Erythranthe utahensis

(Pennell) G. L. Nesom

Phytoneuron 2012-39: 44. 2012.

Common names: Utah monkeyflower
Basionym: Mimulus glabratus subsp. utahensis Pennell Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 1: 123. 1935
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 17. Treatment on page 410. Mentioned on page 374, 411.

Perennials, rhizomatous, rooting at nodes, rhizomes filiform. Stems erect, sometimes decumbent-ascending proximally, simple or few-branched, 20–50 cm, glabrous or sparsely stipitate-glandular in inflorescence. Leaves basal and cauline, even-sized or largest near mid stem; petiole 0 mm or proximalmost 2–10 mm; blade palmately 3–5-veined, orbicular or suborbicular to broadly elliptic, broadly ovate, or depressed-ovate, 20–40(–75) × 12–35(–40) mm, base usually truncate to broadly cuneate, margins entire or subentire to mucronulate, shallowly dentate, or denticulate, apex rounded, surfaces glabrous or glabrate to sparsely stipitate-glandular and sparsely pilose, hairs thin-walled, abaxial often glaucous. Flowers herkogamous, 6–16, from proximal to distal nodes, in a loose raceme, distal bracts becoming much reduced. Fruiting pedicels (25–)40–75 mm, stipitate-glandular to short villous, hairs gland-tipped. Fruiting calyces broadly ovate-cylindric, inflated, sagittally compressed, (10–)11–17(–20) mm, stipitate-glandular or minutely hirtellous or a mixture, hairs sometimes also longer, thin-walled, eglandular or glandular, throat not closing, adaxial lobe slightly longer, triangular-blunt. Corollas yellow, abaxial limb prominently darker yellow, sparsely purple-spotted, bilaterally symmetric, weakly bilabiate; tube-throat narrowly funnelform to broadly cylindric, 10–15 mm, exserted 5–8 mm beyond calyx margin; limb expanded 12–20 mm. Styles hirtellous. Anthers included, glabrous. Capsules included, 5–7 mm. 2n = 28, 30.

Phenology: Flowering (Feb–)May–Aug(–Oct).
Habitat: Drainage ditches, springs, seeps, wet meadows, margins of ponds and small streams, marshy areas.
Elevation: 1400–2500 m.


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Calif., Colo., Nev., Utah.


Erythranthe utahensis is characterized by its erect stems, prolifically produced filiform rhizomes, basal leaves short-petiolate to subsessile and cauline sessile, blades suborbicular to broadly ovate or depressed ovate with thin-walled villous-glandular hairs on both surfaces, margins subentire, proximal pedicels elongating to 75 mm, and calyces open at maturity.

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Lower Taxa

... more about "Erythranthe utahensis"
Guy L. Nesom +  and Naomi S. Fraga +
- Pennell G. L. Nesom +
Mimulus glabratus subsp. utahensis +
Utah monkeyflower +
Calif. +, Colo. +, Nev. +  and Utah. +
1400–2500 m. +
Drainage ditches, springs, seeps, wet meadows, margins of ponds and small streams, marshy areas. +
Flowering - Feb–May–Aug - –Oct. +
Phytoneuron +
Mimulus sect. Erythranthe +  and Mimulus subg. Synplacus +
Erythranthe utahensis +
Erythranthe +
species +