Eucephalus breweri

(A. Gray) G. L. Nesom

Phytologia 77: 254. 1995.

Common names: Brewer’s aster
Basionym: Chrysopsis breweri A. Gray Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 6: 542. 1866
Synonyms: Aster breweri (A. Gray) Semple Heterotheca breweri (A. Gray) Shinners
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 20. Treatment on page 40. Mentioned on page 39, 41, 42.

Perennials, 10–100 cm (caudices woody). Stems ascending to erect, glabrate or woolly, eglandular or glandular. Leaves: mid and distal blades linear-lanceolate to ovate, 2–5 cm × 6–15 mm, faces glabrate and eglandular to moderately glandular and/or woolly. Heads 1–15(–35) in racemiform to corymbiform or paniculiform arrays. Peduncles sparsely to densely woolly and glandular. Involucres turbinate-cylindric, 6–10 mm. Phyllaries in 3–4 series (sometimes reddish along margins), lance-linear to lance-oblong, ± subequal, margins eciliate, apices acuminate, abaxial faces glabrate and eglandular to moderately woolly or glandular. Rays 0. Cypselae strigose; pappus bristles in 1 series (6–10 mm), barbellate. 2n = 18.

Phenology: Flowering Jul–Sep.
Habitat: Open coniferous forest and subalpine meadows
Elevation: 1500–3000(–3500) m


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Calif., Nev.


Eucephalus breweri is found in the Sierra Nevada. Specimens at the northern edge of the range may intergrade with E. glabratus and E. tomentellus.

Selected References


Lower Taxa
