Clitoria ternatea


Sp. Pl. 2: 753. 1753.

Common names: Blue pea conchitas zapatico de la reina
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 11.

Xylopodium: proximal portion erect, cylindric, 6–15 × 0.9–1.5 cm; distal portion 0.3+ m × 3–6 mm. Stems 1–6 from crown, trailing and intertwining to form tangled mats or climbing, terete, weakly striate, 500 cm; internodes ± straight to weakly flexuous, distal inter­nodes nodding; branches mostly proximal, sometimes distal. Leaves: stipules linear, 4–10 × 0.5–1 mm, apex acuminate; petiole subangular, canaliculate adaxially, 1–4 cm; stipels linear, 1–3 mm; petiolules 1–3 mm; rachis canaliculate adaxially, 2–7 cm; leaflets 5 or 7, blades polymorphic, ovate, elliptic, obovate- or ovate-elliptic, or oblong, 10–50(–70) × (4–)10–30 mm, membranous, base cuneate to rounded, primary lateral veins 5 or 6 pairs, apex acute to obtuse or retuse, surfaces glabrate. Peduncles 0.3–1.5 cm. Inflorescences 1(or 2)-flowered, 0.5–1 cm, flowers chasmogamous; bracts ovate to lanceolate, 2–4(–5) × 1 mm. Pedicels 3–6 mm; bracteoles deciduous by fructification, broadly ovate to suborbiculate, conspicuous, shorter than calyx tube or subequaling and obscuring calyx, (4–)6–11(–15) × (4–)6–11(–15) mm, apex acute to rounded, apiculate, glabrous. Papilionaceous flowers: calyx tube greenish, 8–14 × 3–4 mm near base becoming 6–9(–11) mm wide, shrinking slightly in fruit; lobes oblong, 7–12 × 3 mm, apex acute; corolla pale blue to azure or blue-violaceous with white to yellow medial strip, or white with green­ish white medial strip; banner 40–55 mm, claw 2–4 mm; wing blades 17–28 × 7–13 mm, claw 7–11 mm; keel 7–10 × 4–6 mm, claw 14–18 mm; staminal tube 16–20 mm; filaments distinct, 3–4 mm; anthers lanceolate, 1–1.5 mm; ovary 6–9 mm, densely white-strigose; style 14–17 mm, geniculate 5–8 mm from distal end. Actinomorphic flowers (“double”): calyx similar to papilionaceous flowers; corolla azure to dark blue, petals bannerlike; stamens usually diadelphous or distinct, sometimes with fused bundles of 2–5; ovary 6–9 mm, densely white-strigose; style 14–17 mm. Legumes yellowish green to green becoming light brownish to tan, flat, (50–)70–110 × 8–11 mm; stipe 1–2 mm, enclosed within calyx with base of valves. Seeds 7–10, brown becoming black, subreniform, compressed, 4–5 × 5–6 mm, not viscid.


Introduced; Africa, introduced also in West Indies, Central America, South America, Asia, Pacific Islands, Australia.


Varieties 3 (2 in the flora).

Variety angustifolia Hochstetter ex Baker f. is distinguished by having white petals and narrow leaflet blades; it is native to eastern Africa from Mozambique northward.

Clitoria ternatea is anthropogenic; it is cultivated and naturalized pantropically. The species is used medici­nally for treating human ailments, as a dye, in treatment of scorpion stings and venomous snakebites, as a forage crop, and as an ornamental vine. It is cultivated in the United States outdoors as an annual or under glass as a perennial. This species is a profuse bloomer and seed producer, blooming year-round in tropical areas.

Selected References



1 Flowers papilionaceous, with 1 bannerlike petal; stamens diadelphous. Clitoria ternatea var. ternatea
1 Flowers actinomorphic, with 5 bannerlike petals; stamens distinct or connate in bundles of 2–5. Clitoria ternatea var. pleniflora
... more about "Clitoria ternatea"
Paul R. Fantz +
Linnaeus +
Blue pea +, conchitas +  and zapatico de la reina +
Africa +, introduced also in West Indies +, Central America +, South America +, Asia +, Pacific Islands +  and Australia. +
Introduced +
Martiusia +
Clitoria ternatea +
Clitoria +
species +