Chamaecrista greggii var. greggii
Shrubs or trees, to 3.5 m, microphyllous. Stems erect. Leaves 0.7–3 cm; petiole (1.5–)2–5.5(–7) mm; extrafloral nectary 1, on petiole or next to first pair of leaflets, shortly stipitate; leaflets (2 or)3–5(or 6) pairs, blades oblong or oblanceolate to oblong-elliptic or obovate, 5–11(–14) × 2–4.2 mm. Racemes 1(or 2)-flowered, axillary. Pedicels (9–)12–30(–35) mm; bracteoles nearly mid pedicel. Flowers: calyx yellowish, petaloid, sepal venation reticulate or apparently absent; corolla yellow, petal to (8–)9–14.5(–16) mm; stamens 10; anthers yellow, 3.4–5.3 mm, similar in size; ovary hairy, at least along sutures. Legumes straight or weakly curved, linear-oblong, (25–)30–46(–50) × (5–)6–7.5 mm. Seeds 4–5 mm.
Phenology: Flowering (late winter–)spring–mid fall.
Habitat: Open or shrubby hillsides and thickets, limestone or caliche soils.
Elevation: 20–150 m.
Tex., Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas).
In the flora area, var. greggii is known from Jim Wells and Live Oak counties.
Selected References