Braya humilis subsp. ellesmerensis
Novon 16: 345. 2006.
Stems usually ascending (prostrate in fruit), unbranched, 0.3–1.6 dm, moderately pubescent. Leaves: blade margins pinnatifid or entire, surfaces moderately pubescent. Flowers: petals white or purple-tinged, (3–)4–5.6 × (1.3–)2–3.3(–3.8) mm. Fruits usually fertile and fully developed, not or weakly torulose, (1–)1.2–1.8(–2) mm wide; septum often fenestrate (with circular perforations at regular intervals longitudinally or with a narrow, elliptical, longitudinal split at base or both). 2n = 42.
Phenology: Flowering Jun–Jul, fruiting Jul–Aug.
Habitat: Sand, clay, and gravel slopes and plains
Elevation: 0-200 m
Prostrate fruiting stems, exceptionally broad, non-torulose fruits, and fenestrate silique septae distinguish subsp. ellesmerensis from other subspecies of Braya humilis. It is known only from northern Ellesmere Island.
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