Plants clump-forming, caules­cent or shortly caulescent, 1–35 cm, strigose, strigulose-pilosulous, pilosulous, strigu­lose, or villous, hairs basifixed or malpighian; from ± super­ficial, branched caudex. Stems decumbent to erect, sterile branches forming tuft of sub-basal leaves, strigose, strigulose, or villous. Leaves 1.5–20 cm; stipules connate-sheathing (bidentate) at proximal nodes, shortly connate or distinct at dis­tal nodes, 1.5–9 mm, papery-membranous through­out or, sometimes, herbaceous at distal nodes; leaflets 3–21, blades linear, oblong, elliptic, linear-elliptic, linear-oblanceolate, lanceolate, oblong-elliptic, elliptic-lanceolate, or, rarely, filiform-subulate (distally), 2–30(–42) × 0.5–7 mm, apex acute, obtuse, acuminate, apiculate, or, rarely, retuse, surfaces strigose, glabres­cent, or glabrous abaxially, glabrous, glabrescent, or sparsely hairy adaxially; terminal leaflet sometimes decur­rent distally, not jointed to rachis. Peduncles usually incurved-ascending, 2–14 cm. Racemes 3–19(–24)-flowered, flowers spreading-declined; axis 1–14 cm in fruit; bracts 0.6–4 mm; bracteoles usually 0. Ped­icels 0.8–3 mm. Flowers 5.3–10.6 mm; calyx (2.3–)2.4–6 mm, strigose, tube 1.7–4.2 mm, lobes subulate, 0.5–2.6 mm; corolla lilac, pink-purple, ochroleucous, or whitish, often suffused, lined, or veined with purple; banner recurved through 40–90°; keel 5.9–10.7(–11.4) mm, apex beaklike. Legumes declined-pendulous; green, sometimes with purple speckles, becoming brown or stramineous, straight or nearly so, linear, linear-oblong, linear-ellipsoid, or oblanceoloid, laterally compressed, bicarinate by sutures, 11–25 × (1.2–)2–4 mm, papery, usually strigulose, villosulous, or glabrous, rarely with few hairs; stipe 0–1 mm. Seeds 6–19.


w North America.


Varieties 8 (8 in the flora).

Astragalus miser, widespread in the American West, contains miserotoxin, a nitrogenous compound that is poisonous to cattle and sheep. In the key to varieties the presence of malpighian hairs is important. The point of attachment may be so near the base as to be almost indistinguishable from a basifixed trichome. The key is tentative and will not always reliably separate varieties; nevertheless, morphological trends exist and most plants are identifiable.

Selected References



1 Herbage hairs obscurely malpighian; leaflet blades pubescent. > 2
2 Herbage villosulous or villous and pilosulous, hairs gray or silvery, mostly twisted and loose; legumes minutely villosulous, hairs twisted; ec Idaho, adjoining Montana. Astragalus miser var. crispatus
2 Herbage strigulose, hairs ± straight; legumes strigulose; Idaho, Montana, Wyoming. > 3
3 Leaflet blades linear to linear-elliptic or oblong-elliptic; corollas whitish, ochro­leu­cous, or stramineous, sometimes brownish-veined, keel apex maculate; seeds 7–11; sw Montana, ec Idaho, nw Wyoming. Astragalus miser var. praeteritus
3 Leaflet blades narrowly elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate (leaves subtending racemes sometimes broadly elliptic or oblanceolate); corollas usually pink-purple, purplish, bluish, or dull purple, sometimes pallid or whitish, except maculate keel; seeds 12–18; Idaho and s Montana to c Wyoming. Astragalus miser var. decumbens
1 Herbage hairs basifixed; leaflet blades abaxially pubescent, adaxially pubescent or glabrous. > 4
4 Leaflet blades with pubescent surfaces, hairs silvery or cinereous; calyces (4.2–)4.6–6 mm; corollas lilac or pink-purple, banners (9.5–)9.8–12 mm, keel (7.8–)8.6–10.7 mm; legumes densely strigulose; ne Washington to w Montana and adjacent Canada. Astragalus miser var. miser
4 Leaflet blades with surfaces pubescent or glabrous abaxially, usually glabrous or gla­brate adaxially, sometimes pubescent; calyces 2.4–5.6 mm; corollas usually whitish, rarely ochroleucous, sometimes suffused or lined or veined with purple, banners (5.2–)6–13 mm, keel 5.9–10 mm; legumes strigulose or gla­brous; British Columbia and Alberta south­ward to Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, and South Dakota. > 5
5 Leaflets (3–)7–11; stems 1–11(–15) cm; banners 6–8 mm; legumes linear (in profile), strigulose; seeds 8–12; se Idaho to sw Montana, ne Nevada, n Utah, and w Wyoming. Astragalus miser var. tenuifolius
5 Leaflets (9 or)11–21; stems 1–35 cm; banners (5.2–)6.5–13 mm; legumes oblanceolate, linear, linear-oblong, -elliptic, or -oblanceolate (in pro­file), glabrous or strigulose; seeds (6 or)7–19; British Columbia and Alberta southward to Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, and South Dakota. > 6
6 Legumes strigulose; seeds 13–19; Montana to New Mexico, west to Nevada and Arizona. Astragalus miser var. oblongifolius
6 Legumes glabrous, strigulose, or few hairs present; seeds (6 or)7–11; South Dakota west to British Columbia and Washington. > 7
7 Stems 10–35 cm; banners 7–9.5 mm, keel 6–7.8(–8.4) mm; leaflet blades narrowly elliptic to linear or linear-oblanceolate; legumes glabrous or strigulose; Alberta and British Columbia southward to Montana, Idaho, and Washington. Astragalus miser var. serotinus
7 Stems 1–15 cm; banners (5.2–)6.5–13 mm, keel (7.1–)8–10(–11.4) mm; leaflet blades narrowly to broadly elliptic, lanceolate, or lanceolate-oblong; legumes usually glabrous, rarely with few, scattered hairs; w Wyoming and Montana, adjoining Idaho, and Black Hills of South Dakota. Astragalus miser var. hylophilus