Cuscuta dentatasquamata


Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 49: 107, fig. 1. 1922.

Common names: Los Pinitos dodder
Conservation concern
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 14.

Stems orange, slender to medium. Inflorescences dense, paniculiform; bracts at base of clusters 1, at base of ped­icels 0(or 1), triangular, membra­nous, margins entire, apex acute. Pedicels 0.3–2 mm. Flowers 5-merous, 2.6–3.8 mm, fleshy, not papillate; calyx red­dish brown, campanulate, longer than corolla tube length, divided 1/3–3/4 its length, not reticulate or shiny, lobes triangular, bases not overlapping, margins entire, midvein carinate, apex acute; corolla creamy yellow, drying reddish brown, 2.5–3.4 mm, tube campanulate, 1.2–1.6 mm, later saccate, globose, lobes erect to spreading, triangular, 1/3 corolla tube length, margins entire, apex acute, straight or inflexed; infrastaminal scales oblong, 1.1–1.6 mm, equaling corolla tube length, bridged at 0.3–0.6 mm, truncate or distally irregularly denticulate or 3–7-fimbriate; stamens exserted, shorter than corolla lobes; filaments 0.3–0.4 mm; anthers 0.3–0.4 × 0.2–0.3 mm; styles filiform to slightly subulate, 0.6–1.4 mm, equaling or longer than ovary. Capsules depressed-globose, 3–4 × 1.8–2.9 mm, ± thickened, not raised around relatively large interstylar aperture, usually translucent, surrounded by withered corolla, dehiscence circumscissile. Seeds 2–4, slightly obcom­pressed, subglobose, 1.3–1.6 × 1–1.4 mm, hilum area subterminal.

Phenology: Flowering Jul–Oct.
Habitat: Host: Bouvardia.
Elevation: 500–1200 m.


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Ariz., Mexico (Sonora).


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Lower Taxa
