Search results
- Eragrostis frankii, Eragrostis gangetica, Eragrostis hirsuta, Eragrostis hypnoides, Eragrostis intermedia, Eragrostis japonica, Eragrostis lehmanniana, Eragrostis28 KB (983 words) - 17:55, 11 May 2021
- antipyretica, Fontinalis dalecarlica, Fontinalis howellii, Fontinalis hypnoides, Fontinalis neomexicana, Fontinalis novae-angliae, Fontinalis redfearnii9 KB (512 words) - 21:37, 5 November 2020
- subfam. Harrimanelloideae genusHarrimanella Show Lower Taxa Harrimanella hypnoides, Harrimanella stelleriana Coville Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. 3: 570, figs.3 KB (225 words) - 22:47, 5 November 2020
- Synonyms: Anacamptodon splachnoides var. americanus Hampe Campylodontium hypnoides Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 285. Illustrator:4 KB (347 words) - 21:35, 5 November 2020
- speciesHarrimanella hypnoides (Linnaeus) Coville Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. 3: 575. 1901,. Gary D. Wallace Basionym: Andromeda hypnoides Linnaeus Sp. Pl. 1:3 KB (223 words) - 22:47, 5 November 2020
- genusEragrostis speciesEragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. Paul M. Peterson Common names: Teel lovegrass Éragrostide hypnoide Synonyms: Eragrostis4 KB (397 words) - 17:55, 11 May 2021
- shape in F. hypnoides is extremely variable: ovate to ovate-lanceolate (duriaei expression); lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate (hypnoides expression);5 KB (519 words) - 21:38, 5 November 2020
- leaves with plane apices can be confused with F. redfearnii. Fontinalis hypnoides (tenella expression) differs from F. redfearnii in having flaccid to somewhat3 KB (352 words) - 21:38, 5 November 2020
- have leaves completely split along the keel and can be mistaken for F. hypnoides. None. None. window.propertiesFromHigherTaxa=[{"rank":"genus","name":"Fontinalis"6 KB (555 words) - 21:37, 5 November 2020
- from Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan refer to slender forms of F. hypnoides. None. None. window.propertiesFromHigherTaxa=[{"rank":"genus","name":"Fontinalis"5 KB (545 words) - 21:37, 5 November 2020