Brickellia lemmonii

A. Gray

Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 17: 206. 1882.

Synonyms: Coleosanthus lemmonii (A. Gray) Kuntze
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 21. Treatment on page 502. Mentioned on page 493.

Perennials, 30–50 cm (caudices woody). Stems branched, pubescent, gland-dotted. Leaves mostly alternate, sometimes opposite; petioles 0–5 mm; blades 3-nerved from bases (venation raised, reticulate), elliptic to lanceolate or ovate to subdeltate, 20–70 × 7–20 mm, bases ± cuneate, margins crenate to serrate, apices acute, faces glandular-pubescent. Heads in paniculiform arrays. Peduncles 2–15 mm, tomentose, often gland-dotted. Involucres narrowly cylindric, 10–13 mm. Phyllaries 18–20 in 3–4(–5) series, green or purplish, 5–9-striate, unequal, margins scarious (apices acute, attenuate, obtuse, or nearly rounded); outer ovate (lengths evenly grading to inner, margins ciliate, faces pubescent, often gland-dotted), inner narrowly lanceolate to linear-oblong (faces glabrous). Florets 9–24; corollas pale yellow-green, 6–8.2 mm. Cypselae 2.5–4 mm, densely pubescent; pappi of 32–43 white, mostly barbellate, sometimes subplumose, bristles.


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Ariz., N.Mex., Tex., Mexico.


Varieties 4 (2 in the flora).

Selected References



1 Leaf blades elliptic to lanceolate, lengths mostly 2–5 times widths; phyllaries: apices (inner) mostlyacute Brickellia lemmonii var. lemmonii
1 Leaf blades broadly ovate to subdeltate, lengths mostly 1–2 times widths; phyllaries: apices (inner) mostly obtuse to nearly rounded Brickellia lemmonii var. conduplicata