Astragalus conjunctus
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 17: 371. 1882.
Plants forming bushy clumps, subacaulescent or shortly caulescent, 15–65 cm, strigulose. Stems erect or ascending, strigulose. Leaves mostly in sub-basal cluster, (6–)10–30 cm; stipules connate-sheathing at proximal nodes, mostly connate at distal nodes, 3–10(–11) mm, scarious throughout; leaflets (9–)13–25(–31), blades linear-oblong, linear-elliptic, lanceolate, or subfiliform, 3–23 mm, apex obtuse, acute, or retuse, surfaces sparsely strigulose abaxially, usually glabrous adaxially; terminal leaflet sometimes continuous with rachis. Peduncles erect, sometimes divergent in fruit, 5–33 cm, together with racemes longer than stems. Racemes 7–20-flowered, flowers ascending to spreading; axis (3–)4–13(–15) cm in fruit; bracts 2–4.5 mm; bracteoles 2. Pedicels 1–4.5 mm. Flowers 15–25.5 mm; calyx campanulate, cylindric, or subcylindric, 7–12 mm, strigulose-pilosulous, tube 4.9–9.2 mm, lobes subulate, 1.3–3(–4) mm; corolla whitish with keel tip purple, sometimes banner and wings also purple-tipped, sometimes purple throughout; banner recurved through 30–45°, oblanceolate or broadly rhombic-oblanceolate, 16–25.5 mm, apex emarginate; keel 11.6–17.5 mm. Legumes stramineous, straight or slightly incurved, oblong-ellipsoid to narrowly oblong-ovoid, obcompressed, 12–25 × 4.3–8 mm, sub-bilocular, fleshy becoming leathery or subligneous, glabrous or strigulose; septum to 1.4 mm wide; sessile. Seeds 15–30.
nw United States.
Varieties 2 (2 in the flora).
Selected References
1 | Calyces cylindric or subcylindric, tubes (5.7–)6–9.2 mm; legumes glabrous, 5–8 mm wide; pedicels 1–4.5 mm; Yakima County, Washington, nc to se Oregon, and sw Idaho. | Astragalus conjunctus var. conjunctus |
1 | Calyces campanulate, tubes 4.9–6.2 mm; legumes strigulose, 4.3–5 mm wide; pedicels 1–2.5 mm; Wasco County, Oregon, Benton County, Washington. | Astragalus conjunctus var. rickardii |