunt +
(Small) G. C. Tucker +
(Jacquin) Linnaeus +
(Ventenat) D. R. Hunt +
Linnaeus +
Petagna +
(Kützing ex W. D. J. Koch) Lansdown +
Schotsman +
Linnaeus +
Pursh +
Morong +
Torrey +
Linnaeus +
Nuttall +
Nuttall +
Scopoli +
Lansdown +
Rafinesque +
Fassett +
J. Thompson & L. P. Johnson +
(Linnaeus) Hull +
Kurz +
(Torrey) Florin +
Pursh +
(Bentham) Douglas ex Bentham +
Purdy +
(M. E. Jones) Ownbey +
Greene +
Baker +
(Hoover) Zebell & P. L. Fiedler +
S. Watson +
A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
(Hoover) P. L. Fiedler & Zebell +
(Hoover) P. L. Fiedler & Zebell +
(Kellogg) S. Watson +
(Baker) Purdy +
M. R. Godfrey & Callahan +
Purdy +
Pursh +
Alph. Wood +
(H. St. John) Ownbey +
S. Watson +
Greene +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
Cockerell +
S. Watson +
Ownbey & M. Peck +
Greene +
Porter +
Hooker f. +
S. Watson +
Douglas ex Lindley +
Baker +
Douglas +
(A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride) A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride +
Ownbey +
Ownbey +
(Lindley) Lemaire +
Douglas +
S. Watson +
Torrey +
Lemmon +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
(Ownbey) Reveal +
Ownbey +
Greene +
(Bentham) Alph. Wood +
Farwig & V. Girard +
(Hoover) Munz +
Douglas ex Bentham +
Parish +
Piper +
Purdy ex J. T. Howell +
A. J. Hill +
Hooker & Arnott +
Alph. Wood +
Fredricks +
Hooker & Arnott +
Douglas ex Bentham +
Purdy +
Alph. Wood +
Alph. Wood +
Eastwood +
J. Agardh +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
(Walter) Ames +
Lindley +
D. H. Goldman +
Chapman +
(Linnaeus) Britton +
(Small) Magrath +
(Linnaeus) Britton +
de Candolle +
Pallas +
Linnaeus +
de Candolle +
A. Gray +
G. D. Carr +
R. L. Carr & G. D. Carr +
A. Gray +
de Candolle +
(Greene) Greene +
A. Gray +
(Greene) Greene +
de Candolle +
de Candolle +
Lindley +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
(Willdenow) Torrey & A. Gray +
Hooker & Arnott +
Nuttall ex Spach +
(Pursh) A. Gray +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
A. Gray +
(W. Bartram) Goldblatt & Henrich +
Kindberg +
Swartz +
Swartz +
Müller Hal. +
Schwägrichen +
Mitten +
Müller Hal. +
(Linnaeus) Oakes +
(R. Brown) Luer +
(Holzinger) B. Boivin +
Lessing +
Lessing +
Swartz +
Grisebach +
(Linnaeus) Swartz +
R. Brown +
Hallier f. +
Pursh +
(House) Brummitt +
(Greene) Brummitt +
Brummitt & Namoff +
(Greene) Brummitt +
Brummitt +
(Eastwood) Brummitt +
Brummitt +
Provance & A. C. Sanders +
Wallich in W. Roxburgh +
(S. Watson) Brummitt +
(Greene) Brummitt +
(Greene) Brummitt +
(Greene) Brummitt +
(House) Brummitt +
(Abrams) Brummitt +
(Greene) Brummitt +
(Abrams) Brummitt +
(Greene) Munz +
(Greene) Munz +
(Jepson) Munz +
(A. Gray) Brummitt +
(A. Gray) Brummitt +
(A. Gray) Brummitt +
(Abrams) Brummitt +
Lindley +
(Greene) Brummitt +
(Greene) Brummitt +
(Eastwood) Brummitt +
(Linnaeus) R. Brown +
(Sims) Brummitt +
Brummitt +
Brummitt +
(Greene) Brummitt +
Brummitt +
(Linnaeus) R. Brown +
(Kitaibel) Grisebach +
Brummitt +
(Mackenzie & Bush) Brummitt +
(Linnaeus) R. Brown +
(Linnaeus) Pursh +
(Wherry) Brummitt +
(Linnaeus) Pursh +
(Michaux) Brummitt +
Brummitt +
Hooker & Arnott +
Hooker & Arnott +
Brummitt & Namoff +
(Engelmann & A. Gray) Blankinship +
S. Watson +
S. Watson +
(Baker) S. Watson +
(Baker) S. Watson +
(Greenman) Gould +
(Pursh) Greene +
(A. Heller) Gould +
(Pursh) Greene +
(Piper) Gould +
(Rafinesque) Cory +
(Miller) Thellung +
de Candolle +
Velenovsky +
(Linnaeus) Crantz +
Link +
P. H. Raven +
(Greene) P. H. Raven +
(Greene) P. H. Raven +
P. H. Raven +
(Douglas) Kearney +
P. H. Raven +
(Munz) P. H. Raven +
(Munz) P. H. Raven +
(Munz) P. H. Raven +
P. H. Raven +
(Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray) P. H. Raven +
(S. Watson) P. H. Raven +
P. H. Raven +
P. H. Raven +
P. H. Raven +
P. H. Raven +
(Fischer & C. A. Meyer) P. H. Raven +
W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(Hornemann ex Sprengel) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(Hornemann ex Sprengel) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(S. Watson) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(P. H. Raven) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(S. Watson) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(P. H. Raven) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(P. H. Raven) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(Greene) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(Jepson) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(P. H. Raven) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(P. H. Raven) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(P. H. Raven) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(Hornemmann ex Sprengel) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(Abrams) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(Davidson) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(Abrams) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(P. H. Raven) W. L. Wagner & Hoch +
(Kindberg) R. S. Chopra +
(Bridel) Kanda +
Engelmark & Hedenas +
(Lindberg & Arnell) Hedenas +
(Bridel) Kindberg +
(Hedwig) C. E. O. Jensen +
Bentham +
(Reichenbach f.) Rolfe +
C. Presl +
(Swartz) Fée +
(Kunze) C. Presl +
T. Moore +
(Linnaeus) C. Presl +
(Schimper) M. Fleischer +
(Hedwig) M. Fleischer +
(Bridel) Hedenas +
(Myrin) Hedenas +
Cardot +
(Müller Hal.) Frahm & Isoviita +
(Wilson) P. Müller & J.-P. Frahm +
Bridel +
(Austin) Lesquereu×& James +
(Hornschuch) Mitten +
De Notaris +
De Notaris +
J.-P. Frahm +
Grout +
(Hedwig) Bridel +
(Bridel) Bruch & Schimper +
(Mitten) A. Jaeger +
(Hedwig) Bridel +
(Müller Hal.) Mitten +
Bridel +
(Schultz) Bridel +
Milde +
(Müller Hal.) A. Jaeger +
(Müller Hal.) J.-P. Frahm +
Schimper +
Müller Hal. +
Sullivant & Lesquereux +
Bruch & Schimper +
(F. Weber & D. Mohr) Bruch & Schimper +
G. L. Nesom +
(Lindley) G. L. Nesom +
Martius ex Bentham +
(Linnaeus) de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
(Jacquin) de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
(Swartz) de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
S. Watson +
Parry ex A. Gray +
(Linnaeus) Gaertner +
Martius +
Salisbury +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Endlicher +
Linnaeus +
Torrey ex A. Gray +
(Linnaeus) A. St.-Hilaire +
(Linnaeus) A. St.-Hilaire +
Jussieu +
Linnaeus +
Moricand ex Bentham +
(Linnaeus) Medikus +
Linnaeus +
(Dunal) Heiser & Pickersgill +
Lamarck in J. Lamarck et al. +
Koehne +
(Linnaeus) K. Koch +
Hooker +
O. E. Schulz +
Linnaeus +
Eastwood +
S. Watson +
(Schreber ex Muhlenberg) Britton +
(Nuttall) Greene +
Shuttleworth ex A. Gray +
(Michaux) O. Schwarz +
Detling +
A. Gray +
Richardson +
(Michaux) Alph. Wood +
(Leavenworth) Al-Shehbaz +
Britton +
O. E. Schulz +
Withering +
Linnaeus +
Al-Shehbaz +
Linnaeus +
Fernald +
Brandegee +
(Nuttall) Alph. Wood +
Rollins +
Adams +
Greene +
Gandoger +
(S. Watson) Howell +
Nuttall +
(S. Watson) Rollins +
Linnaeus +
L. F. Henderson +
O. E. Schulz +
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow +
Linnaeus +
Chamisso & Schlechtendal +
Michaux +
(O. E. Schulz) C. L. Hitchcock +
Greene +
de Candolle +
(Weinmann) A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Curtis +
M. E. Jones +
Mackenzie +
Mackenzie +
Naczi +
Ehrhart +
V. I. Kreczetowicz +
Boott +
M. A. Curtis ex A. Gray +
Mackenzie +
Torrey +
Willdenow ex Sprengel +
Willdenow ex Sprengel +
(L. H. Bailey) Rettig +
(Dewey ex Torrey) Rettig +
L. H. Bailey +
Schweinitz +
Mackenzie +
E. Sheldon +
L. H. Bailey +
Tuckerman +
Steudel +
Mackenzie +
Boott +
Boott +
(E. P. Bicknell) E. P. Bicknell +
J. Presl & C. Presl +
Boott +
J. M. Webber & P. W. Ball +
Wahlenberg +
Wahlenberg +
(Holm) Kükenthal +
Boott +
Kükenthal +
Clokey +
Boott +
Boott +
Mackenzie +
Linnaeus +
Tuckerman +
(L. H. Bailey) L. H. Bailey +
W. Boott +
Sprengel +
Olney +
L. H. Bailey +
L. H. Bailey +
(L. H. Bailey) Reznicek +
Linnaeus +
Britton +
Schkuhr +
Mackenzie +
Nuttall +
Steudel +
Mackenzie +
L. H. Bailey +
Boott +
Britton +
Chapman ex Dewey +
Dewey +
Schweinitz & Torrey +
Steudel +
(L. H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald +
L. H. Bailey +
Britton +
Allioni +
Torrey ex Schweinitz +
Torrey ex Schweinitz +
(Holm) T. V. Egorova +
Mackenzie +
Dewey +
Olney +
Britton +
Mackenzie +
Mackenzie +
(Dewey) Mackenzie ex Lunell +
Boott +
Schkuhr ex Willdenow +
Schkuhr ex Willdenow +
(Persoon) Poiret +
(Persoon) Poiret +
(Tuckerman) Kalela +
Naczi +
Mackenzie +
Schkuhr ex Willdenow +
Mackenzie +
Wahlenberg +
Naczi +
L. H. Bailey +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
(Fernald) Toivonen +
Linnaeus +
Linnaeus +
Torrey ex Dewey +
Schweinitz +
Latourrette +
Wahlenberg +
(Dewey) Dewey +
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow +
T. Holm +
Steudel +
Schweinitz +
Mackenzie +
Linnaeus f. +
C. A. Meyer +
Nuttall +
L. H. Bailey +
(F. J. Hermann) Rettig +
L. H. Bailey +
Boott +
Torrey & Hooker +
R. Brown +
Mackenzie +
L. H. Bailey +
Boott +
Schkuhr ex Willdenow +
Stacey +
Saarela & B. A. Ford +
Fernald +
Dewey +
Fernald +
Wiegand +
Lamarck +
Fernald +
Lamarck +
Britton +
Shuttleworth +
Mackenzie +
Naczi, Kral & Bryson +
(L. H. Bailey) Mackenzie +
Stacey +
Mackenzie ex Piper & Beattie +
Muhlenberg +
Schweinitz & Torrey +
Mackenzie +
Michaux +
Michaux +
L. H. Bailey +
Muhlenberg +
Hornemann +
L. H. Bailey +
Hornemann +
(L. H. Bailey) L. H. Bailey +
Schweinitz +
Fernald +
Schweinitz +
Schrank +
Willdenow +
Willdenow +
(L. H. Bailey) Naczi & Bryson +
Fernald +
M. Bieberstein +
Dewey +
Linnaeus +
Hudson +
Hudson +
Stokes +
Stokes +
Boott +
C. A. Meyer +
Rydberg +
Boott +
Murray +
Murray +
(W. Boott) Reznicek +
E. L. Bridges & Orzell +
Mackenzie +
Turczaninow ex Kunth +
Schweinitz & Torrey +
T. Holm +
Dewey +
Kükenthal +
L. H. Bailey +
Mackenzie +
Dewey +
L. H. Bailey +
Goodenough +
Schkuhr ex Willdenow +
L. H. Bailey +
Nuttall +
Kükenthal +
Nuttall +
Mackenzie +
F. J. Hermann +
Mackenzie +
Mackenzie +
Schreber +
Dewey +
Linnaeus +
Schweinitz +
Willdenow +
Linnaeus +
Dewey +
Mackenzie +
Kunth +
Schkuhr +
Fernald +
Mackenzie +
Boott +
Naczi & Cochrane +
Rudge +
Mackenzie +
Wahlenberg +
Wahlenberg +
(Macoun) G. Halliday & Chater +
Elliott +
Tuckerman ex Olney +
Boott +
Hooker & Arnott +
Naczi +
Steudel +
Mackenzie +
Schweinitz +
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow +
L. H. Bailey +
J. Carey +
Wahlenberg +
Schweinitz +
Wormskjöld ex Drejer +
Olney +
L. H. Bailey +
Olney +
Mackenzie +
L. H. Bailey +
Olney ex Porter +
Dewey +
Linnaeus f. +
Mackenzie +
L. H. Bailey +
W. Boott +
Bunge +
Mackenzie +
Linnaeus +
Mackenzie +
W. Boott +
Dewey +
Drejer +
Boott +
Dewey +
Fernald +
de Candolle +
Torrey ex Dewey +
Boott +
Steudel +
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow +
L. H. Bailey +
L. H. Bailey +
Bryson Kral & Manhart +
Mackenzie +
Naczi +
L. H. Bailey +
(Mackenzie) Crins +
L. H. Bailey +
Mackenzie +
L. H. Bailey +
Boeckeler +
Rudge +
Schweinitz +
L. H. Bailey +
L. H. Bailey +
Catling +
Ohwi +
Naczi & Bryson +
Boeckeler +
Schkuhr +
Willdenow +
Dewey +
Meinshausen +
(Kükenthal) Mackenzie +
O. Lang +
Ehrhart +
Waterfall +
S. D. Jones & G. D. Jones +
Wahlenberg +
Schweinitz +
(L. H. Bailey) Fernald +
Schweinitz +
Lamarck +
Dewey +
W. Boott +
Michaux +
(M. E. Jones) L. A. Standley +
(L. H. Bailey) L. A. Standley +
(Holm) Cronquist +
(Holm) L. A. Standley +
Mackenzie +
Wahlenberg +
(Fernald) Fernald +
Mackenzie +
Linnaeus +
(Wahlenberg) Willdenow +
Linnaeus +