Balsamorhiza sericea

W. A. Weber

Phytologia 50: 358. 1982.

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 21. Treatment on page 96. Mentioned on page 94.

Plants 10–30(–40) cm. Basal leaves: blades silvery, lanceolate or lance-ovate, 9–30 × 2–7 cm (1-pinnatifid, lobes oblong to oblanceolate, 5–35 × 3–17 mm), bases cuneate, ultimate margins usually entire (plane or weakly revolute, obscurely, if at all, ciliate), apices rounded to acute, faces densely sericeous. Heads borne singly. Involucres campanulate to hemispheric, 11–20+ mm diam. Outer phyllaries broadly ovate to triangular-ovate, 12–20 mm, slightly surpassing inner, apices acuminate to attenuate (margins not ciliate). Ray laminae 15–20 mm (adaxially puberulous on veins).

Phenology: Flowering Apr–May.
Habitat: Serpentine outcrops, among surface rocks, in crevices, hillsides, dry streamsides among cobbles
Elevation: 400–1800 m


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Calif., Oreg.


Balsamorhiza sericea hybridizes with B. deltoidea.

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Lower Taxa

... more about "Balsamorhiza sericea"
William A. Weber +
W. A. Weber +
Calif. +  and Oreg. +
400–1800 m +
Serpentine outcrops, among surface rocks, in crevices, hillsides, dry streamsides among cobbles +
Flowering Apr–May. +
Undefined - tribe Undefined subtribe Enceliinae +, Undefined - tribe Undefined subtribe Engelmanniinae +, Undefined - tribe Undefined subtribe Spilanthinae +, Undefined - tribe Undefined subtribe Verbesininae +  and Undefined - tribe Undefined subtribe Zinniinae +
Balsamorhiza sericea +
Balsamorhiza subg. Balsamorhiza +
species +