Rayjacksonia phyllocephala

(de Candolle) R. L. Hartman & M. L. Lane

Amer. J. Bot. 83: 369. 1996.

Common names: Gulf Coast camphor-daisy
Basionym: Haplopappus phyllocephalus de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle, Prodr. 5: 347. 1836 (as Aplopappus)
Synonyms: Haplopappus phyllocephalus var. megacephalus (Nash) Waterfall Machaeranthera phyllocephala (Nash) Small Machaeranthera phyllocephala var. megacephala (Nash) Shinners Sideranthus megacephalus
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 20. Treatment on page 439. Mentioned on page 438.

Annuals or perennials, 10–70(–100) cm, herbaceous to suffrutescent. Leaf blades oblong to oblanceolate, mid-cauline (2.5–)4–13 mm wide. Heads essentially sessile, often surpassed by distal leaves that continue to very base of heads. Involucres (6–)10–15 × 12–30 mm. Phyllaries in 3–4 series, loose, subequal, apices erect to spreading, 1.3–1.7 mm wide, herbaceous. Ray florets 17–38; corollas 8.5–19 mm. Disc florets: corolla tubes longer than limbs. 2n = 12.

Phenology: Flowering (Jul–)Sep–Dec (sporadically Feb–Jun).
Habitat: Sandy sites, along waterways, canal banks, dunes, beaches, salt flats
Elevation: 0–10 m


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Colo., Fla., La., Tex., Mexico (Tamaulipas).


Lower Taxa

Guy L. Nesom +
- de Candolle R. L. Hartman & M. L. Lane +
Haplopappus phyllocephalus +
Gulf Coast camphor-daisy +
Colo. +, Fla. +, La. +, Tex. +  and Mexico - Tamaulipas. +
0–10 m +
Sandy sites, along waterways, canal banks, dunes, beaches, salt flats +
Flowering - Jul–Sep–Dec - sporadically Feb–Jun. +
Amer. J. Bot. +
jackson1981a +
Illustrated +
Haplopappus phyllocephalus var. megacephalus +, Machaeranthera phyllocephala +, Machaeranthera phyllocephala var. megacephala +  and Sideranthus megacephalus +
Rayjacksonia phyllocephala +
Rayjacksonia +
species +