
Showing 5000 pages using this property.
Fertile, well-drained soil with ample moisture, waste places  +
Moist, coastal coniferous forests  +
Boreal and northern forests  +
Continental, subalpine coniferous forests  +
Dry, coastal coniferous forests  +
Coniferous forests  +
Mountain forests  +
Moist, coastal coniferous forests and mountain slopes  +
Coastal, subalpine coniferous forests  +
Mixed coniferous forests  +
Mixed coniferous forests  +
Mixed coniferous forests  +
Dry, exposed calcareous rock and soil, sand of partially stabilized dunes, talus at base of cliffs, humus in open, coniferous forests  +
Rocky, gravelly savanna, solution pockets in limerock  +
Sandy soils, alpine meadows  +
Sandy soils, live-oak grasslands  +
Sandy soils, lake shores  +
Sandy soils, desert scrub  +
Clay soils, desert scrub to pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Shrubby gypsum hills  +
Gypseous sandy or gravelly soils, open areas, among sparse shrubs  +
Calcareous or gypseous, clay or silty soils, shrublands  +
Sandy or gravelly soils, desert grasslands, scrub  +
Dry sandy soils, scrub and grasslands  +
Sandy soils, coastal scrub, lees of dunes adjacent to strand  +
Sand dunes  +
Foredunes and unstable dunes near strand  +
Sandy soils, cold desert scrub, grasslands  +
Dry sandy and rocky areas, pinyon-juniper woodlands, yellow-pine forests  +
Rocky limestone, scrub, pinyon-juniper woodlands, pine forests  +
Sandy soils, Joshua tree desert scrub  +
Sandy soils, desert scrub  +
Sandy soils, coastal scrub, lees of dunes near strand  +
Sandy soils, coastal scrub, lees of dunes near strand  +
Sandy soils, coastal scrub, lees of dunes near strand  +
Sandy soils, sage-scrub, chaparral  +
Sandy soils, creosote bushscrub  +
Borders of woods, hedges, fields, waste places.  +
Open, arid habitats  +
Open, arid habitats  +
Open, arid habitats  +
Open, arid habitats  +
Disturbed sites  +
Roadsides, disturbed sites, secondary vegetation  +
Dry shrublands, roadsides, disturbed sites  +
Open, arid habitats, hills and plains  +
Arid habitats, hillsides, plains, canyons  +
Open desert habitats, along water courses  +
Desert habitats  +
Mountain slopes, desert scrublands  +
Dry, open habitats  +
Coastal areas, disturbed sites, often on limestone soil  +
Arid hillsides, along water courses  +
Soybean, corn, and cotton fields, naturalized in disturbed sites  +
Dry shrublands, disturbed vegetation, roadsides  +
Dry, open habitats, roadsides  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed areas, coastal dunes.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Sandy coastal areas.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed coastal habitats.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed coastal habitats.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Dry to relatively moist sites on limestone, open oak or pine woods, secondary deciduous forests, dry thorn scrub, sandhills, disturbed sandy areas, dunes, disturbed sites.  +
Dry sites on limestone, thorn scrub, dry prairies, disturbed sites.  +
Dry sites on limestone, thorn scrub, desert grasslands.  +
Roadsides and paths, forest edges, logged lands, lawns, among cultivated ground covers and waste grounds  +
Coastal sands  +
Coastal grasslands, open rocky slopes, sand dunes, old roadsides  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Arid rocky slopes, desert washes.  +
Rocky pine woods, disturbed areas.  +
Moist bottomland woods, near streams or rivers, rarely in moist upland forests.  +
Pine and pine-oak woods, dry hardwood forests, glades, prairies, disturbed areas, usually on sand or shallow rocky soils.  +
Pine and oak woods, prairies, barrens, on sandy or shallow rocky soils.  +
Dry, open, rocky, gravelly, or sandy areas.  +
Moist or shaded areas, oak or pine woodlands, desert grasslands.  +
Stream banks, edges of woods, disturbed areas, agricultural fields.  +
Rocky areas, grasslands, oak, pine, or juniper woodlands.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Grassy openings, dunes, and oak or mesquite woodlands, usually on deep sand.  +
Deciduous and evergreen woods, moist depressions, swampy areas, riverbanks, agricultural fields, disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Deciduous and evergreen woods, riverbanks, agricultural fields, disturbed areas.  +
Old home sites, disturbed areas.  +
Mesas, ridges, slopes, ravines, washes, in various shrub associations, commonly with Larrea, Yucca, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Ephedra, Atriplex  +
Gravelly soils, deserts, juniper woodlands  +
Gravelly, rocky soils, grasslands, deserts, woodlands  +
Sandy soils of dense thickets, hammocks, bottomlands of coastal areas  +
Sandy flats and slopes, chaparral communities, montane conifer woodlands  +
Sandy flats and slopes, montane conifer forests  +
Sandy calcareous slopes, chaparral communities  +
Sandy to gravelly flats and slopes, chaparral communities, montane conifer woodlands  +
Disturbed, often sandy sites  +
Disturbed, often sandy sites  +
Disturbed, often sandy sites  +
Soil, among grasses, pastures  +
Soil, gravel pit, pasture, lawn  +
Soil, dry washes  +
Soil, sand, clay, old fields, pastures, roadside banks, temporarily moist areas  +
Meadows, forest edges, roadsides, lakeshores, along streams, moist soils  +
Pastures, meadows, roadsides, stream sides, woodlands, waste grounds, dry or sandy soils, also in damp, clayey, and salty soils  +
Pastures, disturbed roadsides  +
Roadsides, disturbed sites, open fields and pastures, in sandy or gravelly soils or in moist to drying silty soils  +
Coastal and mountainous regions, Sequoia sempervirens and Pseudotsuga menziesii forests  +
Mountain regions in Cascade Range and Coast Range of California in coniferous forests  +
Grassy, often wet sites, usually with clay-rich soils  +
Dry, sandy waste places, near woolen mills  +
Waste places, chrome ore piles, hammocks  +
Wooded riverbanks  +
Dry, sandy areas, sand dunes, desert washes  +
Calcareous or gypseous soils in grasslands and shrublands  +
Arid, well-drained, often rocky, igneous, calcareous, or gypseous soils  +
Rocky, gravelly, or sandy soils, limestone or shale outcrops in grasslands or shrublands  +
Dry, sandy, and gravelly areas, rock, gypseous clay  +
Rocky, calcareous soils in cenizo (Leucophyllum frutescens) shrublands and grasslands  +
Dry clay and sandy, commonly calcareous or gypseous, soils  +
Gypsum hills and flats  +
Rocky, gravelly, loamy, or sandy calcareous, gypseous, or igneous-derived soils in deserts, grasslands, shrublands, or woodlands  +
Dry rocky soils, commonly with Larrea  +
Sandy, silty, or clay soils on calcareous or igneous substrates in grasslands, shrublands, or woodlands  +
Dry gypseous clays and shales  +
Various soils on calcareous substrates in grasslands or shrublands  +
Disturbed sites  +
Disturbed, wet or drying sites  +
Prairies, rocky hillsides, dunes, sandy stream valleys, coastal chaparral or grasslands, open, wooded hillsides, roadsides, disturbed areas.  +
Woodlands, river bottoms, pastures, old fields, ditches, roadsides.  +
Hot, dry rocky slopes, bluffs.  +
Dry slopes in chaparral to pinyon-juniper woodlands, canyons.  +
Openings along rivers, outcrops, canyon slopes, shale, along trails.  +
Rocky slopes, bluffs, dry riverbeds.  +
Dry, open granitic slopes, pine woodlands, desert scrub.  +
Dry slopes, flats, pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
Pinyon-juniper woodlands to upper sagebrush scrub, canyon slopes.  +
Rocky, open, disturbed areas, ridges, sand bars, desert flats or washes, stream beds and banks, sandy, gravelly, or clayey soils, serpentine, grasslands, oak-pine woodlands, chaparral, desert scrub, roadsides, agricultural fields.  +
Coastal dunes, slopes, and bluffs, cliffs, coastal scrub, chaparral, Monterrey pine forests, exposed slopes, ridges, landslides, gulches, stream banks, sandy or clayey soils, eroded granite, shale, sometimes serpentine outcrops, burnt chaparral, disturbed areas, roadsides.  +
Pine forests, oak groves, open rocky slopes of Douglas-fir-oak forests, open dry slopes and flats, summits, wet places.  +
Open coniferous forests (oak, yellow pine, lodgepole, fir), open, bracken meadows, grassy slopes, prairies, sagebrush, dry, sandy and gravelly slopes and benches, stream banks, sandy shores, roadsides, serpentine, sandy soils, lava beds.  +
Open, dry sites near ocean, bluffs, sandy flats, inland in canyons, brushy and rocky slopes, ridges, dry washes, gravel.  +
Open, dry sites near ocean, bluffs, sandy flats, inland in canyons, brushy and rocky slopes, ridges, washes.  +
Open, dry sites near ocean, bluffs, sandy flats, inland in canyons, brushy and rocky slopes, ridges, washes.  +
Grassy slopes, meadows, prairies, clearings, gravel bars, stream banks, vernal pools, pastures, grainfields, usually sandy soils, sometimes alkali, clay, or serpentine soils, roadsides.  +
Desert slopes, flats, washes.  +
Chaparral, gravelly hillsides, grasslands, sand dunes, pine forests, sandy or gravelly soils, on rock, roadsides, ruderal, disturbed sites, conspicuous after fire.  +
Dry, open disturbed sites, rocky slopes, gravelly soils, serpentine, chaparral, pine or pine-juniper woodlands, canyon washes, burnt forests.  +
Ponderosa pine, oak-pine, or semi-open mixed conifer forests, chaparral, clayey, sandy, gravelly, or cobbly volcanic soils, wet or moist, gravelly stream bottoms and banks, gravelly roadsides.  +
Dry rocky slopes, cliffs, mountain washes, creosote bush scrub to pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
Desert scrub.  +
Coastal sands, ridges, slopes, talus, gravelly soils, chaparral, pine forests, disturbed areas, common after fire.  +
Chaparral, rocky, open slopes, sometimes on serpentine, bluffs, sand dunes.  +
Deserts, desert mountains, washes, riparian forests, rocky hillsides, outcrops, canyons, desert scrub, sandy, clayey, gravelly or rocky, granitic or basaltic soils, roadsides.  +
Coastal sage scrub, chaparral, desert scrub, oak woodlands, sea bluffs, washes, canyons, dry exposed slopes and ridges, talus, grassy areas, sandy stream beds, floodplains, riparian forests, vernal pools, gravelly, sandy, or clayey soils, burnt areas, disturbed areas, roadsides, trailsides.  +
Desert scrub on calcareous or white lacustrine outcrops.  +
Dry limestone mesas, ridges, slopes, washes, sandy or tuffaceous soils, scrub, dry, rocky grasslands, open Ponderosa pine or oak-pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
Coastal scrub, mesas, desert canyons, washes, disturbed areas, dry, gravelly plains and hillsides, prairies, roadsides.  +
Washes, canyons, stream banks, sandy or clayey soils, dry, gravelly and rocky slopes, riparian woodlands, desert or mesquite grasslands, desert slope scrub, grassy mountain foothills, chaparral, pinyon-oak-juniper woodlands, oak savannas.  +
Coastal bluffs, clearings in oak-pine or fir woodlands, open grassy areas, burnt chaparral, cut-overs, riverbars, banks, thickets, open disturbed areas, roadsides.  +
Sandy or gravelly, often dry, sometimes moist soils, on rock, flats, creekbeds, talus or colluvial slopes, rocky hillsides, ridges, canyons, grasslands, savannas, montane or desert scrub, cypress or juniper-pinyon or oak woodlands, oak-Douglas-fir-pine, ponderosa pine or pine-oak forests, washes, roadsides.  +
Open slopes and ridges, on sand, sometimes with Jeffrey pine.  +
Chaparral, creosote bush scrub, desert slopes, sandy flats and slopes, roadsides.  +
Sandy and gravelly areas near coast, beaches, dunes, coastal scrub, urban, weedy areas.  +
Washes, rocky hillsides, talus and cliff-ledges of desert canyons, shrubby grasslands, scrub, oak chaparral, pinyon woodlands, Joshua tree woodlands, roadsides, on granite, limestone, or lava.  +
Open, oak woodlands, grasslands.  +
Coastal ranges, washes, deserts, palm springs, ponderosa pine forests.  +
Usually open, dry, sandy or gravelly soils, foothills, desert slopes, coast ranges, coastal scrub, chaparral, roadsides, disturbed areas, conspicuous after fires.  +
Desert slopes and washes, usually with creosote bush, rocky desert foothills, canyons, roadsides, sandy or gravelly soils.  +
Flats, washes, riverbanks, canyons, chaparral, oak chaparral, dry, sandy soils, railroad embankments.  +
Sand flats, dunes, chaparral, pine woodlands, railroad embankments, sand or gravel.  +
Open places, dry, stony or sandy soils, sagebrush, desert scrub, pinyon-juniper woodlands, chaparral, oak woodlands, yellow pine or spruce-aspen forests, riparian communities.  +
Coastal bluffs, hills, open or rocky slopes, chaparral, coastal scrub, oak woodlands or savannas, grasslands, stream banks, vernal ponds, gravelly, sandy, or clayey soils, bare areas, burnt or disturbed areas, roadsides.  +
Canyon slopes, mesas, washes, ± dry hillsides, sandy-loam, sandy, or gravelly soils, sometimes saline, pine-oak-Douglas-fir, pine or aspen forests, oak-pinyon-Cercocarpus or pinyon-juniper woodlands, juniper-oak grasslands, desert grasslands or scrub, riparian woodlands, roadsides.  +
Thin, rocky soil over limestone in hydric hammocks, wet savannas, and swamps of Everglades  +
Spring-fed bogs, seep areas, meadows, along streams, and in other wet areas  +
Spring-fed bogs, seep areas, meadows, along streams, and other moist areas in mountains  +
Meadows, along creeks, thickets, woods, rocky slopes, and alpine tundra  +
Meadows, thickets, and forests  +
Shaded ravines of woods in mountains and upper piedmont  +
Wet areas along streams and in springs, also less mesic locations in woods and clearings  +
Montane slopes above treeline, steep hillsides, steep cut banks or sandy loam of rivers  +
Moist hillsides, waste places, streambanks, sandy lake shores, talus slopes above treeline  +
Steep subalpine slopes, volcanic fell fields, often on talus or pumice  +
Mountain slopes, talus slopes, edges of serpentine outcrops  +
Sandy to rocky spruce-fir forests  +
Alpine and subalpine meadows, talus slopes, streambanks  +
Wet open areas, marshes, swales, and along edges of quiet water  +
Wet open areas, marshes, swales, and along edges of quiet water  +
Gravel and caliche soils in scrub oak, oak woodlands, and chaparral  +
Gravel, sandstone, silty, or caliche soils in desert scrub  +
Juniper forests, oak woodlands, dry matorral, desert scrub on calcareous, sandy clay, and gypsiferous soils  +
Gravel and caliche soils in warm Sonoran desert scrub  +
Gravel, caliche, or sandy loamy soils in open desert (Lower Sonoran Desert)  +
Woodlands and hammocks  +
Rotten logs, tree bark, charred wood, moist live-oak hammocks  +
Fields, roadsides, riverbanks, ditch banks, clearcuts, cultivated ground  +
Coastal mangrove swamps, salt marshes, low hammocks, along lake and canal margins  +
Somewhat saline to freshwater swamps, canal and pond margins, commonly in sinkholes in hammocks, disturbed marl sites, inland to coastal regions  +
Deciduous forests, less often with pines, junipers, or other conifers  +
Mostly deciduous forests, also mixed coniferous forests, open pine or spruce woodlands, swales, stream banks, and swamps  +
On and around rotten stumps and decomposing litter in damp forests and open baylands.  +
Subtropical semideciduous woodlands on loamy soils, occasionally shrublands on sandy to gravelly soils.  +
Disturbed tropical woodlands and woodland margins.  +
Woods, forests, usually in shade  +
Sandy and gravelly soils of washes and alluvial fans in deserts  +
Alluvial fans and rocky slopes in deserts  +
Wettish sites in otherwise arid areas, coarse, sandy alluvium  +
Dry slopes, ridges, lower chaparral and coastal sage scrub  +
Mesas, ravines, coastal sage scrub-chaparral  +
Dry granitic slopes, mesas, ravines, chaparral, pinyon woodlands  +
Wooded ravines, shaded banks, talus slopes, serpentine barrens, and coastal headlands (uncommon)  +
Moist calcareous cliffs, banks, and ledges along streams and rivers, walls of lime sinks, canyon walls (in the American southwest), around foundations, on mortar of storm drains  +
Banks and old walls  +
Seasonally moist, shaded, rocky banks, canyons, and ravines  +
Hammocks and limestone sinks in Everglades National Park  +
Rich, deciduous woodlands, often on humus-covered talus slopes and moist lime soils  +
Restricted to moist, shaded, limestone ledges, sink walls, and grottoes in the flora  +
Moist, shaded, limestone cliffs along streams and rivers, on boulders in creeks, and among rocks on steep slopes  +
Restricted to serpentine sites where it occurs in rock clefts, on talus slopes, and in well-developed serpentine soils  +
Moist coves, rocky woods, ledges, alluvial slopes, and thickets  +
Rocky slopes, dry canyons and washes, fields, roadsides, arroyos and hillsides near seeps, streambeds, chaparral, coastal sage scrub.  +
Open slopes and washes, rocky outcrops, limestone and igneous substrates, roadsides, chaparral, oak-juniper and mixed conifer-oak woodlands.  +
Roadsides, fields, sagebrush scrub, and open pine or aspen forests in valleys and foothills  +
Prairies, fields, river banks, and waste places  +
Roadsides and sites adjacent to gardens  +
Cliffs and banks near sea  +
North-facing cliffs in canyons and above sea  +
Disturbed areas, edges of fields, wet roadsides.  +
Floating in slow rivers and ponds, in floodplains, stream and pond margins.  +
coastal se Asia.  +
Wet areas, in standing water, rice fields.  +
Wet or dry places.  +
Brackish tidal shores of rivers, locally in wet fields and ditches.  +
Bogs, wet flatwoods, hydric savannas, seepage slopes.  +
Tallgrass or loess hills or upland prairies, dry rocky or sandy soils over limestone, limestone bluffs, gravelly moraines.  +
Seasonally wet meadows, mesic prairies, glades, roadsides, fallow fields.  +
Oak woods, dry loamy soils.  +
Wet alkaline, saline meadows and marshes associated with springs and seeps.  +
Sand plain grasslands, dry prairie remnants, dry roadsides, cemeteries, margins and openings in mesic to dry mixed woodlands, serpentine grasslands.  +
Prairies, grassy roadsides, pastures, well-drained calcareous soils.  +
Dry open pine savannas, dry oak openings, dry sandy ground, mesic flatwoods, margins of bogs and seepage slopes, dry roadsides.  +
Grasslands, open rocky slopes, calcareous, clay or sandy soils.  +
Dry or wet sandy ground, waste places, roadsides, ditches, pastures, fallow fields, alluvial ground of streams, brackish soils, thickets, lawns.  +
Mesic to moist longleaf pine forests, moist prairies, shallow bogs, moist roadsides, remnant wiregrass communities, borrow pits.  +
Xeric, sandy, open pine forests, open coastal scrub habitats, dunes, open areas of pine flatwoods, hydric soils of pine flatwoods.  +
Mesic to moist soils, open, wiregrass-dominated longleaf pine systems, savannas, prairies, seepage slopes, depressed wetlands, disturbed ground.  +
Dry roadsides, open woodlands, forest margins, mesic prairies, glades, bluffs, exposed ridges, alvars, often in cherty limestone, or sandy, rocky soils.  +
Dry or moist longleaf pine savannas, oak openings, wiregrass-dominated seepage slopes, margins of bogs.  +
Wet to mesic savannas, bogs, wet prairies, borders of fresh to brackish marshes, roadsides and ditches, drier sites near these habitats.  +
Moist open sites, moist prairies, margins of mesic to wet forests, fallow fields, roadsides, ditches, margins of marshes and ponds, disturbed sandy soils.  +
Dry, open woodlands, dry to xeric sandy terrace communities above streams, dry roadsides, open sandy habitats.  +
Dry to mesic pinelands, pine and oak savannas, sand hills, openings in saw palmetto flatwoods, sandy soils.  +
Wet savannas and prairies, depressed areas of mesic savannas or open flatwoods, bogs, margins and centers of cypress domes, margins of ponds, lakes, brackish and freshwater marshes, open stream banks, roadsides, ditches.  +
Saline coastal areas, salt marshes, edges of saline or brackish pools, open salt terns, edges of ditches, salt flats, and tidal flats.  +
Salt marshes, salt flats, tidal flats, edges of saline or brackish pools, ditches.  +
Rocky prairie remnants on sandstone outcrops, sandy clay soils of longleaf pine savannas.  +
Sandy or peaty soils, margins of pools, lakes, bogs, estuaries, and marshes, sand flats, dune hollows, ditches.  +
Mesic to dry savannas, dry roadsides with native vegetation, open rocky ground, open pine flatwoods, cutover and edges of pine plantations, margins of bogs and seepage slopes.  +
Moist to dry longleaf pine savannas, edges of pine plantations, dry roadsides, chalky outcrops, seepage slopes of clay roadsides.  +
Dry to xeric, sandy, gravelly or clay roadsides, pine-oak forests, margins of savannas, disturbed ground.  +
Dry, open pine savannas, open pine-oak sandhills, dry upslope areas of wiregrass-dominated mesic prairies, chalky glades or roadsides, dry sandy or clay roadsides beside existing or remnant savannas.  +
Moist sandy, clay, or peaty soils at margins of ponds, lakes, streams, bogs, freshwater or brackish marshes, ditches, roadsides.  +
Moist sandy soils at margins of ponds, lakes, streams, bogs, freshwater and brackish marshes, ditches, pine barrens, meadows, prairies, coastal swales, dry soils, margins of pine plantations, inundated marl prairies.  +
Dry sandy soils, pine savannas, margins of pine-oak woodlands and scrub, sand hills, roadside embankments.  +
Dry to mesic areas in sand and loess hill prairies, bluff prairies, dolomite glades, dunes, open woods, areas of low and/or sparse herbaceous cover.  +
Grasslands, old fields, pastures, open mesquite plains, dunes along Gulf Coast.  +
Dry sandy to mesic pine savannas, margins of pine plantations, mixed open woodlands and oak-pine scrub, open pine-palmetto palm woodlands, ditch banks, sandy embankments, roadsides.  +
Wet to dry roadsides, ditches, margins of streams and ponds, borders of woodlands, dry to moist prairies, fallow fields, railroad embankments, rocky cliff faces and bluffs.  +
Mesic to wet areas of prairies, moist to wet savannas, moist roadsides, mesic to wet edges of recently clear-cut forests, dry or wet roadsides.  +
Acid swamps to moist broadleaved forests, especially along streams, in ravines, or near springs  +
Sandy places in desert scrub  +
Sandy places in desert scrub  +
Sandy places in desert scrub and grasslands  +
Sandy to gravelly, often calcareous places in desert scrub  +
Sandy to gravelly places on granitic or volcanic soils in desert scrub, grasslands, pinyon-juniper, and oak woodlands  +
Sandy soil in hammocks  +
Gravelly places with desert scrub, rarely in chaparral or pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly or rocky places in desert scrub and pinyon juniper woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly or rocky places in desert scrub and pinyon juniper woodlands  +
Sandy places along roadsides and in hammocks  +
Gravelly to rocky, often calcareous places in grasslands, desert scrub, and pinyon juniper woodlands  +
Gravelly to rocky, often calcareous places in grasslands, desert scrub, pinyon-juniper, and oak woodlands  +
Gravelly to rocky calcareous places in desert scrub  +
Sandy to gravelly or rocky places with desert scrub, chaparral and pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Near drainage systems in desert scrub  +
Sandy places near beaches  +
Sandy to gravelly places on limestone in oak woodlands and grassy plains  +
Gravelly to rocky places in grasslands and desert scrub  +
Gravelly places in grasslands, chaparral, pinyon-juniper, and oak woodlands  +
Gravelly places in oak and pine woodlands  +
Gravelly to rocky places in grasslands, desert scrub, chaparral, pinyon-juniper, and oak woodlands  +
Open rocky slopes, mostly in desert grasslands and oak woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly places with desert scrub  +
Gravelly to rocky places, mostly in desert scrub, grasslands, juniper and oak woodlands  +
Gravelly to rocky places, mostly in desert scrub, grasslands, juniper and oak woodlands  +
Coastal bluffs with coastal sage scrub and chaparral  +
Sandy places along roadsides and in hammocks  +
Open gravelly to rocky limestone or basalt slopes, mostly with desert scrub, chaparral, and pinyon?juniper woodlands  +
Open gravelly to rocky limestone or basalt slopes, mostly with desert scrub, chaparral, and pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Sandy flats  +
Calcareous or sandstone outcrops in desert scrub, pinyon-juniper, or adjacent conifer woodlands  +
Calcareous outcrops with desert scrub  +
Calcareous outcrops with desert scrub  +
Calcareous outcrops with desert scrub  +
Sandy places with grasses and low shrubs  +
Rocky slopes in desert scrub and grasslands  +
Rocky slopes in chaparral and juniper-dominated grasslands  +
Gravelly calcareous slopes in grasslands and oak-juniper woodlands  +
Hammocks, orchards, waste places, ravines  +
Stream margins, ditches, road embankments, hillsides  +
Moist forests, cove forests  +
Moist forests, northern red oak, oak-chestnut, cove forests  +
Sandy soils, burned pinelands, turkey oak sand ridges, pine-oak and oak-hickory upland woods, old fields, roadsides, fencerows, moist sites  +
Bluffs, limestone outcrops and slopes, ledges along streams, often in oak-juniper woodlands  +
Pine, pine-oak, juniper, and pinyon-juniper woodlands, rocks along streams, slopes, ridges, washes  +
Sand pine scrub, longleaf pine-turkey oak sand ridges, pine-palmetto, live-oak woods, hammocks, dunes, roadsides, old fields, stream banks, dry flatwoods  +
Rocky slopes, mostly in pine-oak woodlands  +
Under overhanging sandstone (Pottsville formation) cliffs and ledges  +
Crevices, outcrops, rocky slopes, ridges, talus, gravelly and sandy stream bars, mixed hardwood-conifer woodlands, aspen, open and brushy vegetation  +
Rocky slopes, crevices, gravelly, sandy streambeds, pine-oak woodlands  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, in oak-juniper, pine-oak, pine, aspen, and spruce-fir woodland  +
Cracks and crevices of nearly vertical limestone cliffs  +
Rocky sites, oak woodland  +
Limestone slopes, ledges, alluvium, in brushy vegetation  +
Disturbed sites, mostly coastal  +
Crevices, ledges, cliffs, other rocky sites in canyons, along streams, in desert grasslands, oak-agave, oak, oak-juniper, and pine-oak woodlands  +
Disturbed sites, mostly coastal  +
Beach sand and nearby thickets, coral soils, salt marshes, hammocks, roadsides  +
Openings in chaparral  +
Open pine forests  +
Openings in chaparral and in pine and oak forests  +
Grassy slopes, openings in pine forests  +
Chaparral, oak woodlands  +
Coastal dunes and beach heads  +
Coastal dunes, sand hills, and beach heads  +
Wet meadows, bogs, muskegs, stream and lake margins, montane to alpine habitats, or ± drier sites of open forests and mountain slopes, various soils, often disturbed areas, roadsides  +
Moist, subalpine meadows and forests to alpine tundra, often disturbed areas  +
Moist to dry habitats, alpine meadows, montane forests, northern prairies, arctic tundra, in gravelly, rocky, and other coarse-textured soils  +
Wet meadows, stream margins, swales, other moist sites, grasslands, steppes, and meadow habitats, slightly alkaline or saline sites, mostly in silts, clays, and other fine-textured soils  +
Mesic to dry meadows, grasslands, sagebrush steppes, open oak or coniferous woodlands, chaparral  +
Moist to dry lowland prairies, coastal forests, open coniferous woodlands  +
Mesic to dry habitats in grasslands, chaparral, oak woodlands, and open pine forests  +
Wet to dry, mostly seasonal habitats in deserts, grasslands, chaparral, steppe, oak woodlands, and open pine forests, often disturbed sites  +
Mesic to dry habitats in deserts, grasslands, and oak woodlands  +
Mesic to dry grasslands, oak woodlands, and coastal scrub-lands  +
Mesic subalpine meadows and forests to alpine tundra and rocky slopes, volcanic or pyroclastic soils  +
Dry habitats, sandy soils, short-grass prairies, sagebrush steppes, pinyon-juniper woodlands, montane meadows, mixed conifer forests  +
Mesic to dry habitats in scrub-lands, chaparral, steppe, and open oak or pine woodlands  +
Lowland prairies  +
Edges, open spaces, and thickets, deciduous or mixed pine-deciduous woods  +
Dry to moist, longleaf pine-oak woods, oak-hickory slopes, roadsides, sand or shell maritime thickets  +
Edges, open spaces and thickets, deciduous or mixed pine-deciduous woods  +
Edges, open spaces, thickets deciduous or mixed woods and thickets in wet places  +
Edges, open spaces, thickets, deciduous or mixed deciduous woods  +
Edges, open spaces, and thickets, deciduous or mixed deciduous woods  +
Edges, open spaces, thickets, in deciduous or mixed deciduous woods  +
Fields, roadsides, waste places  +
Waste places, open woodlands  +
Disturbed roadsides, thickets, riverbanks.  +
Disturbed thickets, roadsides.  +
Disturbed thickets, roadsides.  +
Roadsides, thickets.  +
Disturbed sites, roadsides, vacant lots  +
Disturbed sites, roadsides, vacant lots  +
Meadows, herb slopes, moist rock ledges  +
Moist meadows, herb slopes, often near seashores  +
Moist to mesic meadows, herb slopes, sometimes near seashores  +
Meadows  +
Waste ground  +
Moist herb slopes, willow scrub  +
Meadows, moist sand  +
Densely vegetated lake shores  +
Meadows, lawns, ditches, under trees  +
Moist grasslands, flood plains  +
Grasslands, often near sea shores  +
Moist herb slopes  +
Moist meadows, herb slopes, willow scrub, ditches, lawns  +
Dry to wet pine flatwoods, savannas, and bogs  +
Everglades, pinelands  +
Open sites of various habitats, moist bogs, dry to mesic prairies, and dry, upland woods and thickets  +
Seasonally wet to flooded pine flatwoods, savannas, bogs  +
Moist pine flatwoods and savannas, roadside ditches  +
Roadsides, ditches, disturbed agricultural areas, sandy areas along rivers, alkaline meadows, playas, arid regions.  +
Shallow fresh or brackish water or muddy shores  +
Streams and marshes  +
Stream margins  +
Shallow ponds, stream margins, marshes, and ditches  +
Shallow muddy ponds, stream margins, marshes, and ditches  +
Fence rows, thickets, vacant lots, cemeteries, roadsides, railroad tracks, stream banks.  +
Hammocks, lakeshores, dunes, abandoned citrus groves and other disturbed sites.  +
Alkaline soils, mostly on raised sandy hummocks in salt playas and mud flats  +
Roadsides, trails, railroad tracks, stream banks, waste places, fields, shaded woodlands, bluffs, thickets, steep slopes, disturbed fields, floodplains, woods, shaded forest floor  +
Open arid areas, often on sandy or gravelly soils, sometimes on clay or gypsum  +
Open arid areas, usually on sandy or gravelly soils, sometimes on gypsum  +
Open arid areas, usually on sandy or gravelly soils, 100-1200 m  +
Coarse, sandy soil and gravelly river benches  +
Granite sands in open coniferous forest  +
Dry slopes and plains  +
Roadsides and other disturbed areas  +
Clay soils, including serpentine, dry slopes, and open plains  +
Heavy, generally barren, clay soils  +
Sandy, rocky, or clay soils on desert slopes  +
Sandy, rocky, or clay soils on desert slopes and mountains  +
Open, rocky, gravelly slopes  +
Meadows and aspen groves, less commonly on open slopes in mountains  +
Clay soils, including serpentine  +
Clay soils, including serpentine  +
Sandy, rocky soil  +
Swampy meadows and along streams, rarely on wooded slopes  +
Granite sands, on dry slopes and ridges  +
Generally sandy soils on open or shaded slopes  +
Roadsides, meadows, woods, and fields  +
Known only from c coastal plain where it grows on prairies  +
Generally in sandy or rocky soils, woods or plains  +
On calcareous prairies or more infrequently in sandy soils  +
Generally in calcareous soils  +
Usually in sandy or rocky soils, rarely on limestone or in clay, woods and prairies  +
Disturbed sites adjacent to areas where cultivated  +
Widely distributed on moist soils in mountainous and cool regions  +
Winter-wet, shallow soils on rock outcrops, or wet meadows  +
Shallow, lithosolic soils, often dry and sandy  +
Rocky slopes and plains, mountains  +
Serpentine, volcanic, and granitic soil  +
Talus slopes and clay soils, including serpentine, on bald summits and ridges  +
Clay soils, including serpentine  +
On granitic “flat-rocks” of Piedmont and in sand on coastal plains  +
Sandy, rocky soil, Techachapi Mountains and desert slopes, western Mojave Desert, California  +
Serpentine clay soils  +
Dry, clay soils on or near sea cliffs  +
Rocky, sandy, basaltic soil  +
Winter-wet, shallow soils on rock outcrops  +
Plains, hills, and prairies, particularly in limestone soils  +
Sandy soil  +
Heavy, rocky, clay soils, including serpentine  +
Moist, shallow soils  +
Open clay (including serpentine) slopes and flats  +
Sandy or rocky soils on open slopes and flats  +
Serpentine clay  +
Disturbed areas  +
Moist, open slopes, meadows, or stream banks in mountains  +
Meadows and along streams  +
Steep, rocky slopes  +
Dry slopes and ridges of clay or stony soil  +
Grassy, wooded slopes and flats  +
Serpentine clay  +
Heavy clay soils, including serpentine  +
Clay soils, including serpentine, on open or grassy slopes  +
Grassy slopes in heavy clay soils including serpentine  +
Heavy, clay soils on shaded slopes  +
Clay soils, including serpentine  +
Dry, rocky hills and mountains, usually in limestone soils  +
Rocky, sandy, or clay soils  +
Rocky, sandy, or clay soils  +
Apparently restricted to serpentine clays on ridges and peaks  +
Rocky clay, including serpentine soils  +
Drying, clay soils  +
Desert plains and hills  +
Barren, gravelly soils  +
Seasonally wet meadows  +
Wooded, shady slopes  +
Loose rock and talus slopes, alpine ridges and talus  +
Clay soil on grassy slopes  +
Disturbed sites  +
Sandy, rocky, or occasionally clay soils on desert plains and hillsides  +
Heavy, rocky soils, wet meadows, or along streams  +
Disturbed roadsides  +
Granitic sands  +
Roadsides and other disturbed ground  +
Rocky, sandy desert slopes  +
Clay or sandy soils on dry slopes  +
Rocky, clay slopes and talus  +
Shallow, stony, lithosolic soil over dolomitic limestone, hilltops  +
Clay soil on dry hillsides  +
Clay soils, including serpentine  +
Usually sandy soils, plains  +
Rocky margins entire, apex obtuse or acute, slopes and plains  +
Rocky, sandy slopes  +
Rocky slopes, stream banks, and marshy ground, mountains  +
Clay soil on shaded, grassy slopes near coast  +
Sandy, rocky, or clay soils on open slopes and flats  +
Dry, usually grassy areas  +
Sand and gravel deposits along bottom and lower benches of Columbia River  +
Disturbed fields and roadsides  +
Sandy soils, Rio Grande plains  +
Heavy serpentine clay  +
Heavy serpentine clay  +
Roadsides and disturbed areas  +
Wet meadows, rocky or gravelly stream banks and lake shores, circumboreal  +
Barren, gravelly soils, arid interior slopes and ridges well back from Columbia River  +
Heavy, clay soils, including serpentine  +
Serpentine clay soil on talus slopes  +
Soil pockets on schist outcrops  +
Coarse, sandy soils of granitic, calcareous, or basaltic origins  +
Heavy, rocky, clay soils, including serpentine  +
On gneiss “flat-rocks” and sandy soil of Piedmont  +
Often on calcareous soils  +
Dry plains and hills  +
Rocky, gravelly, or clay soils  +
Rocky, gravelly, or clay soils, mountains and scablands  +
Rocky, volcanic soils  +
Dry soil in upland woods  +
Moist ground in rich woods, depressions, streamside bluffs, and colluvial slopes  +
Disturbed sites  +
Roadsides and other disturbed ground  +
Serpentine soil on open hillsides  +
Moist, clay soils, including serpentine, usually along streams  +
Swampy meadows in mountains  +
Rocky areas  +
Disturbed areas often adjacent to agricultural lands  +
Moist soil along cracks and margins of large metamorphic outcrops  +
Moist, mixed-deciduous or coniferous forests  +
Open habitats, roadsides  +
Mostly clay soil, open scrub or waste places  +
Damp alkaline places, alluvial soils, with halophytic vegetation, inland salt marshes, along streams in ravines, ditches, in desert and dry prairie areas  +
Singly or in thickets along streams, lakeshores, coasts, and bog or muskeg margins, or on sandy or gravelly slopes or flats  +
Rocky or sandy coasts, stream banks, lakeshores, and damp, open areas  +
Along gravelly or rocky stream banks, lakeshores, and coasts, on moist rocky slopes, outcrops, in open coniferous woodlands  +
Stream banks, moist flood plains, damp depressions, borders of wetlands  +
Stream banks, lake shores, bogs, swamps, margins of wet fields, swales, and roadsides, often forming dense thickets  +
Stream banks, lake shores, margins of wet fields and meadows, bog margins, and muskegs  +
Along edges of ponds and small streams, often in standing water  +
Sandy or rocky stream banks and moist slopes, often in mountain canyons  +
Open, rocky stream banks and adjacent (often rather dry) slopes  +
Stream banks, moist flood plains, lake shores, wet slopes, and sandy, open coasts  +
Stream banks, ditches, edges of sloughs, swampy fields and bogs, and lakeshores  +
Hammocks, sandy areas, roadsides, and similar places in full sun  +
Open sage scrub  +
Low, desert areas, banks and dry washes, soil and limestone  +
Sunny sandy soil or soil over limestone in dry areas  +
Bare or disturbed soil or silt, roadside banks, calcareous boulders or gravel  +
Sandstone or calcareous rocks, sandy soil in dry sunny sites  +
Rocks, banks, clay, sandy or gravelly soil in deserts, plains or conifer forests  +
Open woodlands, grassy pastures, often sandy soils  +
Disturbed hammocks and thickets  +
Bark of trunks and branches of Acer, Alnus, Chrysolepis, Lithocarpus, Quercus, Picea, Populus, Sambucus, Sequoia, Umbellularia, rock surfaces, usually siliceous  +
Disturbed pinelands and coastal hammocks.  +
Coastal hardwood hammocks.  +
Loose or sandy soils in shade to partially sunny, moist, disturbed sites  +
Sandy, wet, disturbed sites  +
Gravel, sand bars, sidewalks  +
Coastal hammocks, thickets, sand bars  +
Sandy beaches, hammocks  +
Ballast ground, swamps, sandy places, limestone near salt water  +
Ponds, ditches, streams, bayous  +
Waste grounds, cleared limestone areas  +
Wet disturbed areas  +
Wet or moist ditches, disturbed areas, stream drainages  +
Disturbed, usually moist areas  +
Disturbed areas  +
Wet, disturbed areas, along streams, brackish sand, coastal marshes  +
Hammocks, pine woodlands, on limestone  +
Open pinelands and margins, roadsides, urban waste areas, lawns.  +
Waste areas, fallow fields.  +
Roadsides, disturbed ground, open woods, pinelands.  +
Roadsides, railways, waste grounds, disturbed sites, grassy areas, fields, sagebrush flats, limestone ledges or bluffs  +
Deserts, rocky areas, disturbed sites, roadsides, fields, meadows, sagebrush flats  +
Waste areas, roadsides  +
Mountain slopes, cliffs, gravel, rocky places  +
Sagebrush areas, fields, roadsides, sandy slopes  +
Rocky soil  +
Sandy areas, sand dunes, riverbanks, disturbed habitats  +
Disturbed habitats, waste places, vacant areas, railroads, streambanks, sandy areas, roadsides, agricultural fields  +
Sandy habitats, sand hills, riverbanks, creeks, lakes, disturbed areas, agricultural fields  +
Freshwater and brackish wetland habitats, coastal marshes, swamps, riverbanks, bayous, canals, ditches, estuaries, lakeshores, hammocks  +
Disturbed habitats: roadsides, riverbanks, railroads, fields, waste places, sandy flats  +
Waste places, fields, roadsides, other disturbed habitats  +
Seasonally moist flats, shores of water bodies, waste places, other disturbed habitats  +
Coastal salt or brackish marshes, edges of sloughs, tidal riverbanks, tidal flats, rarely freshwater semiaquatic habitats  +
Rarely occurs as escapes, persisting near the places of cultivation  +
Open, seasonally wet flats, shores of water bodies, waste places, other disturbed habitats  +
Waste places, other disturbed habitats, mostly at seaports and on ballast  +
Near places of cultivation  +
Weedy areas, ballast heaps, railroads, other disturbed habitats  +
Waste places, disturbed habitats  +
Sandy, gravelly slopes, washes, semideserts, disturbed habitats  +
Coastal dunes, beaches, swamps, marshes, disturbed habitats, such as gardens and fields near coast  +
On ballast  +
Coastal sand dunes, sea beaches  +
Waste places, agricultural and fallow fields, railroads, roadsides, riverbanks, other disturbed habitats  +
Near places of cultivation  +
Waste places, on ballast  +
Semideserts, naturally disturbed habitats  +
Streambanks, disturbed habitats, especially agricultural fields, railroads, waste areas, roadsides  +
Disturbed habitats, coastal areas, near wool-combing mills  +
Disturbed habitats, agricultural fields, railroads, roadsides, waste areas, banks of rivers, lakes, and streams  +
Maritime sand dunes, beaches, mostly on foredunes and at high tide level  +
Banks of rivers, lakes, and streams, disturbed habitats, agricultural fields, railroads, roadsides, waste areas  +
Seasonally wet, disturbed habitats  +
Waste places, fields, roadsides, railroads, barnyards, overgrazed pastures, other disturbed habitats  +
Disturbed habitats  +
Uncommon, casual alien near wool-combing mills  +
Sandy, rocky, and gravelly flats, slopes, canyons, washes, other naturally disturbed habitats  +
Locally escaped from cultivation, disturbed areas  +
Wet areas, such as margins of rivers, ponds, marshes, lakes, and creeks, disturbed habitats, such as agricultural fields, roadsides, and railroads  +
Fields, railroads, lawns, gardens, waste areas, other disturbed habitats  +
Open dry slopes, other naturally disturbed habitats  +
Coastal dunes, beaches, sandy inland areas, weakly saline flats  +
Naturally disturbed habitats, streambanks, canyons, semideserts  +
Usually on sandy or gravelly soils, openings in pinyon-juniper, yellow pine, or spruce-fir forests  +
Escaped or persistent from cultivation in disturbed sites  +
Rotting wood, organic soil, rich fens scattered across boreal zone  +
Roadsides, open fields  +
Coastal bluffs, dunes, beaches  +
Tree trunks, rotten wood, rock, soil, (sometimes salty) swamps to xeric habitats  +
Canyons, sandy flats, dunes  +
Sandy soils, washes, banks  +
Wet to dry soils, disturbed sites  +
Dry, disturbed sites  +
Sandy beaches and strand  +
Seasonally wet clays or sands, scrublands  +
Clays or sandy soils, among lava rocks  +
Waste places, disturbed sites  +
Sandy washes, benches  +
Sandy washes, benches  +
Rocky or sandy washes, benches  +
Sandy and gravelly washes  +
Wet or seasonally wet flats, depressions, alkaline, clay soils, prairies  +
Sandy beaches or strand  +
Sandy washes, benches  +
Seasonally wet, sandy soils  +
Desert washes, ravines  +
Disturbed sites, often wet, alkaline, clay soils  +
Disturbed sites, damp to wet, alkaline soils  +
Desert washes, sandy and gravelly benches, lava talus  +
Seasonally wet clays or sands, disturbed sites  +
Disturbed sites, waste places, damp soils  +
Stream banks and shores, lake shores, mountainsides, dry rocky and grassy slopes (northern shrub-steppe), hillsides, woods, thickets, shaded canyons, moist roadsides  +
Woods, hillsides, roadsides, mountainsides  +
Open woods, rocky banks, shores, calcareous sites  +
Dry to moist woods, mesic mixed hardwoods and pine-hardwoods, fields, thickets, roadsides, circumneutral soil, especially northward  +
Cool woods, mountain slopes, summits, bogs, poor fens, conifer swamps, acidic soil, sandy lake shores, stream banks, rocky ridges, roadside thickets  +
Damp soil of swamps, wet streamheads, bogs, moist to wet thickets, woods  +
Pine savannas, sandhills, roadsides, dry openings in woods, sandy soil  +
Basaltic ledges, cliffs, and bluffs along streams, stony soil, streambeds, stream banks, copses, mountainsides, roadsides  +
Ravines, thickets, barrens, rocky banks, shores, sea cliffs, swamps, wet woods, often calcareous  +
Calcareous shores, gravel beaches, cliffs, ledges, alluvial woods, roadsides  +
Dry, open sites with rocky, gravelly, or sandy soil, calcareous soil  +
Dry woods, bluffs rocky areas and slopes, stream banks, fields, thickets, and sandy areas, sometimes wetlands  +
Swamps, bogs, thickets, shores  +
Dry to moist, deciduous, mixed, and coniferous forests, fields, thickets, roadsides  +
Fields, sand-plain grasslands, heaths, glacial outwash plains, forest openings, disturbed sites, stream shores, among rocks or sand, dry habitats, ditches, swales  +
Dry rocky slopes, canyons, stream banks, mountainsides, foothills, high deserts  +
Dry rocky slopes, canyons, chaparral, mountainsides  +
Margins of woods, river ledges, shorelines, rocky slopes, crevices of open rock faces and cliffs, noncalcareous to slightly calcareous sites  +
Summits and cliffs of low mountains, open woods, woodland clearings, rocky soil, crevices, shores, fields, roadsides, peaty, sandy, or gravelly and, typically, acidic soil  +
Dry rocky slopes, canyons, stream banks, mountainsides, foothills, deserts  +
Moist, often calcareous coniferous forests, thickets, fens, tundra  +
Dry or mesic wooded slopes, meadows, savannas  +
Freshwater marshes, margins of pools and lakes, drying mud and sand flats, ditches, rice fields.  +
Freshwater marshes, margins of pools and lakes, drying mud and sand flats, ditches, rice fields.  +
Limestone seeps along creek banks, on highly alkaline soil around springs and moist areas.  +
Coastal plains in brackish to freshwater marshes, ditches.  +
Freshwater marshes, margins of pools and lakes, drying mud and sand flats, ditches, rice fields.  +
Limestone outcrops/hills, granitic talus slopes, deserts, cliffs, upper Sonoran desert scrub/grassland transition zone  +
Gravelly, sometimes loamy, soil, dry rocky slopes and mesas, deserts, grasslands, openings in oak forests or secondary deciduous forests, disturbed sites, forest clearings and roadsides  +
Dry, rocky or gravelly hills, plains, deserts, grasslands, shrublands, along roads or railroads, limestone soil, silty flats  +
Wooded or chaparral slopes.  +
Wooded or chaparral slopes.  +
Prairies, hillsides, open woodlands, sometimes in fields, along roadsides, mainly on the Great Plains.  +
Pine woodlands, savannas, and road banks in outer Atlantic Coastal Plain.  +
Rocky margins of pine woodlands and coastal prairies of the Miami Rock Ridge.  +
Dry or moist grasslands, scrublands, woodlands, river and stream banks, tidal marshes, roadsides, fields, or waste places.  +
Sandy river terraces in woods, sometimes bordering moist thickets on the middle and inner Atlantic Coastal Plain.  +
Dry to moist thickets and woods, pine-oak heath ridges.  +
Pine woodlands on the Atlantic Coastal Plain.  +
Open woods, sandhills, and savannas of the Atlantic Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and a single specimen from North Carolina mountains.  +
Prairies and open woods, often in moist places.  +
Prairies, hillsides, buttes, sandy soils, clay soils if well-drained, in prairies, prairies on shale slopes, usually calcareous soils.  +
Moist thickets and woods.  +
Moist thickets and woods.  +
Moist, acid thickets, bogs, and swamps.  +
Grasslands and open woodlands on limestone soils.  +
Dry to moist open woodlands and forests.  +
Marshy shores, stream banks, edges of swamps and moist thickets, wet woodlands  +
Thickets, forest edges.  +
Stream and riverbanks, floodplain forests, wet woodland borders, lowland thickets, fencerows.  +
Forest edges, pond margins, stream banks, thickets, disturbed areas.  +
Calcareous soils and gravels on or near limestone outcrops  +
Calcareous, clay, or sandy soils, disturbed habitats  +
Rich, moist woodlands, edges of woods, along railroad tracks, sandy-loam roadsides, sand dunes.  +
Crevices of neutral to acidic rock  +
Seasonal wet crevices of neutral to acidic cliffs  +
Seasonally wet crevices of neutral to acidic cliffs  +
Rocky or sandy soils, ravines, washes, slopes, rock outcrops, canyon walls, cliff faces, usually with other shrubs, especially Ambrosia, Yucca, Ephedra, Atriplex  +
Rocky or sandy soils, flats, washes, slopes, rock outcrops, canyon walls, cliff faces, commonly with Larrea, Yucca, Ambrosia  +
Sunny, saline, often alkaline, seasonally wet places  +
Dunes, sand hills, deserts, gravelly plains.  +
Pine and oak woods, sand barrens, bluffs, sand hills, occasionally swampy fields, flood plains.  +
Xeric pine-oak woods, rock glades, sand barrens, sand hills, coastal plain, river bluffs, gravel bars.  +
Prairies, pastures, post oak woodlands, hills, rock outcrops, stream banks, along roadsides and railroad tracks.  +
Rocky slopes and ridges, washes, sand dunes.  +
Woodlands, hillsides, canyon bottoms and gullies, open ground, often near water.  +
Stream banks, bottoms, shaley creek beds, gravel bars and spits, moist glades.  +
Juniper and other woodlands, sagebrush and other arid shrublands, washes, dry prairies and mesas, roadsides, frequently on sand and gravel.  +
Canyons, plains, hillsides near streams.  +
Dry, rocky hills, mesas, scrub, limestone flats, roadsides, generally on limestone.  +
Rocky hills, canyons, valley bottoms, generally on limestone.  +
Low, wet woods, riparian areas, roadbanks, ditches.  +
Rocky hillsides, arroyos and draws, woodlands, washes and flood plains.  +
Ridge tops, valleys, washes and draws, often on sand or sandstone.  +
Pond and swamp edges, stream bottoms and flats, stream banks, coastal prairie, wet meadows, bogs, ditches and flooded areas, moist woods, black prairie, roadsides.  +
Gravel bars, stream beds and banks, flood plains and wetlands, low woods, glades and barrens, ditches, railroad embankments, old fields.  +
Moist coastal prairies, wet meadows and forests, water-filled ditches, sandy barrens and blacklands.  +
Woods, prairies and meadows, flood plains, creek beds and gravel bars, roadsides.  +
Moist woods, stream and lake banks, hillsides, ditches, fields.  +
Rocky limestone hills and ridges.  +
Sandy soils, arid shrubland and brush communities, rarely on rocky hillsides.  +
Sandy washes, deserts, rocky slopes and gullies, limestone or granitic alluvial fans.  +
Bark of trees, wet, sheltered niches, crotches, fissures, knotholes on logs, stumps, sometimes rotten, wet rock  +
Dry to moist soil, rock crevices, talus slopes  +
Rock, ledges, ravines, shady canyons, soil  +
Open, disturbed sites  +
Moist to dry roadsides, disturbed meadows, forest edges, stream banks, swales  +
Coastal sage scrub or dune swales  +
Ditch banks, other open sites  +
Dry woods, often with aspen or mixed conifer-hardwood, borders and trails, dunes, fields, roadsides, other open, often disturbed sites  +
Tamaulipan thorn scrub, Chihuahuan desert scrub, sparse grasslands, oak and juniper woodlands, creosotebush flats, sedimentary substrates including limestone [and gypsum in Mexico], usually not on steep slopes, rocky to gravelly soils  +
Tamaulipan thorn scrub, plains and low hills, sandy, loamy, silty, or gravelly soils [rarely on shale]  +
Open, dry or vernally moist slopes, flats, drainages, shallow rocky to deep sandy or clay soils (often over serpentine or basalt), sometimes disturbed sites (burns, road beds)  +
Sandy soils, chaparral bordering oak woodlands, under shrubs  +
Riparian in pine-oak forests.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Wet acidic or basic rock  +
Rock, alluvium, edges of snow melt areas  +
Acidic rocks  +
Acidic rock  +
Acidic rock faces, occasionally thin soil  +
Wet rocks in streams, snow flushes, seeping outcrops  +
Rock or soil in streams  +
Siliceous rock, cliffs, boulders  +
Neutral to acidic boulders, cliffs and walls, generally wet sites  +
Dry rock outcrops  +
Acidic rock in snow beds  +
Calcareous rock in Arctic and subarctic areas  +
Open, wet sites, bogs, fens, margins of pools, along boggy shores  +
Sphagnum peat bogs, acid swamps, margins of pools throughout boreal forest and arctic  +
Rocky, open habitats on tundra  +
Open, grassy slopes  +
Wet meadows  +
Open, grassy meadows, sandy or gravelly open soils, often in disturbed areas  +
Open areas with sandy, gravelly soil in grassland, shrub, forest, and tundra communities  +
Desert, arid scrub, dry sandy to rocky soil  +
Prairies, grassy slopes, frequently in rocky areas  +
Rock slides of metamorphics, whitish ash, subalpine and alpine ridges, rock and talus slides, disintegrated volcanic rock  +
Terrestrial on open to lightly shaded, rocky slopes and in hammocks and pine woods, often on limestone  +
Lightly shaded limestone outcrops of the Edwards Plateau  +
Rare around exposed to lightly shaded solution holes and limestone sinks  +
Deciduous woods, often in calcareous soils  +
Mixed woods, often in association with both conifers and deciduous trees  +
Open grasslands, prairies, hillsides, often limy substrate, also woods over thin shale  +
Damp thickets, meadows, wet prairies, lake shores, streamsides, clearings, occasionally swampy areas  +
Dry prairies, barrens, pastures, meadows, rocky, open woods  +
Prairies, dry, open woods, pastures, roadsides  +
Open to deep woods  +
Gravelly slopes, dry rocky ledges  +
Moist, limestone bluffs and ledges  +
Moist, rocky crevices  +
Shaded woods, wooded slopes  +
Damp, rich woods  +
Shaded woods, subalpine ridges  +
Tundra, slopes, ridges, limestone outcrops, and screes  +
Open forests, grassy slopes, often rocky areas, also moist prairie depressions, coulees, sandhill shrubland  +
Rocky slopes, meadows  +
Talus slopes, canyons  +
Moist slopes, grassy areas, thickets  +
Forest margins, alpine meadows  +
Gravelly, rocky slopes, moist meadows  +
Dry, open ledges and slopes  +
Marshes, sphagnum bogs  +
Shaded, moist woods, open hillsides  +
Streamsides, meadows, rocky slopes  +
Prairies, open slopes, sometimes open woods or granite outcrops in woods  +
Shaded, moist woods  +
Damp, frequently acidic, wooded hillsides  +
Moist, open woods, thickets, clearings, streamsides, occasionally swampy areas  +
Thickets, moist woods, meadows, slopes  +
Rocky slopes, streamsides  +
Riparian areas, moist cliffs and ledges  +
Dry woods, sandy ridges, grasslands  +
Dry, rocky, open woods, thickets, river banks  +
Wet, alkaline, saline, and coastal marsh areas  +
Pine rocklands, rockland hammocks, marl prairies.  +
Roadsides, disturbed ground.  +
Disturbed sites, wetlands.  +
Forests, woodlands  +
Open ridges and slopes, on metamorphics  +
Sandy washes, dry slopes, chaparral, pine-oak-juniper woodlands, montane coniferous forests  +
Wet substrates, brackish to fresh, in pond borders, tidally influenced stream banks, banks of estuaries and lakes  +
Dryish sandy substrates, dry hammocks  +
Dry, open shrublands  +
Dry, open shrublands, deciduous forests  +
Usually weedy in disturbed areas, fence rows, agricultural fields  +
Arid habitats, disturbed sites, sometimes open, sometimes shady  +
Disturbed sites, roadsides, agricultural fields  +
Desert habitats  +
Deciduous forests, dry, open shrublands  +
Forming deep green cushions on calcareous and noncalcareous rock, sandstone walls, rock ledges, exposed moist crevices, wet areas  +
Fissures in rock, calcareous and noncalcareous sandstone  +
Calcareous and noncalcareus rock, wet areas, spray of falls  +
Acidic seepy or damp soil, soil over rock, ledges  +
Acidic seepy or damp soil, soil over rock, ledges  +
Tree bark, at base, soil, rock  +
Crevices between boulders  +
Deciduous forests, calcareous rock, bark of trees  +
Base or bark of deciduous trees, soil, fallen logs, deciduous forests, open spaces, secondary forests, vertical calcareous rock, occasionally acidic  +
Tree trunks (generally 1-2 m above base), basic and acidic rock, montane deciduous forests  +
Bark of trees, deciduous forests  +
Bark of trees, deciduous forests  +
Mesic calcareous environments of montane deciduous forests, limestone rock or vertical walls, epiphytic  +
Disturbed areas, fencerows, roadsides  +
Disturbed areas, fencerows, roadsides, thickets  +
Dry to moist alpine tundra  +
Dry meadows and aspen forest openings  +
Moist alkaline basins in sagebrush steppe  +
Openings in dry coniferous forests  +
Subalpine limestone talus  +
Moist subalpine-alpine willow thickets in the Rocky and Cascade mountains, the Sierra Nevada and mountains of the Great Basin  +
Subalpine-alpine limestone talus  +
Sagebrush steppe, plains, foothills of mountains  +
Dry slopes on tundra  +
Seasonally dry basins in foothills of mountains, often associated with sagebrush flats  +
Arctic and alpine tundra, on or near dry rocky outcrops or sand ridges  +
Arctic and alpine tundra, on or near dry rocky outcrops or sand ridges  +
Arctic and alpine tundra, on dry rocky outcrops, fell fields, or gravelly frost boils  +
Dry lower montane to montane coniferous forests, usually in ± thick duff under Pinus ponderosa  +
Pastures, dry fields, openings in woodlands and forests, and rock barrens  +
Pastures, dry fields, openings in deciduous woodlands and coniferous forests. and rock barrens  +
Pastures, dry fields, openings in woodlands and forests, and rock barrens and dry lake shores  +
Pastures, dry fields, openings in woodlands and forests, and rock barrens  +
Protected alpine and subalpine sites, gravelly or sandy soils near conifers at timberline  +
Moist, open, meadows and drainages, lower montane, ponderosa pine zone  +
Semidry meadows and drainages, lower montane, ponderosa pine zone  +
Moist forests, slopes and tops of ridges under Douglas fir, ponderosa pine, Engelmann spruce or Gambel oaks, openings in the forests  +
Dry, rocky to moist alpine tundra  +
Moist open areas, flood plains of streams, margins of alkaline depressions, lower montane to subalpine (subarctic)  +
Moist tundra, disturbed margins of solifluction lobes, unstable, gravelly slopes  +
Moist tundra, often on disturbed margins of solifluction lobes or on unstable, gravelly slopes  +
Plains, grasslands, pastures, and open woodlands  +
Clearings, fields, roadsides, and open deciduous woods  +
Clearings, fields, roadsides, and open woods  +
Prairies, pastures, roadsides, mountain parks, open deciduous woods, and drier coniferous forests, usually ponderosa or lodgepole pine  +
Dry, open, deciduous woodlands, tops of banks, ridges, and bluffs, sandstone formations, slopes in openings in woodlands  +
Moist subalpine-alpine meadows, snow basins, margins of tarns, streams, or run-off from snow masses  +
Limestone barrens, serpentine  +
Alluvial soils in moist willow thickets subject to intermittent flooding along streams, montane to subalpine zone  +
Moist, cool, montane and subalpine coniferous forests and roadcuts in forests  +
Dry to moist habitats, tundra, rock outcrops, fields, meadows, forests, savannas, and roadcuts, other similarly disturbed places  +
Dry to moist habitats, tundra, rock outcrops, fields, meadows, forests, savannas, and roadcuts, other similarly disturbed places  +
Dry to moist open habitats, usually on rock outcrops or barrens  +
Dry to moist habitats, tundra, rock outcrops, fields, meadows, forests, savannas, and roadcuts, other similarly disturbed places  +
Open slopes and dry meadows, lower montane to montane, or subalpine zone, usually with big sagebrush, Artemisia tridentata  +
Talus areas on limestone ridge at treeline in the subalpine zone  +
Slopes or stream banks in moist, rich, deciduous woodlands, forests, sometimes forest openings  +
Dry, often sagebrush (Artemisia) covered hillsides and dry margins around seasonally moist depressions in sagebrush steppe of the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau  +
Dry, open coniferous woods or barren slopes on serpentine  +
Sagebrush steppe to open, dry, coniferous montane forests to subalpine meadows  +
Devonian shale barrens and argillaceous soils derived from them, open deciduous woods and fields  +
Disturbed sites, abandoned plantings  +
Disturbed sites, clearings, fields, roadsides  +
Waste places, ballast, disturbed ground, dry calcareous open gravel and adjacent grassy areas, chalk cliffs, hayfields, roadsides.  +
Cultivated and often persisting after abandonment, rarely escaping  +
Disturbed ground.  +
Bark, decorticated wood, on Quercus, siliceous rock, soil, humic soil, full sun or partial shade  +
Trunks and branches of Acer, Alnus, Populus, Prunus, Quercus, conifers, dead branches, snags, decorticated or decomposing logs, siliceous rock, soil, humus  +
Dry, gravelly outwash fans, talus slopes, roadsides  +
Sandy, gravelly limestone outwash fans, or calcareous silty soils, gypsum  +
Calcareous clay and clayey shales  +
Calcareous clays and shales, sometimes on gypsum  +
Gypseous shaley clay  +
Moist, exposed, sandy or silty soil of depressions, river and stream banks in montane coniferous forest regions, subalpine regions, mountains, and northern latitudes  +
Rock crevices, cliff faces, on igneous or volcanic substrates (mostly rhyolite)  +
Fields, usually on sandy soil, mossy and grassy sites, moist shade, gravelly roadsides, shady, bare patches in lawns, shallow soil pockets on rocky seashores, meadows, hillsides  +
Fields, sandy places  +
Vernally moist grasslands, chaparral, woodlands, clearings, rocky outcrops, cliffs, sandy beaches, waste ground, roadsides  +
Coastal shrublands, bluffs, saline sands  +
Soil, clay, along creeks or trails in places subject to inundation, rarely among other mosses  +
Sand or sandy clay, open scrub oak woodlands, mesquite savannas, fields, disturbed sites, roadsides  +
Sand and gravel bars, limestone soils, Larrea flats, mesquite savannas, roadsides, disturbed sites  +
Sand and sandy loam, black loam, silt, caliche, rocky limestone soils, stream bottoms, oak-juniper openings, mesquite pastures, roadsides, fencerows, disturbed sites  +
Open sites, often calcareous, often with scrubby oaks  +
Sandy or gravelly soils, often in matorral and scrublands  +
Sand, sandy loam, sandy clay, silt, gravel, river terraces, oak woodlands, mesquite savannas, fields, roadsides  +
Sand dunes near beaches, coastal sands, Rio Grande plains  +
Limestone slopes, subalpine valleys, wet cliffs, ridges, fine gravel saturated by snowmelt  +
Wet soils, along streams and lakes.  +
Rocky, open woods, forest borders, mixed oak woods, limestone, drainage areas.  +
Moist, deciduous, upland to swampy forests  +
Dung, animal remains  +
Hardwood and coniferous forests and woodlands, clearings, mountain canyons, river terraces, old fields, pastures, roadsides.  +
Forests, woodlands, fields, lakeshores, margins of swamps, rocky or gravelly river margins, dry creek beds, roadsides, railroad rights-of-way, other disturbed sites.  +
Forests, woodlands, fields, river terraces, lakeshores, roadsides.  +
Roadsides, gravelly stream terraces, interfan alluvium, dunes, flats, rocky slopes, lava beds, grasslands, creosote scrub, Chihuahuan desert scrub of Flourensia-Larrea, mesquite, oak chaparral, oak-juniper woodlands  +
Quiet ponds  +
Disturbed places, coastal bluffs, margins of coastal wetlands, 0-100 m  +
Bogs, alluvial and upland rich woods  +
Cliff walls and talus slopes, usually on shale  +
Open woods, meadows, shores, and rock outcrops  +
Shaded or open woods, often around cliffs, rock outcrops, and forest edges  +
Rocky places in canyons, mostly along streams  +
Damp places in canyons  +
Open rocky slopes  +
Rocky slopes or near streams in open woodland or herbland  +
Rocky slopes or near streams, in open woodland or herbland  +
Rocky slopes or near streams, in open woodland or herbland  +
Open rocky places  +
Moist coniferous forests, especially along streams  +
Damp rocky places  +
Moist mountain meadows and alpine slopes  +
Mesic woods or shrublands  +
Mesic woods or shrublands  +
Dripping cliffs  +
Rocky places in limestone areas, usually subalpine  +
Rock crevices  +
Near streams or in damp rocky places in canyons  +
Seepy rock walls of canyons  +
Open rocky places, alpine or subalpine  +
Cliffs and rocky slopes, subalpine and alpine  +
Rocky slopes, woodlands, or meadows  +
Moist places in dry woodlands and shrublands  +
Disturbed habitats  +
Sandy beaches, gravel, flats of streambeds  +
Gravelly slopes, forests, gravel bars, high-elevation scree and talus, roadsides  +
Cliffs, ledges, thickets, stream and river banks, woods, limestone crevices and bluffs, sandstone hills and outcrops, serpentine rocks and barrens, shale, talus, sand dunes  +
Sand dunes, sand bars, tussocks, gravel, tundra, volcanic ash, stream terraces  +
Sandy areas along roadsides, stream banks, railroad tracks and embankments, open pastures, grassy flats, fields, prairies, floodplains, woods, lawns, limestone ledges and crevices, bluffs, shale and serpentine barrens, gravel, sandstone  +
Serpentine slopes, rocky hillsides  +
Crevices of limestone rocks, along streams, calcareous alpine meadows, Salix scrub on slopes with scree  +
Rocky hillsides and bluffs, grassy hillsides, slopes  +
Rare garden escape  +
Open woods, rocky bluffs, steep banks, canyon margins  +
Rocky slopes, crevices, and ledges, meadows, moist banks and grounds, granitic soil, wooded slopes  +
Open slopes, alpine meadows, cliffs, ridge crests  +
Stream banks, roadsides  +
Serpentine scrap and slopes, red serpentinized soil  +
Moist shaded banks, slopes, rocky canyon walls, talus, basaltic bluffs  +
Alpine and subalpine meadows and slopes, open woods, steep slopes and cliffs, mossy mats, dry or moist slopes and hillsides, ridge crests  +
Talus slopes near glacier  +
Moist granitic soil, rocky hillsides, chaparrals, steep banks  +
Rocky wooded slopes, shady stream banks, limestone ledges and bluffs  +
Ravines, pastures, cliffs, calcareous talus, dolomite glades, rich woods, bluffs, rocky ledges  +
Bluffs, cliffs, ledges, rocky hillsides, open woods, bottom lands, gravel bars, meadows, streamsides, upland prairies, grassy swales, hillsides, stream bottoms  +
Roadsides, adjacent fields.  +
Waste areas, field edges.  +
Terrestrial along stream banks in woods  +
Citrus groves, roadsides, waste places, dunes, beaches.  +
Chaparral, woodlands, citrus groves, urban/suburban disturbed sites.  +
Riverine forests and oak parklands along seasonally moist waterways  +
Open forests, rocky slopes, ravines, foothills, and shores  +
Rough, stony hills, mountain slopes, calcareous ledges  +
Coniferous forests, especially with jack or lodgepole pine.  +
Coniferous forests generally with fir.  +
Coniferous forests with southwestern white pine.  +
Coniferous forests with southwestern white pine.  +
Coniferous forests with sugar pine or western white pine.  +
Coniferous forests with ponderosa or Jeffrey pine.  +
Coniferous forests, especially with western larch or mountain hemlock.  +
Closed-cone pine forests.  +
Coniferous forests, especially with blue or Engelmann spruce.  +
Coniferous forests, especially with western white pine.  +
Coniferous and mixed forests, especially with digger pine.  +
Coniferous forests, especially closed-cone pine forests with knobcone pine.  +
Pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
Coniferous forests with Douglas fir.  +
Coniferous and mixed forests with Chihuahua pine.  +
Spruce forests within 500 m of coast and inland bogs, often within 2 km of lakes and rivers.  +
Coniferous forests with ponderosa pine.  +
Common on moist to wet soil, mud and sand around temporary pools, along ditches and roadsides, and in fields, occasional on sandstone and limestone outcrops  +
Uncommon on moist to dry soil along roadsides, in fields, rarely on rock  +
Uncommon to rare on moist open sandy or loamy soil, along roadsides and in grassy often disturbed areas  +
Uncommon on moist open sandy or loamy soil, along roadsides and in grassy often disturbed areas, or crevices and pockets in rock  +
Common on moist open sandy, loamy, or clay soils, mud, and rock outcrops in a wide variety of open habitats, including roadsides, ditches, meadows, prairies, sand dunes, and creeks  +
Common to uncommon on dry to moist sand, soil, in clearings, along roadsides, creek banks, open forests, pastures, often on soil of limestone and sandstone outcrops  +
Open, coastal, wet, brackish habitats on clay, sand, gravel or rocks, upper tidal marshes, brackish coastal meadows, coastal herbaceous or heath tundras, sloughs, coastal rocks, flood plains and bars at mouths of streams  +
Open, coastal, wet, brackish habitats on clay, sand, gravel, or rocks, beaches near tideline, coastal dunes, beach meadows, carex salt marshes, estuarine marshes and flood plains, coastal tundra  +
Waste places, roadsides, fields, forest clearings  +
Waste places, roadsides, fields, forest clearings  +
Waste places, roadsides, fields, forest clearings  +
Siliceous rock  +
Siliceous rock or soil  +
Siliceous rock or soil  +
Barren shales that are heavily gypsiferous or otherwise chemically unusual (borate-bearing, lithium-bearing), creosote bush zone  +
Barren, heavily gypsiferous shales, creosote bush zone  +
Barren, calcareous, scree slopes and weakly gypsiferous shales interbedded with marine limestones, creosote bush and blackbrush zones  +
Chaparral, edges of open forests  +
Chaparral, open, closed-cone conifer forests  +
Closed-cone conifer chaparral on serpentine soil  +
Closed-cone conifer chaparral on serpentine soil  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Chaparral, open woodlands  +
Chaparral, gaps and margins of conifer forests along coast, sometimes extending inland, open areas around rock outcrops  +
Island chaparral, open, closed-cone conifer forests  +
Maritime chaparral and open conifer forests  +
Maritime and marginal interior chaparral and closed-cone conifer forests  +
Maritime chaparral and closed-cone conifer forests on siliceous shales  +
Maritime chaparral on volcanic soils  +
Maritime chaparral and coastal bluffs, historic stable dunes  +
Maritime chaparral, grasslands on alluvial and fluvial soils  +
Acidic marine sands  +
Steep, rocky slopes and bluffs near ocean  +
Maritime chaparral, serpentine soils  +
Chaparral on decomposing granites  +
Interior chaparral chiefly on granitic rocks  +
Maritime chaparral and closed-cone conifer forests on sandstone coastal bluffs  +
Chaparral, often on steep, rocky slopes  +
interior chaparral on gabbroic soils  +
Rocky slopes, chaparral, woodlands  +
Chaparral, closed-cone conifer forests  +
Serpentine chaparral and open forests on sandstone  +
Maritime chaparral and closed-cone conifer forests on stable dunes and sandstone uplands  +
Chaparral, open conifer forests  +
Maritime chaparral on sandstone outcroppings  +
Island chaparral and woodlands  +
Open, subalpine forests on soils derived from gabbro  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Chaparral, upper foothill woodlands  +
Chaparral, foothill woodlands  +
Chaparral, foothill woodlands  +
Foothill woodlands, interior chaparral, sometimes in open conifer forests  +
Upper foothill woodlands, open conifer forests  +
Chaparral or along forest edges, often along ridge crests  +
Chaparral openings in mixed conifer forests  +
Chaparral on upland serpentine barrens  +
Maritime chaparral, coastal prairie on serpentine soils  +
Maritime chaparral  +
Maritime chaparral  +
Maritime chaparral on sandy soils near coast  +
Exposed acidic, whitish, clay soils (oxisols)  +
High-elevation forests and montane chaparral  +
High-elevation forests and montane chaparral  +
Shallow shale soils in chaparral and foothill woodlands  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Podsol soils in pygmy pine forests  +
Maritime chaparral, closed-cone conifer forests  +
Chaparral, open, closed-cone conifer forests  +
Knobcone pine chaparral, siliceous shale ridges  +
Maritime chaparral on volcanic uplands  +
Sandstone outcrops  +
Maritime chaparral on deep to shallow, sandy soils or sandstone outcroppings  +
Maritime chaparral, gaps in open forests  +
Chaparral on desert edges  +
Montane chaparral and forest openings  +
Mountain chaparral and forests  +
Maritime chaparral on siliceous shale soils  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Sand dunes, maritime chaparral, open, closed-cone conifer forests  +
Open pine forests, pinyon-juniper woodlands, chaparral  +
Maritime chaparral on deep, sandy soils  +
Chaparral of granite uplands  +
Chaparral, margins of open forests  +
Maritime chaparral on sandy soils  +
Sandstone uplands in maritime chaparral or closed-cone conifer forests near coast  +
Chaparral, open conifer forests  +
Chaparral, on or near serpentine  +
Maritime chaparral in stabilized dunes or on coastal uplands  +
Maritime chaparral on dacite buttes  +
Maritime chaparral on coastal uplands  +
Maritime chaparral on stabilized dunes or coastal uplands  +
Coastal dunes, open, acidic temperate and boreal forests, high montane on acidic, sandy, or rocky soils  +
Maritime chaparral, open, closed-cone conifer forests  +
Island chaparral, open forests  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Roadsides, old fields, other disturbed habitats  +
Roadsides, urban waste places  +
Roadsides, waste places, especially in sandy soils near coasts  +
Tundra, gravelly beach ridges, lichen heaths, open, boggy, coniferous woods, dry, wind-swept and snow-free fellfields in arctic and alpine tundra  +
Rocky and gravelly, arctic or alpine tundra, often in calcareous soils, coastal limestone heaths, swampy woods  +
Acidic soil of suburban and urban woodlands and hardwood hammocks  +
Roadsides, scrub, near villages, edges of fields, along coasts  +
Acidic soil  +
Open woodlands, limestone slopes and outcrops  +
Moist, calcareous gravels and rock crevices  +
Forests, limestone outcrops, moist hummocks, dunes  +
Forests, stream banks  +
Crevices of cliffs and bare walls  +
Gravelly, moist, montane areas, open alpine woods  +
Igneous soil on cliffs and ledges  +
Boggy meadows, freshwater marshes  +
Open, dry to slightly moist sand or gravel  +
Roadsides, open, sandy or rocky, disturbed sites  +
Roadsides, open, sandy or rocky, disturbed sites  +
Sphagnum bogs, coniferous swamps, calcareous treed to open fens, and moist, acid, sandy meadows  +
Dry plains and low hills, road and field margins  +
Waste places, roadsides, fields, beaches, dunes, coastal plains  +
Pastures and waste ground  +
Precipitous slopes  +
Fields, pastures, hills  +
Arid plains and mountains  +
Dry valleys and plains, especially around sand dune areas  +
Dry flats and slopes, stabilized dunes, washes, sandy or granitic soil  +
Washes and outwash plains, deserts  +
Prairies, slopes, and eastern foothills of the Laramie and Rocky mountains  +
Waste places, often a weed of roadsides, dooryards, fallow fields  +
Dry desert ranges  +
Dry foothills and slopes  +
Dry, rocky soil, full sun  +
Open slopes and foothills, full sun  +
Disturbed soil, often a weed of fields, roadways, embankments, intermountain plains  +
Dry slopes and embankments, foothills  +
Dry hills, pinyon-juniper zone  +
Foothills and adjacent high plains  +
Prairies, foothills and mesas  +
Coastal plains and westward  +
Arid slopes and valleys  +
Prairies and foothills  +
Disturbed sites  +
Disturbed sites, abandoned plantings.  +
Calcareous cliffs and ledges  +
Rocky slopes and cliffs, usually on granitic or volcanic substrates  +
Sheltered cracks and ledges on canyon walls, restricted to rocks of volcanic origin in the flora  +
Calcareous cliffs and ledges  +
Rocky slopes and cliffs, usually on calcareous or volcanic substrates  +
Rocky slopes and cliffs, usually on calcareous or volcanic substrates  +
Rocky limestone hillsides and cliffs  +
Desert scrub, rocky soils.  +
Bluestem-grama grasslands, oak woodlands, calcareous, often rocky, clay or loam soils.  +
Open cactus hammocks, pinelands, mixed forests, rocky and sandy soils, limestone.  +
Shortgrass grasslands or open shrublands on whitish, clay soils.  +
Desert scrub, rocky soils.  +
Desert scrub, rocky soils, basaltic hills.  +
Scrub, pinyon-juniper woodlands, limestone-derived, rocky soils, damp zones near lakes.  +
Pine-oak forests, desert scrub, grasslands, limestone, sandstone, and clay soils.  +
Desert scrub, rocky soils.  +
Flats, swamps, prairies, mesquite-yucca short grass communities, rocky hills, sandy soils, limestone.  +
Oak woodlands and forests, grasslands, sandy soils.  +
Desert scrub, sandy, rocky, calcareous soils.  +
Grasslands, oak woodlands, loamy to clayey, calcareous, often rocky, soils.  +
Dry, open sandy flats, edges of playas, gravelly washes, riverbanks  +
Limestone areas, mountains  +
Alkaline flats, canyons, meadows  +
Sulphur streams, tinajas  +
Saline flats, playas, swales, sandy areas, river margins  +
Low valleys, saline soils on mudflats, edges of playas  +
Chihuahuan desert scrub, low, rocky hills of limestone chips  +
Mesic to wet deciduous woods, thickets, and bottoms  +
Moist to dry deciduous woods and thickets, bottoms, swamps, and bogs.  +
Sandy soil in grassland communities, and in pine-oak or juniper woodlands  +
Along streams, in forest thickets, chaparral  +
Waste places, roadsides, ballast  +
Rocky slopes, especially on limestone, occasionally river bottoms  +
Riverbanks, hillsides, chaparral  +
Forests, often on dissected uplands and rugged, rocky slopes, Cumberland and Blue Ridge mountains  +
Hammocks  +
Wet Caribbean-type lowlands  +
Moist, sandy soils  +
Mesic forests  +
Alluvial soils along rivers and streams  +
Rocky slopes  +
Rocky slopes  +
Disturbed roadsides, vacant lots, citrus groves, railroads, ballasts  +
Maritime rocks, cliffs, sandy bluffs, sandy dunes  +
Sand dunes, gravel pavements  +
Maritime rocks, cliffs  +
Gravelly tundras, flood plains, lakes and seashores, alpine meadows  +
Fields, moist stream banks, roadsides, ditches, disturbed sites, open woods, along railroads, shallow ponds, marshes, waste places  +
Sandy pine woods and clearings, often in damp soils, chiefly on Coastal Plain  +
Alpine slopes and ridges to Arctic tundra  +
Alpine slopes and subalpine meadows  +
Serpentine soils, conifer forests  +
Moist meadows and conifer forests, stream banks, late snow-melt areas, often montane to subalpine  +
Conifer forests to subalpine meadows  +
Open forests, meadows, slopes  +
Chaparral, oak and pine forests  +
Prairies and grasslands to montane conifer forests  +
Dry, exposed, rocky, alpine slopes, sometimes subalpine meadows  +
Alpine meadows, tundras, and calcareous rocky outcrops  +
Sea-cliffs, limestone barrens, hornblende schists and dry schistose talus in alpine areas  +
Moist areas, stream banks, gravel bars, to subalpine meadows  +
Moist areas, along stream banks, snow-melt areas, montane to alpine meadows  +
Relatively moist, montane conifer forests to subalpine meadows  +
Coastal tundra to alpine slopes  +
Dry to mesic, open montane slopes, open woodlands, stream gravels, shorelines, calcareous rocky outcrops, to lowland Arctic tundra  +
Montane coniferous forests to alpine, usually moist areas, stream banks or late snow-melt areas  +
Exposed tundra slopes and calcareous rock slides  +
Moist meadows and conifer forests, stream banks, late snow-melt areas, montane to subalpine  +
Coniferous forests, meadows, rocky slopes  +
Moist meadows and conifer forests, stream banks, late snow-melt areas, montane to subalpine  +
Open conifer forests to alpine meadows  +
Dry to mesic, exposed, rocky alpine slopes and ridges or alpine meadows  +
Prairies and grasslands to montane conifer forests  +
Usually serpentine soils, open, dry oak–conifer forests, disturbed areas  +
Coastal tundra to alpine slopes  +
Open, often disturbed, oak-pine forests  +
Open, rocky subalpine to alpine  +
Poorly drained, acidic loamy sands, savannas, open pinewoods  +
Edges of woods, pastures, roadsides  +
Wet or mucky soils, along streams, swamps, woodlands  +
Dry sand ridges, pine-oak woodlands  +
Wet, sandy woods, lowlands, savannas, roadsides  +
Wet prairies and pastures, usually in boggy areas in north  +
Open woods  +
Shaded, wet areas of hillside seepages, thickets, and swamps  +
Disturbed sites, sandy soils  +
Swamps, wet thickets, peatland pocosins, bogs, fens, wet pine flatwoods, margins of freshwater wetlands, beaver ponds, mixed loblolly pine, Magnolia virginiana-Rhus vernix-swamps, black gum swamps  +
Swamps, bogs, wet thickets, margins of ponds and lakes, beaver ponds, woods, moist high-elevation forests, rock outcrops  +
Mineral or humid soil, slopes of ravines, bark at tree bases  +
Waste places  +
Widely cultivated, persisting from plantings, disturbed areas  +
Well-drained soils, flood plains, gravel stream banks, roadsides, dry, rocky slopes, forest openings, alpine and arctic tundras  +
Open areas, fellfield tundra  +
Moist waste areas, sandy soils  +
Rocky sedimentary soils, high valleys, mountain slopes  +
Clay soils of alkaline basins and valleys, occasionally on outwash plains of mountains  +
Rocky soils of igneous origin  +
Disturbed habitats, margins of vernal pools, desert flats, usually clay or silty soils  +
Deserts, sandy or alkaline soils, rock outcrops  +
Open meadows, usually on well-drained soils  +
River terraces, tundra  +
Coastal scrub, dry foothills  +
Open meadows, usually moist soils, sometimes sandy or rocky habitats  +
Sandy soils, arid regions  +
Gravel soils, mountain meadows, stream banks  +
Sandy loam soils, often along streams  +
Wet mountain meadows, stream banks, rocky areas with late-lying snows  +
Open sites, usually sandy soils, wooded areas, grasslands, railroads  +
Meadows, shaded sites, along drainages  +
Open meadows and fields, desert scrub, moist drainages, roadsides  +
Open prairies, dunes, sandy soils  +
Open coniferous forests, mid to upper montane  +
Fields, meadows, dry grasslands, steppes, usually stony, well-drained soils  +
Talus slopes or tundra  +
Arctic and alpine tundra, interior mountains  +
Rocky ridges and slopes  +
Arctic and alpine tundra and sandy slopes  +
Dry, gravelly stream banks, grassy flats, forested areas, dry hillsides  +
Subalpine and alpine meadows, rocky soils  +
Alkaline flats, grasslands, barren areas, high plains  +
Desert drainages, sandy soils  +
Mountains, usually in loamy soils  +
Open meadows, mountain slopes  +
Disturbed roadsides, open meadows, rocky slopes  +
Mountain slopes, rocky soils  +
Talus slopes, alpine and subalpine drainages  +
Rocky slopes, often fog-shrouded hillsides  +
Coastal, arctic, subalpine to alpine habitats, boreal forests, moist soils  +
Shallow soils, desert valleys, exposed mountain slopes  +
Coarse taluses, alkaline soils, erosion gullies  +
Ravines, coastal areas, sandy soils  +
Rocky swales, dry meadows, alkaline mud flats  +
Alpine meadows  +
High plains, grasslands  +
Disturbed areas, valleys, shaded thickets  +
Barren clay and gravelly soils  +
Rocky or sandy soils of coastal beaches  +
Fine-textured soils of gypsum or shale  +
Dry rocky scablands, volcanic plains  +
Clay soils of mountain meadows  +
Steppes, alkaline meadows, stony slopes  +
Alpine meadows, protected areas, bases of rocks  +
Open calcareous gravelly slopes in tundra or heath, sandy slopes above high tide  +
Grasslands and barren areas on high plains  +
Moist open slopes, rocky meadows, streamsides, woodlands, late-lying snowfields  +
Sandy soils, coastal strand  +
Coastal habitats, often along roads or drainages  +
Arctic and alpine tundra, sandy, rocky slopes near shorelines  +
Loose sandy soils of valleys and foothills  +
Deep, well-drained (usually sandy) soils in valley bottoms, lower montane slopes, along drainages  +
Montane meadows, usually in rocky soils, sometimes in forested areas  +
Rocky or fine-grained soils, cold-desert basins to high plateaus, foothills  +
Shallow rocky soils, grasslands  +
Deep loam soils, usually igneous in origin  +
Sandy or loamy soils, forested areas, coastal strands, roadsides  +
Salt marshes, depressions in alkali sage scrub  +
Moist to wet ravines, rocky ledges, avalanche tracks, stream banks, forest edges and openings  +
Rich woods, stream banks, north-facing roadsides, seeps, ditches  +
Rich woods, limestone bluffs  +
Flats, gravel banks, arroyos, pine-oak woodlands  +
Understory of deciduous (rarely coniferous) forests  +
Understory of conifer forests, usually in mesic or wet places  +
Rocky slopes in dry conifer or oak forests  +
Wet places, usually near creeks, in understory of conifer forests  +
Understory of dry or mesic forests, or exposed rocky slopes or roadcuts  +
Understory of Abies forests and open boulder fields in Tsuga forests near timberline  +
Usually under translucent rocks in exposed situations  +
Mountain slopes, ridge tops, bajadas, flats, arroyos, granite, basalt, tuff, coarse rocky soils, cracks in boulders, sand, desert scrub.  +
Dunes, ridges, slopes, sand hills, ravines, sandstone, rarely limestone, sandy, rocky, or silty soils, meadows, pastures, fields, railroad embankments, sand prairies, wet prairies, river banks, open oak woods, barrens, pine-oak forests, pine flatwoods and savannas, forest edges.  +
Canyon bottoms, streamsides, arroyos, sandy or rocky soils, riparian forest, pine-oak-juniper forest.  +
Sandhills, dunes, sandy soils, prairies, pastures, grasslands, oak scrub, riparian areas.  +
Slopes, hillsides, mesas, ridge tops, bajadas, canyons, arroyos, streamsides, lakesides, basalt, granite, limestone, shale, sandstone, alluvium, talus, rocky, gravelly, clay, sand, and silt soils, grasslands, pinyon-juniper, oak, juniper, pine, pine-oak, mixed conifer, and mesquite woodlands, chaparral, riparian areas, desert scrub.  +
Hills, slopes, ridge tops, plains, streambanks, dunes, pastures, fields, limestone, sandstone, gypsum, igneous substrates, rocky, clay, calcareous, and sandy soils, prairies, shrubby grasslands, oak-juniper, juniper, and oak woodlands.  +
Plains, bajadas, pastures, arroyos, stream banks, riparian areas, limestone, igneous substrates, alluvium, gravel, clay, silty, and sandy soils, desert grasslands, desert scrub, oak-juniper, juniper, and mesquite woodlands.  +
Slopes, flats, ridge tops, canyons, arroyos, bajadas, granite, volcanic substrates, rhyolite, limestone, rocky, clay, and sandy soils, pinyon, oak, juniper, and oak-juniper woodlands, pine and mixed-conifer forests, shrublands, chaparral, coastal sage scrub, riparian woods, non-native grasslands.  +
Slopes, hills, flats, ridge tops, stream banks, granite, shale, serpentine, igneous substrates, talus, gravel, sandy soils, grasslands, chaparral, oak woodlands, pine-oak and mixed-conifer forests.  +
Ridges, flats, fields, sandstone, sandy soils, wet to dry pine flatwoods, barrens and savannas, pine-oak forest, often recently burned, bogs, swamps.  +
Flats, sandy soils, pine flatwoods and barrens, often recently burned, wet meadows, marshes, bogs, swamps.  +
Hillsides, canyons, ridge tops, streamsides, seeps, basalt, serpentine, gabbro, granite, shale, limestone, talus slopes, gravel, alluvium, oak woodlands, mixed evergreen, douglas-fir, pine, pine-oak, and riparian forests, chaparral, timberline meadows, grasslands.  +
Ridge tops, mesas, slopes, flats, arroyos, canyons, plains, alluvium, sandstone, shale, gypsum, limestone, granite, ash, sand, silt, clay, or calcareous soils, juniper, pinyon-juniper, and oak woodlands, shrubby grasslands.  +
Slopes, hills, arroyos, basalt, silicic tuff, limestone, chert, serpentine, gravel, sand and clay soils, juniper woodlands, shrubby grasslands, steppe.  +
Disturbed areas, fields, orchards, and gardens, canal banks, ditches, streamsides, wet prairies, marshes, swamps, coastal dunes, sandy soils.  +
Low ridges, sandy soils, oak-palmetto sand scrub, pinelands.  +
Sand dunes, sandy soils, grasslands, shrubby grasslands.  +
Valleys, depressions, flats, slopes, arroyos, dunes, granite, gravel, sandy, calcareous, and clay soils, shrubby grasslands, desert scrub, pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
Canyons, arroyos, stream banks, slopes, igneous substrates, limestone, rocky, sandy, and clay soils, pinyon-juniper and oak woodlands, pine-oak and riparian forests, meadows.  +
Plains, hills, slopes, limestone, caliche, sandy, clay, rocky, calcareous, and gravelly soils, prairies, mesquite grasslands, thorn scrub.  +
Hills, slopes, plains, valleys, arroyos, canyons, streamsides, ditches, sandhills, dunes, shale, sandstone, limestone, gypsum, igneous substrates, sandy, gravelly, clay, calcareous, and rocky soils, prairies, shrubby and mesquite grasslands, pastures, pinyon-juniper, juniper, oak, and oak-juniper woodlands, riparian forests.  +
Hills, slopes, ridge tops, flats, valleys, canyons, arroyos, stream banks, granite, rocky, alluvial, clay, and sandy soils, meadows, native and non-native grasslands, chaparral, coastal sage scrub, oak and pine-oak woodlands, pine, mixed conifer, and riparian forests, often following fires.  +
Dunes, arroyos, canyons, ridges, slopes, bajadas, flats, granite, gypsum, gravel, alluvium, volcanic substrates, sandy, saline, and silty soils, desert scrub, riparian scrub, shrubby grasslands.  +
Bluffs, summits, hills, slopes, ravines, bottomlands, stream banks, lake shores, moraines, rock outcrops, limestone, alluvium, rich, thin, rocky, and sandy soils, oak, pine-oak, mixed-hardwood, riparian, and cove forests and edges, meadows.  +
Valleys, slopes, hills, streamsides, ditches, seeps, hot springs, wet depressions, arroyos, vernal pools, basalt, granite, limestone, clay, sandy, and silty soils, native, non-native, and shrubby grasslands, oak, pine-oak, juniper, pinyon-juniper, and riparian woodlands, chaparral, coastal sage scrub, pine and mixed-conifer forests, sometimes following fires.  +
Flats, streamsides, sandy soils, pine scrub and flatwoods, pine-palmetto scrub, prairies, hammocks.  +
Slopes, ridges, ditches, arroyos, field margins, shale, ash, gypsum, igneous substrates, talus, gravel, clay, silt, sandy, and rocky soils, pinyon-juniper woodlands, shrubby grasslands, meadows, pine forests.  +
Plains, low hills, slopes, ditches, ravines, wet depressions, bottomlands, limestone, shale, silty, sandy, clay, and rocky soils, prairies, glades, wet meadows, oak, oak-hickory, and pine-oak forests and edges, pastures.  +
Dunes, sandhills, ridges, slopes, coastal strand, streamsides, sandy soils, pine flatwoods, pine-oak woods, oak and pine-oak scrub.  +
Slopes, flats, lake shores, streamsides, granite, gneiss, andesite, rocky soils, pine, pine-oak, oak, and mixed-conifer forests.  +
Marshes, swamps, creeks, ditches, wet depressions, streamsides, pond edges, sandhills, dolomite, limestone, saturated and sandy soils, riparian woods, mixed hardwood forests, hammocks, wet meadows and prairies, pastures.  +
Pond and lake shores, marshes, bogs, saturated sandy and rocky soils, wet meadows, flatwoods, riparian woods, thickets.  +
Hills, slopes, ridges, canyons, arroyos, valleys, playas, flats, dunes, limestone, sandstone, basalt, calcareous, rocky, sandy, silty, and clay soils, alluvium, prairies, mesquite, shrubby, and desert grasslands, chaparral, oak, juniper, and pinyon-juniper woodlands, pine forests, pastures.  +
Arroyos, canyons, flats, terraces, bluffs, ditches, sandstone, shale, siltstone, gypsum, sandy, gravel, and clay soils, riparian and juniper woods, desert scrub.  +
Saltwater and freshwater marshes, pond edges, streamsides, bogs, swamps, ditches, glades, depressions, hill slopes, saturated sandy and silty soils, pine flatwoods, pine-oak forests, savannas, meadows, and barrens, thickets.  +
Sandhills, dunes, moraines, bluffs, slopes, sandstone, limestone, sandy, gravel, or rocky soils, prairies, pine barrens and forests, oak savannas.  +
Plains, hills, slopes, dunes, canyons, arroyos, terraces, springs, ditches, limestone, shale, sandstone, caliche, silty, clay, sandy, rocky, and gravel soils, prairies, shrubby and mesquite grasslands, pastures, desert scrub, pinyon-juniper, juniper, and riparian woodlands, pine forests.  +
Canyons, slopes, streamsides, rocky and clay soils, pine-oak, pine, and riparian forests, oak woodlands, marshes.  +
Canyons, cliffs, arroyos, ridges, slopes, bedrock crevices, rhyolite, granite, gneiss, conglomerate, rocky, sandy, and gravel soils, pine-oak forests, oak, pinyon-juniper woodlands, chaparral, desert scrub, desert grasslands, riparian woodlands and forests.  +
Plains, ditches, valleys, marshes, alluvium, sandy and clay soils, prairies, savannas, mesquite grasslands, pastures.  +
Bogs, swamps, flats, ditches, depressions, pond edges, sandy, clay, and rocky soils, wet prairies, pine flatwoods, oak woodlands, savannas, pastures, often following fires.  +
Arroyos, hills, ridges, canyons, dunes, sandstone, limestone, sandy soils, juniper woodlands, shrubby grasslands, desert scrub.  +
Mesas, hills, slopes, flats, canyon rims and bottoms, arroyo margins, limestone, sandstone, shale, rhyolite, gypsum, caliche, cracks in bedrock, talus, gravel and sandy soils, oak, pine-oak, juniper, and pinyon-juniper woodlands, chaparral, shrubby grasslands, desert grasslands, prairies.  +
Dry, upland prairies, chert-lime glades.  +
Flats, hills, ridges, bogs, sandhills, ravines, ditches, clay, sandy, and silty soils, pine flatwoods, oak forests, savannas, wet prairies, often following fires.  +
Hills, slopes, ridges, flats, arroyos, canyons, rhyolite, granite, sandstone, limestone, igneous outcrops, rocky, gravel, sandy, chalky, or clay soils, oak, oak-juniper, pinyon-juniper, and riparian woodlands, pine-oak forests, desert and oak grasslands.  +
Arroyos, canyons, mesas, hills, slopes, bajadas, ridges, plains, valleys, limestone, sandstone, granite, andesite, rhyolite, volcanic ash, sandy, silty, and gravel soils, desert scrub, mesquite and oak grasslands, oak and oak-juniper, and pinyon-juniper woodlands, chaparral, pine-oak forests.  +
Hills, slopes, flats, ridges, sandhills, ditches, seeps, bogs, sandstone, sandy, rocky, silty, and clay soils, pine flatwoods, pine savannas, pine, pine-oak, and bottomland hardwood forests, prairies, often following fires.  +
Coastal and inland dunes, salt flats, shell mounds, hills, slopes, ridges, arroyos, canyons, valleys, urban lots, ditches, limestone, sandstone, shale, basalt, volcanic ash, caliche, alluvium, sandy, clay, silty, gravel, rocky, and calcareous soils, thorn scrub, desert scrub, desert and mesquite grasslands, prairies, pastures, pinyon-juniper, juniper, oak, and riparian woodlands, pine flatwoods.  +
Hills, slopes, ravines, bluffs, ridges, dunes, coulees, ditches, lake shores, sandstone, sandy, rocky, and clay soils, prairies, shrubby grasslands, aspen woods, oak savannas, oak woods, pine-oak and pine forests.  +
Flats, streamsides, sandhills, sandy soils, pine flatwoods, savannas, pine-palmetto and oak-palmetto scrubs, often following fires.  +
Swamps, streamsides, ditches, bottomlands, flood plains, marshes, saturated or inundated clay, silty, and sandy soils, pine-oak, oak, and mixed hardwood forests, riparian woods, pine flatwoods.  +
Arroyos, flats, hills, caliche, sandy, gravel, silty, and calcareous, often compacted soils, thorn scrub.  +
Slopes, bluffs, plains, sandhills, dunes, rock outcrops, playas, ditches, basalt, alluvium, sandy, clay, rocky, and gravel soils, prairies, meadows, shrubby grasslands, pine woodlands.  +
Slopes, ravines, fields, ditches, glades, pond and lake edges, streamsides, limestone, silty, sandy, and rocky soils, oak and riparian woods, oak-hickory and mixed-hardwood forests and edges, prairie openings.  +
Ridges, slopes, valleys, flats, lake shores, canyons, limestone, chert, sandstone, oak woods, oak-hickory, pine-oak, and mixed-hardwood forests, prairie openings.  +
Slopes, canyons, limestone, rhyolite, rocky soils, chaparral, pinyon-juniper and oak woodlands, pine and pine-oak forests.  +
Streamsides, bogs, baygalls, swales, saturated soils, pine flatwoods, savannas, riparian woods, thickets.  +
Ridges, arroyos, canyons, slopes, basalt, granite, sandstone, shale, sandy, rocky, clay, and gravel soils, oak and pinyon-juniper woodlands, pine, pine-oak, and riparian forests, forest edges.  +
Slopes, terraces, bluffs, sandstone, basalt cobbles, limestone, sandy, clay, and rocky soils, desert scrub, shrubby grasslands.  +
Slopes, ridges, arroyos, sandstone, sandy, silty, and rocky soils, juniper and pinyon-juniper woodlands, shrubby grasslands, desert scrub.  +
Ridges, slopes, limestone, rocky, silty, and clay soils, pine-oak woodlands, desert scrub, thorn scrub.  +
Slopes, streamsides, canyons, barrens, serpentine, rocky and deep soils, chaparral, cypress and mixed-conifer woodlands, pine and mixed-conifer forests, meadows.  +
Slopes, flats, hills, valleys, canyons, coulees, streamsides, lake and pond edges, ditches, swales, seeps, granite, basalt, schist, pumice, serpentine, alluvium, clay, sandy, silty, rocky, and saline soils, pine and mixed-conifer forests, oak and pine woodlands, chaparral, riparian woods, shrubby and non-native grasslands, prairies, meadows, agricultural fields.  +
Slopes, ridges, canyons, limestone, rocky soils, desert scrub and desert grasslands.  +
Hills, ridges, bluffs, slopes, flats, glades, sandhills, streamsides, limestone, dolomite, rhyolite, sandy and clay soils, prairies, pastures, thickets, forest openings, pine savannas.  +
Arroyos, dunes, hills, slopes, flats, depressions, bajadas, alluvial fans, basalt, granite, rhyolite, caliche, sandy, rocky, and clay soils, desert scrub.  +
Hills, ridges, mesas, slopes, flats, depressions, ciénegas, wet meadows, pastures, canyons, streamsides, arroyos, pond and lake margins, playas, bajadas, limestone, igneous rocks, sandstone, gypsum, clay, sandy, silty, and gravel soils, prairies, desert scrub, mesquite, juniper, and desert grasslands, pine savannas, chaparral, oak, pine-oak, pinyon-juniper, and riparian woodlands, pine and mixed-conifer forests.  +
Ditches, fields, streamsides, flood plains, alluvium, clay and sandy soils, prairies, wet prairies, shrubby grasslands, forest openings, thickets.  +
Flats, slopes, ridges, valleys, fields, meadows, pastures, ditches, pond and lake edges, marshes, bogs, fens, parks, urban lots, streamsides, swales, bluffs, sandhills, limestone, clay, silty, sandy, and rocky soils, prairies, forest openings and edges, riparian woods.  +
Canyons, arroyos, slopes, cliff bases, bluffs, streamsides, limestone, igneous rocks, rocky and clay soils, riparian, oak-juniper, and oak woods, pine-oak forest.  +
Sandhills, dunes, sandy and marl soils, pine, pine-palmetto, pine-oak, and oak scrubs, pine flatwoods.  +
Slopes, ridges, flats, valleys, streamsides, arroyos, canyons, lake edges, cliffs, bluffs, dunes, sandhills, glades, fields, pastures, limestone, granite, sandstone, shale, sandy, silty, clay, gravel, and calcareous soils, prairies, shrubby grasslands, forest edges and openings, pine barrens, oak scrub, chaparral, oak, oak-hickory, and cedar woodlands, pine, oak, pine-oak, mixed-conifer, and riparian forests.  +
Dunes, sandhills, flood plains, limestone, sandy soils, pine flatwoods, pine, pine-oak, and oak-palmetto scrub.  +
Ridges, slopes, plains, bluffs, ditches, fields, streamsides, lake shores, salt marshes, sandhills, limestone, sandy, clay, and rocky soils, oak-hickory, pine, pine-oak, mixed-hardwood, and pine-mixed-hardwood forests, pine flatwoods, pine barrens, forest edges and openings, prairies.  +
Plains, hills, ridges, canyons, bajadas, shale, alluvium, clay, sandy, and rocky soils, prairies, desert grasslands, juniper woodlands.  +
Ridges, slopes, bluffs, flats, glades, ravines, streamsides, lake shores, limestone, sandstone, basalt, clay, sandy, silty, and marl soils, oak-hickory, oak, mixed-hardwood, pine-mixed-hardwood, pine-oak-hickory, and pine forests, oak, pine, pine-oak, oak-hickory, and riparian woodlands, forest edges and openings.  +
Ridges, slopes, flats, glades, bluffs, dunes, sandhills, streamsides, wet meadows and depressions, lake shores, sandstone, limestone, granite, serpentine, dolomite, shale, sandy, clay, and rocky soils, prairies, pine flatwoods and barrens, pine and oak scrubs, oak and oak-hickory woodlands, pine, pine-oak and pine-mixed-hardwood forests, forest edges.  +
Flats, slopes, ridges, canyons, arroyos, foothills, alluvial fans, fields, granite, sandstone, sandy, clay, and rocky soils, desert scrub, chaparral, grasslands, oak, pine-oak, juniper, pinyon-juniper, and Joshua tree woodlands.  +
Slopes, ridges, bluffs, flats, canyons, arroyos, glades, fields, meadows, pastures, sandhills, dunes, pond edges, streamsides, playas, sandstone, limestone, gypsum, serpentine, dolomite, alluvium, silty, sandy, clay, rocky, and calcareous soils, prairies, desert grasslands, oak scrub, oak, oak-juniper, oak-hickory, pine-oak, and pine woodlands, forest openings and edges.  +
Slopes, flats, glades, ravines, fields, pastures, hammocks, ditches, shale, limestone, granite, sandstone, silty, sandy, rocky, clay, and calcareous soils, prairies, mesquite-juniper grasslands, oak-hickory, pine-oak, and riparian woodlands, oak forests, forest edges and openings.  +
Wet meadows, pine savannas, pine flatwoods, often following fires.  +
Active orange to red sand dunes, adjacent to pinyon-juniper and pine woodlands.  +
Open dry, sandy habitats, open pine and oak associations, dunes, roadsides, savannas, prairies.  +
Sands or sandy loams, upland oak-pineland, pastures, disturbed sandy sites, mostly in longleaf pine-turkey oak systems  +
Sands and sandy peats or loams of yellow sandhills, sandy fields and pastures, open longleaf pine-turkey oak woods and savannas  +
Sands or sandy peats or loams of rises in pine savanna, pine flatwoods, or sandhills, sandy fields, and pastures  +
White and yellow sand ridges, mostly in oak-pine woods, scrub, coastal dunes, and hammock edges  +
Sands, sandy loams, or sandy alluvium of rich woods, alluvial terraces, and upland dry woods  +
Sandy peat of pine-palmetto flats, savannas, low sandy fields, and low sand ridges  +
Moist sands and sandy peat of pine-palmetto flats, savannas, low fields  +
Sands of ancient coastal dunes and adjacent open-wooded hammocks, flatwoods  +
Mesic woods, often alluvial sites, fencerows  +
Open, disturbed sites, slopes, chaparral, oak woodland.  +
Waste places, abandoned gardens  +
Waste places, open forests, roadsides  +
Fields, fencerows, roadsides, disturbed areas  +
Waste places, abandoned gardens  +
Roadsides, fields, waste places  +
Dry rocky slopes among boulders, grassy slopes with oaks, pines, junipers.  +
Brushy, dry, calcareous slopes.  +
Rocky outcrops and crevices (not serpentine), moist to dry, shaded slopes and cliffs  +
Slopes, crevices, rocky outcrops, often on serpentine, sometimes in chaparral  +
Shaded limestone boulders, cliff ledges, grottoes, sinkholes  +
Crevices in limestone  +
Mainly epiphytic on old sloping tree trunks in shady forests  +
Acidic rocks, usually on steep ledges  +
Low limestone boulders and ledges in deep moist woods  +
Moist, rocky ravines, terrestrial among and at bases of rocks  +
Conglomerate boulders  +
Sinkholes, limestone rocks in shady hammocks, masonry  +
Crevices in sandstone or other acidic rocks  +
Shaded rocky slopes, wet ledges, often in protected places  +
Cliffs, ledges, and boulders of sandstone and other acidic rocks  +
Forest floor or on rocks, often invading masonry and disturbed soils  +
Limestone rocks in shaded forests  +
Shaded limestone boulders  +
Cliffs, sinkholes, on limestone or other basic rocks  +
Shaded, usually moss-covered boulders and ledges, usually on limestone or other basic rocks, but occasionally on sandstone or other acidic rocks, rarely on fallen tree trunks  +
Limestone (or calcareous shale) cliffs and boulders, rarely invading masonry  +
On calcareous rocks in sinkholes, at cave entrances, and on cool, moist talus, always in deep shade  +
Cliffs of various substrates  +
Rotten logs and stumps  +
Calcareous rocks such as limestone and dolomite  +
Acidic rocks such as sandstone, basalt, and granite, very rarely on calcareous rocks  +
Shady hammocks, on walls of limesinks, moist limestone rocks, rocky banks of streams  +
Limestone and other basic rocks  +
Limestone outcrops in grottoes, on cliffs, and on boulders in shaded woods  +
Moist, shaded canyon walls and at base of overhanging rocks  +
Hammocks, on limestone rock faces  +
Shaded damp limestone rocks  +
Limestone rocks  +
Open to semishaded, mesic to dry, rocky, gravelly or silty, often calcareous areas, alpine tundra, montane to alpine meadows, cold prairies, Artemisia steppes, gravelly or eroding stream banks and flats, edges of open riparian boreal forests, bluffs, talus and cliffs, sandy ridges in muskeg  +
Fields, open roadsides  +
Rich woods and shaded north-facing road banks, ditches and seeps  +
Open areas, disturbed habitats.  +
Dry sites with oaks, soils derived from litter.  +
Grassy or brushy slopes, open woods, and oak thickets on igneous bedrock.  +
Gravelly clay banks and knolls, on stiff, dry, alkaline soils derived from sandstone, pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
Ledges and crevices of limestone cliffs in mixed shrub, sagebrush, and juniper woodland communities.  +
Larrea and Joshua tree communities.  +
With sagebrush, on various substrates derived from basalt and other igneous sources.  +
Sagebrush and pinyon-juniper communities upward to ponderosa pine forests.  +
Openings on brushy ridges in partially timbered forests.  +
Meadows, prairies, hillsides, stream banks, openings in sagebrush and aspen communities.  +
Mainly on granitic or calcareous gravel.  +
Gullied badlands, sandy clay talus under cliffs, on seleniferous substrates, with juniper, rabbitbrush, Eriogonum, and saltbush, in salt-seep communities.  +
Plains, foothills, open valleys, in desert-grasslands, scattered scrub-oak or juniper forests, rarely on dunes.  +
Arctic and alpine tundra, heath, woods, stream banks, riverbeds, terraces, moraines, gravelly roadsides.  +
Rocky shores, ledges near high water, gravel bars, on schist, limestone, and sandstone.  +
Openings on steep slopes and roadcuts, limestone soils, in ponderosa pine-oak, Douglas-fir, and spruce-fir-pinyon forests.  +
Knolls, bluffs, xeric hillsides, loose volcanic sands, with sagebrush, shadscale, and rabbitbrush.  +
Clay, shale, or volcanic gravel slopes or talus, in Atriplex-sagebrush communities.  +
Gravelly or sandy soils in woods or thickets, glades, grasslands, stream banks, roadsides.  +
Limestone rock crevices and talus.  +
Sandy valleys, plains, gravelly hillsides, on dunes, rarely on gumbo-clay flats, in creosote bush, Joshua tree, blackbrush, indigo bush, salt desert shrub, pinyon-juniper, and mountain brush communities.  +
Dry gravelly hillsides, in blackbrush, four-wing saltbush, Indian ricegrass, needle-and-thread grass, old man sagebrush, mixed grass communities, on sandy silt, limestone, or cindery volcanic debris.  +
Limestone gravel and outcrops with blackbrush.  +
Sandy valley floors, ledges under cliffs, gravelly hillsides, in sagebrush or mountain brush communities, pinyon-juniper forests, usually on sandstone.  +
Gypsiferous substrates, in boils on the Triassic Chinle Formation, with creosote bush, warm desert shrubs, juniper communities.  +
Clay soils, on knolls in pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Sandy or gravelly sites on granitic or basaltic substrates.  +
Dry gravelly flats and hillsides, on sandy clay soils overlying granitic bedrock, among or sheltering under low sagebrush.  +
Sagebrush, rabbitbrush, and juniper communities, on white, tuffaceous outcrops.  +
Seasonally wet meadows, moist ground along wayside ditches in moderately saline substrates.  +
Washes in gullied clay bluffs, steep eroded banks in canyons, sand or gravel bars along streams, on shale, clay, or alluvial debris, with shadscale or sagebrush.  +
Clay bluffs, eroded banks, on sandstone or limestone bedrock.  +
Oak, ponderosa pine, and juniper communities.  +
Alkaline and saline meadows and in evidently non-saline sites, on stream banks, river terraces, lakeshores.  +
Dry gravelly or sandy hillsides, stony ridges, mesas, and canyon benches, in sagebrush, mountain brush, aspen, and spruce-fir communities.  +
Gravelly hillsides and benches in ponderosa pine forests, aspen-Douglas-fir-limber pine, white fir, sagebrush, and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Desert dunes, open sandy plains, valley floors.  +
Desert grasslands, thorn-scrub, oak scrub, or juniper forests.  +
Grassy hillsides, sagebrush slopes, ponderosa pine forests.  +
Grassy hills, meadows, basaltic soils.  +
Saline desert shrub communities on fine-textured, seleniferous, Arapien, Cretaceous Mancos, and Tropic shales, Jurassic Carmel, Tertiary Duchesne River, and Triassic Moenkopi formations.  +
Dry limestone hillsides, among bunchgrasses and xeric shrubs.  +
Dry, grassy hills, fields, roadside banks, rolling plains.  +
Gravelly clay basaltic or granitic substrates, openings in pinyon-juniper woodlands, with sagebrush.  +
Stony flats, stiff soils moist in spring.  +
Volcanic clay and gravel, with pinyon and sagebrush, often sheltered by sagebrush or Salvia dorrii.  +
Dry gravelly substrates, under sagebrush.  +
Grass and sagebrush-grass communities.  +
Pinyon-juniper, cliffrose, sagebrush communities.  +
Alpine sites, at or above timberline.  +
Gravel bars, stony shores, talus, ridge crests, meadows.  +
Spits, gravel bars, slopes, ridge crests, in mixed tundra.  +
Mountain slopes, ridge crests, stream valleys, gravel bars, often with Artemisia.  +
Limestone ridge tops and talus.  +
Pinyon-juniper woods and mixed desert shrublands on platy shales of the Carmel Formation, on sandstone of Jurassic and Cretaceous ages.  +
Knolls, buttes, barren hilltops.  +
Sandy flats, red clay knolls, and gullied washes in badlands, Atriplex, Ephedra, matchweed, Yucca, and galleta communities, seleniferous substrates of Moenkopi Formation.  +
Igneous low outcrops with black sagebrush.  +
Juniper-pinyon, sagebrush, bunchgrass, and mountain brush communities.  +
Pinyon-juniper, sagebrush, and other cool-desert shrublands, on alluvial gravel, sand, and silt, on limestone and dolomite outcrops.  +
Open, brushy slopes with sagebrush and rabbitbrush, on volcanic gravelly clay soils.  +
Sagebrush, bunchgrass, and juniper communities, on sandy, gravelly, or heavy clay soils.  +
Granitic or calcareous substrates, beneath shrubs.  +
Limestone juniper glades, edges of shrub thickets.  +
Ridges, sagebrush flats, lakeshores, canyon benches, pine forests.  +
On fine-textured, saline or seleniferous substrates, short-grass prairies, plains, badlands, in steppes, with sagebrush-grass, shadscale, less commonly with pinyon-juniper and mountain brush communities.  +
Sagebrush-mountain brush, pinyon-juniper, ponderosa pine, and spruce-fir communities, on fine-textured, often saline, seleniferous substrates.  +
Pinyon-juniper, sagebrush, mountain brush communities, salt desert scrub.  +
Knolls, hillsides, desert pans, on fine-textured white or red substrates, in pinyon, juniper, or sagebrush communities.  +
Wet meadows, gravel bars, stream banks, less often on dunes, willow-alder-spruce-birch and meadow communities.  +
Dry, sandy or stony margins of meadows, mountain flats, lakeshores, openings in coniferous forests, on granitic soils.  +
Ridges, talus slopes, cliffs, rocky hillsides, gravel bars, near or above timberline.  +
Gravelly substrates in mixed shrublands, pinyon-juniper, or oak brush.  +
Disturbed sites and openings in chaparral, on granitic or sandstone substrates.  +
Prairies, disturbed sites, often weedy.  +
Grassy sites, chaparral.  +
Sagebrush, oak, and coniferous forest communities, on metamorphic or basaltic bedrock.  +
Sandy flats and dunes in mixed desert shrub and juniper communities.  +
Mixed desert shrublands, sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, and ponderosa pine woodlands, on gravel, sand, and silt.  +
Ridge tops in alpine communities with scattered limber pine, Geum rossii, or sometimes with ponderosa pine, on limestone.  +
Gravelly sites in pinyon-juniper forests, mainly on limestone.  +
Juniper, pinyon-juniper, and mixed desert shrub communities.  +
Barren knolls, gulches, sagebrush scablands, dune and dunelike hillsides in loose sandy substrates of basaltic or rhyolitic origins.  +
Moist but often summer-dry bottomlands, ditches, creek banks with willows, lakeshores, sagebrush hillsides, near springs and seeps, alkaline meadows, depressions on rolling plains, rarely on dry sandy or gravelly soils of brushy hills or lava flows, on stiff, often alkaline, alluvial soils of diverse origin, with sagebrush but ascending along water courses into xeric pine forests.  +
Low, moist prairies or meadows, river banks, lakeshores, open deciduous forests, open coniferous forests, sandy soils, sometimes rocky soils, often disturbed areas (post-logging, trails), roadside ditches, on rich soils moist in spring.  +
Coniferous forests.  +
Sandy substrates or dunes derived from basalt, on clay, in sagebrush, bitterbrush, and hopsage communities.  +
Alkaline gravelly soils overlying granite or basaltic bedrock, with sagebrush, in pinyon-juniper forests, rarely on dunes.  +
Gentle slopes and flats in ponderosa pine and pinyon-juniper forests, rarely in oak woodlands, in dry stony soils of basaltic or, rarely, calcareous substrates.  +
Dry, rocky slopes in pinyon forests, open juniper woodlands.  +
Dunes, sandy flats.  +
Dunes, sandy sites in pinyon-juniper, sagebrush, stream banks, grasslands, mixed desert shrub communities.  +
Dunes, sandy hollows in rolling plains, sandy fields, sand bars of intermittent streams.  +
Dry sandy banks and hillsides, sandbars and shingle bars along rivers and torrents, with grama grass, sagebrush, in pinyon pine forests.  +
Juniper-pinyon, sagebrush, mixed desert shrub, and grassland communities.  +
Rabbitbrush, greasewood, sagebrush, horsebrush, ricegrass, and galleta communities.  +
Meadows, bottomlands, riverbanks.  +
Sandstone hogbacks and cuestas in pinyon-juniper and mixed desert shrub communities.  +
Slopes of degraded Pliocene Chuska Sandstone, with ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, and Rocky Mountain juniper.  +
Slopes of degraded Pliocene Chuska Sandstone, with ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, and oak.  +
Mountain brush, sagebrush, juniper-pinyon, mixed desert shrub communities.  +
Mixed desert shrub, sedge-willow, pinyon-juniper, sagebrush, and aspen communities, gravelly trails, mine tracks.  +
Sagebrush communities.  +
Sagebrush and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Grassy slopes, especially on thin volcanic clay substrates moist in springtime.  +
Stream banks, gravel bars, seeps, marshy areas, on serpentine soils.  +
Rimrock ledges of the Mesaverde Group in pinyon-juniper, sagebrush, and galleta-blue grama communities.  +
Dry sandy or gravelly hillsides, with walnut or oak in ponderosa pine forests.  +
Sandy or gravelly, dry creekbeds, canyon sides, open slopes, pine-oak-juniper woodlands.  +
Open gravelly ridges and canyon benches of desert mountains, on decomposed granite, in mixed warm desert shrub and pinyon-juniper or sagebrush communities.  +
Bunchgrass prairies and sagebrush communities on substrates overlying basalt, pine forests.  +
Dry grassy sites, on sandy or clay soils derived from basalt.  +
Bunchgrass, salt desert shrub, pinyon-juniper, and mountain brush communities.  +
Pinyon-juniper and mountain brush communities.  +
Rocky slopes in sagebrush and bunchgrass communities, on basalt.  +
Pinyon-juniper, oak-sagebrush, live oak-mountain mahogany, and ponderosa pine-oak communities.  +
Brushy banks, canyon slopes, roadcuts, substrates derived from metamorphic or serpentine parent materials, within and slightly below digger pine zone.  +
Meadows, brushy slopes, grasslands, sagebrush desert, pine forests, on basaltic bedrock.  +
Bunchgrass-sagebrush communities.  +
Sagebrush-grassland and pinyon-juniper communities, among basalt boulders or gravel derived from ash-flow tuffs of Tertiary Marysvale volcanic centrum.  +
Riversides, saline meadows.  +
Mixed desert shrub, sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, mountain brush, ponderosa pine, and aspen communities.  +
Pinyon-juniper and sagebrush communities.  +
Sagebrush and pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
Sagebrush, oak, and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Rimrock, hogbacks, and ledges, sandy canyons, in shadscale, pinyon-juniper and blackbrush communities.  +
Hillsides and flats in oak thickets, on bluffs or prairies, on substrates overlying limestone or clays.  +
Arid sandy plains, dry stony meadows, gravelly banks, canyon benches, on granitic and various alluvial soils, in grasslands, juniper-pinyon forests.  +
Prairies, rolling plains, old pastures, roadsides, railroad rights-of-way, on calcareous stony hillsides, in open oak thickets.  +
Prairies, grassy hillsides, open knolls, on granite, shale, sandstone, or limestone, with sagebrush.  +
Open rocky woodlands, edges of prairies and pastures, along roadsides.  +
Crevices of limestone pavement, in pinyon pine belt.  +
In Kaibab Limestone crevices.  +
Crevices of rimrock and limestone cliffs in Kaibab Limestone.  +
Blackbrush and salt desert shrub communities.  +
With creosote bush in Colorado Desert.  +
Grassy and brushy hillsides, rocky bluffs and fallow fields near the coast.  +
Plains and hillsides on rough basaltic gravel or pumice sand.  +
Plains and foothills with sagebrush on sandy or gravelly soils overlying igneous formations, on dunes, with sagebrush.  +
Dry rocky hillsides, rough prairies, gravelly sagebrush slopes and flats on basalt.  +
Rocky and gravelly slopes, canyon terraces, ledges of basalt.  +
Rocky and gravelly slopes, canyon terraces, ledges of basalt.  +
Bare clay hillsides.  +
Barren clay and white or brown ash soils, bluffs, talus slopes, open hilltops.  +
Saltbush and blackbrush communities, on Permian Formations.  +
Dry hillsides, gullied banks, on sandy or gravelly granitic soils, with pinyon-juniper associations.  +
Salt desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities, on cobblestone pedimental bluffs, river terraces, on saddles or along draws in gullied clay hills, in loose gravelly clay alluvia often on Cretaceous Mancos Shale, on gravelly ridges held up by that formation.  +
Open, brushy slopes, in oak chaparral, on recently burned hillsides.  +
Varicolored, fine-textured seleniferous and saline substrates, in pinyon-juniper and mixed shrub communities.  +
Sagebrush-juniper communities on the Moroni Formation.  +
Mixed desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities, on rimrock on sandy substrates.  +
Pinyon-juniper and mixed desert shrub communities.  +
Ledges of sandstone cliffs, sand-filled depressions of flat or shelving rock, on loose, sandy talus on slopes below rimrock.  +
Pinyon-juniper and shadscale, greasebush, black sagebrush, galleta, wildrye, Ephedra and other mixed desert shrub communities, on Duchesne, Green, and Uinta river formations, on pedimental Quaternary gravel.  +
Gravelly soils overlying basalt, sandbars, sandy banks.  +
Hillsides, plains, valley floors.  +
Foothills of desert mountains, on arid sandy soils, with Larrea.  +
Grassy hillsides, meadows, along and near Pacific Ocean.  +
Grassy sites, chaparral.  +
Prairies, open pine and oak woods, shale slopes.  +
Prairie relicts, open woodlands, old fields or pastures, on limestone, slate, or clay substrates, in pine or oak woodlands.  +
Moist, often saline meadows, ditch banks, and swales, usually within the sagebrush community.  +
Gray pine and live oak woodlands.  +
Gravelly flats and openings in pine or oak forests.  +
Stony hillsides, gravelly or sandy flats, decomposed granitic soils, open oak woodlands.  +
Sagebrush or cushion plant communities of windswept summits and gullied slopes of low sandy or stony clay bluffs.  +
Prairies, plains, grasslands, montane, or steppe sites in oak brush, sagebrush, pinyon-juniper and ponderosa pine communities.  +
Sandy or gravelly to fine-textured clay soils, in mixed desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Seleniferous, often fine-textured soils, mixed desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Meadows and open pine woods, on basaltic or granitic soils.  +
Larrea, mesquite, grassland, juniper, and mixed desert shrub communities.  +
Mixed shrub and shrub-grass communities.  +
Gravelly washes and sandbars of summer-dry streams, on sand dunes.  +
Pinyon-juniper, sagebrush, salt desert shrub, and blackbrush communities on various substrates.  +
Mixed desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities, in clay or silty soils.  +
Sagebrush, shadscale, horsebrush, and other mixed desert shrub communities on Duchesne River Formation.  +
Creosote bush, blackbrush, Ephedra, juniper-pinyon, live oak, and sagebrush communities.  +
Sagebrush, rabbitbrush, and juniper communities, various substrates.  +
Sandy-loamy granitic soils, pinyon woodlands with canyon live oak.  +
Arctic and alpine tundra, heathlands, thickets, woodlands, sandy or gravelly bars and terraces.  +
Sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, and mountain brush communities.  +
Shadscale, matchweed, saltbush, juniper, sagebrush, and grassland communities.  +
Open grasslands, along streams, oak brush and mountain brush to aspen communities.  +
Open, sandy benches and gravelly hillsides in pinyon-juniper communities, plains-mesa grasslands, on granitic bedrock.  +
On sandy, loamy, or gravelly soils derived from igneous or sedimentary (often limestone) bedrock, with various plant communities, mostly with sagebrush.  +
Cretaceous Mancos Shale and Jurassic Summerville, Cedar Mountain, and Morrison formations, on saline clays and silts with salt desert shrubs.  +
Seleniferous substrates composed of saline silts and clays derived from Triassic Chinle and Moenkopi, Jurassic Arapien Shale, Entrada, Curtis, Summerville, Morrison, and Cedar Mountain formations, and from Cretaceous Mancos Shale and Tropic Shale formations, and other similarly fine-textured Tertiary formations, in salt desert shrub, pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Triassic Chinle, Moenkopi, and other similar, fine-textured, seleniferous formations.  +
Salt desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities, on fine-textured substrates.  +
Pinyon-juniper, sagebrush-oak, ponderosa pine, mountain brush, mesic prairies.  +
Badlands, other semibarrens with pinyon-juniper or oak.  +
Mixed sandy desert shrub, resinbush, blackbrush, and juniper communities, usually on sand.  +
Gravelly, clay ridges among sagebrush, cliff edges, talus under cliffs, on limestone bedrock.  +
Grassy sites, roadsides, chaparral, with live oaks, often on serpentine substrates.  +
Sandy flats and washes, with Ambrosia and Larrea.  +
Sagebrush valleys, silty meadows, openings in ponderosa pine forest, on dry sandy or clay substrates mostly of volcanic origin.  +
Gravel bars, stream banks, in pine or oak forests, on open, moist, grassy banks, hillsides, weedy roadsides, on volcanic or granitic soils, apparently not on limestone substrates.  +
Dry sites in xeric ponderosa pine forests, pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
On volcanic, gravelly flats, brushy hillsides, canyon slopes, on volcanic tuff.  +
Prairies, plains, knolls, hilltops, badlands, less commonly in sagebrush and juniper woodlands.  +
Cushion plant and bunchgrass communities on sandy-clay soils with gravel surface.  +
Deciduous woodlands, hedgerows, thickets, fallow fields.  +
Prairies, among junipers.  +
Clay flats, hills, badlands, with sagebrush, along valley bottoms, in saline meadows.  +
Creosote bush and mesquite communities, in dry flats, gullied knolls, low rolling hills, on gypsum or stiff gypsum-clay soils.  +
Ponderosa pine, pinyon-juniper, oak, sagebrush, and mixed mountain brush communities.  +
Hillsides, meadows, sagebrush communities, mixed conifer-aspen communities.  +
Tertiary Duchesne River and Wasatch, and less commonly on Cretaceous Mowry Shale, and Dakota, or other formations, pinyon-juniper and desert shrub communities.  +
Pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Sandstone ledges in pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
Sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, ponderosa pine, aspen, and mixed conifer communities.  +
Warm desert shrub (Larrea) community.  +
Dry, gravelly or grassy hillsides, canyon benches.  +
Alkaline substrates, on clay soils moist in spring and dry in summer, along irrigation ditches, lakeshores, with salt-grass, chenopods, and other halophytes.  +
Dry grassy hills, sandy or stony substrates overlying basalt, under low brush.  +
Channel sandstone in hogbacks within the Cretaceous Mancos Shale Formation, on barrier sandstone ledges and mesa tops of Mesaverde Group formations, with Bigelow sagebrush, matchweed, and widely spaced junipers.  +
Xeric pine forests, on sandy soils of volcanic origin on slopes, benches, ledges.  +
Ponderosa pine, mixed pine-oak, oak-chaparral, and pinyon-juniper communities, on igneous bedrock.  +
Pine forests, pinyon-juniper, mesquite-juniper-saltbush, and blue-grama grassland communities, less commonly in spruce-fir forests.  +
Mountain brush, desert shrub, galleta grassland, sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, ponderosa pine, oak, manzanita, and aspen communities in gravelly, sandy, or clay substrates.  +
Dry substrates, among junipers, in ponderosa pine forests, grasslands.  +
Meadows, ponderosa pine, white fir, and spruce forests, margins of aspen stands.  +
Cushion plant communities in grassy areas associated with limestone outcrops.  +
Hilltops, bluffs, badlands, on shale and limestone bedrock.  +
Pinyon-juniper and oak communities in open rocky clearings on limestone substrates.  +
Open, grassy hillsides, dry pastures, valley floors, river terraces, on substrates derived from basalt or granite bedrock, rarely in ponderosa pine forests.  +
Open sandy flats, sandy or stony desert washes, with Larrea.  +
Among sagebrush, xeric pine forests, dry basaltic or pumice soils.  +
Gravelly and sandy or clay substrates, among sagebrush and pinyon pines, on igneous bedrock.  +
Alkaline clay or loam soils, often with sagebrush or juniper.  +
Sagebrush communities, sometimes in pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Dry, stony hillsides and benches, on granitic bedrock, in oak thickets, oak-pinyon forests, with sagebrush.  +
Seleniferous Jurassic Morrison and Permian Paradox formations in pinyon-juniper and salt desert shrub communities.  +
Rocky places, on granitic sand and gravel, with Joshua trees, under or growing through low shrubs.  +
Sagebrush and sagebrush-juniper or pinyon-juniper communities, windswept ridgetops.  +
Dry sandy substrates among sagebrush.  +
Talus openings on slopes, Gambel oak and bigtooth maple shrublands.  +
Sandy wash bottoms, sandy pockets on sandstone rimrock, in mixed desert shrub communities.  +
Gravelly slopes and talus upward from timberline, or in bristle-cone pine forest.  +
Mixed desert and salt desert shrub, juniper-pinyon, ponderosa pine, bristlecone pine, and pine-spruce communities, floodplains.  +
Bluffs, ridges, dunes, sandy sites.  +
Bluffs, dunes, gullied ridges in badlands.  +
Bluffs, badlands, dunes, mixed desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Ridgetops, breaks, alpine shrub and tundra with Phlox, Geum rossii, other forbs, grasses, less commonly with shrubs and trees, often in barrens.  +
Calcareous gravel or gravelly clay knolls and hillsides with sagebrush.  +
Upper pinyon-juniper and ponderosa pine communities, gravelly bars, benches of granitic alluvium, disturbed or compacted sandy soils.  +
Ledges and sand-pockets of cliff terraces and rimrock in juniper savannas and grasslands.  +
Salt desert shrub, Bigelow sagebrush, and juniper communities.  +
Sagebrush, Eriogonum, serviceberry, blackbrush, and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Plains, prairies, dry hillsides, on bare, rocky or gravelly areas on gravelly or shingly lakeshores or riverbanks, on sedimentary bedrock.  +
Shaley river bluffs, shingle bars, pebbly banks of streams, on disturbed gravelly or sandy soils near highways, airfields, or beaches, dry grassy meadows, hillsides.  +
Sandy flats, washes and gentle slopes or outwash fans in foothills of desert mountains.  +
Low hills, plains, in sagebrush scablands on basaltic bedrock, open pine forests on granitic or serpentine soils.  +
Meadows and rushy flats along stream and lakeshores.  +
Sagebrush and Jeffrey pine communities.  +
Saline, summer-dry flats about seepage areas in lower foothills, on clay soils moist in springtime.  +
Open limestone or granite hillsides.  +
Ponderosa pine forests.  +
Open desert, sandy playas and outwash fans, plains, washes in foothills of desert mountains, with Larrea, Carnegiea gigantea, in yucca-grasslands.  +
Sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, and mixed desert shrub communities, on alluvial silt, igneous gravel.  +
Sandy flats, washes, outwash fans, on dunes, in Larrea belt.  +
Sandy flats and semistabilized dunes, with Larrea.  +
Yucca-grasslands, pinyon-juniper forests, other xeric communities.  +
Sagebrush communities, on sandy, granitic, or basaltic substrates.  +
Braided stream gravel in riparian communities, gravelly slopes in creosote bush, Joshua tree, juniper, pinyon-juniper, and Jeffrey pine communities.  +
Sandy to loamy soils, with Ptelea-Rhus-Prosopis, and yucca, oak, mesquite communities.  +
Dry, grassy hillsides, canyon floors and benches, on shale or sandstone outcrops, in arid grasslands with blue oak, with foothill pine, among sagebrush.  +
Gravelly slopes, ridges, and talus, on coarse granitic sand or volcanic tuff, in bristlecone pine and alpine tundra communities.  +
Alkaline dunes, sandy valleys, dry stony knolls, sometimes on volcanic gravel or cinders.  +
Dry, gravelly or sandy slopes and flats, with sagebrush, in lodgepole pine forests on granite, with bristlecone pine, on limestone.  +
Open, gravelly slopes in timber belt.  +
Often on volcanic soils, on basalt, with sagebrush and bunchgrass, in ponderosa pine and western juniper communities.  +
On sand, with sagebrush.  +
Washes, roadsides with Larrea.  +
Forming large clumps over low slopes of mobile dunes.  +
Limestone on outcrops and gravel, on basaltic or granitic gravel and/or outcrops, with Hymenoclea, bursage, Joshua tree, Larrea, and Ferocactus.  +
Salt and sand desert shrub communities with shadscale, greasewood, sagebrush, and horsebrush, in pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Rolling hills, plains, gravelly banks, roadcuts.  +
Openings in ponderosa pine forests.  +
Salt-desert shrub, blackbrush, juniper, pinyon-juniper, and mixed desert shrub communities.  +
Saline seep, moist at least in springtime, growing with Ivesia, Juncus, and other herbs.  +
Arid plains, hillsides, and valley floors, on basalt, with sagebrush.  +
Greasewood, shadscale, horsebrush, and big sagebrush communities, vegetated sand dunes.  +
Saline flats and playas upward to mountain slopes in sagebrush, oak, and other montane communities.  +
Rocky crests, meadows, brushy hillsides, limber pine woodlands, mostly on limestone or limey clay soils, with sagebrush, to timberline.  +
Among sagebrush, with bristlecone pine.  +
Saline, seasonally moist clay flats, around seeps and springs.  +
Meadows, pine forests.  +
Mixed warm-desert shrub communities.  +
Dry, stony hillsides with sagebrush, open, treeless crests within timber belt, rarely above timber belt, on cool, loamy soils among aspens, on igneous bedrock.  +
Sandstone outcrops and gravel, with Agave, Ephedra, Mortonia, Purshia, and other warm-desert shrubs.  +
Sandy flats, washes, desert playas, sometimes on dunes, usually with Larrea.  +
Gullied badlands and desert flats, on sand or clay derived from sandstone or limestone, on volcanic gravel.  +
Pinyon-juniper, sagebrush, and mixed desert shrub communities.  +
Ponderosa pine forests, oak and juniper communities on volcanic substrates.  +
Open sandy plains, sandy or rocky washes, gulches in foothills of desert mountains, with Larrea and in yucca-grasslands.  +
Moist sedge meadows and stream margins.  +
Open, oak woodlands, mesquite thickets, sandy sites.  +
Dry pine woods, gravelly knolls with sagebrush, stony lakeshores in pine belt.  +
Lakeshores, limestone breaks, ridge crests and slopes with western bristlecone pine.  +
Western bristlecone pine-Douglas-fir communities.  +
Prairies, disturbed sites.  +
Pinyon-juniper woodlands and sagebrush communities on seleniferous substrates.  +
Sagebrush and pinyon-juniper communities, exclusively on igneous gravel.  +
Salt desert shrub, blackbrush, and pinyon-juniper communities, often on low-quality substrates such as saline shale and clay.  +
Prairies, barren hilltops or bluffs, lakeshores.  +
Barrens, often with other mound-forming species in mixed desert shrub, pinyon-juniper, mountain brush, and limber pine-Douglas-fir communities, on outcrops of the Green River Shale Formation.  +
Low hills and rolling plains, on sandy or loamy basaltic soils, with sagebrush.  +
Open hillsides, chaparral burn sites, bare ridges, along gullied draws in grassy hillsides, on shale or sandstone substrates.  +
Slopes and hollows in mobile dunes, usually to lee of prevailing winds.  +
Clay or silty or sandy silty substrates, in juniper-pinyon, sagebrush, Ephedra, shadscale, and blackbrush communities.  +
Sagebrush or pinyon communities, various substrates.  +
Clay or gravel derived from limestone, shale, or red sandstone, in mixed desert shrub, pinyon-juniper, sagebrush, oak, and ponderosa pine communities.  +
Dry, sandy scrub-oak and pine woods.  +
Dry, sandy and gravelly sites in sagebrush.  +
Rocky scree slopes, grassy slopes, lakeshores, gravelly flats and bars.  +
Gypseous or limey sandstone in pinyon-juniper woodland or Great Basin desert scrub, sometimes partly submerged in drifting sand.  +
Rocky slopes, wind-swept sea bluffs, beaches or sandy talus beneath sea cliffs.  +
Sagebrush and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Pinyon-juniper forests.  +
Stony pastures, gravelly clay banks, on basaltic bedrock.  +
Mostly ridges and upper slopes, sometimes middle and lower slopes, sagebrush scablands.  +
Pine woodlands, sagebrush flats.  +
Banks, hillsides, bluffs, ridge crests, with sagebrush, with limber pine and juniper.  +
Meadows, banks, open parklands with lodgepole pine, Douglas-fir, and ponderosa pine.  +
Ridges, flats, meadows, grasslands, shrublands, open forests.  +
Sagebrush, oak, aspen, and spruce-fir or pine communities.  +
Banks, hillsides, gravelly ridges, in sagebrush upward into lodgepole pine forest.  +
Banks, flats, rocky or grassy slopes, glades in pine forests.  +
Hillsides, bluffs, mountain crests, in sagebrush.  +
Pinyon-juniper and sagebrush communities, on igneous or sandstone outcrops or substrates.  +
Oak brush with scattered ponderosa pine on clay knolls, pinyon-juniper woodlands, associated with Lewis and Mancos formations.  +
Larrea and juniper communities on barren limey knolls, with juniper and matchweed.  +
Prairies, valleys, hillsides, dry open places, on limestone, shale, sandstone, or gypsum substrates.  +
Salt desert shrub, mixed desert shrub, pinyon-juniper communities, usually in saline, silty or clay, seleniferous soils.  +
Limestone outcrops and gravelly slopes in Larrea belt.  +
Foothills of desert mountains, along washes, on rock ledges.  +
Dry plains and foothills, in desert- or mesquite-grasslands, among junipers, on calcareous soils, sandy loams, basalt gravel, over-grazed and badly eroded cattle ranges.  +
Calcareous clay flats and depressions on rolling plains.  +
Dry hills and grassy plains, on volcanic and calcareous soils.  +
Open gravelly hillsides and rocky stream beds, on volcanic soils.  +
Open slopes and hilltops, in ponderosa pine forests, along canyons to juniper-pinyon belt, on light, sandy or gravelly, sedimentary, granitic, or volcanic soils.  +
Stony flats and hilltops, on pebbly, volcanic soils of open ponderosa pine forests, on limestone substrates, rocky knolls in pinyon-juniper belt.  +
Prairies, plains, valley floors, stony mesas, and fallow fields on alluvial loams, loess, on outcrops of shale, limestone, or sandstone, most abundant where vegetation is low and sparse.  +
Salt desert shrub, mixed desert shrub, grasslands, and pinyon-juniper communities, usually on sandy substrates.  +
Alpine tundra and krummholz, on talus.  +
On pumice sand or gravel, ponderosa pine communities, under sagebrush.  +
Openings in spruce-fir forests, plateau margins.  +
Rimrock and other slickrock in mixed desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Sandy bluffs and dunelike talus, foothills, with rabbitbrush, western wheatgrass, and bitterbrush.  +
Grasslands, shrublands, open forests.  +
Salt desert shrub, mixed desert shrub, and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Sandstone outcrops in sagebrush and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Lakeshores, riverbanks, cool ravines, in shade or on limestone ledges, moist roadsides, barrens, overlying limestone pavement, dry, gravelly calcareous soils, often at edge of aspen groves.  +
Saline, seleniferous soil in desert shrub and juniper-sagebrush communities.  +
Dry, gravelly banks, stony hillsides, talus under cliffs, valley bottoms, roadcuts, in pinyon-juniper, ponderosa pine, or mixed conifer forests.  +
Sandy flats, dunes, sandy bluffs, on or near shore.  +
Dry, rocky hillsides and canyons, on limestone or basaltic gravel, in transitional zone between Larrea desert and desert grassland.  +
Sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, and mixed desert shrub communities, on alluvium consisting of gravel, sand, or silt.  +
Sagebrush, rabbitbrush, matchweed, pinyon-juniper, shadscale, galleta communities.  +
Pinyon-juniper and mixed desert shrub communities, on sandstone soils.  +
Among live oaks, mesquite, cholla, in juniper forests, common on caliche soils in live oak woodlands.  +
Summits and gullied slopes of river bluffs and terraces, on sand, sandy clay, or cobblestone alluvia.  +
Sandy flats and stony washes in the foothills of desert mountains, with Larrea or Yucca brevifolia.  +
Volcanic silt-clay soils on gently sloping hillsides, with juniper, blue grama and matchweed.  +
On limestone substrates, in various vegetative types.  +
In Larrea communities.  +
Mainly in Larrea and Joshua tree desert communities.  +
Dry gravelly or rocky sites, disturbed soils.  +
Mixed salt-desert and desert shrub, sagebrush, and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Prairies, roadsides, open pine or oak woods.  +
Prairies, roadsides, and open woods.  +
Prairies, roadsides, and woodlands.  +
Sandy, frequently disturbed sites.  +
Ocean bluffs, dunes, rocky or sandy shores.  +
Ocean bluffs, sandy fields, brushy or grassy banks, in temporarily moist, sandy bottomlands.  +
Gravel bars, rock outcrops, gravelly ridgecrests, scree and talus with Dryas and other pioneering species, often at foot of melting glaciers.  +
Calcareous desert mountains, with desert shrubs and grasses.  +
Sandy pine woods.  +
Sandy to fine-textured substrates or gravelly slopes, with juniper, sagebrush, bitterbrush, or rabbitbrush.  +
Sandy substrates, among boulders, open spaces in tall sagebrush, basaltic soils.  +
Seleniferous clay on knolls, hillsides, and plains in sagebrush and pinyon-juniper communities, disturbed sites.  +
Openings in chaparral, gravelly flats and slopes in thin oak woodlands.  +
Sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, and mountain brush communities.  +
Open slopes in ponderosa pine forests, on gravelly limestone soils.  +
Sagebrush and bitterbrush communities.  +
Pinyon-juniper, sagebrush, and mixed desert shrub communities.  +
Open hillsides, gullied banks, on dry, gravelly or sandy soils derived from various sedimentary and eruptive rocks, pinyon pine and sagebrush communities.  +
Sagebrush, oak, pinyon-juniper, and mountain brush communities.  +
Barren bluffs, gullied knolls, swales, dunes, detritus under cliffs or buttes, on sandy or sandy-clay soils from weathered sandstone, on alkaline clay flats moist in spring.  +
Seleniferous clay hills, barren knolls, bluffs on openings in sagebrush-grass communities, under sagebrush.  +
Rolling plains, grassy hillsides, canyon banks, arid grasslands.  +
Grasslands, oak-chaparral.  +
Gravely clay, shale, sandstone, or granitic substrates.  +
Open gravelly or sandy flats, hillsides, canyon benches and boulder-strewn slopes or washes, with pinyon pine, Joshua tree, scrub-oak or manzanita, sometimes on desert floor, on granitic bedrock.  +
Forming mats on ledges and crevices in limestone outcrops and talus, less commonly in canyon bottoms.  +
Mixed desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Open gravelly or sandy banks and hillsides, with sagebrush, around oak thickets, in open pine forests, on granite or sandstone bedrock.  +
Pinyon-juniper and mixed desert shrub communities, often on fine textured, seleniferous substrates.  +
Moist, open sites, foothill oak woodlands, treeless summits, on igneous-derived, clay substrates from disintegrated lava rock.  +
Open aspen, lodgepole pine, and Douglas-fir timber forests, burned-over or clear-cut forests, roadcuts, on decomposed granite.  +
Flats, slopes, under sagebrush, in pumice sand or fine volcanic grit.  +
Saline flats, bluffs, hilltops, on seleniferous substrates derived from shale.  +
Tertiary igneous gravel, frequently thermally or chemically altered, often on varicolored barrens in alpine or montane sites in tundra and spruce-fir communities, montane sagebrush sites.  +
Calcareous flats and knolls.  +
Sandy and gravelly soils on granite, sandstone, and limestone, with juniper, scrub-oak, and arid grasslands.  +
With black sagebrush in juniper and pinyon-juniper woodlands, salt-grass meadows.  +
Sandy soils of valley benches, in gullied foothills, on rocks of Cretaceous Mancos Shale formation, Triassic Moenkopi and Cutler formations, and Permian White Rim formation, with Atriplex, shadscale, woody aster, budsage, blackbrush, and pinyon-juniper.  +
Oak-sagebrush, mixed warm and cool desert shrub, pinyon-juniper, aspen-white fir, and ponderosa pine communities.  +
Plains, low rolling hills, on clay-loam or sandy clay prairies, abandoned pastures, fallow fields, gravelly gullies, openings in oak woodlands, mowed prairie-remnant cemeteries.  +
Ridge tops and scree in shrub and forest communities.  +
Beaches, glacial moraines, gravelly fans, slopes, spits.  +
Grassy or brushy hillsides, openings in chaparral, fallow fields, valley floors, sometimes weedy in orchards.  +
Washes, alluvial fans, on igneous sand and detritus.  +
Stabilized dunes and silty-sandy wind-blown hummocks in playa and saline lake bottoms, greasewood, sagebrush-rabbitbrush, mixed desert shrub communities.  +
Clay soils, on Cretaceous Mancos Shale and Triassic Moenkopi and Chinle formations, on alluvial substrates containing selenium, in warm and salt desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Seleniferous fine-textured, less commonly sandy, substrates in blackbrush, mixed desert shrub, sagebrush, and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Clay and silt of the Cretaceous Mancos and Tropic shales, Triassic Moenkopi, and Chinle formations, other seleniferous soils, in salt desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Blackbrush, mixed desert shrub on seleniferous clay or silt.  +
Creosote bush and desert-holly communities, on gypsum soils.  +
Blackbrush, mixed desert shrub communities, on seleniferous clay or silt, valley floors.  +
Barren, white shale hills, ridges of shale bluffs, with Cryptantha and wheatgrass.  +
Sandy, often saline substrates derived from sandstone, among junipers or sagebrush.  +
Dunes, sandy sites, often with Sarcobatus baileyi and Hilaria jamesii, less commonly on old beaches.  +
Saline hills and flats in saltgrass meadows and openings among shadscale and greasewood.  +
Pinyon-juniper and mixed desert shrub communities.  +
Pinyon-juniper, sagebrush, and mixed desert shrub communities.  +
Gravelly volcanic duff and hard-packed soils, with juniper, sagebrush, and Jeffrey pine.  +
Loose sandy sites and interdunal valleys, often with sagebrush, mostly on basalt.  +
Open pine forests, in loose volcanic substrates.  +
Dry banks and gravelly benches with pinyon-juniper.  +
Low bluffs, sandy mesas, fallow fields, stabilized dunes.  +
Gravelly hillsides, clay bluffs, valley flats, with sagebrush, on limestone substrates.  +
Sagebrush associations, ponderosa pine forests, on basaltic bedrock, or granitic and various alluvia.  +
On pumice sand with sagebrush, in dry rushy meadows around lakeshores.  +
Dry open flats and benches in pinyon-juniper or ponderosa pine forests, on stony slopes to crests above timberline, on decomposed granite.  +
Gravelly clay and sandy river terraces, gullied bluffs, dunes, sandy pockets in lava flows.  +
Dry gravelly flats and hillsides, with pinyon pine and sagebrush.  +
Dry hills and plains, sagebrush steppe and deserts, bunchgrass steppe, pinyon-juniper woodlands and ponderosa pine forests.  +
With sagebrush, on basaltic or granitic bedrock.  +
Salt marshes within reach of high tide or protected by barrier beaches, more rarely near seeps on sandy sea bluffs, in springy spots along creeks opening to the sea.  +
Salt marshes within reach of high tide or protected by barrier beaches, rarely near seeps on sandy sea bluffs, in springy spots along creeks opening to the sea.  +
Seleniferous bluffs, knolls, alluvial bottoms and roadsides on clay, shale, or gypsum.  +
Sparsely vegetated, seleniferous saline clay and silty soils.  +
Seleniferous clay and silty soil, salt desert shrub communities of the Jurassic Buckhorn Conglomerate, Cedar Mountain, Morrison, Summerville, and Triassic Chinle and Moenkopi formations.  +
Meadows, chaparral, on or near serpentine outcrops.  +
Grassy sites, gravel bars, river beds.  +
Alpine fields, red fir forests.  +
Open sites in ponderosa pine, mixed oak and pine or juniper communities, dry volcanic soils.  +
Prairies, roadsides.  +
Pinyon-juniper, oak, and less commonly creosote bush communities.  +
With sagebrush on basalt bedrock or alluvium.  +
Ponderosa pine forests, often where dry.  +
Dry bluffs, canyon banks.  +
Sagebrush, rabbitbrush, pinyon-juniper, ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, Gambel oak, and aspen communities.  +
Brushy stream banks, gravel bars, on granite.  +
Limestone or calcareous sandstone terraces and bluffs, near coast.  +
Gravel bars and banks in alder, spruce, and birch woods.  +
Moist crevices, just above high water, under shrubs.  +
Stream banks, meadows, thickets, moraines in humus or alluvial soils.  +
Banks of streams, moist soils of timbered creek beds.  +
Limestone ledges near and above water, with Dasiphora fruticosa.  +
Meadows in ponderosa pine forest, thickets or aspen groves, on basaltic substrates.  +
Larrea and other warm-desert shrub, mixed cool desert shrub, salt-desert shrub, and lower pinyon-juniper communities, on sandy substrates.  +
Mat-Atriplex-shadscale communities.  +
Shadscale, woody-aster, galleta communities, on seleniferous Jurassic Morrison Formation.  +
Dry sites, clay substrates, overlying basalt, under sagebrush.  +
Salt desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
With sagebrush, on limestone or basalt soils.  +
Pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Dunes, sandy cutbacks, terraces, and barrens, with sagebrush.  +
Mountain brush, sagebrush, ponderosa pine, pinyon-juniper, and aspen-white fir communities, roadsides, railroads.  +
Sagebrush and pinyon communities.  +
Sagebrush and pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Tuff and gravel to clay washes.  +
Gentle slopes and flats among, and often sheltering under or scrambling up through, low sagebrush.  +
Barren ridges, knolls, hilltops, on gravelly clay, shale outcrops in higher prairies.  +
Sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, aspen, and aspen-fir communities mainly on igneous gravel.  +
Mixed desert shrub, pinyon-juniper, and ponderosa pine or aspen to spruce-fir communities, on sandstone or sandy substrates.  +
Meadows, bunchgrass prairies, with sagebrush, on basaltic substrates.  +
Open Jeffrey pine forests, in granitic sands and pine-needle duff.  +
Prairies, dry hilltops, open stony ridges, cobblestone bluffs, on decomposed granite, on sandstone, coarse alluvia of mixed origins.  +
Rocky knolls on high rolling plains, arid grasslands, on granitic or calcareous substrates.  +
Hilltops, barren ridges, on gullied bluffs, on shale or sandstone, on limestone pavement.  +
Dry hillsides, among sagebrush.  +
Sandy clay soils, almost always under low sagebrush.  +
Sandy flats and knolls, on red sandstone and silts of the seleniferous Triassic Chinle Formation.  +
Sandy openings in oak and oak-hickory woods, along sandy roadsides, in abandoned fields and clearings.  +
Sagebrush-grass and bunchgrass communities, mostly on basaltic substrates.  +
Dry gravelly banks, open hillsides, sandy canyon bottoms, roadcuts, natural talus, on loose granitic sand or gravel.  +
Dry gravelly banks, open hillsides, sandy canyon bottoms, roadcuts, natural talus, on loose granitic sand or gravel.  +
Pinyon-juniper, sagebrush, and mountain brush communities, exposed ridges.  +
Dry hillsides and valleys, stony or sandy substrates over basalt, in sagebrush scabland.  +
Sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, ponderosa pine, and mountain brush communities.  +
Interdunal valleys, sandy depressions on ledges, bars and terraces in stream channels, in pinyon-juniper, ponderosa pine, and sandy desert shrub communities.  +
Pinyon-juniper and ponderosa pine communities.  +
Ponderosa pine, aspen, oak, pinyon-juniper, and mixed mountain brush communities.  +
Ponderosa pine, white fir, pinyon-juniper, aspen, and sagebrush communities.  +
Open slopes and gravelly or sandy flats among sagebrush.  +
Dunes, other sandy sites.  +
Arid flats on or near juniper-sagebrush steppes or Pinus jeffreyi woodlands.  +
Dry, pine forests and sagebrush communities.  +
Subalkaline fields and vernally moist meadows.  +
Saline flats and low meadows moist in spring.  +
Moist depressions on coastal bluffs and dunes.  +
Openings in cedar barrens, edges of thickets, on limestone pavement, stony calcareous hillsides.  +
Arid grasslands, oak-chaparral, in pinyon-juniper, juniper, or ponderosa pine forests, on volcanic, granitic, or sedimentary bedrock (including limestone).  +
Larrea and juniper communities.  +
Oak brush, among junipers, in yucca-grasslands, edges of ponderosa pine forests, on granitic or volcanic bedrock.  +
Sagebrush or coniferous forest communities, rocky substrates.  +
Pinyon-juniper and sagebrush communities.  +
Plains, valleys, open hillsides, on dry sandy or gravelly soils, on semistabilized dunes, with Larrea and Prosopis, oak brush and juniper, in mesquite-grasslands.  +
Sandy-gravelly soils.  +
Open, gravelly hillsides, outwash fans, gravelly and sandy playas in foothills of calcareous desert mountains, with Larrea, saltbush, oak, and pinyon-juniper associations.  +
White volcanic ash deposits.  +
Sandy, gravelly, or fine-textured substrates in pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Mixed desert shrub and grass communities.  +
Seleniferous, saline clay and silty soils, desert shrub communities, often with shadscale, bursage, greasewood, and matchweed.  +
Gravelly, calcareous substrates in pinyon-juniper and sagebrush communities, under low sagebrush.  +
Mixed salt desert shrub (shadscale, rabbitbrush, and Eriogonum) communities, on Cretaceous Mancos Shale knolls and ridges with pedimental gravel.  +
Sandy, windswept ocean bluffs, banks, coastal dunes.  +
Gravelly slopes and canyons, with Larrea and Encelia farinosa.  +
Disturbed sites and openings in chaparral.  +
Coastal bluffs, mesas, and sandy fields near the sea, shale cliffs or descending to shingle banks behind barrier beaches.  +
Shale or sandstone outcrops on sea bluffs or low grassy hills.  +
Bluffs and knolls on rolling plains, on sand or gravelly clay, shale, sandstone, or limestone, especially on red sand of the Chugwater Formation.  +
Dry slopes and flats, ponderosa pine forests.  +
Dry hillsides, grassy banks, stony meadows or ridges, on basaltic substrates, among sagebrush.  +
Sagebrush and open oak woodlands, on basaltic substrates.  +
Arctic and alpine tundra, meadows, heath, woods, riparian areas.  +
Oak and pine woodlands.  +
Shadscale, budsage, horsebrush, and sagebrush and greasewood communities.  +
Sagebrush, rabbitbrush, pinyon-juniper, mountain brush, and grassland communities.  +
Oak-pine forests, along drainages, flats, foothills.  +
Sagebrush and bunchgrass communities.  +
Stony ridgecrests above timberline.  +
Barrens, rocky knolls, outcrops and scree of shale or sandstone.  +
Glades, savannas, openings in sandy oak and pine woods, roadsides.  +
Sagebrush, cottonwood, pinyon-juniper, ponderosa pine, spruce-fir, and less commonly, in grassland and salt desert shrub communities.  +
Stony hillsides, open slopes, on limestone soils, yucca-grassland, Larrea, mesquite, and juniper communities.  +
Open, brushy slopes and flats in xeric pine or mixed pine-oak forests.  +
Sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, and sagebrush-aspen communities, exclusively on igneous gravel.  +
Greasewood-sagebrush, mountain brush and pinyon-juniper communities, on fine-textured substrates associated with sandstone outcrops (Mesaverde Group) and canyon bottoms.  +
Sandy or gravelly, basaltic or granitic substrates, usually with sagebrush.  +
Treeless summits and open, stony places in timber belt.  +
Rocky slopes, ridge crests, usually in pine forests but ascending into fir forests, on igneous or metamorphic bedrock, common on serpentine.  +
Ridges near timberline and lower into timberbelt, on igneous and metamorphic bedrock, especially abundant on serpentine bedrock.  +
Slopes and ridges at or above timberline, sagebrush valleys and foothills.  +
Gravelly or sandy soils with cottonwood and white spruce or aspen along stream courses, lakeshores, shale bluffs, woodlands.  +
Pinyon-juniper, mixed desert shrub, salt desert shrub, mountain brush communities.  +
Sandy hollows, in short-grass prairies, on shale-limestone outcrops.  +
Seleniferous, sandy or sandy-silty soils, with purple or sand sage, Amsonia, and Ephedra, mainly on the Jurassic Entrada Formation or sand derived from it.  +
Desert- and mesquite-grasslands, in pinyon-juniper communities.  +
Live oak and juniper woodlands, prairies.  +
Sandstone and clay bluffs.  +
Sagebrush-rabbitbrush communities, on decomposed granitic gravel.  +
Pinyon-juniper, mountain mahogany, and oak-Garrya communities.  +
On sandstone, on sandy and gravelly soils in blackbrush, sagebrush, Ephedra, other mixed desert shrub, sometimes salt desert shrub, mountain brush, ponderosa pine, and riparian communities.  +
Open sandy sites, less commonly in loam or clay, oak and oak-hickory woodlands, roadsides, pastures, grassland, also occasionally (Ark., Okla.) on rocky ridges, limestone outcrops, gravelly stream bottoms  +
Rocky (limestone) banks and ridges, alluvial fields, stream banks and terraces, open juniper woods, glades, roadsides  +
Disturbed sites in sandy or rocky soil, mesas, canyons, pine flats, roadsides, ditches  +
Rocky slopes and cliffs, favoring granite, quartzite, and other noncalcareous substrates, occasionally found on limestone  +
Rocky calcareous slopes and cliffs, mostly on limestone  +
Rocky slopes and cliffs, favoring limestone and other calcareous substrates  +
Rocky hillsides and cliffs, usually on limestone or other calcareous substrates  +
Rocky slopes and cliffs, occurring on calcareous and noncalcareous substrates  +
Rocky slopes and cliffs, occurring on calcareous and noncalcareous substrates  +
Rocky hillsides and cliffs, occurring on calcareous and noncalcareous substrates  +
Grasslands, shrublands, Tamaulipan thorn scrub, gravelly slopes and deep soil of flats  +
Desert scrub, arroyos or flats  +
Wet talus slopes, rocky hillsides, alpine meadows  +
Moist woods, swamps, thickets  +
Moist woods, thickets, swamps  +
Moist woods, meadows, streambanks  +
Moist woods, swamps, streambanks  +
Open grassy slopes, grassy glades in woodlands, chaparral, sandy and gravelly flats, flood plains, rock outcrops, cliffs and ledges, on limestone, serpentine, sandstone, granitic and basaltic substrates  +
Open grassy slopes and flats, friable clay, flood plains, adobe and heavy gumbo clay, gypsum clay slopes  +
Dry desert slopes, valleys, and washes  +
Soil banks along roads, trails, often on hummocks in clearings in woodlands, open or semishaded conditions  +
Exposed soil banks along roads and trails in woods  +
Soil, humus, mostly shaded habitats, often wet banks along streams or sometimes at margins of fens and swamps  +
Sandy soil along streams, roadside ditches in shaded habitats, sometimes at margins of swamps and marshes, rarely on rotting logs in woods  +
Moist soil, ravines, ditches, stream banks in mixed forest, low wet woods and bottomland (swamp forest)  +
Banks or stumps in woods, roots of fallen trees, ravines in crevices of rock outcrops  +
Soil, open and shaded habitats, bare roadside banks, overturned tree roots  +
Clay or sandy soil, especially in exposed habitats, beside streams, in roadside ditches, along trails and clearings in woodlands  +
Soil, dry weedy habitats, especially roadside ditches  +
Alkaline soils, used for windbreaks, roadside cover and ornamentals, mainly occurring along the drainages of the Gila and Rio Grande rivers  +
Saline, often fine-textured soils  +
Sea beaches  +
Dry or saline substrates  +
Dry or moist saline, silt or clay substrates mainly in valley bottoms  +
Saline valley bottoms, with shrubby saltbush, creosote bush, mesquite, and annual weedy grasses and forbs  +
Dry or saline substrates  +
Saline, fine-textured substrates derived mainly from Mancos Shale and Morrison formations and clay or silty alluvium, growing in salt desert shrub and floodplain communities  +
Sea bluffs, sandy coasts, crevices in sea cliffs, coastal strands, edges of coastal salt marsh, coastal sage scrub  +
Sandy or gravelly, commonly non-saline but in other situations obviously saline, sites in Joshua tree, blackbrush, greasewood, salt desert shrub, sagebrush, mountain brush, and pinyon-juniper communities  +
Active sand dunes  +
Saline flats, bajadas, alluvial fans  +
Saline desert flats, alluvial fans  +
Gravelly to fine-textured soils in greasewood, mat-atriplex, other salt desert shrub, sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, and ponderosa pine communities  +
Hard trampled, somewhat saline or alkaline soils  +
Roadsides, fields, in alkaline grasslands  +
Alkaline sink scrub, growing with Atriplex polycarpa and other salt desert shrubs and forbs  +
Alkaline flats, dry lake beds, with Suaeda, Atriplex spp., and other salt-tolerant species  +
Dried rain pools and flats, alkaline soils  +
Saline, usually fine-textured substrates derived from Mancos Shale, Tropic Shale, Morrison, Duchesne River, and other similar formations in mat-atriplex and Castle Valley saltbush communities  +
Somewhat alkaline or clay low places, valley grasslands, coastal sage scrub, coastal slopes  +
Mixed saltbush-greasewood, rabbitbrush, warm desert shrub, and salt grass communities in saline substrates  +
Sea beaches, other saline habitats  +
Saline creosote bush scrub, deserts  +
Alkaline flats, valley grasslands, deserts  +
Clay or alkaline soils, open site, shrublands  +
Saline, often moist, fine-textured substrates  +
Greasewood and saltbush communities in valley bottoms and playas  +
Saline, fine-textured substrates on Mancos Shale, and other formations of similar texture and salinity, in greasewood and mat-atriplex communities  +
Sagebrush, shadscale, and greasewood communities in fine-textured saline substrates  +
Greasewood and sagebrush-saltbush communities, mainly on fine-textured saline substrates  +
Greasewood, shadscale,alkali sacaton, kochia, saltbush, saltgrass, and sedge-rush communities, on fine-textured saline substrates  +
Mat-atriplex and Castle Valley saltbush communities on Mancos Shale Formation  +
Shadscale, rabbitbrush, ephedra, eriogonum, blackbrush, and mixed shrub-grass communities on fine-textured substrates, talus slopes of canyons of the San Juan and Colorado Rivers  +
Sandstone or limestone rimrock  +
Salt marshes, with Spartina patens  +
Sandy beaches, often covered with wrack of fucoids and Chondrus  +
Sandy sea beaches, exposed cobble, ledges, boulders  +
Coastal salt marsh, with Zostera, Elymus, and other strand and beach plants, from below high-tide level  +
Seashores, strands, salt marshes  +
Saltbush, mat-atriplex, seepweed, greasewood, rabbitbrush, and tamarix communities on saline, often salt encrusted and semibarren substrates derived from Mancos Shale, Tropic Shale, Entrada, and other fine-textured formations  +
Riparian and palustrine (less commonly ruderal) habitats  +
Cultivated or weedy  +
Roadsides, canal and stream banks, lake shores, disturbed sites and gardens  +
Warm desert shrub, on dry saline alluvial fans and hills  +
Alkali sink scrub or alkaline grasslands  +
In silty or clay loam soils  +
Sand, cobble on more or less protected beaches, on Zostera and Fucus wrack  +
Saline to essentially non-saline drainages, stream and canal banks, roadsides, warm desert shrub, saltbush, and riparian communities  +
Sea beaches, along coasts, at higher elevation inland  +
Sparingly escaped from cultivation  +
Saline deserts, with shadscale, Canotia, Yucca, Opuntia, Rhus, and Eriogonum  +
Sea beaches and other saline habitats, old ports and ballast dumps  +
Saline soils, coastal areas, often along roadsides, other disturbed areas  +
Sandy seashores, salt marshes  +
Coastal sites  +
Sandy coastal bluffs, disturbed sites such as roadsides  +
Fine-textured substrates, with salt desert shrub and lower pinyon-juniper communities  +
Mainly on sea bluffs  +
Alkaline grasslands, often on clay soils  +
Sandy saline substrates  +
Saline substrates  +
Saline or alkaline depressions or vernal pools  +
Saline depressions, often within or later growing in depressions of vernal pools  +
Saline, fine-textured soils  +
Widespread ruderal weed of nonsaline substrates such as fields, gardens, and roadsides  +
Sandy seashores, coastal salt marshes  +
Valley bottoms, silty or clay, less commonly, sandy alluvium with greasewood  +
Salt-desert shrub community  +
Warm desert shrub communities (creosote bush, ambrosia, shadscale, mesquite, saltgrass, etc.), mainly in fine-textured saline substrates  +
Tununk and Blue Gate members Mancos Shale Formation and on Morrison Formation, and likely on other fine-textured saline substrates, with mat-atriplex, greasewood, rabbitbrush, and shadscale communities  +
Saline, usually fine-textured clay or silty substrates, in greasewood, rabbitbrush, shadscale, seepweed, mat-atriplex, juniper-pinyon, and blackbrush communities  +
Sea beaches, salt marshes or other saline habitats  +
Saline substrates in valley bottoms, playas, and along drainages with greasewood, rabbitbrush, shadscale, and sagebrush  +
Disturbed sites, often in riparian habitats or in barnyards or on animal bed grounds, along roadsides and irrigation canals, with juniper, sagebrush, rabbitbrush, pinyon-juniper, Salsola, Chrysothamnus, Atriplex spp., and other weedy species  +
Fine-textured, saline (frequently semibarren) substrates of the Chinle and Entrada formations, with Atriplex confertifolia, Phacelia crenulata, and Eriogonum inflatum  +
Salt desert shrub communities, on fine-textured saline substrates of Morrison and Mancos Shale formations  +
Mat-atriplex, shadscale, greasewood, and pinyon-juniper communities, on fine-textured saline substrates (often semibarren) of the Bridger, Duchesne River, Mancos Shale, Dakota, Morrison, Entrada, and Chinle formations, and on fine-textured alluvium  +
Saline waste places, along roads and sidewalks, in marshes, in various plant communities  +
Bluffs, alkaline sinks and drainages  +
Alkaline valleys, marshy areas, valley grasslands, coastal sage scrub, sometimes ruderal weed  +
Xeric saline substrates, with mixed salt desert shrubs  +
Disturbed places, with other ruderal weeds  +
Alkaline or saline, typically fine-textured substrates, often on shale or clay barrens, sometimes with other Atriplex spp., sagebrush, and grasses  +
Atlantic and Gulf coasts, ballast and waste grounds  +
Mesquite, creosote bush, greasewood, rabbitbrush, shadscale, saltgrass, saltbush, and blackbrush communities, mainly in saline substrates  +
Saline saltgrass-greasewood-rabbitbrush communities, and other pans or palustrine or lacustrine habitats  +
Alkaline plains, edges of alkali sink  +
Coastal and insular bluffs, beaches, strands, salt marshes, sage scrub, with saltgrass and other salt-tolerant species  +
Plants of saline bottoms, often in margins of marshy areas with salt grass, greasewood, and seepweed  +
Saline areas growing with shadscale, seepweed, Russian thistle, fine-textured substrates  +
In alkaline or saline substrates, often along roadsides, in old fields and vacant lots  +
Waste places.  +
Rock crevices  +
Thickets, brushy hillsides, near botanical gardens, suburban woodlands.  +
Arctic tundra meadows, hummocks, polygon edges, organic or mineral soil, calcareous sites, deep canyons  +
Organic soil, rotting logs, mineral soil over rock  +
Wet habitats, fens, marshes, swamps, peat, organic soil, moist to wet mineral soil, rock  +
Arctic and alpine tundra meadows, heaths, fellfields, mineral soil, rock, near tree line under spruce, cirque headwalls, deep shaded canyons  +
Oak or oak-pine woods, roadsides.  +
Maple, pine, and oak woodlands, roadsides.  +
Rocky wooded slopes, mixed hardwoods.  +
Limestone substrates, edges of lakes or streams.  +
Sandy soils, oak-pine scrubs.  +
Roadsides, oak woods, pine barrens, clearings, dry, sandy soils.  +
Oak and pine woods and slopes.  +
Cliffs, gorges, rocky slopes  +
Ledges, cliffs, rocky slopes  +
Waste places  +
Rocky slopes, gravelly or sandy washes, dry canyons  +
Marl over limestone, pinelands, sandy scrub, rocky flats, waste places  +
On limestone and granite soil, steep rocky slopes, canyons, sandy washes  +
Rocky slopes, canyon bottoms, desert grasslands  +
Subtropical thorn woodlands or tall shrublands, calcareous or fine sandy loam to heavy clay alluvial soil  +
Dry limestone, igneous rocky slopes  +
Edges of thickets  +
Stagnant or slow-moving water in ponds, lakes, marshess, swamps, and streams.  +
Stagnant and slow-moving waters.  +
Stagnant or slow-moving waters.  +
Coastal salt marshes, hammocks, dune hollows, stream banks  +
Dry rocky ground in coniferous forests  +
Canyons, dry washes, sandy deserts, mesas  +
Hammocks and dune hollows, mangroves  +
Moist salt marshes, coastal strands, stream edges, hillsides, railroads  +
Hammocks, moist woods, pine woods, swamps, swales, stream banks, ditches of inner dunes  +
Moist salt marshes, coastal strands, stream edges, hillsides, railroads  +
Open sandy places, wet fields, marshes, beaches, disturbed sites, roadsides, old fields  +
Dry rocky hillsides, open ground, calcareous gravels  +
Grassy openings, chaparral  +
Disturbed habitats, old fields, pastures, roadsides, streambeds  +
Oak woodlands, coniferous forest openings, roadsides, coastal bluffs  +
Exposed, sandy coastal bluffs and beaches  +
Rocky slopes near beaches, sea bluffs, serpentine rock outcrops, chaparral, brushy canyons, woodlands  +
Rocky slopes near beach, sea bluffs, brushy canyons, oak woodlands  +
Dry canyons, roadsides, open oak woodlands, grasslands  +
Stream banks, dry washes, sandy flood plains, riparian woodlands, disturbed sites, ditches  +
Stream banks, alkaline meadows, roadsides  +
Gravelly and sandy washes, roadsides, railroads, mesquite flats, chaparral  +
Gravelly or sandy streambeds, dry washes, grasslands  +
Dry prairies, hillsides, mesas, brushy flats  +
Mountains and canyons, oak-pine forests  +
Chaparral, Torrey-pine forests  +
Dry sandy plains  +
Marshes, swamps, margins of streams, pastures.  +
Shallow, quiescent water, lakes.  +
Marshes, ponds, pools, wet soil, wet ditches, rice fields.  +
Marshy areas, alluvial deposits along streams, wet ditches, muddy shores and banks.  +
Wetlands, wet sands, mud flats, riparian areas.  +
Muddy sites, pools, rice fields.  +
In water or on mud in lakes, ponds, pools, in and around marshes and ditches, ephemeral pools on rock outcrops.  +
Sandy soils with mesquite or desert scrubs, calcareous places  +
Sandy soils  +
Granite outcrops  +
Sandy soils, limestone, openings in grasslands and pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Xeric scrub  +
Xeric scrub  +
Xeric scrub, desert grottoes and canyons  +
Stony slopes, mesas, and sandy plains  +
Sandy soils, deserts  +
Sandy plains and mesas  +
Dry sandy soils, especially in pinelands  +
Pitcher plant bogs, wet pinelands and savannas  +
Moist to dry pinelands and savannas  +
Dry scablands, semi-desert soils, openings in pine forests  +
Open hillsides, openings in chaparral or forests  +
Basalt scablands and desert-steppe areas, juniper and sagebrush scrublands  +
Rocky outcrops, dry meadows, sagebrush scrublands, basalt scablands (north), dry, open forests (south)  +
Grassy meadows, dry, rocky sites, openings in conifer forests  +
Roadsides, grassy slopes  +
Open, dry or moist, grassy or rocky slopes, valleys  +
Deep soils, rocky meadows, sagebrush scrublands, conifer forests  +
Dry hills  +
Openings, banks, flats, meadows, ridges, sagebrush scrub, conifer forests  +
Serpentine outcrops, among surface rocks, in crevices, hillsides, dry streamsides among cobbles  +
Basaltic scablands, sagebrush scrub, openings in forests, meadow borders  +
Pine or pine-oak woodlands in mostly sandy soils.  +
Sandy soils of pine or pine-palmetto woodlands.  +
Sandy or silty alluvial soils, grasslands, along streams in forests.  +
Sandy or silty alluvial soils, grasslands, along streams in forests.  +
Pine and pine-oak woodlands, sandy soils.  +
Pine and pine-oak woodlands, white, sandy soils.  +
Pine and pine-oak woodlands, sandy soils.  +
Pine and pine-oak woodlands, sandy soils.  +
Open forests and riverine glades, silty clay or sandy soils.  +
Grasslands, heavy soils.  +
Pine and pine-oak woodlands in sandy soils.  +
Pine and pine-oak woodlands, white, sandy soils.  +
Grasslands, open areas, pine-oak woodlands, sandy soils.  +
Silty or silty clay, waterlogged soils along streams.  +
Oak and pine-oak forests, dry sandy soils.  +
Open pine and pine-oak woodlands, sandy soils.  +
Longleaf pine or palmetto-pine flatlands, heavy, silty-clay soils.  +
Mostly clay or silty-clay soils.  +
Open, deciduous or pine woodlands.  +
Open grassland, sandbars, scree, alpine meadows, ledges, rocky cliffs, forests, streamsides, railroad embankment, boggy ground, gravel pits, moist grassy slopes  +
Waste places, ditches, riverbanks, damp grasslands, roadsides, fields, disturbed sites  +
Waste grounds, fields, limestone glades, rocky outcrops, fields, railroad embankments, disturbed sites, roadsides  +
Waste places, ditches, riverbanks, damp grasslands, roadsides, fields, disturbed sites  +
Deep, cool, shady, humid ravines in deciduous forests, on Arundinaria, shrubs, tree branches, exposed roots along ravines  +
Rock, often limestone, occasionally sandstone, usually in moist areas, mountain slopes, cliffs, tundra, mist zone of waterfalls  +
Wet limestone, moist areas, wet rocks  +
Rock, soil, sand, thin soil on rock, gravel, lava, cement, often associated with limestone or dolomite, bricks and mortar, walls, stumps, woods, fields  +
Sandy banks, soil, logs, in pine woods, shores  +
Rock, usually limestone, or soil or humus  +
Soil, clay, limestone, cement, walls  +
Disintegrating rock  +
Soil, sand, gravel, sandstone, granite, limestone, walls, roadcuts, paths, lawns, ditches  +
Open, rocky, disturbed sites  +
Gravelly or adobe soils, grasslands, playas  +
Conn., Maine, Mass., R.I., restricted to coastal sites southward..  +
Bogs, fens, white-cedar swamps, wet, open woods, peaty lake margins.  +
Around seeps on wooded slopes, stream banks, often in clumps of moss.  +
Bogs, shores, moist savannas and meadows.  +
Bogs, shores, mesic to wet, open woods, usually peaty soils.  +
Rock crevices, canyon ledges  +
Crevices of shaded cliffs, rock outcrops in humid forests  +
Soil, rock  +
Soil, rock, base of trees, downed trunks, moist shady forests  +
Cliff crevices, thin soil on canyon ledges, base of boulders  +
Soil, rock  +
Bare soil in montane tundra  +
Soil banks or soil over rock, exposed tree roots  +
Subarctic and arctic tundra, lakeshores, fens.  +
Open pineland savannas and hammocks, in humus over limestone  +
Seashores, coastal dunes, salt marshes, other saline and alkaline habitats  +
Saline habitats, coastal dunes, salt marshes, disturbed habitats, roadsides, fields  +
Shrublands, thickets, disturbed vegetation, pastures, roadsides  +
Dry, deciduous forests and shrublands  +
Saline or brackish, often wet, open, maritime shores, salt marshes, dune swales, saline or brackish lagoons, sandy shell plateaus, shore hummocks, muddy or sandy tidal flats, often with mangroves, especially Avicennia  +
Desert scrub, on calcareous soils.  +
introduced also in tropical areas nearly worldwide..  +
introduced also in tropical areas worldwide..  +
Rocky and sandy soils, dry hillsides, slopes, desert washes, canyons  +
Along streams in swamps, floodplain woodlands, cabbage palmetto hummocks, wet ditches, wet and mucky soil, often in shade  +
Around solution holes of rockland hummocks, greenhouse weeds  +
Low pine flatwoods and scrub oak-saw palmetto  +
Grassland, pastures, woodland clearings, disturbed limestone glades, rocky outcrops  +
Pastures, roadsides, open areas.  +
Disturbed grasslands, roadsides, fields, serpentine grasslands.  +
Wetland prairies, fields, pastures, beach foreshores, roadsides.  +
Thin soil over moist rock in protected mountain stations, forested gorges, coves, cliffs, along streams and by waterfalls  +
Lawns and moist, waste places, roadsides  +
Hammocks, in humus  +
Serpentine outcrops and clay slopes  +
Wet meadows, bogs, shady fir forests  +
Rocky slopes in chaparral and open forest  +
Open woods and shrublands  +
Open woodlands and shrublands  +
In woods or glades, on rocky slopes and near rivers  +
Humid areas near coast  +
Dry rocky places in chaparral and open woodland  +
Slopes and canyon bottoms  +
Slopes and flats in desert grassland and pinyon-juniper woodland  +
Slopes and flats in desert shrubland, desert grassland, and dry oak woodland  +
Shady spots in rocky canyons  +
Chaparral and pinyon-juniper woodland  +
Open or shaded woods, often in rocky areas  +
Sandy slopes and washes in chaparral, coastal scrub, and riparian scrub  +
In shade beneath trees, pine and pine-oak forest  +
Exposed rocky openings in woods and shrubland  +
Open wooded and shrubby slopes  +
Open woods and rocky areas  +
Open forest, shrubland, and grassland  +
Limestone ridges and canyons  +
Woods, old fields, roadsides  +
Slopes and flats in grassland, shrubland, and sometimes open woodland  +
Roadsides, woods, old fields  +
Slopes and canyons  +
Riparian areas, ravines, swamps, bottomlands, upland forests.  +
Coastal bluff scrub, semidesert scrub, sandy soils  +
Muddy or sandy shores and flats, emergent shorelines of rivers, lakes, playas, pools, ditches, ponds.  +
Dry, sandy loams, rocky, limestone soils, roadsides, grasslands with mesquite, oak, and juniper  +
Grasslands on rolling hills, often with oak, pinyon, and juniper  +
Sandy soils, roadsides, fields, woodland borders, open woodlots  +
Dry, sandy oak and pine flats, lawns, along roadsides  +
Dry, rocky, calcareous and sandy soils, open woodlands, glades, thickets  +
Sandy-loamy soils, edges of or in woodlands of oak, pine, and/or hickory  +
Sandy pine flats, openings  +
Calcareous outcrops and derived soils  +
Protected slopes in desert canyon washes.  +
Shrub communities on rocky limestone hills in oak-juniper woodlands, thornscrub.  +
Canyon washes in high desert scrub.  +
Flood plains, meadows, waste places, railroad embankments, woodlands, grasslands, roadsides, fields, stream banks, pastures, hillsides, forest floor  +
Rock walls, boulders, along streams, coastal mountains influenced by summer fog, basal burls of broadleaf trees, especially Umbellularia californica  +
Moist, sandy places near the coast and in waste areas  +
Sporadic in waste areas  +
Stream banks, swampy woods, and rich, moist, forested slopes  +
Moist, rocky slopes or rich, open forest  +
Arctic and alpine tundra, acidic rocky slopes and barrens, muskegs, peat bogs, stream banks, open subalpine summits  +
Rocky slopes in the subalpine zone  +
Rich, moist, cool forests, especially on protected slopes, to rockier, more exposed sites  +
Sphagnum bogs, around pools, and wet peaty meadows  +
Rocky slopes, barrens, and subalpine summits  +
Wet, swampy forests containing Betula pumila  +
Wet tundra and margins of bogs, terraces and open slopes  +
Tundra, open rocky barrens, and scrubs, in Europe subalpine mountain moors  +
Rocky or peaty slopes, bog margins, sandhills, open woods  +
Riverbanks and flood plains, often where land is periodically inundated  +
Montane stream banks, slopes, and ridges, also in moist open woods, at edges of marshes, along lakeshores, and in wet swales  +
Moist, ± open, upland forest, especially on rocky slopes, also sometimes in swampy woods  +
Abandoned plantings, roadsides, edges of bogs, waste places  +
Rocky or sandy open woods, moist to dryish slopes, old fields, and waste places  +
Rocky slopes, scrubs, heaths, and open woods where native, elsewhere in abandoned plantings, moist open roadsides, swales, swampy thickets  +
Protected inland valleys  +
Bogs, calcareous fens, wooded swamps, muskegs, lake shores  +
Stream banks and adjacent flood plains in rich mesic forest  +
Seasonal wetlands, borders of ponds, lakes, streams, estuaries  +
Marshes, meadows, pine forests, disturbed sites  +
Marshes, borders of streams, other wet sites  +
Still or slow-moving waters  +
Borders of streams, estuaries  +
Along streams, other wettish sites  +
Fields, forests, disturbed, wettish sites  +
Swamps, marshes, peat and sedge bogs, flood plains  +
Marshes and other wet sites  +
Ponds, swamps, other relatively wet sites  +
Borders of estuaries, marshes, tidal flats  +
Moist woods, meadows, thickets, fields, roadsides, railroads, borders of streams, ponds, sloughs, swamps, ditches  +
Borders of estuaries, lakes, marshes, streams  +
Seeps on rocky slopes  +
Marshes, borders of estuaries  +
Meadows, marshes, and margins of pools, streams, estuaries  +
Wettish spots on rocky slopes  +
Along streams  +
Marshes, borders of estuaries  +
Disturbed, wettish sites  +
Marshes, bogs, flood plains, disturbed sites  +
Meadows, along streams  +
Marshes, estuaries  +
Marshes and other wet sites  +
Ditches, shores of lakes and streams, swamps, marshes, moist woods, roadsides, railroads, fields, waste areas  +
Sandy soil, wet prairies, pinelands, "shell rock and muck"  +
Moist sandy loam or sandy peat, savannas, pine flatwoods, swamp margins  +
Sandstone and siltstone substrates, often over outcrops, also commonly in sand and sandy-loam, rarely over gneiss, dry habitats to wet savannas or seepage slopes  +
Heavy saline soil in exposed sites  +
Flatwoods, dry prairies, hardwood hammocks, strand swamps, disturbed areas.  +
Streambanks, moist or swampy meadows, alpine slopes  +
Fields, meadows  +
Fields, meadows, arctic and alpine tundra, heathlands  +
Moist to wet spruce or mixed woods along shorelines, moist subalpine woods and meadows, alpine meadows, heaths, nutrient-rich sites  +
Rocky and clayey places near seasonally dry streams, shady hammocks or open woods, over limestone, soil nearly neutral  +
Swamps, marshes, wet prairies, and adjacent moist pine woods or hammocks  +
Wet coniferous woods and swamps  +
Grassy margins of swales or vernal pools  +
Open, grassy places, often margins of seeps or vernal pools  +
Grassy places among shrubs near ocean  +
Openings in sagebrush scrub, pinyon-juniper woodlands, yellow-pine forests  +
Openings in woodlands, chaparral, grasslands  +
Dry slopes, in grasslands  +
Pinelands  +
Pinelands and hammocks, in humus over limestone, or in swamps on logs, stumps, or base of cypress trees above high water level  +
Moist or dripping acidic rock faces, most common in montane/alpine habitats  +
Coastal scrub  +
Foothill woodlands  +
Dry flats, hillsides, often in heavy soil, chaparral, coastal sage scrub, valley grasslands, oak woodlands  +
Chaparral, yellow pine forests  +
Grasslands, chaparral edges, open mesas on ocean bluffs  +
Saline soils, sands of beaches, dunes, sand bars  +
Coastal and inland salt or brackish marshes or freshwater peatlands  +
Shallow water of pools and lakes  +
Gravelly slopes in meadows, open forests  +
Rocky hillsides and cliffs in pine forests and chaparral  +
Rocky summits and sandy loam on sagebrush slopes  +
Loose soil, crevices of igneous rock  +
Rocky outcrops, ledges, talus  +
Rocky areas in woodlands  +
Rocky areas, wooded slopes, stream banks  +
Exposed rocky ridges, meadows, open forests near timberline  +
Rocky slopes and gravelly soil in desert chaparral and oak woodlands  +
Bluffs, rocky slopes, ravines, open woods  +
Basaltic cliffs and rocky slopes in subalpine areas  +
Sandy soil, usually under shelter of shrubs in semi-desert communities  +
Rocky and gravelly hillsides, prairies, open woods, floodplains  +
Rocky slopes and sandy soil in ponderosa pine, pinyon-juniper, and sagebrush communities  +
Steep ridges, serpentine slopes  +
Rocky slopes in alpine meadows and open coniferous forests  +
Rocky slopes and gravelly soil in sagebrush, mountain shrub, open conifer forests  +
Basaltic bluffs, rocky slopes, rock crevices, gravelly hillsides, sagebrush hills, outcrops of volcanic rock  +
Ledges and crevices of rock outcrops  +
Bluffs and rocky ledges, wooded slopes, floodplains  +
Exposed ridges and talus slopes in subalpine and alpine habitats  +
Rocky slopes and gravelly soil in desert scrub and pinyon-juniper communities  +
Rock outcrops, talus slopes and gravelly hillsides in sagebrush, mountain shrub, and open conifer forests  +
Rocky slopes and talus in alpine and subalpine habitats  +
Sandy soil on rocky slopes, mostly in pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Gravelly soil among rocks in open forests and subalpine meadows  +
Rock outcrops  +
Rock outcrops and gravelly soil in sagebrush and mountain shrub communities  +
Rocky slopes and sandy soil in sagebrush or pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Rocky ground in sagebrush areas  +
Rocky slopes in pine forests, pinyon-juniper woodlands, scrub oak  +
Igneous rock outcrops, talus, rocky slopes in sagebrush areas  +
Sand-stone rock outcrops, rocky slopes, sandy soil, mostly pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Rocky slopes and sandy soil in blackbrush, sagebrush, and pinyon-juniper communities  +
Dry, disturbed soil  +
Conglomerate and limestone outcrops in pinyon-juniper and mountain shrub-conifer communities  +
Rocky slopes and gravelly soil, usually under shelter of desert shrubs  +
Rocky slopes in sagebrush, pinyon-juniper woodlands, oak thickets  +
Rocky slopes and sandy soil in pinyon-juniper woodlands and mountain shrub communities  +
Basalt, limestone, and sandy soils in ponderosa pine forests and pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Rocky slopes and sandy soil in prairies and open forests  +
Rocky slopes and knolls with sagebrush  +
Limestone and quartzite cliffs  +
Igneous rock outcrops  +
Sea cliff ledges and crevices of volcanic outcrop in chaparral communities  +
Rocky slopes and gravelly soil near coast  +
Dry pumice slopes  +
Rock outcrops, talus slopes and gravelly soil in alpine and subalpine habitats  +
Limestone and volcanic rock outcrops and clay soils in desert scrub and pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Rocky areas and gravelly soil in chaparral and oak-pine savannas  +
Serpentine and limestone outcrops  +
Rocky bluffs, cedar glades, wooded hillsides, floodplains  +
Rocky slopes in sagebrush and pinyon-juniper communities  +
Rocky ridges and slopes with dwarf sagebrush  +
Cliffs, talus slopes, and gravelly soil in alpine and subalpine habitats  +
Rocky slopes and sandy soil in sagebrush and pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Rocky slopes and gravelly soil with sagebrush and other shrubs  +
Cliffs, talus slopes, gravelly soil in alpine and subalpine habitats  +
Rocky hillsides in open pinewoods  +
Cliffs and rocky slopes in sagebrush, mountain shrub, and open conifer forests  +
Rocky bluffs, wooded slopes, valley bottoms  +
Ledges and talus of limestone cliffs  +
Rocky slopes, gravelly soil in subalpine meadows  +
Cliffs, rocky slopes, gravelly soil in sagebrush and open conifer forests  +
Rocky ridges  +
Rocky slopes and sandy soil in pinyon-juniper, sagebrush communities  +
Gravelly hillsides in sagebrush- juniper-pine areas  +
Rocky soil in sagebrush areas, mountain shrub communities, edges of conifer forests  +
Rock outcrops, talus slopes, gravelly soil in alpine and subalpine habitats  +
Granitic ledges and talus slopes  +
Rock outcrops, open gravelly flats and hillsides in sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, mountain mahogany, open conifer forests  +
Rock outcrops and gravelly slopes in sagebrush, open conifer forests, subalpine meadows  +
Rocky slopes and gravelly soil in warm desert, chaparral, low montane habitats  +
Calcareous bluffs and wooded hillsides  +
Rock outcrops and gravelly soil in meadows and open conifer forests  +
Gravelly granitic soils in alpine and subalpine areas  +
Rock outcrops and gravelly soil in dry pine forests and lodgepole-chaparral woodlands  +
Rocky, gravelly, and sandy slopes in open areas  +
Rocky slopes in evergreen woodlands or desert scrub  +
Rocky slopes and soil patches in open areas and along forest edges  +
Ledges, rocky slopes, gravelly hillsides in sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, and mountain shrub communities  +
Rocky, gravelly or sandy slopes in chaparral, sagebrush and desert scrub communities  +
Cracks and crevices of granitic rock outcrops  +
Barren flats of arkosic gravel  +
Calcareous rock outcrops and talus slopes  +
Rocky slopes in open conifer forests  +
Rock outcrops, talus, and gravelly soil in meadows and open pine forests  +
Rock outcrops, open hillsides, gravel bars and sandy banks in grassland, sagebrush, oak woodlands, and open conifer forests  +
Rocky places in open conifer forests  +
Peridotite rocks on sparsely forested slopes  +
Metamorphosed igneous gravel on steep slopes  +
Mountain slopes  +
Rocky soil in sagebrush and open conifer forests  +
Rocky slopes and gravelly soil in sagebrush, open conifer forests, and subalpine meadows  +
Shale barrens and wooded slopes of crumbling shale  +
Serpentine ridges and talus  +
Ledges of rock outcrops  +
Rock outcrops (primarily dolomite) and gravelly soil in desert scrub, sagebrush, and pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Rocky slopes, clay hills, sandy soil in sagebrush and mountain shrub communities, meadows, and open conifer forests  +
Rocky slopes and gravelly soil in sagebrush, pinyon-juniper woodlands, open conifer forests and subalpine meadows  +
Rocky slopes and gravelly soil in sagebrush and mountain shrub communities, open conifer and hardwood forests, alpine meadows  +
Rock outcrops, talus, gravelly soil, often in sagebrush-grassland communities  +
Rocky slopes and gravelly soil, often with sagebrush  +
Rock outcrops and gravelly soils in desert grassland and evergreen woodlands  +
Rock outcrops and gravelly soils in alpine and subalpine habitats  +
Rocky slopes in montane and subalpine habitats  +
Rocky soil  +
Basalt outcrop in pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Gravelly soil in sagebrush-grassland communities  +
Rock outcrops and gravelly slopes, often under shelter of shrubs in desert scrub, sagebrush, and chaparral communities  +
Crevices and ledges of calcareous rock outcrops  +
Alluvial or moist, deciduous woods, swamps, bogs, marshes, wet meadows, ditches  +
Roadsides, waste places, vacant lots, cultivated fields, along Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains  +
Limestone banks and calcareous gravel in arid shrublands  +
Open limestone and caliche in brush, arid grasslands  +
Roadsides, weedy areas, upper beaches, rocky slopes, gravelly outwash fans, arroyos in tropical scrub, arid grasslands, desert scrub, pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Sandy or loamy soils in arid grasslands, among brush, roadsides in deserts and cultivated areas  +
Sandy or rocky soils in deserts or arid grasslands  +
Disturbed areas, waste places, roadsides, dry pinelands, among scrub on tropical reefs  +
Disturbed areas, gardens, road and railroad rights-of-way, stream beds  +
Dry, usually rocky areas, often along roads, desert scrub, arid grasslands, pinyon-juniper woodlands [tropical deciduous forests]  +
Sandy or gravelly areas in deserts and arid grasslands, disturbed areas  +
Open, calcareous soils or rock in arid grasslands or shrublands  +
Rocky ground, among desert shrubs or trees  +
Sandy loam to clay soils, disturbed areas, occasionally a weed in ornamental beds  +
Sandy soils in open arid grasslands, among open shrubs or oaks, pinyon pines, juniper [thornscrub]  +
Sandy or rocky soils in open, arid grasslands, among open shrubs or mesquite and acacia woodlands [tropical deciduous forests]  +
Sandy or rocky soils in deserts or arid grasslands  +
Sandy or gravelly areas in deserts  +
Sandy soils, among desert shrubs  +
Wet, shaded, rocky crevices and cliffs, usually near water courses  +
Wet, shaded, rocky crevices and cliffs, usually near water courses  +
Fresh shores, inland marshes, coastal estuaries  +
Fresh to brackish shores and marshes, rice fields, waste places  +
Brackish to saline coastal shores and marshes  +
Brackish to saline coastal and inland shores, marshes  +
Slightly brackish coastal shores, estuaries, marshes  +
Brackish to saline coastal (very rarely inland) shores and marshes  +
Moist, gray sand, in semishade or deep shade, hardwood floodplain forests  +
Marshes, wet prairies, roadsides, wet pine savannas, riverbanks, flood plains, swales  +
Marshes, streams, sloughs, wet ditches  +
Wet prairies, riverbanks, sloughs  +
Alluvial woods, swales, sandy wooded bottomlands  +
Open alluvial soils in wet prairies, shallow marshes, open river creek and lake shores  +
Prairies, waste places, roadside ditches, woodland borders, sunny to semishaded, dry to wet  +
Prairies, woodland borders, dry sandy to mesic wet habitats, sunny to semishaded, waste places, roadsides  +
At bases of large boulders on dry to moist slopes, primarily in mountainous, xeric regions, occasionally forming large mats  +
Sand-pine scrub.  +
Sandy soils.  +
Coastal thickets, littoral or mangrove forests.  +
Rocky coasts, sandy marshes, beaches  +
Salt marsh communities, brackish backwaters, limestone rocky shores  +
Sandy and rocky coasts  +
Forests, muskegs, bogs, coastal and interior along streams and lakeshores.  +
Lake Superior region in sand dunes in shade, old fields, grassy railroad sidings, and roadside ditches  +
In grassy fields, widely scattered  +
Frequent in low woods and brushy fields  +
Dry meadows, south-facing slopes  +
Extremely inconspicuous in prairies, dunes, grassy railroad sidings, and fields over limestone  +
Local in marshy and springy areas  +
In variety of habitats, open grassy areas to deep forest  +
Grassy mountain slopes, snow fields, road ditches, and sand dunes  +
Grassy mountain slopes, snow fields, road ditches with willows, and sand dunes  +
Woods and grassy places  +
Open fields, occasionally forests in southern occurrences  +
In open grassy places in prairies, cemeteries, and weedy roadsides  +
Old fields, secondary growth woods  +
Widely scattered  +
Dark coniferous forests, usually near swamps and streams  +
Extremely sporadic, in rich northern basswood, beech, sugar maple forest  +
Widespread mainly in fields  +
In moist, shady, acidic woods and swamps  +
Sporadic, mainly in open fields but also in shaded places  +
Sporophores in June to August. Difficult to detect, plants usually hidden under other vegetation, in snowfields, secondary growth pastures  +
Brushy secondary-growth habitats along streams and roadsides  +
Grassy slopes, streambanks, woods  +
Pumice scree  +
In open fields and secondary forests over wide range in vicinity of St. Lawrence Seaway  +
Dry fields, marshes, bogs, swamps, roadside ditches  +
Sand dunes, old fields, and grassy railroad sidings  +
Common to abundant, especially in shaded forests and shrubby second growth, rare or absent in arid regions  +
Woodland openings, alluvial terraces, coastal prairies, disturbed or managed pastures, roadsides, hay meadows, usually on well-drained calcareous substrates.  +
Moist woodland, margins of lakes, ponds, and watercourses  +
Temperate rainforest, margins of lakes, ponds, and watercourses  +
Wet woodlands, margins of lakes, ponds, and watercourses  +
Damp woodland, margins of lakes, ponds, bogs, and watercourses, often on disturbed soil, trailsides, mudslides  +
Stream-side gullies, snow-bed grassland and meadows, in open or in partial shade of Salix thickets  +
Damp woodlands, margins of lakes, ponds, and watercourses, often on disturbed soil, trailsides, mudslides  +
Tree trunks, branches, roots, bushes, logs, soil, rock, along rivers, flood plains and sloughs subject to inundation  +
Disturbed sites  +
Moist, acidic boulders, montane, predominantly alpine  +
Moist, acidic cliff faces  +
Tree trunks, wood, rock, mineral soil  +
Dry rock outcrops, soil covered crevices  +
Dry mountain slopes, often in oak chaparral.  +
Soil, rock, xeric to mesic sunny to moderately shaded habitats  +
Soil, damp to dry rock, shaded places, under overhanging rock and exposed tree roots  +
Rock, soil over rock outcrops  +
Soil, humus, litter, decaying logs, stumps, tree bases, rock, conifer forests, shrubs  +
Rock and soil near rock outcrops, open to moderately shaded places  +
Mineral soil, humus, litter, decaying wood, trunk bases  +
Tree trunks, bases  +
Wet soil, peat, fens, swamps, rotten logs in swampy forests  +
Soil, sandy, open and grassy places, rock  +
Soil, rotten logs, trunks, lower branches of trees  +
Soil, rock, open and moderately shaded habitats  +
Wet soil in mountain tundra, rock, wet cliffs  +
Soil, wooded areas, limestone, concrete blocks, tree trunks  +
Wet cliffs, rock outcrops, soil in arctic and mountain tundra, among other mosses  +
Soil, rock, Arctic and alpine environments  +
Soil in wet places, moderate shade to open sun, rock, fallen trunks  +
Soil, rock, open and moderately shaded habitats  +
Soil, rock, open and moderately shaded habitats, lowlands  +
Soil in wet places, wet semiliquid peat in alder and sedge swamps, alluvial sand banks along streams, temporary flooding depressions in xeric areas, wet mountain tundra, rock, logs, affected by temporary flooding  +
Trees, bases and inclined trunks, fresh logs, soil, rock  +
Rock, soil, open xeric places  +
Tree bases, rotten logs, litter and soil in forests, shaded rock, soil on lawns  +
Soil, rock, tree bases, rotten logs, exposed to shady habitats  +
Soil, rock, exposed mesic to wet habitats  +
Wet soil, rock over soil, Arctic and alpine habitats  +
Mixed sand and gravel soils, in open, barren to grass-covered areas in open pine-oak-juniper woods, disturbed roadsides  +
Sandy and rocky soils, dry prairies, fields, glades, roadsides  +
Desert wash bottoms and banks, cliffs, canyons, moist areas from tank seeps, roadsides, Larrea flats, Sonoran desert scrub, upland Sonoran desert scrub, desert riparian zones, commonly with Acacia, Ambrosia, Atriplex, Cercidium, Larrea, Lycium, Olneya, Parkinsonia, Prosopis  +
Oligotrophic or mesotrophic ponds, lakes, and sluggish streams  +
Epiphytic in hammocks  +
Roadsides, disturbed ground, adjacent open juniper and sagebrush desert areas  +
Coastal plains and basins, deserts, valleys  +
Roadsides, disturbed areas, waste places, cultivated and abandoned fields, garden escape from cultivation  +
Roadsides, disturbed areas, waste places, cultivated and abandoned fields, escape from cultivation  +
Roadsides, disturbed areas, waste places, fields, orchards  +
Maritime slopes or sea-facing cliffs, weedy escape, gardens, abandoned fields, waste places  +
Roadsides, disturbed areas and waste places, cultivated fields, grain fields, orchards, gardens  +
Roadsides, waste places, old fields, washes, open desert areas intermixed with desert shrubs  +
Shaded or open cliff faces and rock outcrops in gorges and canyons, talus, granite boulders, dry rock  +
Shaded or exposed acidic cliffs, boulders, rock, igneous rock faces, shaded ravines, with Arctostaphylos in Pinus and Quercus woodlands  +
Limestone barrens  +
Barren, usually calcareous soils and gravel, gravel bars, disturbed sites, lake and sea shores, scree slopes, solifluction lobes  +
Dry or damp sand and silt on barren slopes and plains  +
Barren, usually calcareous soils and gravel on solifluction lobes, scree, gravel bars, disturbed sites, rocky slopes, seashores  +
Sand, clay, and gravel slopes and plains  +
Sandy, gravelly soil along streams, lakeshores, roadsides, moraines, open stony slopes, dolomite cliffs and slopes, limestone ledges, solifluction soils  +
Sandy gravelly riverbanks and floodplains, sometimes on slopes and glacial moraines  +
Dry alpine scree slopes, glacial moraines, and gravel bars, often on limestone gravels and soils  +
Dry or moist calcareous soils and alkaline clays and sands at the margins of evaporation pools on stream bank terraces and moraines  +
Limestone barrens  +
Sandy, calcareous seashores  +
Dry, often calcareous soils  +
Dry, often calcareous gravel, sand, and clay barrens, often on south-facing slopes  +
Disturbed sites.  +
Rocky or grassy montane slopes, riparian habitats  +
Desert mountain slopes, washes  +
Rock crevices, cliff faces, talus slopes, outwash fans  +
Desert mountain slopes, washes  +
Sandy to granitic soils, limestone slopes, granitic cliffs  +
Oak woodlands, open limestone hillsides  +
Limestone cliffs, rhyolitic rock, rocky ridges, canyon walls, hillsides  +
Dry, rocky hillsides, arroyos, canyons  +
Near streams, canyon bottoms  +
Moist pine and oak woodlands  +
Open sandy areas, arid rocky slopes, desert canyons  +
Open sandy areas, arid rocky slopes, desert canyons  +
Dry limestone hillsides  +
Gravel of limestone streambeds  +
Dry hillsides, outwash slopes, canyons  +
Open areas, wide range of soils  +
Open areas, wide range of soils  +
Open areas, wide range of soils  +
Open areas, wide range of soils  +
Open areas, wide range of soils  +
Near streams, canyon bottoms  +
Granitic desert slopes or sands  +
Rocky hillsides, shaded forests, dry slopes, canyons  +
Open rocky slopes, canyon bottoms, riparian areas, serpentine soils  +
Mixed woodlands, forests, igneous slopes, canyons  +
Sandy and gravelly washes, flats  +
Gravelly washes  +
Dry slopes, streambeds (arroyos)  +
Igneous soils, montane and canyon slopes  +
Igneous soils, montane and canyon slopes  +
Washes, stream margins, seeps, hanging gardens  +
Washes, stream margins, seeps, hanging gardens  +
Dry rocky places, canyon walls, sand dunes, washes  +
Dry rocky places, canyon walls, sand dunes, washes  +
Rock crevices, rocky slopes, desert scrub  +
Deserts, grasslands, dry rocky hillsides  +
Deserts, grasslands, dry rocky hillsides  +
Limestone or granitic cliffs  +
Canyons, open rocky slopes  +
Rocky slopes, shaded areas  +
Oak woodlands, canyons, dry mountain slopes  +
Dry hills, canyon walls, mesas, limestone outcrops  +
Moist areas, canyons, disturbed sites  +
Limestone boulders, crevices, ridgetops, sandstone bluffs, pine woodlands, pine and fir with Douglas fir woods  +
Sandy soils, rich, sometimes swampy woods  +
Grasslands, open woodlands, gravelly clay soils  +
Grasslands, open woodlands, gravelly clay soils  +
Open mixed evergreen forests, chaparral, gravelly clay soils, often on serpentines  +
Grasslands, volcanic mesas  +
Grasslands, often on serpentine  +
Grasslands, meadows, open woodlands  +
Grasslands, vernal pools  +
Foothill woodland openings  +
Grasslands, foothill woodlands, coastal prairies, on clay flats  +
Grasslands on clay flats  +
Grasslands, gravelly clay soils  +
Grasslands near streams, vernal pools  +
Foothill woodlands in open areas along intermittent streambeds, serpentine soils  +
Open foothill woodlands, often on serpentine  +
Openings in coastal forests, on serpentine  +
Grasslands, open foothill woodlands  +
Coastal prairies, foothill woodlands  +
Xerophyllous shrublands.  +
Disturbed areas  +
Humic or peaty soil, rocks, especially sandstone bluffs, rotten wood, rarely bark of trees  +
Peatlands, forest margins, humid rock faces near streams and water, epiphytic, near tree bases  +
Humid shaded sites near streams or cliff bases in forests  +
Logs, humus, tree trunks, rock, forests  +
Tree trunks and bases, organic soil, forest margins  +
Disturbed thickets  +
Disturbed sites.  +
Oak woodland-savanna.  +
Soil, sandy loam, commonly surrounding quartz pebbles  +
Sandy soil  +
Most soil, fields, among grasses  +
Soil, commonly surrounding quartz pebbles  +
Moist, sandy soil  +
Most soil  +
Soil, decayed log in swamp  +
Riverbanks, margins of lakes, edges of wet woods and thickets  +
Rock faces, crevices, ledges, soil, steep banks along roads and creeks, wood, moist shaded to open habitats  +
Soil, rock, cliff bases, under dense Alnus canopy, bottom of gullies, sides of brooks, moderate to strong shade, wet to mesic places  +
Soil, rock, rotten logs, wet shady places, forests, along small brooks, wet places on slopes  +
Soil in forest, on landslides, among moderately dense grasses in meadows and lawns, rock, tree bases  +
Calcareous soils along stream and river banks in Arctic and montane habitats  +
Moist, shaded rock in cool ravines  +
Soil on largely acid rock, sandy soil, grassland steppe or ledges and bluffs near rivers, often forming or part of crusts  +
Limestone, dolomite, volcanic rock, thin soil over rock, old musk ox feces(!), cliffs, scree and fell fields, bluffs, seep  +
Soil, rock (limestone, dolomite, gypsum, siliceous), mortar of wall, bark, in tussock tundra, alpine meadows, bluffs, forested and boggy areas, stream banks, lake shores  +
Broad-leaved trees, rock  +
Sagebrush, riparian zones, thickets, stream terraces, irrigation ditches, seeps, moist slopes, draws, lawns, roadsides, fencerows, picnic areas, disturbed sites  +
Disturbed places  +
Waste ground, mesquite-cactus thickets  +
Cactus-mesquite thickets, shell mounds, waste places  +
Disturbed places  +
Disturbed areas  +
Hummocks, waste places  +
Usually on undersides of moist, shaded, sandstone ledges and cliffs, these occasionally calcareous and often overhanging streams, infrequently on bluffs and boulders of conglomerate, gneiss and quartzite, soil, and overturned tree bases  +
Soil, soil over rock, crevices, nitrogen enriched sites, disturbed habitats  +
Shaded moist soil, disturbed habitats  +
Dry soil, soil over rock, crevices, lowland deserts to dry alpine tundra  +
Calcareous mineral soil, soil banks, cold-temperate to arctic-alpine regions  +
Calcareous damp soil, rock  +
Soil, Mediterranean and other seasonally dry climates  +
Soil, soil over rock, rock in dry climates  +
Neutral mineral soil, soil banks, boreal to arctic-alpine regions  +
Damp to dry soil, soil filled crevices in sandstone  +
Moist to dry prairies, prairie openings, barrens, glades, pine savannas, interdune pannes.  +
Moist pine savannas, flatwoods, streamhead ecotones, seepage slopes, pitcher-plant bogs.  +
Streamsides in oak woodlands.  +
Logs, stumps, base of trees, coniferous woods, boggy soil, soil and humus overlying rock  +
Acidic, moist or periodically dry, shady or exposed sites  +
Rocky ground in tundra  +
Dry and exposed acidic rocks in the mountains, rarely descending to near sea level  +
Acidic rocks, stones and boulders, rock outcrops and ledges, hillsides, cliffs, dry and exposed, less often shaded and damp sites, occasionally on sandy soil or thin soil accumulated on rock faces  +
Humid or wet, mostly shaded acidic rocks, boulders, cliffs and rock outcrops near streams and waterfalls  +
Hydrophilous, acidic or slightly calciferous rocks and stones along mountain rivers and streams, sloping rocks with trickling water and stony ground in late snow patches  +
Hydrophilous, acidic rocks and stones in streams and waterfalls, vertical bluffs wet by irrigated water, rock slabs wet from snowmelt, wet montane tundra-like barrens, sometimes sandy loam  +
Acidic rocks, boulders and cliffs, as well as on soil or gravel, often in late snow areas, on stony mossy tundra, stony slopes and granite rock underhangs on talus slopes, mostly in exposed, dry or moist sites  +
Dry rocks, stones, boulders, cliffs, rock ledges, rocky ground and soil over rocks, predominantly on acidic substrates, very seldom on limestone  +
Dry or fairly moist acidic rocks, boulders and outcrops  +
Dry or seasonally submerged to occasionally irrigated, usually exposed boulders, cliffs, less often on perennially wet outcrops and moist, diffusely lit boulders and rock ledges, as well as on soil over rocks and sometimes on sandy soil, predominantly on acidic, less often on basic but not strongly calcareous substrates  +
Dry, exposed or sheltered acidic rocks, boulders, cliff ledges, and rocky ground in fellfield habitats, less often in moist places, rock surfaces and in fissures, stony or gravelly ground among boulders and pebbles, well-drained talus slopes and hillsides, sometimes soil  +
Acidic rocks, boulders, cliff faces and bluffs in dry and exposed to shaded and wet sites, in seepage areas, mesic woodlands and on rocks along streams and creeks and on lake shores  +
Dry rocky or shaly outcrops and river bluffs.  +
Roadsides, railroad embankments, quarries, streambeds, landslide scars, sandy lakeshores, disturbed sites.  +
Scrub, roadsides.  +
Roadsides, railroad embankments.  +
Limestone cliffs and canyons.  +
Limestone cliffs, along streams.  +
Limestone cliffs, along streams.  +
Roadsides, disturbed chaparral, banks of canyons.  +
Roadsides, rangeland, thorn scrub.  +
Tamaulipan thorn scrub, riparian woodlands, roadsides.  +
Limestone outcrops in pinyon-juniper and Joshua tree woodlands.  +
On hardwoods in swamps  +
Moist to dry sands and sandy peats, weedy in open disturbed sandy sites  +
Sandy savanna, prairie, arenaceous outcrops, sandy or gravelly waste areas  +
Moist, sandy, open areas, bases of sandhills, moist savanna, flatwoods clearings  +
Mostly dry sandy places, sandhills, sandy waste areas, dry oak pine woodlands  +
Sandy disturbed sites such as roadbanks, fields, meadows, town lots, and pastures, sometimes weedy in open sandy land  +
Savanna, prairie, steppes, basic and acidic rock outcrops, mostly higher elevations  +
Sandy or gravelly clearings in pine or oak-pine  +
Moist sands or sandy peats of sandhill swales, fields, pineland savanna, and waste areas, often weedy  +
White and yellow sandhills mostly in open evergreen oak pine, or deciduous scrub oak pine forest or sandy wasteland therein  +
Roadsides, fields, pastures, disturbed areas, waste places  +
Roadsides, fields, pastures, meadows, disturbed areas, waste places  +
Low woods, pond margins, savannas, bogs, swamps, ditches, pine barrens  +
Low woods, pond margins, savannas, bogs, swamps, ditches  +
Coastal plain  +
Mud and shallow water of streams, lakes, and ditches  +
Decaying wood, humus, sometimes shallow acid soil and soil depressions on rock outcrops, mainly in well-illuminated to somewhat shaded sites, low to moderate elevations  +
Soft decaying decorticated logs in deciduous to mixed forest  +
Commonly on rotten decorticated logs, but also on humus banks, mainly subalpine but also occasionally to near sea level, mainly in coniferous forests  +
Decorticated wood or humus banks in coniferous forests  +
Old homesites, waste places.  +
Hammocks in dry rocky pinelands and sandy palm-pine woods.  +
Acidic to alkaline ponds, lakes, pools in marshes, rivers, streams, ditches, canals, and reservoirs  +
Meadows, open places, pine and oak forests, sometimes on serpentine  +
Roadsides, thickets.  +
Fields, waste places.  +
Sandy shores  +
Great Lakes beaches  +
Sandy beaches  +
Sandy to loamy soils, disturbed places, especially burns  +
Sandy to loamy soils, grassy areas, cultivated fields  +
Disturbed places  +
Disturbed places  +
Fields, waste places, roadsides  +
Disturbed, sandy soils, coastal dunes, sandy to muddy margins of seasonal wetlands, reservoirs, ballast.  +
Bogs, marshes, wooded swamps, and marshy shores of rivers, ponds, and lakes  +
Brushy woodlands.  +
Sandy or loamy soils over caliche, in Tamaulipan thorn scrub or grassland.  +
Dry, rocky hillsides, along watercourses and desert pavements, on limestone or igneous soils, in creosote and mesquite scrub.  +
Igneous or limestone soils, rocky slopes, grasslands or open grassy sites in oak woodlands, juniper-pinyon or juniper-ponderosa pine forests.  +
Grasslands and open areas in pine-oak woodlands and pine forests.  +
Rocky slopes, ledges, on limestone or igneous soils, in Yucca scrub and desert grassland, below pine and oak belts.  +
Logs, stumps, conifer and hardwood forests, base of trees, soil, rock, forests  +
Moist sites, subaquatic, submerged, moist rock and soil, rotted stumps, logs, limestone rock in springs, wet limy muck, sandy soil, stream banks, water-filled ditches, hammocks, deeply shaded ravines, dark swampy subtropical forests with Illicium and Magnolia  +
Moist or wet, ± nutrient-rich fens, shores, ditches, swampy forests  +
Wet, ± mineral-rich fens, ditches, shores, floating or submerged in lakes  +
Submerged in somewhat nutrient-rich lakes, ox-bow lakes, small bodies of water, floating or among reeds or sedges along shores  +
Habitat unknown  +
Wet, ± mineral-and nutrient-rich fens, ditches, shores, floating or submerged in lakes  +
Calcareous wetlands, moderately rich fens, among sedges, lake margins, roadside ditches, weed in lawns  +
Disturbed woodland areas, bluffs, clearings, trailsides, dump sites, animal diggings.  +
Plains, prairies, roadsides, waste places  +
Rocky woods, limestone glades, glade margins, meadows, disturbed, open areas  +
Limestone and dolomitic glades, bald knobs, barrens, rocky prairies, open, cherty woodlands  +
Plains, prairies, waste places, along roads  +
Pine, oak, and oak-hickory woods, prairies, roadsides, other disturbed areas  +
Prairies, mesquite-juniper woodlands, borders of woods and thickets  +
Pine, oak, and pine-oak woods, margins of woods, dry prairies, old fields  +
Open oak or oak-pine woods, mesquite woodlands, margins of woods, prairies, roadsides  +
Quaternary (Holocene) wind-blown sand deposits  +
Sand prairies, sand hills, sandy alluvium near streams  +
Moist, usually shady places with calcareous soil, e.g., hummocks, fern grottoes, shell middens  +
Pinelands and hummocks  +
Sandy soil in pine-oak woods (especially longleaf pine and turkey oak) and pine barrens, often on sandhills, occasionally in thickets, old fields and roadsides  +
Sandy or clayey soils in open oak or mesquite woods and prairies  +
Coastal strand  +
Shady, rocky or gravelly places, and in citrus groves  +
Deciduous or pine-oak woods, sandy or shallow, rocky soils, occasionally in grassland, swamp forest, or along railroads and roadsides  +
Fast-flowing streams, backwaters, lakes, pools.  +
Vernal and permanent pools, running water.  +
Lakes, ponds, backwaters, ditches.  +
Fast-flowing streams, backwaters, ditches, swamps, Sphagnum bogs, lakes, ponds, springs, seepages, seasonally damp soils in shade.  +
Lakes, reservoirs, floodplain pools, streams, vernal pools.  +
Fast-flowing rivers and streams, backwaters, ditches, swamps, Sphagnum bogs, lakes, ponds, springs, seepages.  +
Seasonally wet sandy soils, in or shaded by woodlands.  +
Seasonally damp hollows, sandy soils in woodlands, gardens, waste grounds, rocky areas.  +
Standing water, stream margins, backwaters, ponds, pools, ditches.  +
Lakes, pools, ponds, ditches, streams, backwaters.  +
Seasonally wet hollows, damp soils, cultivated fields, rocky grounds, paths, tracks, sandy bars.  +
Vernal and perennial pools, ditches.  +
Sand pine scrub and thickets, often near plantings of the species  +
Wet acidic sites in bogs and fens, upland sites in old pastures and roadsides  +
Montane forests  +
Shaded places in open woods and brush  +
Shaded places in open woods or brush  +
Dry soils  +
Grassy slopes in partial shade  +
Dry, rocky slopes in open, coniferous woods  +
Hard clay soil of volcanic or metamorphic rock  +
Dry sandy–clayey places  +
Dry brushy, grassy slopes, flats, pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Heavy soil, open grassy slopes, openings in brush  +
Dry, rocky slopes, chaparral, often on serpentine  +
Usually on serpentine soils  +
Dry, rocky slopes, chaparral, often on serpentine  +
Open gravelly places in woods  +
Dry slopes in chaparral and pine forest, frequently on decomposed granite  +
North-facing open grassy slopes or woods, on serpentine  +
Dry stony ridges in chaparral and pine forest  +
Grassy hillsides, open woods  +
Grassy hillsides, open woods  +
Grassy hillsides, open woods  +
Grasslands and open coniferous forests  +
Grassy meadows in shadscale scrub  +
Dry stony slopes, desert hills, mesas, creosote bush scrub, sagebrush scrub  +
Shrubby hillsides, open woodlands, dry soils and slopes  +
Dry, rocky, serpentine soils  +
Dry soil, usually granitic, usually in montane coniferous forests  +
Heavy soil in open or brushy flats, or dry rocky slopes in creosote bush scrub, pinyon juniper woodland  +
Heavy soil in open or brushy flats, dry rocky slopes in creosote-bush scrub, pinyon juniper woodland, in desert mountains  +
Open gravelly places, montane coniferous forests, open chaparral  +
Vernal meadows, heavy clay soil  +
Grassy margins of wet meadows and under pines  +
Heavy soils in grasslands, open woodlands, mixed evergreen forests  +
Dry slopes, open coniferous forests  +
Dry plains, slopes, sagebrush scrub, pine forests, usually in volcanic soil  +
Dry plains, rocky slopes, sagebrush scrub, pine forests, usually in volcanic soil  +
Moist grassy areas in open woods, along lake margins  +
Vernal meadows  +
Wooded slopes, clay-loam soils  +
Low meadows along creeks  +
Moist grassy areas, meadows, lake and bog margins  +
Dry stony hills, canyons, edge of chaparral, serpentine  +
Meadows, vernally moist places in pine forest and chaparral  +
Dry rocky slopes in pinyon-juniper woodland  +
Open areas in rocky soils  +
Dry rocky slopes, often in brush, chaparral, pine forest  +
Open places in woods, chaparral, typically on serpentine  +
Exposed serpentine soil in open woodlands  +
Sand (often granitic), grasslands to pine forests  +
Dry slopes in heavy or granitic soil in chaparral, valley grassland, pine forest  +
Alkaline meadows, springy places in creosote bush scrub  +
Open forest in loose volcanic soils  +
Open slopes, dry meadows or wooded places in valley grassland, foothill woodland, pine forest  +
Serpentine grasslands  +
Open grassy slopes or in woods, often on poor, dry soil  +
Openings in chaparral or woods, often on serpentine  +
Grassland-forest ecotones in serpentine-derived soils  +
Moist meadows  +
Light sandy soil, often in decomposed granite in valley grassland, foothill woodland, and pine forest  +
Heavy clay soils in mixed evergreen and pine forests  +
Dry, often heavy or rocky soil, in chaparral  +
Dry slopes in openings in coastal woodland and chaparral  +
Dry, rocky, open slopes  +
Open places in woods, meadows  +
Wetlands, especially coastal  +
Moist, acidic, sandy pine savannas and grasslands  +
Sandy, relatively dry pine savannas and grasslands  +
Mesic, acidic, sandy to loamy prairies, pine savannas, oak woodlands, edges of bogs, and frequently mowed meadows  +
Moist to wet acid pine savannas and grasslands, flowering abundantly several weeks after late winter to early spring fires  +
Seasonally wet, alkaline tropical and subtropical conifer savannas, meadows, and grasslands  +
Acidic soils in fens, bogs, pine and oak savannas, grasslands, interdune swales  +
Open, wet, subalpine and alpine marshes, wet seepages  +
Floating or on moist mud, ponds, lakes, slow-moving rivers and streams  +
Marshes, fens, ditches, wet woods and swamps, thriving best in open or only partly shaded sites  +
Open, dry meadows, hillsides, gravelly outwashes, rocky barrens in chaparral associations  +
Rocky, exposed places  +
Dry, open, rocky ridges, hillsides and talus  +
Open, dry meadows, fields  +
Dry, open valleys, hillsides, rocky ridges  +
Open, dry meadows, hillsides  +
Open, dry, usually rocky meadows, hillsides  +
Dry, open meadows and hillsides  +
Dry, open hillsides, rocky ridges, talus  +
Dry, rocky hills, ridges  +
Deciduous or mixed woodlands, along streams and rivers, margins of woodlands  +
Deciduous or mixed woodlands, along streams and rivers, margins of woodlands  +
Along streams and on moist canyon slopes  +
Primarily along rivers or smaller streams in deciduous forests  +
Sandy, gravelly soils, sand dunes, slopes, washes, limestone ridges in Lower Sonoran zone, Mohave and Colorado deserts  +
Gravels derived from limestone, volcanics, granites, and caliche soils on plains, rocky mesas and slopes, stream bottoms, desert pavement and washes, Upper Sonoran and Lower Sonoran zones, Colorado and Mohave deserts, often in creosote or mesquite associations  +
Pine flatwoods  +
Not producing sporophytes in flora area. Tree trunks, bases, exposed roots, and rotted wood, hammocks and forests  +
Not producing sporophytes in the flora area. Tree bark, bases, and logs, hammocks and forests  +
Not producing sporophytes in flora area. Tree trunks and logs in hammocks and forests  +
Not producing sporophytes in flora area. Tree bark  +
Not producing sporophytes in flora area. Tree trunks and logs in hammock vegetation  +
Mesic to wet coniferous forests, mixed forests, and bogs  +
Moist to dry, shady coniferous forests  +
Ruderal, lawns, along paths and roads, clays, sands, calcareous soils  +
Subtropical hardwood hammocks.  +
Subtropical hardwood hammocks.  +
Broad-leaf, coniferous forests.  +
Grassy, disturbed sites.  +
Forest margins, open sites.  +
Chaparral, mesic sites, woodlands.  +
Chaparral, grassy, rocky sites, woodlands.  +
Chaparral, grassy, rocky sites, woodlands.  +
Chaparral, woodlands.  +
Chaparral, woodlands.  +
Poorly drained alkali silt loams, disturbed sites.  +
Abandoned plantings, disturbed sites.  +
Dry, rocky sites, desert scrub.  +
Grassy sites, including tall grass and mixed grass prairies, prairie slopes, disturbed sites, meadows, openings in woodlands, stream banks.  +
Bushy sites, grassy hillsides, rocky canyons, sand dunes.  +
Chaparral, coastal scrub, dry sites.  +
Pine woods, rocky slopes, sand dunes.  +
Coastal scrub, rocky canyons, shrubby hillsides.  +
Canyons, rocky hillsides, shrubby sites.  +
Chaparral, dry slopes, grassy, rocky sites.  +
Dry slopes, rocky, shrubby sites, usually on serpentine.  +
Dry slopes, grassy, shrubby, rocky sites, conifer forests.  +
Chaparral, desert scrub, dry, rocky, gravelly slopes.  +
Abandoned plantings, disturbed sites.  +
Chaparral, coastal scrub, dry, rocky sites, shrubby slopes.  +
Coastal scrub, rocky headlands, sandy sites.  +
Disturbed sites, grassy banks, rocky shores, salt marshes.  +
Disturbed sites, edges of marshes, thickets, and woods, hedges, roadsides, stream banks, tidal swamps.  +
Disturbed sites, hedges, roadsides, woodland edges.  +
Marshes, stream banks.  +
Disturbed sites, swamps.  +
Disturbed sites.  +
Disturbed sites, abandoned plantings.  +
Grassy banks, prairies, roadsides.  +
Open, sandy shores.  +
Clay-loam, shale barrens.  +
Open grasslands, sandy and stony sites, woods.  +
Alluvial gravel, glacial till, dry birch or coniferous woodlands, prairie grasslands, sandy soils.  +
Chaparral, foothills.  +
Dry, grassy sites, open scrub, woodlands.  +
Coastal scrub, dry hills, grassy sites, oak woodland.  +
Gabbro or serpentine soils, chaparral, mixed or coniferous woodlands, foothills.  +
Prairies  +
Hillsides  +
Wet meadows  +
Alluvial plains, meadows, light, well-drained prairie soils  +
Wet meadows, fields, and rocky, coastal bluffs  +
Prairies  +
Fields, roadsides, prairies  +
Farms, fields, meadows, prairies, roadsides, forest margins, open woods  +
Fields, roadsides, waste places  +
Farms, grassy areas, fields, waste places  +
Sandy or gravelly serpentine soil on alluvial terraces and sandy or gravelly serpentine soil in upland areas in geologic interfaces between serpentine and non-serpentine rock types in Quercus.  +
Open, sandy flats, desert scrub, non-coastal grasslands.  +
Marine sand deposits in openings in chaparral and oak woodlands.  +
Sandy soil, slopes, flats, disturbed areas, grasslands, chaparral, pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
Sagebrush slopes.  +
Desert washes, slopes.  +
Sandy slopes, flats, often with Artemisia tridentata and Yucca brevifolia.  +
Open grasslands.  +
Sandy soils, usually with sagebrush scrub.  +
Sandy soil on open or brushy slopes and flats, usually sagebrush scrub or pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
Sandy soils on open or brushy slopes, usually with sagebrush scrub.  +
Shallow soil on granite outcrops, Pinus ponderosa forests.  +
Granite outcrops, Pinus ponderosa forests, upper limits of Pinus sabiniana-Quercus douglasii forests.  +
Open, sandy soils of dunes, grasslands, desert scrub.  +
Sandy or clayey soils, coastal strands, grasslands, coastal sage scrub, chaparral, oak woodlands, margins of Sonoran and Mojave deserts, rarely higher elevation meadows.  +
Coastal sandy slopes and flats.  +
Coastal sandy slopes, dunes, and flats.  +
Dry inland slopes, chaparral.  +
Sandy soils, limestone, disturbed oak woodlands.  +
Brushy hills and slopes, on burns.  +
Clay or sandy soils, flats and slopes in coastal sage scrub or chaparral, sandy soils in mountains.  +
Disturbed brushy slopes, on burns.  +
Open sandy and clayey grasslands, coastal dunes and beaches.  +
Openings in chaparral.  +
Coastal strand, coastal sage scrub, chaparral.  +
Desert slopes and flats, along washes, creosote bush scrub, Joshua tree woodlands.  +
Coastal sage, chaparral, disturbed or open places.  +
Rock, soil, temporarily wet, calcareous or otherwise mineral-rich habitats  +
Intermediately mineral-rich and slightly nutrient-enriched, often spring-influenced fens  +
Peaty shallow soil over limestone  +
Mineral-rich wetland habitats, lowlands in swampy forests, open habitats at higher elevations, lake and stream shores  +
Intermediately mineral-rich fens, lake and river shores  +
Cypress swamps and wet hammocks  +
Epiphytic on oaks, pond apples, magnolias, and other rough-barked trees in hammocks and swamps in the everglade keys, substrate subacid  +
Epiphytic in swamps, on various rough-barked trees, substrate subacid  +
Epiphytic in tropical hammocks  +
Epiphytic in hammocks and swamps, sometimes on walls in limestone sinkholes where it is reduced in size, substrate circumneutral to subacid  +
Mountainous areas of the West, lowland areas in the East, calcium-rich rock  +
Lowlands, soil, tree bases, decaying wood, forests, sheltered habitats  +
Lowlands, mountains, subalpine, decaying wood, soil, rock  +
Soil, earth covered rocks, bases of trees, moderate elevations (300-500 m)  +
Rotten logs, stumps, soil, bases of trees, moderate elevations (100-200 m)  +
Open sandy soil in wet depressions in coastal lowlands  +
Base of trees and decaying logs, cypress swamps  +
Wet rocks, damp cliffs, seepage banks, bogs or wet humic soil, always in open habitats at sea level along the coast, or at about 1500 m in the Appalachian Mountains  +
Typically buried in white sand in depressions, in open pine and pine-oak forests and open grassland, coastal lowlands  +
Rocks, humus covered boulders and outcrops, also humic or peaty soil  +
Rocks, humus covered boulders and outcrops, also humic or peaty soil  +
Wet soil and soil covered rocks, wet cliffs in boggy slopes in subalpine habitats  +
Soil along trails, base of trees, flat roofs of buildings, peat in bogs, sand  +
Soil covered rocks  +
Acidic sandy soil and acidic rocks (sandstone, granite), rock crevices, exposed, dry habitats  +
Bare soil, also base of trees and old pine stumps in wet acid meadows and swamp forests  +
Soil in tundra habitats  +
Soil in open pine, cedar and cypress forests  +
Usually on soil and rocks  +
Open soil in oak and Douglas fir forests, also open sand in dunes with Pinus contorta  +
Open, acidic, sandy soil in sandhills or open forests, white sands  +
Acidic rocks (granite, sandstone), exposed boulders, rarely on soil in open woods  +
Forests or openings on acidic sandstone boulders and cliffs, and sandstone rock shelters  +
Cold, wet soils, often ± calcareous, moist woodlands, often along streams, lake shores, alder thickets, open fields, cedar swamps, in montane and boreal forests  +
Sandy soils of pineland margins, disturbed woodlands, waste areas.  +
Waste places.  +
Waste places.  +
Dunes, beaches, scrub hammocks, palm groves, salt marsh edges.  +
Dry, sandy ground, usually with sagebrush  +
Dry, sandy ground  +
Coastal thickets, hammocks, commonly found on limestone or calcareous soils  +
Seasonally wet areas in open marshes, lake margins, and inundated pine flatwoods  +
Margins of marshes, swamps, ponds, and wet ditches  +
Often, if not always, in secondary growth and waste places  +
Well-manured, moist farmyards, and in open habitats, waste places (roadsides, railways, vacant lots), occasionally in fallow fields and open woods  +
Open roadsides, deserts.  +
Shallow water or wet margins and banks of ditches, canals, marshy areas, lakes.  +
Disturbed wet areas, ditches, swampy areas, rice fields.  +
Beaches, dunes, empty lots, roadways, streams.  +
Beaches, roadsides, streams, disturbed areas.  +
Roadsides, gardens, fields, barren gravel, pastures, plantations, lawns, orchards, cultivated ground, waste areas, vineyards, mountain slopes  +
Fence rows, pastures, shell mounds, hammocks, waste places, well-drained soils, silty and sandy loams [coffee plantations].  +
Pastures, fields, roadsides, fencerows, woods.  +
Roadsides.  +
Slopes above creeks.  +
Moist ground, stream banks, swampy or damp woods, thickets, wet meadows  +
Moist woods, wooded ridges and bottomlands, floodplains, shady ravines, streambeds  +
Mossy areas, tundra, marshes at stream headwaters, cliffs, talus slopes, barren chert slopes, moist rock crevices, rocky slopes, alpine streams, sandy beaches, moist rocky streambeds  +
Moist streamsides, meadows, river gravel, mesic grounds, wet tundra, moist humus, scree slopes, calcareous fellfields  +
Stream banks, seepage, lakeshores, creeks, wet meadows, swamps, ponds  +
Wet grounds, low woodland, moss hummocks, alluvial woods, grassy floodplains, wet pastures, meadows, pinelands, creek bottoms, stream banks, sandy bottoms, ditches, mesic or wet forests, swamps, marshes, seepy bluffs  +
Wooded ravines, forest floors, shady slopes, open woods, shady rock crevices, stream banks and bottoms, canyons, moist hillsides, cliffs  +
Wet areas, springs, moist slopes  +
Wooded bottoms and bluffs, rich woods, limestone cliffs and outcrops, rocky banks, mesic forests, moist areas with leaf litter, floodplain woods  +
Moist cliffs, wooded creek bottoms, shaded draws, hillsides, moist woods, mixed coniferous forests, granitic soils  +
Stream banks, springs, shady gullies, creek bottoms, lakeshores, ponds, cold springs, meadows, moist hillsides, mossy areas, alpine streams, mixed coniferous forests  +
Damp flats, stream banks, tundra, meadows, bluffs, hummocks, sandy beaches, slopes, mossy mats, sedge swales  +
Wooded bottoms and ravines, cliffs, bluffs, ledges, shaded slopes, meadows, moist fields, alluvial banks, rich woods  +
Oak-hickory woods, moist loamy areas, floodplain woods, bluffs, rocky calcareous woods, limestone slopes, along streams  +
Rich woods, bluffs, mesic bottomland forests, rocky hillsides, floodplains, seepage of bogs, springy areas  +
Moist wooded slopes, gorges, wooded ravines, seepage places  +
Disturbed areas, fields, nurseries, plantations, gardens, flower beds, lawns, roadsides  +
Roadsides, clearings, disturbed sites, slopes, cedar glades, mixed woods, meadows, fields, waste grounds, damp places, grassy areas  +
Boggy slopes  +
Streamsides, slopes, roadsides, fields, disturbed areas  +
Tidal marshes, mud flats, tidal shores of rivers, shallow water, swampy areas, shady rocky crevices covered at high tide  +
Rock crevices and ledges, gravel bars of mountain streams, moist rocky stream banks, shaded loamy forest floors  +
Rich woods, shady ravines, ledges, moist alluvial bottoms, steep forested slopes, stream banks  +
Wet grounds along streams, seepage, gravelly sandbars, moist crevices  +
Streamsides, sand and cobbles on gravel bars, shale banks, floodplains, alluvial sand between cobbles, moist moss, turf, seepage areas, meadows, wet grounds  +
Open pine forests, damp woods, shaded bottomlands, mossy slopes, streamsides, shaded and moist hillsides  +
Wet meadows, marshes, margins of ponds, along streams, seacoasts, swamps  +
Muddy grounds, lake margins, shallow streams, meadows  +
Stream banks, shady banks, creek bottoms, lakeshores, meadows, moist areas, wooded slopes  +
Forests, lava slides, talus, cliffs  +
Roadsides, stream banks, rocky crests and outcrops, crevices of granitic bedrock, dry woods, glades, fallow fields, disturbed ground, limestone barrens, marsh and swamp margins, floodplains, waste ground, slopes, ledges, cliffs, meadows  +
Moist mossy cliffs, rocky slopes, mossy banks  +
Shallow pools, wet grounds, marshes, meadows, creeks, channels, swampy woods  +
Marshes, streams, swamps, ditches, seepage, springs, lake margins, mesic bottomland and upland forests, wet areas, ledges of sheltered bluffs, banks and shallow water of streams and spring branches, margins of crop fields, waste ground  +
Moist grounds, stream sides, limestone shores, sedge and grass meadows, marshy pond margins, mossy areas, wet hollows, boggy areas, turfy shores, damp creek banks, swamps, brooks and ditches, moist ravines, springy swales  +
Moist tundra, damp woods and ravines, alpine turf, river flats, peaty subarctic meadows, streamsides, moist slopes  +
Stream banks, swamps, low woodland, wet rocky areas, seepage areas  +
Limestone talus slopes, loose limey shale, moist banks  +
Stream banks, tundra, alpine slopes, wetlands, damp, swampy and mossy areas, beach gravel and sand, alpine stream margins  +
Sandy beaches, grassy bluffs, sand dunes  +
Aggressive weed of waste ground, pastures, roadsides, fields  +
Weed of waste ground, pastures, roadsides, fields  +
Aggressive weed of waste ground, pastures, roadsides, fields  +
Aggressive weed of waste ground, rangelands, pastures, roadsides, fields  +
Aggressive weed of waste ground, pastures, roadsides, fields  +
On well-drained soils of seasonally wet stream banks  +
Moist mountain meadows and slopes  +
Rich, moist, wet slopes or bottomlands, deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, on or just above flood plain of streams and rivers  +
Dry-mesic to mesic deciduous forests, usually in humic, sandy loams  +
Open swamps, wet, open thickets, marsh edges, sedge meadows, lakeshores  +
Subarctic bogs, forests  +
Dry, acidic, sandy soils of open woods and clearings, moist shores  +
Dry to mesic forests, seepage slopes, and meadows in the mountains  +
Meadows, thickets, open forests, usually on calcareous soils  +
Peaty shores, marshes, wet thickets, woods  +
Mostly acidic, dry soils of sandstone and granite, also calcareous regions, wooded slopes, sandstone ridges, woodland clearings, in partial shade of deciduous forests, under cedars  +
Dry to mesic, level areas of sandy loam, occasionally on sandy loam-clay mixtures, in partial shade of hardwood or mixed-pine forests  +
Mesic to rich moist soils on slopes in partial shade of hardwoods, occasionally in drier sites of sandy loam under mixed hardwood-pine, in richer soils than other varieties  +
Sphagnum bogs  +
Acidic swamps, low woods, thickets  +
Alpine meadows, fellfields  +
Moist deciduous or deciduous-evergreen forests, on steep slopes, or often, around limestone escarpments, washes, slides, or cave entrances  +
Stream banks, springs, seeps in desert regions  +
Seasonally saturated soils in wet meadows, openings in alluvial woods, stream banks, particularly on calcareous substrates  +
Mesic deciduous forests, usually in acidic loams on flood plains, slopes above streams, and uplands  +
Meadows, open forests, moist to dry soils  +
Swamps, bogs, wet meadows, and other at least seasonally wet places, such as ditches and clearings, often along streams in conifer forests (western hemlock, Douglas fir, and Engelmann spruce zones, less often ponderosa pine stands)  +
Wet meadows along streams  +
Dry to moist, often calcareous soils in open habitats, mesic to wet meadows  +
Bogs, wet meadows  +
Wet meadows  +
Dry to mesic deciduous or mixed forests, usually on sandy or rocky soils  +
Marshes, bogs, wet meadows, shallow water along shores, usually in acidic substrates  +
Marshes, shallow water along shores  +
Marshes, shallow water along shores, usually in neutral or calcareous substrates  +
Dry mountainsides, high meadows  +
Swampy (coniferous) woods and thickets, wet meadows  +
Northern hemlock-hardwood forests, boreal coniferous forests, white-cedar swamps, upland, dry to mesic deciduous forests  +
Sphagnum bogs, other wet places, mostly lowlands  +
Maritime sand dunes and sandy, disturbed areas near the coast, 0–30 m  +
Dry clearings, open woods, on acidic, rocky, or sandy substrates, rock outcrops  +
Moist prairies, forest openings, roadside ditches  +
Floodplain forests, old river channels and riverbanks, mesic deciduous and mixed conifer-hardwood forests, thickets  +
Marshes, wet prairies and meadows, open swamps, wet, open thickets, open stream, pond, and lakeshores, ditches, often in water (to 60–80 cm deep)  +
Seasonally moist meadows, marshes, pond and lake margins  +
Bogs, acidic swamp forests, wet pinelands, wet, acidic soils  +
Bogs, acidic coniferous swamps, wet, acidic soils  +
Herb-slopes, willow scrub, moist rock ledges, heaths  +
Forest margins, open woodlands, calcareous ledges, stream banks, lakeshores, wet cliffs, high elevation seeps  +
Sedge meadows, moist shores  +
Subalpine and alpine meadows, river gravels, shorelines  +
Moist, open or shaded habitats, especially meadows and seepage slopes, usually on basic soils  +
Wet meadows and woods, muddy margins of lakes and ponds, roadside ditches  +
Dry prairies, forests, roadside ditches, often in calcareous soils  +
Rich, moist, deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, often around steep seepage slopes or along small streams, mountain gorges  +
Dry, rocky, open, or shaded slopes, ridges, and barrens, in hardwood, mixed, or coniferous forests, including pine plantations, on acidic and calcareous substrates  +
Sandy, peaty, or gravelly pond, lake, and stream shores, sedge meadows, open swamps, seeps, ditches, usually in acidic soils  +
Forests  +
Wet meadows, fields, stream banks  +
Bogs, swamps, wet woods, primarily on acidic substrata  +
Neutral or slightly acidic soils in mesic to wet mesic deciduous forests, usually on lower slopes above flood plains of rivers and streams  +
Wet places with calcareous or neutral soils, gravelly lakeshores, stream banks, meadows, forest seeps  +
Moist subalpine meadows  +
Dry to mesic prairies, open woodlands, rock or sand barrens  +
Moist tundra, usually calcareous, rocks and soils  +
Dry to moist alpine or arctic tundra  +
Dry to moist tundra  +
Rocky woods, moist rock faces, granite balds, cliff ledges  +
Wet, moist or dry, open areas or in deciduous or deciduous-evergreen forests, wide range of soil types, frequently weedy  +
Mesic to wet forests, forest edges, especially near streams  +
Wet, boggy tundra, mostly lowlands  +
Dry, rocky, open coniferous woodlands on mountains  +
Dry, open, sandy or rocky slopes, cliffs, and dunes  +
Prairies, meadows, open woods, dry roadbanks, often in calcareous or neutral soils  +
Dry rocky or gravel slopes  +
Forested flood plains, wet hardwood forests, hardwood swamps, occasionally wet meadows, marsh edges  +
Mountain streamsides, seeps in deciduous forests, rarely mountain bogs  +
Damp, temporarily dry areas, thin-peated mires, thickets, woodlands, heaths, rocky slopes  +
Damp, temporarily dry areas, thin-peated mires, thickets, woodlands, heaths, rocky slopes  +
Mesic deciduous forests, in sandy loams and loamy sands on slopes above streams  +
Mesic deciduous forests, on flood plains and low on slopes just above flood plains, usually in calcium-rich loams and clay-loams  +
Acidic soil of bogs and boggy meadows, open swamp forests, peaty or sandy pond and lakeshores, seeps  +
Dry to mesic grasslands, forest margins  +
Wet meadows, marshes, fens  +
Mesic deciduous forests, in sandy loams and sands, usually on stream banks slopes  +
Rare and local in dry meadows, grassy slopes, and prairies  +
Wet, usually base-poor habitats, such as sphagnum bogs, moist coniferous forests and meadows, from lowlands to near the timberline in mountains  +
Wet, usually base-poor habitats, such as sphagnum bogs, moist coniferous forests and meadows, from lowlands to near the timberline in mountains  +
Mesic to moist tundra, seeps on cliffs, rocks, and slopes, fens, meadows, shores, prairie sloughs, edges of sphagnum mats, moist woods  +
Mires and heaths of the boreal forest with disjunct occurrences southward in the alpine zone of eastern and western mountain ranges, primarily on calcareous substrates  +
Rich, moist deciduous or deciduous-evergreen forests, on slopes, often around limestone escarpments and adjacent rocky woods, washes, sinks, or cave entrances  +
Ditches, shores  +
Dry pastures, graveyards  +
Cedar swamps, rich mesic deciduous or mixed conifer-hardwood forests, mixed coniferous forests and margins, mesic meadows, often associated with calcareous soils  +
Dry to mesic deciduous and mixed forests and forest margins on neutral or basic soils  +
Dry to wet-mesic deciduous or mixed forests, thickets, rarely open grassy habitats  +
Subalpine and alpine meadows  +
Wet, sandy, acidic soils, sometimes over limestone, under deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, hammocks  +
Floodplain forests, mesic deciduous forests, wet clearings and swamp forests, stream banks, acid seeps, margins of sinkholes, dolomite glades  +
Stream banks, springs, seeps  +
Fens, bogs, floating mats on lakeshores, emergent sedge marshes, usually in very wet sites, often in shallow water  +
Cliffs, talus slopes, rocky knolls  +
Shaded sphagnum bogs or seeps, characteristically under Chamaecyparis thyoides or Picea mariana  +
Moist, wooded slopes, clearing edges, in deep rich soils, in partial shade of hardwood forests  +
Poor to rich, well-drained soils of dry to moist woods and clearings, in partial shade of deciduous and mixed deciduous-coniferous forests, crevices and ledges of bluffs, slopes  +
Swamps and wet thickets, stream, pond, and lakeshores, depressions in wet meadows, marshes, including freshwater tidal marshes, often in shallow water or on emergent stumps, floating logs, and floating mats of vegetation  +
Dry open woods, neutral to acidic soils  +
Moist to dry meadows, riverbanks, thickets, flood plains, and open spruce, pine, cedar, birch, aspen, and willow woodlands, usually on calcareous substrates  +
Moist to dry, open pine, spruce, Douglas-fir, and aspen woods, often on slopes  +
Open alpine and subalpine screes  +
Seasonally saturated soils in wet meadows, openings in alluvial woods, upper borders of tidal marshes, stream banks  +
Moist meadows and prairies, shores of lakes, ponds, and rivers, usually in acidic sands or loams  +
Moist areas on rocky hillsides  +
Naturally disturbed, rocky slopes with organic layer and leaf litter in mesic mixed forests, or disturbed, open, grassy slopes  +
Wet-mesic deciduous forests, usually in calcium-rich, alluvial clays and silts on flood plains  +
Dry to usually moist, open ground, often associated with calcareous gravels or limestone pavements, in wet meadows, fens, prairie swales, beach pools, shores and glades, less commonly edges of white-cedar thickets, prairie patches along rights-of-way, streams, ditches, and quarries  +
Often in standing water, moist to wet places, open, sandy, dryish disturbed areas  +
Wet, alluvial soils, mostly sandy, under deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests  +
Swamps, floodplain forests, wet meadows, marshes, bogs, stream edges, margins of lakes and ponds, roadside ditches  +
Swamps, floodplain forests, wet meadows, marshes, bogs, stream edges, margins of lakes and ponds, roadside ditches  +
Moist to wet meadows, marshes, thickets, stream banks, ditches  +
Seasonally saturated or inundated soils in wet meadows, marshes, swamps, alluvial bottomlands  +
Acidic, sandy or organic substrates on open, emergent shorelines, not found on lime-rich soils  +
Mesic, deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, often calcareous soils  +
Dry to wet, acidic sandy, gravelly, or rocky soils of barrens, acidic woods and thickets, drying peat bogs, often associated with Polytrichum  +
Riparian or hanging garden communities  +
Marshes, wet meadows, swales, sphagnum bogs, and other wet places, especially shores (sometimes on floating mats or rotten logs), also ditches  +
Hardwood forests on sand  +
Floodplain forests, rich deciduous forests and forest margins, usually along streams or in ditches, wooded ravine slopes, meadows, fields and thickets, often associated with calcareous soils  +
Moist meadows, rocky slopes  +
Edges, openings, paths and stream banks in mesic deciduous forest, floodplain forests, meadows, wet prairies, and roadsides, usually on soils with pH below 6  +
Edges, openings, paths and stream banks in dry to mesic deciduous forest, meadows, wet prairies, roadsides, usually on soils with pH below 6  +
Marshes, swamp forests, usually on rotten stumps, floating logs, or bases of trees (often Taxodium) or shrubs (Cephalanthus) on lake, pond, and slough margins  +
Dry to moist, sandy, gravelly, or rocky alpine meadows, open mixed and coniferous forests  +
Moist to dry, open or shaded, mixed and coniferous woodlands, talus slopes, ridges, rock outcrops, burns, clearings, fields, banks, snowbeds  +
Open, seasonally moist areas, such as stream banks, springs, seeps, wet grasslands  +
Mesic forests, especially along rivers, rarely medows  +
Wet-mesic to dry-mesic forests, forest edges  +
Swampy, marshy, or boggy areas, especially wet meadows, fens, muskegs, floating mats, and peaty or marly shores of lakes and ponds (often in shallow, sometimes brackish water), less often swales, springy thickets, ditches, and wet sandy beaches of nonalkaline lakes  +
Mesic to dry-mesic, deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, mixed soils  +
Rich, moist, slopes or bottomlands, deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, near flood plain of streams and rivers, sandy or sandy loam soils  +
Mesic to dry-mesic, deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, mixed soils  +
Open, damp, saline meadows and bottomlands  +
Swamps, bogs, wet meadows, mossy and shady coniferous woods  +
Damp meadows, ballast near coasts  +
Wet meadows, stream banks, disturbed areas  +
Wet shores and marshy areas in freshwater habitats near the coast  +
Fields, pastures, scrub, forest edges  +
Prairie, sagebrush grasslands, forest openings, meadows, marsh edges, stream banks, in dry to wet soils, various open, successional and usually moist habitats, tolerant of alkaline soils  +
Dry prairies, sagebrush grasslands, openings in dry forests  +
Meadows  +
Usually in conifer or mixed forests, occasionally fens, stable dunes and alvar, on neutral or calcareous substrates  +
Bogs, swamps, peaty or sandy shores of streams or lakes, wet meadows, usually in acidic soils  +
Coastal bogs, swamps, stream and lakeshores  +
Dry-mesic decidous and deciduous-juniper woodlands in canyons and ravines, usually in clay loams very high in calcium on rocky banks and slopes just above streams and stream beds  +
Dry, open areas  +
Wet gravel, streams, and outwashes  +
Acidic soil in swamp forests and forest openings, open seeps, sandy and peaty pond shores, uncommon and local  +
Meadows, dryish areas with subsurface moisture  +
Stream banks, ditches, seeps  +
Marshes, stream banks  +
Dry rocky slopes, alpine tundra  +
Stream margins in open forest, moist subpalpine and alpine meadows  +
Fens, bogs  +
Lake, pond, and river shores, marshes, sedge meadows, often in shallow water  +
Borders of brackish marshes, meadows, and swamps  +
Wet or seasonally wet places, poorly drained fields, open woods  +
Meadows, forest edges, stream banks, wet soils  +
Meadows, treeless stony plains  +
Dry to dryish areas, stable silt-loam or gravel, on slopes, headlands, eroded areas, swales  +
Wet habitats, seasonally wet pinelands, drainage ditches, palmetto hammocks  +
Open wet sites, frequently collected from ditches  +
Meadows, rocky stream banks  +
Abandoned quarries, ditches, marshes, wet forest edges  +
Wet-mesic deciduous forests, usually in acidic loams low in calcium, on flood plains and in swamps  +
Moist to wet habitats, such as open meadows, fens, partially shaded shrub carrs, swamps, on lime-rich soils  +
Dry, sandy loam or sand, in partial shade of mixed pine-hardwood forests or full sun along open roads and forest edges  +
Dry to moist, acidic sands, gravels, open disturbed places, grasslands, open woods  +
Wet forests, bogs, seeps, wet meadows, marsh edges, stream banks, lakeshores, in acidic, sandy, or peaty soils  +
Mesic to dry deciduous forests and ravines, moist meadows, usually associated with calcareous soils  +
Montane meadows, open forests, usually moist to dry soils  +
Wet meadows and woods, muddy margins of lakes and ponds, roadside ditches  +
Tundra, screes, sedge meadows  +
Moist shores, meadows, fens, on base-rich soils  +
Dry to mesic, open or shaded sagebrush, pine, juniper, oak, and aspen woodlands, slopes, canyons, and outcrops  +
Dry montane and subalpine grasslands, burns, and open spruce, fir, or pine woods  +
Calcareous mucks and sandy loams along streams and on flood plains, swampy forests, hardwood hammocks, limestone glades, seeps, marshy ditches, grassy roadsides  +
Wet swamp forests, forest openings, open swamps  +
Dry rocks, gravel, sand, talus slopes, eskers, on limestone  +
Salt marshes, gravelly seashores  +
Salt marshes, gravelly seashores  +
Stream or pond margins, seepage bogs, swamps, wet meadows, ditches, usually in sandy soils and seasonally wet areas  +
Mesic to wet-mesic deciduous forests or seasonally moist prairies, usually in clays or loams  +
Moist, shaded, acidic and serpentine slopes and stream banks in redwood, cypress, pine, and oak forests  +
Coastal cliffs, beach meadows, sand dunes, swales, gravels  +
Wet hammocks, swamps, flood plains dominated by deciduous trees, usually in calcareous or sandy mucks  +
Moist to dry deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests or woodland edges in partial shade, frequently on limestone or chalk, on clay or marl soils, stream bottoms or on steep slopes  +
Meadows, sloughs, moist to wet places, roadsides  +
Mesic to dry deciduous forests, including edges and openings, mixed conifer-hardwood forests, coniferous swamps, thickets, meadows, roadsides  +
Low, open ground, meadows, fens, glades, or shores, ditches, moist woods, and bottomland swamps, especially along borders, clearings, streams, trails, usually in clayey or marly soils, frequently weedy in limestone districts  +
Prairies, ditches, swales, open forests, usually on calcareous soils  +
Mesic to wet deciduous forests, forest openings, usually on fine alluvial or lacustrine deposits, riverbottoms  +
Mesic deciduous forests and forest openings, most often in sandy and calcium-rich alluvia on flood plains  +
Swamps, floodplain forests, wet meadows, marshes, bogs, stream edges, margins of lakes and ponds, roadside ditches  +
Wet peaty ground, usually in openings in coniferous swamps and conifer-hardwood stands, less often in poor fens, boggy swales (flarks) and alder thickets, also subalpine meadows, tundra, outwash gravel and seepage areas, usually on calcareous substrates  +
Seeps, stream banks, roadside ditches, wet meadows and slopes, coastal prairies, mixed evergreen forest along the Pacific Coast  +
Dry, sandy, gravelly or rocky meadows, shores, other open habitats  +
Moist alkaline meadows  +
Moist to wet or boggy marshes, open areas near the coast  +
Meadows  +
Rocky or gravelly subalpine to alpine meadows, slopes, stream banks  +
Wet meadows, moist prairies  +
Mires, damp meadows, lowlands  +
Rocky slopes  +
Moist, mixed deciduous-evergreen forests  +
Stream margins in open forests, moist meadows  +
Dry, open or lightly shaded areas  +
Meadows, dry to mesic woods, neutral to basic soils  +
Dry to wet fields, ditches, roadsides, railroad embankments, disturbed stream banks, lakeshores, and open forests  +
Thickets, lowland forests, forested slopes  +
Seeps, wet meadows, springy slopes, open areas in Ponderosa pine forests, clearcuts and disturbed areas, mixed evergreen forests, often associated with serpentine  +
Mesic, usually rocky, deciduous forests, usually with highly diverse vascular plant communities, often in calcium-rich loams on slopes above streams  +
Lakeshores, meadows, fens, bogs  +
Dry to mesic grasslands, rocky slopes, screes, forest openings  +
Swamps, mesic to wet-mesic grasslands and open forests  +
Maritime rock ledges, brackish or freshwater marshes, moist coastal sands  +
Moist to wet, open fens and meadows, on lime-rich soils  +
Dry to moist sandy or gravelly soils in open, disturbed sites, rocky balds, ledges  +
Bottomland woods on clayey and silty soils, riverbanks  +
Swamp forests, river bottoms, shores of streams, ponds and lakes, wet meadows, often in clay soils, seasonally moist sites  +
Open swamps, sedge meadows, fens, stream, pond, and lakeshores, seeps, springheads, ditches, mostly in calcareous soils  +
Riparian moist meadows  +
Marshes, bogs, wet meadows  +
Mesic deciduous forests, usually on gentle slopes above small streams in ravines, usually in shallow loams and sandy loams over clays  +
Alpine tundra, on wet gravels, rocky ledges, often in mossy turf or moss hummocks, usually uncommon  +
Mesic to dry-mesic deciduous and deciduous-coniferous forests, often on slopes above streams, occasionally in open habitats such as grassy slopes  +
Open, well-drained sandy, loamy, and loess soils in prairies (grazed and ungrazed) and ponderosa pine woodlands  +
Rocky, sandy, and loamy soils of open pine woodlands, open slopes, near mountain streams  +
Wet meadows, bogs  +
Wet meadows, wet prairies, fens, coniferous and deciduous swamps, river and lakeshores, seeps, usually in ± calcareous, open sites  +
Sandy soils along rivers, occasionally wet meadows  +
Dry-mesic to wet coniferous, mixed, and deciduous forests, forest openings, thickets, wet meadows, ditches  +
Mesic, rich ravines, slopes, and flood plains in hardwood forests, on lime-rich substrates  +
Wet subalpine meadows, stream banks  +
Seasonally saturated or inundated soils in moist, swampy, or bottomland woods, or stream banks  +
Open, vernally moist, red juniper-oak glades, alvars, prairie openings, on clay soils derived from crumbling limestone  +
Sandy beaches along seacoasts, sounds, bays, and inlets  +
Mesic deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, calcareous to circumneutral soils  +
Dry to moist, calcareous tundra, shores, meadows  +
Arctic and alpine meadows, peatlands, mossy banks of brooks  +
Open swamps, wet, open thickets, marsh edges, sedge meadows, fens, shores of streams, ponds and lakes  +
Openings in bottomland and lowland forests, edges of marshes, lakes, and ponds, wet meadows, wet thickets, mesic to wet prairies and savannas  +
Forested seeps along streams, swampy forests, wet meadows, occasionally marshes and bogs  +
Seasonally saturated or inundated soils in wet meadows, marshes, edges of tidal marshes, swamps, or alluvial bottomlands, particularly on calcareous substrates  +
Sphagnum bogs, wet, nutrient-poor areas, mostly lowlands  +
Sedge meadows, fens, bogs, lakeshores, stream banks, usually in very wet sites and sometimes forming floating mats  +
Steep, shaded slopes in rich, mesic to dry-mesic hardwood forests  +
Dry to dry-mesic mixed woodlands  +
Fens  +
Low, wet, deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, mesic slopes to along edges of springs, seeps, and streams, usually clay soils  +
Low, wet, deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, along edges of springs, seeps, and streams, usually clay soils  +
Dry or moist, deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, higher elevations southward  +
Dry grasslands, roadsides, open forests, forest edges, lawns  +
Marshes, bogs  +
Gravelly soils on seasonally flooded stream and lakeshores or seeps  +
Seasonally flooded river and lakeshores  +
Seasonally flooded river and lakeshores  +
Lakeshores, wet meadows  +
Lakeshores, wet meadows  +
Moist meadows  +
Mossy or wet woods, conifer swamps and bogs, wet, often calcareous (including subalpine) meadows, fens, swales, lakeshores, stream banks, also damp, shaded rock ledges, marshy fields, and swampy ditches  +
Moist to wet deciduous, evergreen, or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, higher elevations southward  +
Mesic to wet forests, forest edges, especially near streams  +
Sphagnum bogs, wet meadows, shores  +
Boreal fens, calcareous floating mats  +
Mires, wet forests, mossy stream banks, lowlands  +
Wet savannas, forests, seeps, stream banks, lakeshores, in sandy, peaty, or acidic soils  +
Wet or seasonally wet, sandy soils, fields, thickets, ditches, pond edges, open woods, occasionally bogs  +
Swamp forests, forest openings  +
Well-drained, acidic soils on mesic to dry slopes in hardwood or mixed hardwood-pine forests  +
Dry to mesic, often sandy, well-drained, acidic soils in open pine and oak woodlands or cleared areas  +
Wet forests, especially in openings around forest ponds, riverine wetlands, marshes, wet thickets  +
Wet, deciduous or mixed swamp forests, forest openings, wet meadows  +
Wet meadows, marshes, seeps, shores of ponds, lakes, and streams, open swamp forests, ditches, mostly in acidic, often sandy soils  +
Sandy soils over limestone, in the ecotone between longleaf pine savannas and non-riverine swamp forests, where fire has suppressed shrub dominance, on lime-rich soils  +
Wet meadows  +
Wet meadows, bogs  +
Wet meadows, bogs  +
Coastal salt marshes, brackish marshes  +
Coastal and estuarine marshes, mostly brackish soils, seashores  +
Mountain lake and river shores, moist meadows and slopes, bogs, and other wet areas, disturbed areas  +
Sandy beaches along seacoasts, sounds, bays, and inlets, especially on dunes  +
Marshes, shores, and other wet open places  +
Bogs, fens, marshes, usually associated with Sphagnum  +
Moist, deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests  +
Boggy tundra, gravelly shores  +
Moist mountain meadows and slopes  +
Beaches, dunes, fresh alluvium, rocky or mineral-rich soils of lake, river, and ocean shores, seepy slopes, fens, rock barrens, mostly near the coasts  +
Seepage slope and alluvial terrace in deciduous forests  +
Calcareous prairies, fens, cedar glades, open woodlands, moist depressions  +
Forest openings, meadows, bog margins  +
Ruderal in moist to wet roadside ditches and waste areas  +
Open wetlands, wet tundra, muskeg  +
Seepage areas, wet meadows, coastal prairies, springy slopes, mixed evergreen forest, associated with serpentine soils near the Pacific Coast  +
Dry sands, gravels, rocky places, meadows, roadsides, on acidic substrates  +
Open forests, meadows, stream banks  +
Dry grasslands, roadsides, railroads  +
Bogs, fens, lakeshores, stream banks, open seeps, in sandy or peaty, often acidic soils  +
Arctic and alpine tundra, forming mats on exposed sites with mineral soils  +
Open, dry to moist, calcareous substrates, usually in rocky or wet prairies, swales, seeps, and ditches, characteristic of relic patches of blackland prairies, limestone glades, and chalk openings  +
Moist, calcareous, often peaty ground in open barrens, tundra (often very wet or flooded), fens, seeps over shallow bedrock, and boggy subalpine meadows, also sandy or gravelly river flats and clay or silt at lakeshores and seasides  +
Moist meadows, stream banks, seeps, snowbeds and areas irrigated by meltwater  +
Moderately wet to dry meadows, slopes, along watercourses, disturbed habitats  +
Rock ledges, cliffs, balds in s Appalachians  +
Prairie swales  +
Swamps, floodplain forests, wet meadows, stream edges, margins of lakes and ponds, roadside ditches  +
Fields, roadsides, bottomlands, open woods, on dry to wet, often heavy, calcareous soils  +
Stream flood plains, bottomlands, stream banks, roadsides  +
Dry grasslands, open forests, commonly on sand  +
Dry grasslands, open forests, commonly on sand  +
Dry slopes and seasonally wet seepage areas in chaparral and open pine forests  +
Dry soils  +
Fields, pastures, lawns, scrub  +
Rocky, dry slopes in calcareous soils  +
Moist to wet, deciduous flood plains, lowland woods, and thickets  +
Exposed arctic and alpine tundra, usually calcareous, cliffs, rocky slopes, ridges, and summits  +
Wet meadows  +
Moist alpine meadows, rocky slopes  +
Subalpine meadows  +
Wet subalpine meadows, stream banks  +
Wet meadows  +
Moist meadows, mossy heaths, wet gravels of streams and snowbeds  +
Acidic soils of rocky, dry woods, thickets, and clearings, in partial shade of mixed hardwood-pine forests or full sun along open roadsides and clearing edges, often adjacent to streams  +
Open, often wet, woods, thickets, meadows, and roadsides  +
Mossy heath, tundra  +
Moist subalpine and alpine meadows, lake and stream margins  +
Moist to mesic sites, in shade or partial shade under mixed deciduous forests, occasionally under spruce-hemlock canopies  +
Dense tussocks in rocky streambeds  +
Springs or seeps in chapparal  +
Wet meadows, shores, ditches  +
Dry grasslands, dry bluffs, dry sandy flood plains  +
Dry grasslands, forests  +
Seasonally saturated or inundated soils in wet meadows, marshes, alluvial bottomlands  +
Mesic or dry-mesic deciduous forests, usually in calcium-rich loams on rocky slopes above streams  +
Bogs, often forming extensive stands in Sphagnum-dominated areas, poor fens, sometimes in acidic, sandy, or peaty soils in open swamps, marshes, lakeshores, riverbanks  +
Low areas in prairies, roadside ditches, poorly drained sites  +
Dry slopes in granitic soils  +
Moist to dry deciduous, evergreen, or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, frequently sandy gravel or disturbed soils  +
Hay fields, forest edges, open woods  +
Mesic to dry-mesic, rocky, deciduous or deciduous-pine forests, usually in loams on slopes or ridgetops  +
Meadows, seasonally wet soils  +
Floodplain forests, rich, moist deciduous forests, near streams or in swampy areas, upland forests on sandy soils, wooded bluffs, often associated with calcareous soils  +
Seepy stream banks, permanently wet ditches, pond shores, wet depressions in meadows and pastures  +
Moist to wet, open meadows, strands along lakeshores, forest edges  +
Mesic deciduous forests, in sandy loams  +
Saline, brackish, and intertidal marshes, shores, river estuaries  +
Meadows, open slopes  +
Wet to dry, usually sandy, acidic fields  +
Dunes and sandy, open habitats  +
Grassy lowland or montane tundras, moss-rich fens, dwarf-shrub heaths, hillside flushes, river bed and lakeshore mires, and other wet substrates  +
Alkaline meadows, lake margins, roadsides, ditches  +
Sphagnum bogs and acidic peat (damp mossy tundra, dryish heaths, alpine quagmires, moist forests), usually on open mats, also in partial shade of conifers  +
Subalpine and alpine meadows  +
Mainly calcareous soils on dry to mesic slopes, in partial shade in rich, deciduous or mixed deciduous-coniferous, open woods, bases of slopes, or full sun on exposed outcrops  +
Moist to dry mixed forests and woodland openings, on basic and acidic substrates  +
Wet to dry meadows, marshes, stream banks, lakeshores, open carrs and woodlands, low dunes, ditches, and other usually moist, successional habitats, especially in regions of calcareous soils  +
Alpine slopes, ridge crests, rocky lakeshores  +
Roadsides, stream banks  +
Well-drained, acidic but cation-rich, sandy, rocky, and loamy soils under hardwood forest canopies, forest edges, savannas, “balds” and in rocky or sandy openings  +
Open mesic forests and savannas  +
Dry alpine tundra, especially scree slopes, uncommon and local  +
Dry to wet meadows, grasslands, open woods  +
Limestone barrens, shores  +
Meadows, screes, disturbed slopes, flood plains, stream banks  +
High-montane to alpine areas, usually rocky soils  +
Forests and forest openings  +
Mesic to wet-mesic deciduous forests or occasionally in moist prairies, usually in acidic to slightly alkaline clays and loams  +
Open or partly shaded, rocky and sandy sites along stream banks, in ponderosa and pinyon pine, aspen, and sagebrush-grass communities  +
Mesic deciduous forests, usually in loams on lower portions of slopes adjacent to streams and on the upper portions of flood plains  +
Dry to mesic forests and scrub, on calcareous soils  +
Rich, moist, deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, on slopes along streams or along edges of moist depressions, southward in mountain gorges  +
Rich, moist deciduous forests, on rocky or gravelly slopes, soils above limestone, shale, or calcareous metamorphic rocks, often on clay soils  +
Bogs, marshes, stream banks, shores, sometimes brackish  +
Subalpine and alpine meadows, arctic tundra  +
Thin woods with sandy soils  +
Boggy places, wet soil around montane ponds and lakes  +
Wet to seasonally dry meadows, prairies, stream banks, lakeshores, springheads and seeps, openings in woodlands, ditches, roadsides, tolerant of alkaline soils  +
Wet meadows, peaty ground, usually in calcareous marshes, prairies, fens, and swales, often on borders of lakes and streams or in open conifer swamps (Larix, Picea, Thuja), also thickets and ditches  +
Rich, mesic deciduous forests, often along streams or in seepage areas, or in moist low ground associated with springs or fens  +
Moist to wet meadows, open dry woods, rocky areas  +
Open dry to seasonally dry areas  +
Stream banks, moist depressions in mixed and deciduous forests, moist to wet grasslands, meadows, thickets, shores, ditches  +
Montane and rocky places  +
Swamps, wet thickets, stream, pond, and lakeshores, depressions in wet meadows, marshes, often in shallow water or on emergent stumps, floating logs, floating mats of vegetation in water  +
Sand dunes, sandy disturbed sites near the coast  +
Moist, deciduous or, rarely, mixed deciduous-evergreen forests, around limestone escarpments, washes, sinks, and cave entrances  +
Moist, deciduous forests, moist calcareous soils  +
Mesic to wet-mesic deciduous and mixed forests, often seasonally wet areas  +
Saline or brackish marshes, shores  +
Open bogs, meadows, seepage slopes, heath  +
Subalpine and alpine meadows  +
Saline, brackish shores, swales, intertidal marshes, river estuaries  +
Wet woods, bottomlands  +
Thickets and openings in dry deciduous forests  +
Swamps, wet thickets, often along streams, marshes, sedge meadows, shores of streams, ponds, and lakes  +
Vernally moist (often drying later in the season), open woodlands, alvars, floodplain edges, prairies, and basic and acidic outcrops  +
Rich, moist soil under beech trees  +
Dry to mesic deciduous or mixed forests  +
Moist or dry, sandy or rocky, open montane pine, fir, and spruce woodlands, sagebrush slopes, deciduous wooded slopes, prairies, alpine meadows  +
Fens, especially in flarks in patterned fens, bogs and bog pools, lake and stream shores, often in shallow water or on floating mats  +
Fens, bogs, wet tundra  +
Wet sandy or gravelly shores  +
Dry to mesic heaths, meadows, rock outcrops, talus slopes  +
Boggy meadows, open or wooded stream banks, springheads, seeps  +
Riverine sand exposures, dune fields  +
Saline or brackish shores  +
Moist to wet meadows and open forests, lakeshores, stream banks  +
Fens, wet prairies, sedge meadows, marshes, wet, open thickets, open swamps, stream, pond, and lakeshores, ditches, often in shallow water  +
Fens, bogs, wet tundra, roadside ditches, shores of lakes, ponds, and slow moving streams, often in shallow water  +
Moist to dry, open prairies, pine, and deciduous woodlands, on ridges and slopes  +
Wet woods, springy thickets, especially seepage slopes, creek borders, ravine bottoms, or other wet spots in rich deciduous woods, less often in wet clearings and swamps, in calcareous, circumneutral, or acidic soils  +
Serpentine soils  +
Wet meadows along streams  +
Shallow cold streams, springheads, seeps, margins of fens, and seepy stream, pond, and lakeshores in open or lightly shaded sites, in highly calcareous soils  +
Prairie pavement barrens  +
Dry ridge sites, fellfields with gravelly and noncalcareous soils  +
In calcareous soils  +
Wet to dry, open habitats, usually on acidic, often sandy soils  +
Dry to moist meadows, sandy, acidic soils  +
Wet subalpine and alpine meadows  +
Wet subalpine meadows  +
Wet subalpine and alpine meadows  +
Wet meadows along streams or rivers  +
Acidic, sandy, peaty hardwood or Chamaecyparis swamps, thickets  +
Open or partly shaded, vernally moist to wet meadows, riparian woodlands, savannas, successional scrublands, wetland margins, serpentine soils derived from ultramafic bedrock  +
Moist places on open hillsides, adjacent to springs, seeps, or streams  +
Wet meadows, lakeshores, open, moist forests along streams  +
Seasonally wet to dry, grassy ditches, swales, and slopes, often in clayey soils  +
Rich woods at bases of slopes, more commonly swampy woods and thickets, wet, open grounds such as spring-fed meadows, prairie swales, pond margins, low depressions, streams, and ditches, particularly characteristic of bottomlands, often in calcareous soils  +
Open, sandy oak, oak-pine, or pine forests and savannas, dry prairies, sand dunes, sandy fields, sunny rock outcrops, alpine or subalpine meadows  +
Coastal sand and gravel flats and dunes  +
Wet meadows, marshes, seeps, fens, bogs, stream banks, lakeshores, ditches, tolerant of alkaline soils  +
Lowland deciduous forests, usually on clay soils  +
Dry to moist deciduous and mixed forests, forest edges, on neutral or basic soils  +
Dry soils in meadows, open forests  +
Moist subalpine and alpine meadows  +
In crevices on rock faces with seeps, small “hanging gardens”  +
Fields, pastures, lawns  +
Stream banks, wet seeps, sometimes on serpentine  +
Dry to mesic deciduous forests and forest openings, floodplain forests and riverbanks, lakeshores, limestone river bluffs, mixed conifer-hardwood forests, thickets, meadows, roadsides, often associated with calcareous rocks and soils  +
Wet woods, forest edges, meadows  +
Open rocky places, coniferous woods  +
Fens, openings in white-cedar swamps, wet calcareous prairies, fresh interdunal meadows, calcareous seeps, lake and river shores, wet sunny limestone outcrops  +
Open forests, moist meadows, stream banks, occasionally reaching lower alpine tundra (Colorado)  +
Seasonally saturated or inundated soils in wet meadows, marshes, edges of tidal marshes, cypress swamps, or alluvial bottomlands  +
Seasonally saturated or inundated soils in wet meadows, marshes, edges of tidal marshes, swamps, alluvial bottomlands  +
Freshwater marshes, shores, and swales, wet woods, in sandy or peaty, acidic soils  +
Rocky, gravelly soils  +
Open swamps, sedge meadows, bogs, boggy depressions, in acidic, often peaty soils  +
Dry to moist ravine slopes, deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests  +
Marshes, bogs, wet meadows, shores  +
Wet, sandy, acidic soils, around springs, seeps, and small streams, under deciduous or mixed deciduous-evergreen forests  +
Meadows, heaths, bogs, lakeshores  +
Meadows, swales, moist places, roadsides, along the coast and in Coast Ranges  +
Calcareous fens and seeps, shores, swales  +
Seasonally moist mountain meadows, along watercourses  +
Moist rocky slopes, alpine meadows  +
Saline shores, salt marshes, mainly on small pool margins, rarely on open tundra  +
Acidic to neutral clays, often high in potassium and magnesium, in moist to dry mesic, open, deciduous forests, ravines  +
Dry meadows and bluffs, rock outcrops, sandy soil on lakeshores and flood plains  +
Dry to wet-mesic forests, scrub  +
Wet areas, at least seasonally, open, sandy, silty or peaty shores, banks, on limestone  +
Disturbed areas in deciduous forests  +
Grasslands, sagebrush slopes, open rocky and sandy slopes, subalpine and alpine meadows  +
Dry to dry-mesic, longleaf pine and sand-hill savannas  +
Rich, moist woods  +
Dry to moist, open forests and meadows  +
Mires, especially sphagnum bogs, wet woodlands, lowlands  +
Calcareous fens, bogs, and swales  +
Mesic to moist prairies, roadside ditches, shores  +
Dry to wet-mesic open forests and fields, often rocky or sandy substrates  +
Mesic deciduous forests, in sandy loams, usually on upper portions of flood plains and adjacent slopes  +
Stream banks, springheads, seeps, wet meadows  +
Mesic deciduous woods, mixed deciduous and juniper woodlands, on lime-rich substrates  +
Dry to seasonally moist grassy meadows, roadsides, open woods  +
Dry, open or partly shaded, rocky canyon slopes  +
Open, dry, acidic, sandy and rocky meadows, roadsides, dunes, ridges, heathlands, savannas, pine, oak, and poplar woodland edges  +
Open, dry, sandy fields, pine and oak barrens, savannas, dunes, roadsides, ridges  +
Meadows, moist woods  +
Rocky streambeds, banks  +
Open habitats, wet meadows, wet prairies, roadside ditches in seasonally saturated or inundated soils  +
Open floodplain forests, moist to wet grasslands, ditches, stream banks, wet thickets  +
Open floodplain forests, moist to wet grasslands, ditches, stream banks, wet thickets  +
Openings in bottomlands, marshes, wet meadows, wet thickets along streams and rivers, wet prairies along streams, rarely occurring far from streams  +
Dry grasslands and scrub  +
Mires, especially sphagnum bogs, wet woods, lowlands  +
Deciduous swamp forests, thickets, often along streams or pond shores, wet meadows  +
Grasslands, forest openings  +
Open pine forests, mountain slopes, oak-fir forests, moist stream banks, steep ravines  +
Wet savannas, wet open forests, seeps, stream banks, often in shallow water, in sandy or peaty, acidic soils  +
Wet woods  +
Open, dry to mesic, circumneutral to calcareous, clayey, sandy, and rocky fields, pastures, tall-grass prairies, glades, ridges, slopes, bluffs, dunes, barrens, open deciduous and mixed woodlands, also on serpentine and basalt, often at edges of ant hills  +
Seasonally wet places, 0–1000 m  +
Sandy, gravelly seashores in Arctic  +
Open swamps, wet thickets, marshes, sedge meadows, bogs, fens, stream, pond, and lakeshores  +
Saline, brackish shores, swales, salt and intertidal marshes  +
Calcareous swamps, boggy thickets and woods  +
Dry to mesic hillsides, grasslands, thickets, open forests  +
Swamp forests, bogs, wet places in pine forests, bays, hammocks, roadside ditches  +
Moist alpine tundra, moist forest openings just below treeline  +
Shallow water in cypress ponds, shallow depressions in marshes  +
Swamps, wet thickets, wet depressions in forests, marshes, sedge meadows, bogs, stream, pond, and lakeshores, often in sites inundated in spring and dry during summer  +
Dry to moist, open, sandy or gravelly meadows, open woods in acidic soils  +
Sandy, calcareous soils of marsh borders, bottomlands, ditches, thickets, and seasonally wet fields  +
Dry to wet-mesic deciduous forests, banks  +
Moist, open, acidic coastal flats, meadows, not found on lime-rich soils  +
Moist to wet fens and runnels, on lime-rich soils, maritime in North America  +
Moist to wet, exposed shores and limestone barrens, frequently subjected to fog and salt-spray, on lime-rich soils  +
Seasonally moist, open habitats, such as acidic, sandy or organic shorelines, calcareous runnels in limestone barrens, fens  +
Seasonally saturated or inundated soils in open habitats, wet meadows, marshes, roadside ditches  +
Dry, sandy and gravelly meadows, open forests  +
Bogs, openings in acidic conifer, mixed, or alder swamps, wet acidic sandy or peaty meadows  +
Acidic, dry mesic, open, oak-dominated woodlands, often on ridges and slopes  +
Fens, sedge meadows, moist tundra  +
Usually dry, calcareous woodlands  +
Montane meadows, rocky places  +
Dry grasslands, rock outcrops, talus slopes  +
Disturbed areas, waste places, hummocks, roadsides  +
Coastal hammocks, beach dunes, disturbed areas.  +
Roadsides, fields, waste places  +
On granitic soils, openings in forests  +
Oak-juniper woodlands, cypress woodlands, grasslands, riparian areas  +
Sonoran desert scrub  +
Dry, rocky slopes in chaparral and lower ponderosa pine woodlands.  +
Dunes, sandhills, sandy rises in flatwoods, sandy fields, roadsides, weedy banks, open pine, scrub oak, and turkey oak-pine woods  +
Low pinelands, pine and pine-palmetto flatwoods, grass-sedge bogs, seepage slopes, ditches, prairies  +
Sand ridges, roadsides, flats, dry, pine and longleaf pine-turkey oak woods, pine-palmetto, palmetto flats  +
Pine-oak borders, longleaf pine savannas, flatwoods, fields, roadsides, fencerows, stream bottoms, seepage and boggy areas, sandy sites, limestone ridges or clay hills  +
Burned pine savanna-flatwoods, dry prairies  +
Moist or wet, low ground, wet prairies or savannas, swamp margins, pine, pine-palmetto, and palmetto flats  +
Moist to dry sites, pine barrens, savannas, cutover pine woods, wiregrass savannas, pine-palmetto flatwoods, grass-sedge bogs, swamp edges, ditches, depressions  +
Moist to dry pine savannas, flatwoods, pine-oak woodland, wire-grass savannas, fields, sometimes more moist, peaty soils, shrub bogs, seepage  +
Sandy soils, rock outcrops in grasslands, chaparral, pine-oak woodlands  +
Stream banks, flood plains, and moist slopes, frequently in understory  +
In understory stratum in rich deciduous forest along stream banks, on flood plains, and on moist hillsides  +
Coastal dunes and bluffs, margins of estuaries, along roadsides  +
Coastal dunes, bluffs and terraces, margins of estuaries  +
Deserts  +
Sand dunes, beaches, desert valleys, typically with Larrea divaricata and Artemisia species  +
Fields, roadsides  +
Roadsides, grain fields, pastures  +
Disturbed sites  +
Escaped from cultivation in disturbed sites  +
Bayous, river flood plains, bluffs, and levees, temporarily flooded bottomlands  +
River flood plains, well-drained hillsides, and limestone glades  +
Sandy ridges of sand-pine scrub  +
Edge of bayous, deep flood plains, well-drained sandy soils, rolling hills and slopes, dry rocky soils, or thin soils on edge of granite outcrops  +
Along stream banks, river flood plains, and on well-drained soils  +
Rich bottomlands, along creeks, and in open cedar glades  +
River bottomlands, edges of streams, bluffs, and hillsides, often on calcareous prairie soils and marl ridges  +
Wet bottomlands, rocky hillsides, and limestone outcrops  +
Wet bottomlands, rocky hillsides, and limestone outcrops  +
Well-drained sandy or rocky soils on bluffs, ridges, rolling hills, and dry woods  +
Well-drained sandy soils on rolling hills and rocky hillsides, occasionally on low flat lands and marl soils  +
Well-drained sandy soils, rolling hills and rocky hillsides, occasionally on limestone outcrops  +
Moist organic soil over limestone in mesic hammocks and disturbed wooded areas  +
Moist organic soil over limestone in mesic hammocks and disturbed wooded areas  +
Wet, shaded cliffs and ledges, sometimes coastal or near waterfalls, mossy mats, wet rocks, moist crevices  +
Open, dry deciduous forests.  +
Alpine rocky slopes and crevices  +
Subalpine and red fir forests  +
Alpine fellfields, subalpine forests, sometimes red fir forests  +
Subalpine forest and meadows, moist granitic slopes and crevices  +
Rocky slopes and alpine tundra  +
Rocky slopes and arctic tundra  +
Coastal vegetation  +
Previously common in rich deciduous and mixed forests, particularly with oak  +
Deciduous forest  +
Forest, open woods, forest understory, dry sandy and wet sandy barrens  +
Chaparral slopes, openings, open woods, coastal scrub, stabilized dunes.  +
Coastal scrub, stabilized dunes, canyons.  +
Serpentine meadows and slopes.  +
Sandy coastal bluffs, inland grasslands, upper margins of salt marshes.  +
Upper margins of Salicornia salt marshes, saline flats.  +
Grassy coastal bluffs, adjacent dunes.  +
Seasonally wet meadows with volcanic substrates in oak-pine woodlands or chaparral, shallow vernal pools, ephemeral stream margins.  +
Dry sagebrush slopes and flats.  +
Dry sagebrush slopes and flats in mountains, high plains.  +
Dry sagebrush slopes and flats, often rocky.  +
Dry rocky volcanic slopes, open conifer forests, subalpine.  +
Dry rocky slopes, flats, open montane forests to alpine, granitic substrates.  +
Open forests, rocky slopes, canyons, sagebrush hillsides.  +
Dry rocky slopes, alpine and open subalpine forests.  +
Meadows with sagebrush, openings in spruce-fir forests.  +
Pumice flats, sandy, gravelly, or rocky slopes, ridges and open summits.  +
Grasslands, pastures, moist margins of springs and streams, damp rocky slopes.  +
Dry savannas, rocky slopes and open conifer forests, on serpentine.  +
Arid grasslands in hilly country, sagebrush or alkaline flats.  +
Vernal pools, moist ground.  +
Vernal pools, moist ground.  +
Open pine forests and grasslands, rocky balds and dry subalpine meadows.  +
Turf or crevices on rocky slopes and benches over basalt, se to sw aspect, sun or partial shade.  +
Dry open pine forests, often with sagebrush understory, rocky ridges and summits, montane to subalpine.  +
Gentle slopes, mostly northern aspect, in herbaceous or grassy subalpine to alpine meadows, sagebrush openings and swales, snowbank communities, over quartzite.  +
Dry sagebrush slopes and flats, pinyon-juniper stands, blackbrush, open yellow pine forests.  +
Glacial outwash plains, river flats, moist or wet openings, beach meadows, roadsides.  +
Flat, mesic meadows, dry talus and ridges, montane to alpine.  +
Dry rocky slopes, ridges, and flats, pebble plains, sagebrush openings, open conifer forests.  +
Calcareous prairies, sandy fields, gravelly limestone hillsides, limestone outcrops, mesquite, juniper, oak-juniper, and post oak woodlands, roadsides.  +
Damp or wet meadows, roadsides, prairies, swamps, peatlands, ditches, thickets, dunes, jack pine flats, rocky forests, ledges, sandstone, limestone, or granite.  +
Hummocks and margins of moist to wet meadows.  +
Rocky slopes, ledges, talus, ridges, open conifer forests, moist to dry substrates, montane to alpine.  +
Rocky slopes, talus, ridges, dry to moist, open, conifer forests, montane meadows.  +
Mesic to moist flat subalpine meadows and turf, to tree line.  +
Moist meadows, swales, grasslands in sagebrush steppes, occasionally to subalpine.  +
Grasslands, forest openings, meadows, roadsides, sometimes on serpentine.  +
Grasslands, chaparral, savannas, stream or pool margins.  +
Coastal grasslands, springs, roadsides, pastures.  +
Sagebrush slopes often rocky, montane to subalpine.  +
Open conifer forests, rocky or sandy slopes, montane to subalpine.  +
Serpentine bogs and wetlands.  +
Meadows, tundra, fell fields, moraines, talus, rocky slopes, shrub thickets, gravel bars, lakeshores.  +
Moist to dry rocky slopes, meadows, swales, sagebrush steppes, open conifer forests, montane to subalpine, often on serpentine.  +
Grasslands, chaparral, dunes, sandy flats, headlands, open oak forests, coastal scrub, rocky slopes, dry sand, desert washes.  +
Coastal grasslands, dunes, sandy flats, headlands, sandy to rocky slopes.  +
Dry sand, desert washes, creosote scrub, saltbush flats.  +
Montane to subalpine.  +
Mostly montane.  +
Chaparral, dry rocky slopes, coastal scrub, open forests.  +
Moist or dry rocky slopes and flats, ridges, talus, dwarf willow mats, subalpine to alpine, rarely along stream channels at lower elevations, over sedimentary rocks, often limy.  +
Rocky slopes, open stands of juniper, over limestone.  +
Dry sagebrush steppes, gravelly or rocky slopes, talus, open conifer forests, subalpine.  +
Ledges, rocky slopes, open yellow pine forests, montane chaparral or sagebrush.  +
Mesic or wet, usually flat meadows, sometimes near hot springs, along stream banks, montane.  +
Coastal terraces and slopes, cliffs and canyon walls, coastal sage scrub.  +
Rocky slopes, meadows, fellfields, alpine.  +
Sagebrush steppes, grassy slopes, dry open forests, ledges, talus.  +
Grassy or rocky slopes, coastal bluffs, dry prairies or open forests, valleys, montane, occasionally to subalpine.  +
Coastal sage scrub, chaparral slopes and flats, ledges, forest edges.  +
Dry to mesic rocky tundra, slopes, ridges, barrens and meadows, openings in boreal forests, arctic to alpine.  +
Grasslands, pastures, dunes, oak savannas, limestone glades, open woodlands, roadsides, often in sand or clay.  +
Dry rocky slopes and flats, grasslands, open forests, ledges, road banks, valleys, subalpine.  +
Dry or exposed sites in subalpine meadows, low ridges and crests, openings in spruce-fir-aspen forests, fine silts and clay over limestone.  +
Moist to dry, rocky or gravelly slopes and ridges, scree, talus, krummholz, turf or fellfields, snowfield or meltwater margins, subalpine to alpine, Cambrian limestone.  +
Full sun or partial shade, outcrops and glades, forest edges, river bluffs, Ketona dolomite.  +
Grasslands, meadows, moist flats, vernal pool margins, moist forest openings, serpentine slopes and ledges, roadsides.  +
Dry rocky slopes, ridges, canyons, flats, valleys, montane.  +
Springs, moist or wet meadows, flats, open forests.  +
Moist to wet meadows, shorelines, subalpine, volcanic soils.  +
Coastal dunes and scrub, chaparral, grasslands, sandy bluffs.  +
Moist to wet meadows and flats, shorelines, open conifer forests, subalpine and alpine, often over granite.  +
Dune swales, swampy ground, near coast.  +
Dry meadows, upland prairie remnants, sunny headlands and coastal bluffs, rocky islands, often over glacial outwash or deposits.  +
Sagebrush steppes, grasslands, dry rocky slopes and flats, open forests, talus, lowlands to montane, occasionally subalpine.  +
Rocky slopes, ridges, grasslands, pastures, open forests, roadsides, sometimes over limestone or granite.  +
Grasslands, moist meadows, swales, shores, forest openings.  +
Dry to moist slopes and meadows, shores, open conifer forests, montane to alpine.  +
Steep rocky slopes, headlands, ledges, sea cliffs, coastal scrub, dune swales, roadcuts.  +
Grasslands, open conifer forests, moist meadows, rocky slopes, valleys, montane.  +
Dry rocky or gravelly slopes, open conifer forests, montane to subalpine.  +
Chaparral, dry rocky or gravelly slopes, open conifer forests, sagebrush steppes.  +
Coastal scrub, headlands, sea bluffs, over sandstone or serpentine.  +
Dry rocky slopes, grasslands, pinyon-juniper stands.  +
Rocky islands, moist sand, vegetated dunes, sea bluffs, headlands, coastal scrub, upper margin of tidal flats.  +
Damp low thickets, grassy verges, roadsides, forest edges.  +
Moist or wet meadows, stream banks, shores, open forests, rocky slopes, roadsides, forest edges.  +
Stream banks, seeps and damp ground in open conifer forests, roadside banks.  +
Alkaline marshes, hot springs, seeps, stream banks, shores, dune swales.  +
Wet, sometimes alkaline sites, including marshes, hot springs, seeps, stream banks.  +
Stream banks, damp flats and seeps, over serpentine.  +
Riparian zones, chaparral, wet cliffs, often over serpentine.  +
Subalpine wet meadows and springs, mixed conifer forests, volcanic soils.  +
Sandy openings in coastal scrub, thin sandy soils over limestone terraces, north- or northwest-facing sandy bluffs, dunes.  +
Dry rocky slopes, ledges, open conifer forests, thickets, washes.  +
Rocky or gravelly slopes, talus, ridges, fellfields, subalpine and alpine, often over granite.  +
Rocky slopes, meadows, riparian zones, moist ground in open forests, montane to subalpine.  +
Dry south-facing rocky slopes with scattered bunchgrasses and oaks, cliff bases, mesa tops, open pine-oak woodlands, rocky savannas.  +
Gravelly slopes and flats, turf and fellfields, mostly alpine.  +
Meadows, gravel slopes, talus, ridges, mostly upper subalpine to alpine.  +
Dry slopes and plains, sagebrush meadows, grasslands, openings in conifer forests.  +
Rocky slopes, shaded canyons, riparian zones, open conifer forests, sun or partial shade.  +
Seasonally damp ground, dry or sandy grasslands.  +
Dry slopes, ridges, and plains, often with sagebrush, talus, ledges, seasonally damp meadows.  +
Grasslands, dry rocky slopes, sagebrush steppes, open forests, meadows, fellfields, valleys, alpine.  +
Moist tundra, peatlands, stream banks, forests, bluffs, terraces, roadsides.  +
Dry grasslands, bluffs, eskers, pingos, alluvial plains, shores, open slopes, gravelly roadsides.  +
Moist to wet meadows, snowmelt streams, receding shorelines, subalpine to lower alpine.  +
Dry to moist meadows, forest openings, ridges, subalpine to lower alpine.  +
Dry to moist meadows, ridges, pumice, subalpine to lower alpine.  +
Mesic to wet meadows, stream banks, rocky slopes, ridges, ledges, scree, heathlands, subalpine to lower alpine.  +
Gravelly meadows, rocky slopes, talus, ridges, krummholz zone or alpine.  +
Dry slopes and flats, open pine forests, ledges, mostly montane.  +
Open conifer forests, sagebrush slopes, riparian meadows, shores.  +
Moist to wet meadows, stream banks, lakeshores, montane to alpine.  +
Moist to dry meadows, sagebrush steppes, woodlands, rocky slopes, ridges, montane.  +
Sagebrush steppes, rocky slopes, ridges, seasonally moist meadows or pools, conifer forests, montane to subalpine.  +
Rocky slopes, ledges, dry meadows, sagebrush steppes, subalpine to alpine, volcanic soils.  +
Dry flats, rocky, sandy, or clayey slopes, ridges, sagebrush steppes, chaparral, desert scrub, pinyon woodlands.  +
Dry gravelly meadows and flats, with Artemisia rothrockii, often over granite.  +
Dry flats, rocky slopes, talus, thickets, open forests and forest edges, usually over serpentine.  +
Moist meadows, stream banks, mesic rocky slopes, tundra, subalpine and alpine.  +
Moist meadows, turf, rocky slopes and flats, talus, fellfields, subalpine to alpine.  +
Gravel river flats, moist thickets.  +
Rocky slopes, ledges, prairies, woodlands, thickets, roadsides, often sandy or limy soils.  +
Damp openings, thickets, stream banks, hummocks in peatlands, meadows, tundra, sandy or gravelly, calcareous ridges and roadsides.  +
Dry, gravelly openings and barrens in pine forests, limestone.  +
Moist meadows, open forests, slopes and ridges, sun or shade, subalpine to alpine.  +
Desert scrub, rocky slopes, ledges, ridges, flats, swales, roadsides, commonly with Agave lechuguilla.  +
Grasslands, damp flats, springs, vernal pools, roadbanks, coastal valleys and foothills, sometimes on serpentine.  +
Grasslands, damp meadows, springs, woodland edges, dry rocky slopes, coastal valleys and foothills, often on serpentine.  +
Rocky slopes, ledges, dry to moist gravelly flats and ridges, alpine, limestone, rarely on river cobbles at lower elevations.  +
Sunny rocky slopes, scree, talus, ledges, fellfields, subalpine to alpine.  +
Damp alkaline clay, hummocks, sparsely vegetated stream banks draining hot springs.  +
Sun or shade, rocky slopes, ledges, ridges, sagebrush steppes, limestone.  +
Sandy or rocky slopes, ledges, washes, sometimes on clay or cryptogamic soils, mostly sandstone.  +
Meadows, ledges, rocky or gravelly slopes, subalpine to alpine, marble, granite, or serpentine substrates.  +
Moist meadows, peatlands, open forests, gravel, rocky slopes, ridges, slides, lowlands to subalpine.  +
Dry mixed grass and shortgrass prairies, prairie sandhills, sandsage plains, sand prairies, rocky or sandy slopes, bluffs, open forests, or desert scrub, limestone, sandstone, gypsum, granite, other bedrock types.  +
Dry, sandy or rocky slopes, desert scrub, foothill woodlands, chaparral.  +
Brushy openings in pine-oak woods.  +
Mesic to wet meadows, marshes, peatlands, springs, stream margins, montane to subalpine.  +
Open pine-oak woodlands, rocky slopes, ledges, chaparral, quartzite and other bedrock types.  +
Moist flats, vernal pools, springs, damp meadows and ditches, riparian zones, sometimes over serpentine.  +
Dry slopes, ridges, scabland lithosol soils, meadows, sagebrush steppes, valleys, montane to alpine.  +
Dry Chihuahuan grasslands.  +
Margins of wet meadows, marshes, and wet thickets.  +
Meadows, dunes, thickets, upper margins of tidal flats, river flats, gravel bars, tundra, open forests, roadsides, coastal to alpine.  +
Vernal pools, springs, windswept, thin-soiled rocky knolls and benches by sea, gneiss.  +
Dry to mesic sagebrush steppes, rocky slopes, ledges, open woodlands, montane to subalpine.  +
Coastal scrub, damp thickets, stream banks, sea bluffs, canyon slopes, roadsides.  +
Grasslands, rocky slopes, ledges, canyons, open forests, montane to subalpine.  +
Arid, rocky, sandy, or clay slopes of basaltic origin, sagebrush steppes.  +
Naturally on riverbanks, in somewhat drier sites in the flora  +
Sandy seasides, native to tropical and subtropical coastlines  +
Commonly near brackish water  +
Disturbed areas, old homesites.  +
Epiphytic on a variety of hosts, usually in strong light  +
Epiphytic on a variety of hosts in humid, shady situations  +
Epiphytic in shady, humid hammocks  +
Edges of pools in calcareous rich fens  +
Chaparral, montane forests, serpentine areas, granitic and shale scree  +
Grassy slopes, open flats, roadsides, fields, hillsides  +
Dry, steep slopes, rocky outcrops, on slate, metamorphic, or igneous substrates  +
Grasslands, juniper woodlands  +
Desert shrubs, woodlands  +
Grasslands, scrub, woodlands, chaparral  +
Sagebrush scrub, pinyon-juniper woodland  +
Serpentine grounds, roadsides, gumbo clay slopes, open hillsides, grassy fields  +
Sagebrush scrub, dry slopes and rocky outcrops  +
Rocky areas, chaparral, scrub  +
Coastal scrub, chaparral, rocky areas  +
Desert plains, dry hillsides  +
Desert flats, gravelly areas, limestone rocks, talus slopes, shrub communities, hillsides, sandy banks, disturbed sites, grassy fields, ravines  +
Grassland, chaparral, scrub  +
Margin of montane forests, sagebrush, pinyon-juniper woodland  +
Flats, rocky slopes, scrub and sagebrush communities, pinyon-juniper woodland  +
Chaparral, scrub, pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Mesophytic forests  +
Mesophytic forests  +
Forest edges and openings, pastures, waste areas.  +
Rockland hammocks, hammock edges and clearings  +
Swamp forests, floodplain and bottomland woods, clearings in alluvial woods, stream banks, oak-sweetgum-hackberry flatwoods, maple woods, bluffs, hardwood hammocks, roadsides, ditches, spoil banks  +
Open areas in forests and woodlands, abandoned fields, sandhills, prairies.  +
Rocky slopes, ridges, chaparral, oak woodlands, closed-cone pine woodlands.  +
Granitic or serpentine soils, conifer forests.  +
Rocky soils apparently derived from serpentine or volcanic substrates, chaparral, oak and pine woodlands, conifer forests.  +
Rocky ridges and slopes, chaparral, conifer and mixed evergreen forests.  +
Ridges, slopes, chaparral.  +
Ridges, slopes, chaparral.  +
Rocky slopes, ridges, sometimes on serpentine, chaparral, oak and oak-pine woodlands, conifer forests, gravelly floodplains.  +
Sandy soils, maritime chaparral.  +
Rocky slopes, often on serpentine, chaparral, pine woodlands.  +
Sandy soils, flats, dune swales, maritime chaparral, pine forests.  +
Rocky or gravelly slopes, chaparral.  +
Sandy soils, slopes, flats, maritime chaparral, cypress and pine forests.  +
Rocky soils apparently derived from serpentine or volcanic substrates, chaparral, oak and pine woodlands.  +
Well-drained slopes and canyons, open to shaded sites, mixed evergreen and conifer forests.  +
Rocky soils, slopes, open sites, chaparral, oak-pine woodlands, conifer forests.  +
Serpentine soils and outcrops, chaparral, pine and oak woodlands.  +
Rocky soils, chaparral, mixed evergreen and conifer forests.  +
Rocky soils, chaparral, mixed evergreen and conifer forests.  +
Sandy soils, chaparral.  +
Granitic soils and outcrops, semishaded sites, conifer forests.  +
Sandy or rocky slopes, ridges, chaparral, conifer forests.  +
Sandy soils, coastal bluffs, maritime chaparral, pine forests.  +
Sandy soils, coastal bluffs, maritime chaparral, pine forests, mixed evergreen forests.  +
Sandy or rocky flats and slopes, maritime chaparral, open sites in pine and cypress forests.  +
Consolidated alluvial or serpentine soils, maritime chaparral, coastal prairies.  +
Open rocky areas or on sandy soils, slopes and bluffs in shrublands, prairies, forests.  +
Open sites, chaparral, pine forests.  +
Sandy or gravelly, open sites, chaparral, oak woodlands.  +
Flats, slopes, chaparral, open sites in conifer and mixed evergreen forests.  +
Rocky slopes, open sites, chaparral, conifer and mixed evergreen forests.  +
Rocky serpentine slopes and ridges, chaparral.  +
Rocky serpentine slopes and ridges, chaparral.  +
Rocky slopes and flats, open sites, conifer forests, oak and pine woodlands.  +
Rocky slopes, chaparral, oak woodlands, conifer forests.  +
Maritime terraces and bluffs, alluvial or serpentine soils, coastal prairies, open sites in maritime chaparral.  +
Rocky soils, shrublands, pine-oak and pinyon pine-juniper woodlands, open sites in conifer forests.  +
Soils derived from serpentine, chaparral, pine forests.  +
Rocky slopes, canyons, chaparral.  +
Rocky slopes, canyons, chaparral.  +
Sandy flats, shrublands, pine-oak woodlands.  +
Open slopes and ridges, chaparral, woodlands.  +
Open slopes and ridges, chaparral, pine forests.  +
Open slopes and ridges, chaparral, oak woodlands, mixed evergreen forests.  +
Rocky soils from deeply weathered gabbro or pyroxene substrates, slopes and ridges, chaparral.  +
Rocky slopes, chaparral.  +
Rocky slopes, chaparral, conifer forests.  +
Rocky ridges, slopes, and flats, chaparral, mixed evergreen forests.  +
Rocky soils, open sites, flats, mixed evergreen and redwood forests.  +
Open sites and flats, conifer forests.  +
Rocky slopes, ridges, alluvial fans, sagebrush and montane shrublands, pinyon and/or juniper and montane conifer woodlands.  +
Granitic or metamorphic substrates, rocky slopes, ridges, alluvial fans, chaparral, montane shrublands, pinyon and/or juniper and montane conifer woodlands.  +
Rocky granitic or metamorphic slopes and ridges, open pine forests.  +
Gravelly or rocky soils derived from volcanic substrates, open flats and ridges, conifer forests.  +
Sandy or gravelly soils, open flats, gentle slopes, conifer forests.  +
Rocky soils derived from serpentine, open flats and slopes, chaparral, conifer forests.  +
Rocky slopes and outcrops derived from volcanic substrates, chaparral, oak woodlands.  +
Rocky soils derived from gabbro, chaparral, pine woodlands.  +
Open areas in forests, clear-cuts, rocky hillsides, slopes, prairies, burns.  +
Sandy to rocky soils derived mostly from volcanic substrates, slopes, ridges, chaparral.  +
Rocky slopes, coastal sage scrub, chaparral.  +
Sandy or rocky flats and slopes, maritime chaparral, open sites in mixed evergreen and conifer forests.  +
Open sites, chaparral, oak and pine woodlands.  +
Open sites, chaparral, oak-pine woodlands.  +
Clearings, open sites, mixed evergreen and conifer forests.  +
Open sites, rocky slopes, montane chaparral, conifer forests.  +
Slopes, coastal mesas, chaparral, pine woodlands.  +
Thickets, woodland margins, open woods, roadsides, usually rich soils.  +
Thickets, woodland margins, roadsides, usually rich soils.  +
Waste places, weedy areas  +
Trash dumps, waste places  +
Coastal sand dunes, coppices, kitchen middens, hammocks, thickets, oak savannas, gravel slopes  +
Brush-covered, rocky-gravelly hills  +
Edges of orange groves, wet woods  +
In rich bottomlands along streams, in flood plains, and on rocky slopes  +
Ravines and brushlands  +
In rich moist soil along streams, on flood plains, on rock, on wooded hillsides, and in woodlands  +
In deserts, canyons, mesas, washes, foothills, thickets, brushland, and grassland near gravelly or well-drained sandy soil  +
On dry hills, often on limestone or basalt, ravine banks, rocky outcrops, and occasionally in sandy soils  +
On slopes and along streams in open woods  +
Roadsides, fields, waste places, sometimes cultivated  +
Pastures, fields, roadsides  +
Grasslands, woodlands, forests, roadsides, other disturbed sites  +
Disturbed ground  +
Disturbed sites in grasslands, woodlands, open coniferous forests  +
Escaped from cultivation in disturbed sites  +
Roadsides, pastures, fields  +
Roadsides, fields, pastures, waste ground  +
Garden escape in meadows, grassy clearings  +
Roadsides, fields, pine-oak woodlands, chaparral, agricultural areas  +
Escaped from cultivation, roadsides, woodlands, sagebrush scrub  +
Roadsides, fields, clearings, waste areas  +
Roadsides, fields, waste areas  +
Disturbed sites  +
Disturbed sites, pastures, sparingly escaped from cultivation, probably not persisting in all areas where reported  +
Roadsides, fields, pastures, woodlands  +
Roadsides, fields, open forests  +
Disturbed sites, grasslands, woodlands, pastures, roadsides  +
Rangelands, pastures, open forests, roadsides  +
Roadsides, riverbanks, pastures, meadows, forest openings, waste areas  +
Fields, roadsides, other open, disturbed habitats.  +
Moist fields, other moist to wet, open places.  +
Along streams, edges of marshes, seasonally damp meadows, bluffs, and roadsides.  +
Disturbed places  +
Grasslands, ± alkaline plains, vernal pool edges and beds, disturbed sites (e.g., fallow fields), open woodlands, sometimes on serpentine  +
Inner edges of salt marshes, coastal grasslands, vernal pool edges and beds, openings in coastal scrub, often ± saline or alkaline sites  +
Terraces, swales, flood plains, often ± alkaline sites, grasslands, disturbed sites (e.g., fallow fields)  +
Grasslands (often ± alkaline), coastal salt marshes, alkaline springs and seeps  +
Grasslands, edges of marshes and vernal pools, disturbed sites (e.g., fallow fields)  +
Open, ± alkaline flats, depressions, stream banks and beds, grasslands, disturbed sites  +
Open, ± alkaline flats, depressions, waterway banks and beds, in grasslands, saltbush scrub, disturbed sites (e.g., fallow fields)  +
Sandy soils in open areas, roadsides, railroads, scrub, open pinewoods, margins of oak-sabal palmetto woods.  +
Sandy soils in pine-oak woodlands, oak-hickory woodlands, shale bluffs, roadsides, railroads, grasslands, old fields, sand dunes, alluvial woods, swamps, pocosins, marshes, bogs, river banks.  +
Sandy to gravelly flats and slopes, mixed grassland, saltbush, creosote bush, and chaparral communities, pine-oak and montane conifer woodlands  +
Mineral soil in dry to moist coniferous forests  +
Stony ground, screes, etc., mountain slopes  +
Low-arctic tundra, cliff ledges, talus  +
Northern arctic tundra  +
Arctic tundra and solifluction areas, talus slopes, beaches, coastal grassland and seepage areas, exposed rocky headlands  +
Lawns, cemeteries, roadsides, riverbanks, old pastures  +
Prairie grasslands, roadsides, arctic and alpine tundra, shores, dunes and rocky plains, rocky outcrops, alvars, sea cliffs and banks, favoring neutral to alkaline soils  +
Rocky canyons, woodland and mountain slopes  +
Arctic and alpine tundra, meadows, open woodlands, rocky slopes, talus, cliff ledges, river and roadside gravel  +
Tundra, rocky exposures, screes, nunataks in the high arctic  +
Dry, sandy places, roadsides, arable land, disturbed, open areas  +
Grasslands, fields, meadows, open woods, roadsides, waste places, often in seasonally wet rocky or sandy ground  +
Wet, arctic areas, alpine rills, alpine and arctic snowbeds  +
Arable land, roadsides  +
Sandy places on coast, rarely inland in similar places and on railway ballast  +
Alien weed of cultivated land  +
Sandy canyons and washes, open rocky and sandy places and dry pine woods in arid mountains  +
Grassy areas, lake shores, riverbanks, gravel  +
Grassy areas, scrub  +
A common weed in grassy places: lawns, roadsides, pastures, open woodlands, wastelands  +
Arable land, waste places, roadsides  +
Open woods, gravel bars, terraces by rivers  +
Moist woods, stream banks, meadows, shores, rock ledges, boggy places, cultivated land  +
Sandy canyons and washes, ponderosa pine woodlands, among rocks in arid uplands  +
Dry, sandy, gravelly places on roadsides and arable land  +
High-arctic tundra to low-arctic taiga, often in wet solifluction areas or in moss  +
Common weed in dry, sandy, and gravelly places, roadsides and footpaths, parking lots, dunes  +
Serpentine gravel, sands, rocky tablelands  +
Canyons, sandy washes, oak woodlands, mountain pine forests  +
A commonly grown rock-garden and wall plant, often escaping onto roadsides, riverbanks, old fields  +
Limestone rocks, woodlands, serpentine barrens  +
Serpentine outcrops and barrens  +
Grassy slopes on coast, grassy and rocky slopes inland  +
Deep, xeric, sandy soils of oak scrub, sand pine scrub, longleaf pine sand hills, fluvial sand ridges, and maritime dune fields  +
Sandy, usually moist soil, Arctic habitats  +
Common on calcium-rich soils of arid habitats  +
Various habitats, but most common on open soil, also rock ledges, tree bases, roof tops, old wood, a common colonizer of soil following fires  +
Soil, tree bases, rock ledges, often on burned ground  +
introduced also elsewhere in Mediterranean region, and worldwide in areas with Mediterranean and dry-subtropical climates..  +
Fresh to slightly brackish rivers, streams, ditches, lakes, ponds, pools, marshes, swamps  +
Fresh water of lakes, ponds, marshes, swamps  +
Fresh water of ponds and lakes  +
Aquatic to semiaquatic, in swamps, bogs, canals, ponds, lakes, ditches, marshes  +
Aquatic to semiaquatic, lakes and ponds  +
Aquatic to semiaquatic in swamps, bogs, canals, ponds, lakes, ditches, marshes  +
Disturbed sites.  +
Forests, forest edges.  +
Limestone hills, bluffs, forests, forest edges.  +
Limestone bluffs, canyons.  +
Dry, shrubby slopes, canyons, stream banks, chaparral, foothill woodlands, yellow-pine forests.  +
Canyons, dry washes.  +
Rocky slopes, outcrops, ravines, upper chaparral, oak woodlands, yellow pine forests  +
Metamorphosed volcanic soil  +
Yellow pine, fir forests, pinyon, juniper, oak woodlands, chaparral, grasslands, desert mountains, rocky, limestone, sandstone or rhyolite substrates  +
Rocky dry, often south- to west-facing slopes, canyons, with Artemisia tridentata, Purshia tridentata, Gambel oak, maple, juniper, pinyon, ponderosa pine, lodgepole pine, Douglas fir and white fir, subalpine zones, often forming pure stands  +
Exposed, rocky slopes, ledges, bluffs with shallow soil, often cracks and crevices, alluvial slopes of limestone, dolomite, sandstone, or granite, with Artemisia, Coleogyne, Ephedra, Nolina, Purshia, pinyon and ponderosa pine, oaks, juniper woodlands  +
Rocky outcrops, talus slopes, with Artemisia, Purshia, Gambel oak, pinyon pine and juniper  +
Ridges, rocky slopes, valley floors, sandstone, granite, limestone (Texas), grasslands, juniper-oak, pinyon-juniper, yellow pine woodlands, aspen, pine-fir forests  +
Secondary scrub, forest edges, roadsides.  +
Secondary scrub, forest edges, roadsides.  +
Disturbed forest, secondary scrub, riversides.  +
Gypsum and limestone hills, gravelly flats, open desert scrub, Tamaulipan thorn scrub, grasslands.  +
Open, loose, subalpine to alpine granitic sand, gravel, scree  +
Dry canyons, open slopes, often over granitoid rocks, locally abundant in chaparral burns or other recovering disturbances  +
Open, rocky or gravelly (sometimes sandy) desert slopes and flats, shrublands  +
Open, rocky or gravelly desert slopes and flats, shrublands  +
Light-colored shrink-swell clay soils from volcanic ash and tuff, semiarid shrublands  +
Rocky or gravelly alpine ridges, talus, fell-fields, rock crevices  +
Open sandy, gravelly, or rocky substrates in shrublands, woodlands, forests, often unstable or recently disturbed sites  +
Subalpine, usually decomposing granitic sand or gravel slopes, ridges, scree, talus, openings in or above conifer forests  +
Sandy or gravelly soils, warm deserts, often growing through shrubs  +
Dry slopes, sandy places, openings in chaparral, woodlands  +
Slopes, ridges, mostly over serpentine, openings in chaparral, woodlands  +
Deep loose sand (typical forms, intermediate forms also in habitats of other vars.), openings in chaparral  +
Dry, often sandy slopes, openings in chaparral, woodlands  +
Coastal dunes and bluffs  +
Open, loose, light-colored, silty, usually calcareous or alkaline, desert soils, often covered by or mixed with gravel  +
Loose sandy or gravelly, mainly volcanic soils or scree (rarely on serpentine), openings in or above subalpine conifer forests  +
Nearly barren, heavy clay soils from volcanic ash and tuff, sometimes disturbed or moist sites  +
Open rocky to sandy soils in low montane chaparral  +
Exposed sandy to rocky summits, ridges, scree, talus, openings in or above conifer forests, sometimes road cuts or other recent disturbances  +
Open, arid or semiarid, sandy or gravelly slopes and flats, shrublands  +
Loose scree, sand, rocky soils, slopes, drainages, usually on serpentine or other ultramafic deposits  +
Rocky or gravelly serpentine slopes, scree, talus, openings in or above conifer forests  +
Open, deep, loose sandy (rarely gravelly) soils, arid and semiarid shrublands, chaparral  +
Vacant lots, old fields, fencerows, wastelands  +
Vacant lots, old fields, fencerows, wastelands  +
Gravelly railroad rights-of-way, road shoulders, urban areas, stream beds.  +
Dunes, sandy soils and alkali flats in creosote bush scrub, sagebrush scrub  +
Open sites in sandy, gravelly, or rocky soils over limestone, granite, or sandstone, less commonly on clay, with juniper, oak, or pine, glades, tallgrass prairies  +
Open sites in brushland  +
Open habitats, sandy, clay, or rocky soils, commonly in calcareous alluvium, stream bottoms, limestone hills, usually with juniper and oak  +
Limestone outcrops and roadcuts, juniper and oak woodlands  +
Limestone cliffs, ledges, bluffs, steep hillsides, sometimes in seepy areas, oak-juniper, oak, or mixed deciduous woods  +
Open sites over shale, gypsum, igneous, limestone, roadsides, grassland, Larrea flats, juniper to pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Walls, ledges, and banks, limestone canyons  +
Open areas in deep, loose sand, usually in oak woodlands  +
Rocky slopes, talus, crevices, chaparral, oak, oak-juniper, or oak-pine-fir woods  +
Dry slopes in chaparral, coarse granitic sands  +
Slopes, flats, coarse sands, yellow pine to montane conifer forests  +
Dry, rocky sagebrush scrub, pinyon-juniper woodlands, montane coniferous forests to subalpine woodlands  +
Sandy, limestone, or granite soils, coniferous and/or mixed forests on moist soils, wooded bogs.  +
Dry, open, relatively barren silty to clay soils from shale (sometimes petroleum-bearing), sandstone, marl, or limestone, often armored by rocky, sandy, or gravelly overburden, usually in pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Grasslands, disturbed savannas, open places in deciduous forests, stony or sandy arid to semiarid vegetation.  +
Grasslands, sandy soils.  +
Dunes, beaches, associated sandy flats.  +
Pine and pine-oak forests.  +
Open woods, fields, roadsides, inland and coastal dunes, coastal prairies, disturbed hardwood prairies, tallgrass prairies, sandy patches in shortgrass prairies, pine-savannas, usually in dry, sandy soils.  +
Dunes, sandy plains, sandy flats behind barrier beaches, roadsides, old fields.  +
Open or shrubby hillsides and thickets, limestone or caliche soils.  +
Pinelands, limestone soils.  +
Sandy pinelands, beaches, dunes, limestone or coral detritus, old fields, along roadsides, ditches, and railways.  +
Arid grasslands, desert slopes and washes, thorn-forests, open spaces in pine and oak forests.  +
Open woods, thickets, sandy fields and pastures, shores, waste places, old fields, cleared land, roadsides.  +
Savannas, dunes, waste places, roadsides.  +
Openings in woods, waste places, roadsides, disturbed forests, lawns, pastures.  +
Savannas, campos, roadsides, waste places.  +
Dry hillsides and grassy places, coastal plains, desert habitats, pine-oak forests.  +
Forests of the Coast Ranges with isolated inland populations at higher elevations in the Siskiyou Mountains and on Mt. Shasta  +
Coastal mountain ranges  +
Bogs and swamps of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts (primarily Coastal Plain)  +
Boreal and subarctic peatlands, margins of boggy swamps and streams in coniferous forests, pocosins in coastal plain, often forming dense thickets  +
Moist organic soil over limestone in mesic hammocks and disturbed wooded areas  +
Moist meadows, thickets, rich wooded slopes, and coves  +
Disturbed sites  +
Disturbed sites  +
Moist, often disturbed, places in mountains or in lower areas, frequent especially after fires.  +
Moist, often disturbed places in montane and boreal forest regions, frequent after fires.  +
Consistently moist, gravelly or sandy places along rivers and creeks, near base of talus slopes in arctic and alpine regions.  +
Prairies, dry hilltops, knolls, outcrops, buttes, rocky and sandy soil or gravel, exposed and disturbed sites  +
Deserts, grasslands.  +
Dry, open grasslands, coniferous woodlands, sagebrush scrub.  +
Deserts, dry grasslands, frequently on roadsides or dry desert washes.  +
Dry grasslands, prairies.  +
Roadsides, limestone soils.  +
Deserts, high grasslands.  +
Deserts, dry, open grasslands.  +
Deserts, dry grasslands, roadsides, dry desert washes.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Open scrub, sandhills, roadsides.  +
Grassy areas or open savannas, sometimes near evergreen oaks  +
Slopes in thin, rocky (limestone) soils, usually in woods with abundant oaks  +
Coastal plain pinelands, sandy soils in grass-sedge bogs, along ditches, open areas, thin woods  +
Road verges, grassy slopes  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, apparently confined to limestone  +
Rocky slopes, cliffs, and ledges, usually on limestone  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, on quartzite or igneous substrates  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, found on a variety of substrates though rarely observed on limestone  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, usually on igneous substrates  +
Calcareous cliffs and ledges, usually on limestone  +
Rocky slopes, cliffs, and ledges, usually on igneous substrates  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, found on a variety of substrates including limestone and granite  +
Calcareous cliffs and ledges, usually on limestone or sandstone  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, found on a variety of acidic and mildly basic substrates  +
Cliffs and rocky slopes, usually on igneous substrates  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, usually on limestone  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, usually on igneous substrates  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, usually on igneous substrates  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, on a variety of substrates including limestone and granite  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, usually on igneous substrates  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, apparently confined to limestone  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, on a variety of acidic to mildly basic substrates  +
Calcareous rock outcrops and shell mounds  +
Rocky cliffs and slopes, usually on igneous substrates  +
Cliffs and ledges, on a variety of substrates including limestone and granite  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, usually on igneous substrates  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, on a variety of substrates including limestone and granite  +
Cliffs and rocky slopes, usually on limestone  +
Cliffs and rocky slopes, usually on igneous substrates  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, usually on igneous substrates  +
Rocky slopes and ledges usually on igneous substrates  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, usually on igneous substrates  +
Evergreen. Among leaf bases on palmetto trunks [Sabal palmetto (Walter) Loddiges ex Schultes & Schultes f.], mainly in hammocks and swamps  +
Moist to dry woods, thickets, fields, hedgerows and fences, roadsides, railroads, and waste ground  +
Bogs, streamsides, wet streamheads, swamps.  +
Bogs, fens, marshes, swamps, seeps, stream banks, wet meadows and woods, margins of ponds and lakes.  +
Stream banks, cove and spruce-fir forests, balds.  +
Along streams, marshes, swamps, seeps, springs, wet meadows and woods, pond and lake margins.  +
Along streams, marshes, swamps, seeps, springs, wet meadows and woods, pond and lake margins.  +
Along streams, marshes, swamps, seeps, springs, wet meadows and woods, pond and lake margins.  +
Found on bare soil in disturbed, open areas  +
Dry soils, river bottoms  +
Disturbed soils in open habitats  +
Open dry sandy areas and other disturbed sites  +
Beaches, sandy soils, or marshes  +
Disturbed areas, mostly as weed in cultivated ground, woods, alluvial river banks  +
Fields and waste places, gravel bars, sandy dry river bottoms  +
Yards, flower beds, highways, oceanic bluffs, sandy washes  +
Waste areas and cultivated ground  +
Dry to moist slopes, ledges, plains, yellow-pine forests, yucca-juniper woodlands, chaparral and under oaks and willows  +
Moist to dry soil, sandy or grassy meadows, thickets, open woods, old fields of clearings in forest  +
Aspen groves, ponderosa pine, pinyon-juniper, Douglas fir-aspen, big sagebrush, meadows, and riparian habitats  +
Borders of lakes and ponds, lake bottoms, in fields  +
Open sandy areas especially around blowouts on sand dunes  +
Originally found in open undisturbed soils, prairies, and sandy stabilized dunes, but it has spread to disturbed open areas within its native range and beyond  +
Disturbed nitrogen-rich habitats  +
Rocky woods  +
Gravel bars, waste ground, cultivated grounds  +
A wide variety of habitats from desert, cliffs, talus, and moist shaded areas under aspen, junipers, or pinyons, often in riparian habitats  +
Waste places, especially ± brackish soils  +
Waste places, especially ± brackish soils  +
Open, dry or moist areas including prairies, pastures, sand hills, roadsides, lakeshores  +
Loose or open sandy and rocky soils, banks, slopes, and bottom lands, sometimes on limestone, gypsum, or salt  +
Sand soils and hills, limestone and gypsiferous soils, waste areas  +
Sandy granitic alluvium, Joshua-tree woodlands, salt-desert shrubs and greasewood or creosote bush communities  +
Open, often disturbed sandy areas and fields  +
Beach, dry lake and creek beds, marshes and muddy areas, waste areas  +
Waste places, roadsides, clay mounds, open oak woods, prairies, rocky hillsides, along railways  +
Moist soils, roadsides, pinelands, igneous rock  +
Sand, gravel, or clay flats, sandy alkaline soils, sandy calcareous alluvium  +
Disturbed soils in open habitats  +
Open stony or sandy wastelands  +
Moist disturbed soils, gardens, waste areas, alluvial plains  +
Moist disturbed soils, gardens, waste areas  +
Open sandy soils, pinyon woodlands, sagebrush, often in saline or alkaline habitats  +
Alkali flats, brackish beaches, bare bottomlands, lake shores, dried-up pools, somewhat akaline clay flats  +
Moist open areas, salt marshes, occasionally in weedy areas  +
Woods, thickets, hardwood slopes, wooded tallus, nutrient-rich woods, sometimes in waste places and fields  +
Shaded wooded areas in disturbed soils  +
Disturbed, weedy areas  +
Sandy areas, particularly sand bars in rivers and in sandy blowouts near river banks  +
Waste places, especially about cities and towns, along railroad tracks  +
Disturbed, weedy areas  +
Woods and shrublands of various types, badlands, erosion breaks in prairies, volcanic rocks, pinyon and juniper, sagebrush, disturbed ground, old mine areas, roadsides  +
Coniferous, mixed, and deciduous forests, xeric sand communities  +
Montane and subalpine, coniferous forests  +
Dry, coniferous forests  +
Lawns, open mesic areas  +
Gravelly slopes, alpine meadows, subalpine bogs.  +
Talus slopes, meadows, usually near timber lines.  +
Riverbanks, freshwater swamps, bottomlands, low prairies, saline flats, ditches, irrigation channels  +
Mountain slopes, canyons, alder thickets, shady damp areas, stony and brushy hillsides  +
Heavy, usually rocky soils, valleys and hills  +
Among rocks (usually serpentinite) on open brushy or wooded hills  +
Dry open areas of coastal sage scrub  +
Found along immediate coast, on wind-swept bluffs and hills  +
Serpertine areas in chaparral  +
Common on open hills and plains, less often in woods and chaparral  +
Serpentine woodlands  +
Inland alkaline flats.  +
Coastal salt marshes.  +
Coastal salt marshes.  +
Salt marshes, alkaline flats.  +
Coastal salt marshes.  +
Alkaline flats.  +
Alkaline meadows and flats.  +
Roadsides, rangelands, grain fields, waste places and other disturbed ground  +
Sandy or gravelly flats, washes, usually alkaline soils  +
Waste places, pastures, fields, roadsides, railroad embankments, grassy slopes  +
Sandy places, coastal scrub communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy, gravelly or clay soils, grassland communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly soils, mixed grassland communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy or gravelly flats and slopes, chaparral communities, oak woodlands  +
Sandy places, mixed grassland, saltbush, creosote bush, and sagebrush communities, pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly places, mixed grassland, saltbush, blackbrush, and sagebrush communities, pinyon and/or juniper woodlands  +
Gravelly or rocky places, serpentine outcrops, mixed grassland and chaparral communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly flats and slopes, mixed grassland and chaparral communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly flats and slopes, mixed grassland, saltbush, creosote bush, and sagebrush communities  +
Sandy places, coastal scrub communities, oak woodlands  +
Sandy places, coastal scrub communities  +
Sandy to gravelly flats and slopes, coastal scrub communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly flats and slopes, mixed grassland communities, oak and pine woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly or rocky places, mixed grassland and chaparral communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly or rocky places, mixed grassland and chaparral communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy places in coastal dunes and grassland communities  +
Sandy to gravelly flats and slopes, grassland and chaparral communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly or rocky flats and slopes, mixed grassland and chaparral communities, oak-pine woodlands  +
Sandy or calcareous soils, mixed grassland, coastal scrub, or chaparral communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy soil, mesas and hills near coast, coastal scrub communities  +
Gravelly to rocky serpentine and serpentinized igneous outcrops, mixed grassland communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy places on foothills, mixed grass-land and chaparral communities  +
Sandy soil on flats and foothills, mixed grassland and chaparral communities  +
Sandy to gravelly soil, mixed grassland and chaparral communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly mostly volcanic soils, mixed grassland communities, oak-pine or montane conifer woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly flats and slopes, coastal grassland, coastal sage, chaparral, and desert scrub communities  +
Sandy places, chaparral communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy places, coastal scrub communities, oak woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly flats and slopes, mixed grassland communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly or rocky flats and slopes, desert scrub  +
Sandy outcrops, annual grassland communities  +
Sandy to gravelly places, coastal scrub communities, oak woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly flats and slopes, saltbush communities  +
Sandy to gravelly or rocky places, coastal scrub, mixed grassland and chaparral communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly flats and slopes, mixed grassland and chaparral communities, oak-pine woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly talus or clay flats and slopes, mixed grassland and chaparral communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy places, coastal grassland communities  +
Serpentine outcrops, mixed grassland communities, oak-pine woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly flats and slopes, mixed grassland, saltbush and sagebrush communities, pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Gravelly to rocky slopes, coastal scrub communities  +
Sandy to gravelly places in saltbush communities, pinyon-juniper and pine-oak woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly places in mixed grassland, saltbush and chaparral communities, pine-oak woodlands  +
Dry limestone hills in oak woodlands, talus  +
Coastal rock barrens, edges of rockland hammocks, undisturbed sites  +
Open woods, edges of fields and woods, roadsides, fencerows, ditches, other disturbed sites, flood plains, bottomlands, along streams  +
Hammocks, thickets, pinelands, cypress-slash pine flats, canal banks, disturbed sites  +
Mostly on limestone and derived soils  +
Disturbed places  +
Dead wood, mesic forests  +
Hammocks, beaches, frequently calcareous (shelly) sands.  +
Pine-oak, longleaf pine, beech-oak-magnolia woods, ravine slopes, limestone outcrops, flood plains and terraces, sand or sandy loam  +
Moist to dry woodlands, partially sunny sites  +
Moist to dry woodlands, forests, partially sunny sites, clearings, edges  +
Redwood forest, mixed evergreen forest, conifer forest  +
Rocky or gravelly open slopes, conifer forest, closed cone pines and chaparral  +
Rocky slopes, chaparral, conifer forest, mostly at high elevations  +
Sandhills and dunes, characteristically with turkey oak and longleaf pine  +
Hammocks, scrub and wet thickets, frequently on coquina, coral, sandy and shelly soils  +
Turkey oak, longleaf pine sandhills, sand pine scrub, hickory scrub  +
Sand pine–evergreen oak scrub, very well drained, fine, white sands  +
Deep sand, interdune hollows, often helping to stabilize dunes, openings in oak-scrub on dunes, disturbed roadsides, disturbed sites  +
Sandy, open areas, oak pine scrub, fields, roadsides  +
Sandy and clay soils, open pine flatwoods, oak-pine scrub, disturbed areas  +
Sand pine scrub, scrubby flatwoods  +
Sandy and grass-covered soils, disturbed sandy areas, such as pine plantations following clear-cutting and cultivation  +
Sandy, open soils in pine woods, oak scrub, disturbed soils, road embankments, cleared lots  +
Open sandy areas in oak pine woods, fields, roadsides  +
Sandy soils, pine and oak woods, scrub, dunes, disturbed open soils, roadsides, cleared lots  +
Open to partially shaded, disturbed sandy and clay soils, open areas in pine and oak woods, scrub, natural rock outcrops, fields, roadside embankments  +
Open sandy grounds, white sand hills, pine and oak scrubs, open flatwoods, fields, roadsides  +
Sandy open grounds, pine and oak scrub  +
Marshy ground, streamsides, seeps, springs, swampy woods  +
Marshy ground, seeps, springs, bogs, streamsides  +
Marshes, bogs, wet meadows, stream banks, moist seeps, algific talus slopes, 500-1500 m  +
Wet sedge meadows, moist depressions, marshy ground, bogs  +
Marshy ground, muddy stream banks and shorelines, mossy seeps, bogs, fens  +
Gravelly tundra and stream banks, boulder fields, scree slopes, solifluction terraces, seeps  +
Dry canyons and rocky crevices  +
Crevices of limestone cliffs  +
Sandy washes, dry open places in desert  +
Sagebrush grasslands, open slopes in deserts, tolerant of alkali  +
Rocky soils, mostly on limestone pinyon-juniper woodland  +
Brushy mountain slopes, ponderosa pine communities  +
Canyonlands, dunes, in sandy soils, with 4-winged saltbush, ephedra, sand dropseed, blackbrush, and juniper  +
Open woods (oak or ponderosa pine) and dry meadows  +
Desert slopes in granitic sand  +
Juniper/sagebrush savannas  +
Dry sandy soils, sparse juniper slopes  +
Sandy washes, rocky slopes, desert scrub in Sonoran Desert shrublands, usually with Ambrosia dumosa, Carnegiea, Larrea tridentata, and Prosopis.  +
Open slopes in desert shrub communities, on clay soil.  +
Rocky slopes, flats.  +
Hillsides, alluvial fans, sandy slopes.  +
Dry flats, desert pavement, with Ambrosia dumosa and Larrea.  +
Rocky walls, sandy alluvial flats, with Ambrosia dumosa, Hyptis emoryi, and Larrea tridentata.  +
Rocky borders of washes and hillsides, with Ambrosia dumosa and Larrea tridentata.  +
Sandy flats, washes, with Ambrosia dumosa, Fouquieria splendens, and Larrea.  +
Alluvial slopes and flats, with Ambrosia dumosa and Larrea.  +
Sandy or clay flats and slopes, with Artemisia tridentata, Ericameria, Grayia spinosa, or Purshia tridentata.  +
Dry slopes, flats, with Ambrosia dumosa and Larrea tridentata.  +
Dry flats, with Artemisia tridentata, Ericameria, or Juniperus, on banks and flats.  +
Sandy slopes and flats, often with Artemisia tridentata or Ericameria.  +
Flat, sandy plains, washes, with Ambrosia dumosa, Carnegiea gigantea, Larrea tridentata, and Prosopis.  +
Sandy flats or washes, with Ambrosia dumosa, Fouquieria splendens, and Larrea.  +
Sandy flats, with Ambrosia dumosa, Carnegiea gigantea, and Larrea.  +
Very arid dunes and sandy flats, with Ambrosia dumosa and Larrea tridentata.  +
Cinder soil.  +
Clay flats, on gray, alkaline, marine-deposited gumbo, sandy draws.  +
Calcareous sand, gypseous clay flats, juniper woodlands.  +
Alluvial and rocky slopes.  +
Rubble derived from volcanic tuff, partly on moist soil along springs.  +
Forming colonies on rocky slopes and banks of eroded sedimentaries, on gypsum or limestone, on conglomerates, often with Juniperus and Pinus edulis, with Encelia farinosa and Larrea.  +
Mesic slopes, washes.  +
Red clay and sand slopes weathered from red (freshwater-deposited) sandstone cliffs, with Juniperus or Larrea tridentata.  +
Sandy slopes and flats, with Artemisia, Grayia, or Juniperus.  +
On detrital clay knobs, gravelly flats.  +
Sandy or clay flats.  +
Dry rocky slopes, flats, with Atriplex and Ericameria.  +
Washes, dry stream beds, on limestone.  +
Crevices of broken limestone.  +
Colonial in rocky debris near cliffs, along ephemeral streams, on limestone.  +
Loose slides of limestone and other sedimentaries, sandy washes.  +
Well-drained slopes, often of volcanic origin, with sagebrush and pinyon-juniper.  +
Grassy places, edges of vernal pools, other open habitats.  +
Fields, waste places.  +
Disturbed sites  +
Open areas, usually in heavy, often saline soil  +
Open, arid sites  +
Moist, rich, rocky and boulder-strewn, wooded slopes and coves  +
Rich soil and deep shade in moist wooded ravines  +
Moist, wooded slopes, damp forest margins and roadsides, along shaded streams, rather open to closed woods, mountain hemlock habitats  +
Moist, open woods, boggy flats, thickets near heads of drainages, streamsides, meadow margins, and lakesides  +
Moist, mixed deciduous forests, wooded slopes, ravines, creek margins, thickets, moist meadowlands, forest margins, and especially mountainous terrain  +
North-facing, limestone talus slopes and river bluffs, ravines, and coves, and along rivers and creeks  +
Calciphile, fens, bogs, marshes  +
Wet tundra soil in rich fens and marshes, often calcareous  +
Fens, alpine seeps, in shoreline pools  +
Peat and deep organic soil to shallow wet mineral soil on rock in fens, along river banks  +
Moist subtropical areas, including the Gulf Coast  +
Moist to wet places, on moss covered rocks and logs, cool, temperate and boreal forests.  +
Cool, temperate deciduous and mixed forests, forest margins, along streams.  +
Cool, temperate deciduous and mixed forests, forest margins, along streams.  +
Moist places in deciduous, mixed, or coniferous forests, especially in naturally disturbed areas along streams.  +
Soil, humus, duff, decaying wood, limestone, mesic to wet forests, ravine slopes, tall herb vegetation  +
Prairies, woodlands, disturbed sites, often in damp soil  +
Moist to dry soils, openings in montane woodlands, montaine coniferous forests, aspen groves  +
Headlands, ravines, seeps near coast, sometimes on serpentine  +
Pine-oak-juniper woodlands, montane coniferous forests, subalpine  +
Canyons, rocky slopes, desert scrub, pine-oak-juniper woodlands, openings in montane coniferous forests  +
Desert scrub, grasslands, pine-oak-juniper woodlands, ponderosa pine forests  +
Rocky slopes, embankments, pine-oak-juniper-cypress woodlands, montane coniferous forests  +
Rocky slopes, drainages, roadsides, pine-oak-juniper woodlands, montane coniferous forests  +
Disturbed sites, fields, pastures, roadsides, forest openings  +
Dry juniper woodlands, sagebrush scrub, on shale, limestone, sandstone  +
Palouse prairie  +
Coastal meadows, marshes, swamps, riparian woodlands, moist sites in coastal scrub, chaparral, coastal woodlands, mixed conifer-hardwood forests, or coniferous forests  +
Sandy or gravelly soils in short-grass prairie, often in disturbed areas, mountain meadows, grassy slopes in montane coniferous forests  +
Wooded areas, openings, fields, roadsides  +
Grassy areas, open woodlands  +
Oak scrub, sagebrush scrub, grasslands, juniper-pine woodlands, aspen groves, openings in montane coniferous forests  +
Sagebrush scrub, aspen groves, meadows, openings in montane coniferous forests  +
Openings in montane coniferous forests, subalpine, alpine  +
Freshwater marshes, canal banks  +
Grasslands, sagebrush steppe, pinyon-juniper woodlands, dry coniferous forests, roadsides  +
Grassy areas, sagebrush steppe, California woodlands, open coniferous or conifer-hardwood forests, roadsides  +
Tallgrass prairies, deciduous woodlands, forest openings, disturbed sites, often in damp soil  +
Wet soil, streams, fens, marshes, springs in montane coniferous forest areas, often on serpentine  +
Springs, seeps, streamsides, coastal bluffs, coniferous and hardwood forests, often on serpentine  +
Dry to moist soil, prairies, pastures, meadows, forest edges, woodland openings, roadsides  +
Gravelly slopes, ravines, montane coniferous forests, subalpine forests, alpine scree  +
Rocky slopes, canyons, pinyon-juniper woodlands to alpine, montane coniferous forests, subalpine forests, alpine slopes  +
Forest openings, alpine and subalpine meadows, windswept alpine ridges  +
Rocky slopes, subalpine meadows, forest openings  +
Talus slopes, rocky subalpine and alpine ridges, openings in subalpine forests, subalpine meadows  +
Grasslands, juniper woodlands, grass-sagebrush steppes, subalpine slopes, roadsides  +
Rocky subalpine slopes, open bristlecone pine forests  +
Sea bluffs, roadsides, damp soil at edge of woods, openings in conifer or conifer-hardwood forests  +
Damp soil, mostly montane meadows, forests, alpine  +
Stream banks, rocky slopes  +
Tallgrass prairies, old fields, roadsides, oak savannas, forest edges, in calcareous clay or rarely sandy soils  +
Tallgrass, mixedgrass, shortgrass prairies, meadows, pastures, often in damp soil  +
Moist soil, grasslands, meadows, edges and openings in boreal forest, subalpine forests and alpine slopes  +
Serpentine seeps in areas of chaparral, valley grasslands, foothill woodlands  +
Serpentine seeps, coastal live oak woodlands, grasslands, riparian areas  +
Oak woodlands, coniferous forests, meadows, often in damp soil  +
Fjordlands  +
Moist soil, grasslands, aspen parkland, forest edges and openings, subalpine, alpine meadows  +
Fields, meadows, pinelands, roadsides, often weedy, often in damp soil  +
Meadows, pastures, roadsides, forest openings, low ground, often in damp soil  +
Meadows, pastures, old fields, pinelands, usually in damp soil  +
Spring-fed marshy meadows on serpentine parent material in areas of chaparral and mixed evergreen forest  +
Arid slopes, roadsides, grasslands, sagebrush scrub, dry woodlands, montane forests  +
Arid slopes, roadsides, grasslands, sagebrush scrub, pinyon-juniper woodlands, montane coniferous forests  +
Hanging gardens with Lobelia, Abies, and Adiantum  +
Meadows and tundra  +
Sandy pinelands of coastal plain, often in damp soil  +
Moist soil, roadsides, meadows, forest edges and openings  +
Wet soil, streams, springs, meadows in desert and desert woodland areas  +
Wet soil in meadows, prairies, marshes, swamps, bogs, open woods  +
Canyons, slopes, roadsides in deserts, dry grasslands, and arid woodlands dominated by pinyon pines, junipers, oaks, Joshua trees  +
Roadsides, ditches, woodlands, usually in damp soil  +
Pine-oak woodlands, riparian woodlands, chaparral, openings in mixed evergreen forests, roadsides  +
Coastal scrub, grassy openings in montane coniferous forests, arid woodlands, sagebrush scrub, roadsides  +
Coastal sea bluffs, dunes in grassland and coastal scrub  +
Coastal slopes and ridges, dunes, coastal scrub, grassland, oak woodlands  +
Chaparral, openings in closed cypress conifer forests, mixed evergreen forests, oak woodlands  +
Coastal scrub, chaparral, oak woodlands, stabilized dunes, roadsides  +
Foothill oak-pine woodlands, grasslands, chaparral, pinyon-juniper woodlands, Joshua tree woodlands, roadsides  +
Desert grasslands, arid shrublands, pine-, oak-, juniper-, or mesquite-dominated woodlands, often in disturbed areas, grassy slopes in montane pine forests  +
Short-grass prairies, desert grasslands, sagebrush steppes, pinyon-juniper, mesquite woodlands, often in disturbed areas  +
Stony soils in sparsely vegetated areas of pinyon-juniper woodlands, sagebrush scrub, arid grasslands, and riparian scrub, in dry sites or sometimes on seeps  +
Marshes, wet forests  +
Stream banks, montane meadows, damp soil in montane coniferous forests  +
Barren shale hillsides, gypsiferous clay soils, open, nearly unvegetated sites in areas of pinyon-juniper woodlands, sagebrush scrub, saltbush scrub, or Gambel oak brush, roadsides  +
Sand dunes and beaches  +
Habitat unknown  +
Barren slopes in shallow, stony soil in very open, arid grasslands  +
Grasslands, sagebrush scrub, coniferous forest openings, roadsides, often in stony soil  +
Sandy or gravelly soils, prairies, limestone barrens, pastures, pine barrens, open woods, and oak savannas  +
Fields, pastures, open woods, roadsides  +
Usually dry sites, coastal bluffs, grasslands, oak woodlands, coastal scrub  +
Grasslands, meadows, stream banks, brushy slopes, open coniferous or mixed conifer-hardwood forests  +
Fields, meadows, forest openings, open woods, brushy slopes  +
Sea bluffs, river valleys, meadows, grasslands, open coniferous or mixed coniferous-hardwood forests  +
Sandhills, pine barrens, roadsides  +
Coastal dunes and bluffs  +
Hanging gardens, seeps, stream banks  +
Seasonally damp, sometimes saline soil in meadows, grasslands, open forests, sagebrush scrub  +
Wet ground, meadows, pastures, springs, marshes, both coastal and interior  +
Wet soil, forests, meadows, roadsides  +
Meadows, springs, stream banks  +
Wet ground, meadows, pastures, marshes  +
Moist, sometimes saline soils, meadows, ditches, stream banks, forest openings, sagebrush zone to subalpine forests  +
Meadows, streamsides, valley bottoms, often in saline soils  +
Meadows, pastures, springs  +
Roadsides, pastures, fields, shrub-tree savannas  +
Dry slopes, sagebrush deserts, pinyon-juniper woodlands, openings in montane coniferous forests, often in disturbed areas  +
Crevices in limestone or basaltic cliffs  +
Mixedgrass prairie, shortgrass prairie, Palouse prairie, sagebrush deserts, pinyon-juniper woodlands, openings in montane coniferous forests, often in disturbed areas  +
Wet soil around calcareous springs and seeps, stream banks, montane meadows, coniferous forest margins  +
Moist savannas, pine barrens, coastal plain bogs  +
Invasive weed of disturbed sites, pastures, meadows, forest openings, roadsides  +
Coniferous forests, pine-oak, juniper-dominated woodlands, meadows  +
Springs, seeps, marshes, stream banks, often in alkaline soil  +
Hammocks and residential areas  +
Rocky wooded hillsides, stream banks, prairie ravines, glades, bluffs, chaparral, coastal hammocks and dunes, maritime woodlands, shell mounds in salt marshes, roadsides, waste places.  +
Coastal hammocks, low ground.  +
Sandy washes and slopes, desert shrub communities  +
Sandy places near sea bluffs  +
Open sandy areas, burns  +
Dry, sandy or gravelly soils  +
Open, sandy areas, chaparral, woodlands  +
Sandy soil in chaparral, oak woodlands  +
Dry, less often moist, sandy or gravelly soils  +
Open areas, usually on serpentine  +
Gravelly soils  +
Well-drained granitic talus slopes and ledges, often in ponderosa pine duff  +
Dry sandy or gravelly soils  +
Disturbed sites, chaparral borders, clearings, oak woodlands, roadsides, abandoned plantings  +
Disturbed sites, chaparral, roadsides, trails, abandoned plantings  +
Disturbed sites, abandoned plantings  +
Disturbed sites, abandoned plantings  +
Disturbed sites, chaparral, coastal sage scrub, abandoned plantings  +
Sandy fields, pinelands, cotton fields, orange groves, roadsides, railroad banks and tracks, disturbed sites  +
Peanut fields, pond dikes in cotton fields, fallow fields, waste ground  +
Gardens, fields, vacant lots, trash heaps, dumps, roadsides, clearings in woods, gravel bars, stream banks, riparian thickets, dunes, volunteering from past plantings  +
Disturbed sites  +
Alkaline marshes, swamps, springs  +
Coastal brackish and fresh marshes  +
Open acidic to alkaline wetlands, brackish upper edges of tidal marshes  +
Mesic broadleaf forests.  +
Rock, soil over rock  +
Rotten logs, tree bases, soil over rock  +
Pockets or crevices of shaded cliffs, limestone boulders, humus at cliff bases  +
Exposed soil, soil over rock, logs, tree roots  +
Low, often ± saline sites  +
Openings in woodlands and chaparral.  +
Open slopes and bluffs near coast.  +
Sea bluffs, coastal slopes, along Columbia River.  +
Openings in forests and woodlands, often near but rarely along immediate coast.  +
Woodlands, margins of fields, along railroad tracks.  +
Openings in woodlands and chaparral, serpentine soil.  +
Yellow-pine forests.  +
Chapar-ral, woodlands.  +
Foothill woodlands.  +
Foothill woodlands.  +
Foothill woodlands.  +
Foothill woodlands, forest margins.  +
Chaparral, woodlands, coastal scrub.  +
Woodlands, chaparral.  +
Mixed evergreen forests, woodlands, coastal scrub.  +
Grass-lands, woodlands, chaparral.  +
Grass-lands, woodlands, chaparral.  +
Grasslands, low sea bluffs.  +
Oak woodlands, chaparral.  +
Openings in woodlands, chaparral, yellow-pine forests, coastal sage.  +
Shady sites, woodlands, chaparral.  +
Woodlands  +
Serpentine soil.  +
Woodlands, forest openings.  +
Woodlands, forest openings.  +
Woodlands, serpentine soil.  +
Shady sites, woodlands, yellow-pine forests.  +
Clearings, roadsides, chaparral.  +
Dry woodlands.  +
Woodlands, conifer forests.  +
Coastal scrub, woodlands, chaparral.  +
Open chaparral.  +
Yellow-pine forests.  +
Yellow-pine forests.  +
Sandy places in woodlands.  +
Yellow-pine forests.  +
Coastal bluffs in grasslands and closed-cone pine forests.  +
Openings in sagebrush and coniferous forests.  +
Grasslands, often in moist conditions.  +
Open grassy or shrubby places.  +
Open, grassy or shrubby places.  +
Yellow-pine forests, woodlands.  +
Oak-pine woodlands.  +
Openings in woodlands, forests, chaparral, coastal scrub.  +
Shady sites, oak woodlands, chaparral.  +
Sandy hills near coast.  +
Open coniferous forests.  +
Woodlands.  +
Yellow-pine forests, foothill woodlands.  +
Foothill woodlands, yellow-pine forests.  +
Foothill woodlands.  +
Dry slopes, woodlands, forest margins.  +
Tree trunks and bases, flood plain forests, calcareous rock  +
Marshy ground in moss and lichen tundra and alder and birch thickets, scree and talus of mountain slopes  +
Snow beds in talus, rocks, and gravels  +
Selaginella mats and crevices of cliffs and rock faces in Great Basin sagebrush and ponderosa pine belt  +
Wetlands and riparian hardwood forests  +
Meadows, seeps  +
Open places on bare clay banks, clayey soils or sand, or scree and talus slopes  +
Bluffs, coastal sand dunes, deflation plains, fields, open woods  +
Moist areas on serpentine in open glades or slopes of chaparral and foothill pine woodlands  +
Sagebrush and montane foothills to alpine areas, particularly where snow persists  +
Talus, scree, gravelly slopes  +
Moist to dry grasslands and montane coniferous forests, often in swales with heavy, poorly drained clay soils in the south to wet, rocky tundra in the north  +
Mountain fell-fields  +
Stony slopes, calcareous talus  +
Meadows, springs, seeps, moist stream banks  +
Foothill pine/blue oak woodlands of Sierra Nevada foothills and lower slopes  +
Waste ground, landslides, highway margins, heavily grazed land  +
Rock crevices, moist alluvial fans  +
Decomposed granite or sandstone  +
Heavily grazed shrubland and woodland  +
Rockslides, landslides, along animal trails  +
Waste ground, orchards, roadsides, overgrazed rangelands  +
Hillsides and mesas of montane ponderosa and Chihuahuan pine and oak belts  +
Sand spits, fallow fields, shrublands  +
Drier coniferous woodlands or shrub-lands  +
Moist tundra and meadows  +
Serpentine balds, rock outcrops  +
Talus and scree slopes on serpentine  +
Thickets of red alder, dogwood, vine-leaf maple, moist shaded coniferous forests  +
Wet to moist stony tundra slopes  +
North- and east-facing talus and scree slopes of drier mountain areas, subalpine coniferous forests  +
Wetlands, seeps, moist woods, riparian hardwood forests, copses, bluffs, ravines, prairies  +
Coastal bluffs and disturbed places associated with red alder and moss mats in boulders and cliffs of moist coastal forests  +
Savannas, meadows, openings in oak or pine woodlands, mountain habitat often xeric, in acidic soil  +
Coastal Plain savannas, in acidic soil  +
Wet soil, sandy swamps  +
Calcareous, dry woods, glades, rock outcrops  +
Shale barrens  +
Sandy, flat pine woods  +
Mountain slopes, moist sites in canyons  +
Disturbed or open, well-drained sites, frequently on limestone outcrops, coastal sands  +
Shale barrens, rarely on sandstone, dolomite, or limestone outcrops  +
Rocky, open woods and thickets  +
Cliffs, rocky summits, usually in open sites or open pine forest  +
Low woods, bottomlands, swamps  +
Chaparral, xeric scrub, oak scrub, and grasslands, pastures, fencerows, and other secondary sites, often along streams or on slopes  +
Calcareous prairies and glades  +
Stream banks in rich, neutral to slightly acid soils  +
Moist mountain meadows, prairies, and open woods and thickets  +
Dry to moist mountain meadows, thickets, and rocky slopes  +
Chaparral, open woodlands  +
Forest edges, woods, riparian deciduous woodlands, moist wooded draws, scrub, secondary sites derived from these, or clearings and pastures, usually near streams or on moist slopes  +
Open woods among limestone boulders  +
Cliffs and other rocky sites in open woods and thickets  +
Often deep, fine soils in shady forest, also cliffs and other rocky sites in open woods and thickets  +
Calcareous cliffs, rock ledges, talus slopes, gravelly embankments, rocky woods, and clearings  +
Dry to moist woods, thickets, roadsides, and other shady to open, ± disturbed sites, mostly on mafic substrates  +
Roadsides, other secondary habitats, open woods  +
Dry chaparral, edges of meadows and cultivated fields  +
Limestone outcrops in dry to moist woods and thickets, disturbed sites  +
Old fields and thickets  +
Dry woods and thickets in sandy soils  +
Openings in wet bottomland woods  +
Roadsides, thickets, other ± open, disturbed sites  +
Roadsides, thickets, and other secondary sites, edges of woods near creeks  +
Woodlands, calcareous cliffs, and stream banks  +
Calcareous outcrops, sandy soils, dry woods and thickets, barrens, and roadsides  +
Wooded cliffs and stream banks  +
Streamsides, wet roadsides, fencerows, and other moist, disturbed, wooded or open sites, locally abundant  +
Roadsides, waste ground, secondary growth  +
Shale barrens  +
Roadsides, thickets and other secondary habitats  +
Railroad yards, ore piles (chrome, vanadium), roadsides  +
Roadsides, vacant lots, canal banks, lawn edges in sun or shade  +
Pond shores, stream bottoms, roadsides, grasslands, heavy alkaline clayey or sandy soils  +
Alkaline marshes, wet saline soils around thermal springs  +
Dry open usually alkaline meadows and flats  +
Dry open usually alkaline meadows and flats  +
Saline or alkaline flats  +
Sandy, often alkaline flats and desert playas  +
Dry open alkaline, gravelly or sandy flats  +
Wet alkaline meadows around thermal springs in sagebrush desert  +
Wet alkaline meadows, greasewood flats, around thermal springs  +
Disturbed areas  +
Disturbed roadsides, vacant lots  +
Deciduous montane woods, usually in moist sites  +
Broad-leaved swamps, Chamaecyparis swamps, wet pine forests, sometimes in dry, sandy woods and rocky, acidic ridge tops  +
Damp woods and swamps, 0-100 m  +
Acidic soils in seepage bogs ("hillside bogs," "pitcher-plant bogs"), along blackwater streams, depressions in pine savannas  +
Mesic or hydric microhabitats, along and in streams, margins of ponds and lakes, swamps, fens, seepages, upland depressions, mineral, sandy to clay soil  +
Mesic or hydric microhabitats, along and in streams, margins of ponds and lakes, swamps, fens, seepages, upland depressions, organic substrates  +
Moist, coastal redwood forests  +
Rich coniferous, mixed, or deciduous woods  +
Rich cove hardwood forests  +
Montane coniferous forests  +
Scrub and secondary regrowth, sandy soils with humus layer, open areas in bare, sandy soils.  +
Dry sandy soils, gravelly or rocky soils, open areas of pine, pine-oak, oak-hickory associations, bluff outcrops.  +
Dry, sandy soils in open areas of pine, pine-oak, oak-hickory associations.  +
Disturbed sites, near beaches  +
Grasslands, desert scrub, oak woodlands.  +
Sandhills, dry sandy woods, sandy old fields.  +
Sandy open woods, fields, disturbed areas.  +
Trash dumps, thickets, fencerows, cypress swamps  +
Sandy coastal hummocks, limestone forests  +
Sandy or rocky coastal hummocks, sand dunes. 0-10 m  +
Rocky, calcareous soil of coastal hammocks and scrub  +
Woodland and shrub borders, along streams, fencerows, waste places  +
Brushlands, prairies, palm groves, fencerows, along resecas and canyons  +
Tidal flats, beaches, dunes, lagoons, stream banks, seepage, peat hammocks, meadows, herb mats, tundra, maritime rocky beaches and slopes, bare areas of polygons, mud flat bird nesting sites  +
Gravel bars, gravel spit in lagoon outlets submerged at high tide, seashores  +
Coastal areas, calcareous sandstone, sea cliffs, rocky seashores, limestone gravel beds, serpentine barrens, talus or gravel, escarpments  +
Coastal dune vegetation in sandy soils  +
Moist or wet, sometimes periodically dry, shaded acidic or rarely calciferous rocks, boulders, cliffs, slabs and blocks in stream beds or close to brooks and rivers periodically washed by wave action, in seasonal creeks and on lake shores, often permanently submerged in the rapids of streams and waterfalls  +
Wet acidic rocks and boulders in or close to streams, damp and wet cliffs, often submerged in swiftly flowing brooks or on rocks in waterfalls and cascades  +
Birch-spruce forests  +
Semi-aquatic on grantic rocks or soil  +
Exposed or protected, moist granite, basalt, gneiss, and sandstone, boulders, stones, cliffs, and rock faces and outcrops in or close to streams, creeks, brooks and lakes, often in sites periodically submerged or splashed with water, in seepage and melt-water runnels, occasionally bark at tree bases, logs in water and shingle roofs  +
Wet cliffs, dripping rocks, splashed or periodically flooded boulders, stones and outcrops in creek beds and the margins of watercourses, seepy sloping outcrops on roadsides and thin soil over moist rock ledges, in open and insolated as well as in diffusely lit and shaded sites on both acidic and basic substrates, scattered throughout coastal coniferous forests and in subalpine meadows and bogs  +
Wet granite stones, boulders, and rockslabs in and at banks of streams and rivers, usually subject to temporary inundation or submerged  +
Moist or wet, seldom dry, shaded or exposed granite, basalt and sandstone, rarely limestone rock outcrops, boulders and cliff faces in stream beds and on stream or lake banks throughout the coastal coniferous forest  +
Acidic to basic rocks, such as limestone, granite, diorite, basalt, serpentine, schist, and sandstone, concrete walls of buildings, sandy or clayey soil, humus, tree trunks and bases, in a wide range of habitats, from protected, shaded and damp or wet to open, fully or diffusely lit and dry in coastal mixed and coniferous forests, woodlands, grasslands, forest glades, also on the banks of streams, creeks and lakes and by waterfalls, usually in places above the flood line, but sometimes in occasionally submerged sites or on pockets of sand in stream beds, outcrops in fens, partially drained bogs, seepage, roadcuts and earthy roadside banks  +
Moist to wet coniferous and hardwood forests, tundra, prairies, meadows, thickets, coastal heaths, and bogs  +
Hillsides, shallow washes, calcareous grounds, thickets, scrubby pine and oak woodland, gravelly flats  +
Fields, roadsides, mountain road cuts, cliff ledges  +
Arid scrub zones, Great Basin and Mojave deserts, pinyon-juniper, Joshua tree woodlands  +
Margins of oak scrub on screes.  +
Open, sandy places, rarely on serpentine soils.  +
Sand dunes, sandy sites, rarely rocky slopes.  +
Chaparral, open oak and dry pine-oak woodlands.  +
Disturbed, rocky slopes, open chaparral, sagebrush scrub, pinyon/juniper or pine woodlands.  +
Shaded slopes, mixed oak-conifer woodlands.  +
Openings and margins of chaparral, oak or pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
Coastal sand dunes.  +
Gravelly or grassy margins of coniferous or open oak woodlands, moss-covered rock outcrops, other open areas.  +
Open chaparral or coniferous forests, serpentine slopes.  +
Chaparral, mixed woodlands.  +
Chaparral, open mixed woodlands, oak woodlands.  +
Mixed oak-conifer forests, openings near montane chaparral.  +
Open coniferous forests.  +
Moist, ± shady scrub, woodlands.  +
Open chaparral, sagebrush scrub, mixed woodlands.  +
Forests, grasslands, meadows, eroded banks, bedrock depressions, scree slopes, shrublands, shaded shorelines.  +
Open coniferous forests.  +
Disturbed grassy fields, road banks, open chaparral, open oak and dry mixed woodlands.  +
Grassy, sometimes disturbed, places, drying meadows, chaparral, oak woodlands, dry mixed woodlands.  +
Rocky habitats, openings in dry mixed pine-oak woodlands or coniferous forests.  +
Mixed oak-conifer forests.  +
Moist woodlands.  +
Sandy or rocky soils, dry open areas, woodlands.  +
Coniferous forests, usually in sandy, granitic soils.  +
Usually forming large colonies along streams, ponds, ditches, canals, and other wet areas  +
Open or shady understory of pine or pine-oak, juniper-pine or mixed forests of pine, Douglas-fir, and oak, grasslands, canyon slopes, streamsides, roadsides, rocky soils from limestone or igneous rock.  +
Open pine, pine-oak or mixed forests, grasslands, slopes or roadsides, on rocky, sandy or clayish soils from limestone or igneous rock.  +
Open pine, juniper-pine or pine-oak forests, grasslands, rocky limestone or igneous soils.  +
Dunes, glade margins, mangrove margins, hammocks, canal edges.  +
Disturbed fill, roadside thickets, fencerows, hammocks, shell mounds, limestone ridges, mangrove thickets, beach strands.  +
Sandy washes, arroyos, alluvial slopes and fans, granite slopes, creosote bush and desert scrubs.  +
Rockland hammocks.  +
Rockland hammocks, hammock margins, thickets, rocky strands.  +
Remnant Sabal palm groves, shrublands.  +
Rocky open slopes.  +
Fencerows, roadsides, disturbed sites, clay banks, shell ridges, loose sand, sandy loam, rocky limestone slopes and crevices, gravel hills, stream banks, alluvial terraces, gravelly flood plains, shrub-grasslands, mesquite shrublands, oak-mesquite, oak-juniper, and mesquite-hackberry woodlands.  +
Bluffs, benches, crevices, dry, open to lightly wooded slopes  +
Roadside scrub, disturbed ground.  +
Dry places, mountains, foothills, open conifer forests, oak woodlands, chaparral margins.  +
Open areas, sandy and rocky slopes, sagebrush communities, coniferous and deciduous forests, deserts.  +
Swamps and bogs, rich mesic sites, dry, sandy or rocky soils, savannas, early successional forests.  +
Chaparral with Arctostaphylos glandulosa, Cercocarpus sp., Cupressus sp., Heteromeles arbutifolia, Quercus sp., Rhus integrifolia, and Xylococcus bicolor  +
Chaparral, oak woodlands, closed-cone pine forests with Arbutus menziesii, Arctostaphylos insularis, Ceanothus sp., Cercocarpus sp., Heteromelesarbutifolia, Pinusmuricata, P. remorata, Prunus sp., Quercusagrifolia, Q. dumosa, and Rhusintegrifolia  +
Shallow, often sphagnum-dominated ponds, bogs, wet meadows, marshes, stream banks, and lake margins, mainly in boreal and low arctic habitats in the north, subalpine to alpine sites in the south  +
Sea and lakeshores, tundra, dry to wet, rocky montane to alpine meadows.  +
Disturbed habitats.  +
Citrus plantations, fields, yards, and other cultivated and disturbed sites  +
Fields, roadsides, railroad rights-of-way, yards, waste places, especially in moist situations, weed in crops, especially rice, sugar cane and corn, and rarely in forests  +
Weedy and waste places, edges of fields, woods, and marshes, often in thick herbaceous vegetation, occasionally in woods  +
Rocky soils  +
Disturbed situations (lawns, gardens, and cultivated ground), moist places, and woods  +
Hammocks, streamsides, ditches, cypress swamps, wet woods, and lake shores  +
Rocky woods and hillsides, scrub oak woods, pine woods and barrens, sand dunes, hummocks, shale barrens, roadsides, railroad rights-of-way, fields, and occasionally a weed in cultivated ground  +
Sanitary department landfill  +
Roadsides, pastures, and levees  +
Wet places, especially swamps, river and stream banks, ditches, and bottomlands, shade or full sun  +
Dry, gravelly areas, often among boulders or shrubs, roadsides  +
Dry, sterile, sandy to rocky soils in pinelands or pine barrens, clearings, or edges of woodlots  +
Damp cliffs, limestone, swamps on logs, stumps, humus, bark at base of trees  +, low to high elevations  +
Dry slopes, drainages, canyons.  +
Sand hills, gypsum hills, eroded clay breaks, limestone talus slopes, ridge and mesa tops, rocky flats, dry streambeds, shrublands, grasslands, pastures, roadsides, roadcuts.  +
Dry desert washes, drainages, canyons, open slopes, creosote bush scrub.  +
Limestone slopes, sandstone bluffs, sandy clay, clay dunes, shell ridges, thorn scrub, juniper woodlands, riparian woods.  +
Stream banks, low hills, sandstone bluffs, gravelly slopes, disturbed sites, shrublands, shortgrass grasslands.  +
Limestone hills, arroyos, flats, floodplain thickets, mesquite scrub, juniper and oak woodlands.  +
Rocky slopes, canyons, sandhills, desert washes.  +
Rocky slopes, canyons, sandhills.  +
Sandy places, especially coastal dunes  +
Rock crevices, cliffs, mountain slopes  +
in coastal and tropical areas..  +
Coastal dunes, beaches, sandy loam, roadside ditches, edges of woods, salt marshes  +
Along streams, around lakes, marsh edges, saline soils near irrigation, old fields  +
Stream banks, lakeshores, coastal and inland sands, pine-oak woodlands, low woods, flood plains, ditches, ravines, bogs, wet slopes, pine savannas, disturbed sites, roadsides, along railroads  +
Waterways, depressions and ditches, dry sandy or rocky soil, mesquite, creosote bush-mesquite  +
Oak woodlands, mixed montane forests.  +
Under oaks in moist deciduous or mixed deciduous-coniferous woods.  +
Thin soil, cliff ledges, among boulders, waterlogged soil of late season snow melt  +
Cultivated lands, grain fields, disturbed areas, waste places, roadsides, gardens  +
Waste places, old homesites, drainage ditches, roadsides, and railroads  +
Waste places, railroads  +
Wheat fields, roadsides, waste places, old homesites  +
Waste places, roadsides, and railroads  +
Coastal bluffs, cliff faces  +
Disturbed, open areas  +
Open acid montane slopes, sandy woods, coves  +
Fields, disturbed sites, roadsides.  +
Disturbed sites, scrublands, woods.  +
Grasslands, hills, plains.  +
Grassy and rocky places, friable wet clay soils, serpentine ridges.  +
Disturbed sites, along roads and streets  +
Disturbed places  +
Disturbed sites  +
Disturbed sites, usually in heavy clay soils  +
Moist, coniferous forests, seeps, and bogs  +
Moist woods, stream banks, seeps, and wet cliffs in the coastal mountains  +
Moist, coniferous woods  +
Wet to mesic, coniferous and mixed forests, bogs, willow scrub, and tundra, often associated with mosses  +
Appalachian deciduous forest, often at edges of forest in somewhat disturbed sites  +
Moist to dry coniferous and deciduous woods, and conifer plantations, often in florests with little other herbaceous cover  +
Coniferous and mixed woods, and conifer plantations  +
Moist to dry coniferous and mixed woods  +
Rich deciduous woods, mixed woods, and conifer plantations  +
Rich deciduous woods, mixed woods, and conifer plantations  +
Coniferous, deciduous, and mixed woods, lakeshores, swamps  +
Coniferous, deciduous, and mixed woods, swamps, mountain woods, upland habitats northward, restricted to cool, moist habitats southward  +
Deciduous and coniferous woods, often preferring richer habitats than other coral-roots  +
Roadsides, fallow fields, vacant lots, abandoned road beds, concrete cracks, edges of scrub oak thickets and pine-oak woodlands, lake edges, shady woodlands  +
Lake edges, disturbed pine rocklands  +
Hammock edges, fallow fields, remnant prairie railroad rights-of-way, wet-weather ponds, lake, stream, and marsh edges, levees, floodplains, roadsides, ditches, grazed pastures, desert grasslands  +
Canal banks, glade edges, hammocks, hammock and swamp edges, beaches, open pine woodlands with limestone outcrops and solution holes, rock outcrops, roadsides  +
Disturbed sites  +
Openings in conifer woodlands and juniper scrub.  +
Dry, rocky openings in sagebrush scrub and pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
Dry, rocky slopes in pine-juniper woodlands.  +
Dry openings in pinyon-juniper woodlands and sagebrush scrub.  +
Open pinyon-juniper woodlands and sagebrush scrub.  +
Dry, rocky openings in pinyon-juniper woodlands and sagebrush scrub.  +
Rocky slopes, mesas, often limestone.  +
Openings, hillsides, pine-oak woodlands.  +
Dry, open serpentine in chaparral.  +
Dry, rocky slopes, sagebrush scrub, pinyon-juniper woodlands, Joshua tree woodlands.  +
Open woodlands and chaparral, sometimes on serpentine.  +
Dry openings in chaparral and mixed-evergreen forests.  +
Rocky, alkaline soils, sagebrush scrub.  +
Rocky opening in pine woodlands, pine-juniper woodlands, sagebrush scrub.  +
Open, montane woodlands, chaparral margins.  +
Chaparral, sagebrush scrub, openings in oak woodlands and conifer woodlands.  +
Open, mixed deciduous forests.  +
Serpentine in mixed evergreen forests and chaparral.  +
Open volcanic alluvium.  +
Openings in conifer woodlands.  +
Serpentine in pine woodlands.  +
Rocky openings, pine-juniper woodlands.  +
Open, rocky sites, pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
Dry openings, pinyon-juniper woodlands, sagebrush scrub.  +
Sandy and rocky siliceous soils, pine barrens, sand hills, rocky hilltops, coastal habitats  +
Open sites, along streams, rocky canyons  +
Roadsides and other openings in woods, pine barrens  +
Sandy soils in open, often disturbed, places  +
Openings in chaparral, desert scrub, yellow-pine forests  +
Openings in desert scrub, stabilized dunes  +
Alkaline playas, flood plains, deep sands  +
Open woods, barrens, swamps  +
Shale and serpentine slopes, sandy flats  +
Coastal bluffs, dunes  +
Peaty bogs, swamps, depressions, in pine barrens  +
Sandy soils, ditches and roadsides, other disturbed sites, granite and sandstone outcrops  +
Talus slopes, rocky soils  +
Low woodlands, flood plains  +
Sandy soils, openings in scrub-oak woodlands, roadsides and other disturbed sites  +
Sandy soils, ditches and roadsides, other disturbed sites  +
Shaded slopes in woods  +
Moist, sandy soils, flatwoods, ditches  +
Oak barrens, road clearings, wooded bottoms  +
Coastal bluffs and dunes  +
Ditches, pond margins, swamps, in pine barrens  +
Sandy soils in post-oak and oak-mesquite woodlands  +
Prairies, open woods  +
Sandy soils, granite outcrops, open pine-oak woods, ditches and roadsides, other disturbed sites  +
Openings in woods, sandstone outcrops  +
Sandy shores, marsh edges, etc.  +
Rocky slopes, serpentine ridges  +
Moist, sandy or clay soils, sometimes alkaline flats, prairies, ditches, disturbed places  +
Heavy loams, moist sands, along streams, boggy meadows  +
Oak wood, sandy soils  +
Coastal scrub, coastal strand, chaparral, grasslands, coniferous forests, sometimes on serpentine  +
Sand dunes, sandy and gravely shores, sandy waste places, fields  +
Sandy and gravely shores of rivers and streams, sand dunes, waste places  +
Sandy waste places, roadsides, shores  +
Sand dunes, probably also sandy and gravely shores  +
Sand dunes, sandy and gravely shores, waste places  +
Sandy river bars and dunes  +
Sand dunes, sandy and gravely shores, waste places  +
Sandy shores, dunes  +
Sand dunes, sandy and gravely shores, waste places  +
Sandy shores of lakes and rivers, inland open sands  +
Sand dunes, sandy and gravely shores, waste places  +
Sand dunes, sandy shores of creeks and rivers, dry valleys  +
Deciduous hardwood forests, usually mesic or dry-mesic, loamy soils, rocky slopes.  +
Alluvial woods, river and stream banks, wet meadows, marshes, ditches.  +
Marl or limestone outcrops, hammocks, swamp margins.  +
Dry to moist broadleaf or coniferous forests, roadbanks, marshes, bogs.  +
Limestone barrens, limestone outcrops, dry woodlands, rocky stream banks, prairies, old fields, roadsides, meadows, swamp margins.  +
Deciduous, mixed, and pine forests.  +
Marshes, swamps, river and stream banks, pocosin margins, interdune swales, wet ditches.  +
Stream banks, roadsides, fields, meadows.  +
Disturbed areas, lawns.  +