Trachycystis flagellaris

(Sullivant & Lesquereux) Lindberg

Contr. Fl. Crypt. As., 241. 1873.

Basionym: Mnium flagellare Sullivant & Lesquereux Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 4: 277. 1859
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 243. Mentioned on page 223.

Plants small, often loosely growing with other bryophytes. Leaves incurved upwards when dry and moist; costal abaxial teeth of 1 cell; medial laminal cells irregularly shaped, slightly smaller near margins. Capsule with exostome short, blunt.

Phenology: Capsules mature summer.
Habitat: Cliffs, humus, boulders, shaded habitats, forests, epiphyte on alder and birch
Elevation: low elevations


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Alaska, Europe, Asia.


Because of their growth habit and doubly serrate leaf margins, plants of Trachycystis flagellaris resemble species of Mnium at first glance. However, they are readily distinguished by the mammillose laminal cells and, when present, flagelliform branches. This mode of asexual reproduction is also observed in Dicranum flagellare (Dicranaceae).

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Lower Taxa

... more about "Trachycystis flagellaris"
Jillian D. Bainard +  and Terry T. McIntosh +
- Sullivant & Lesquereux Lindberg +
Mnium flagellare +
Alaska +, Europe +  and Asia. +
low elevations +
Cliffs, humus, boulders, shaded habitats, forests, epiphyte on alder and birch +
Capsules mature summer. +
Contr. Fl. Crypt. As., +
Illustrated +
Trachycystis flagellaris +
Trachycystis +
species +