Grusonia clavata

(Engelmann) H. Robinson

Phytologia 26: 176. 1973.

Common names: Club-c holla
Basionym: Opuntia clavata Engelmann in F. A. Wislizenus, Mem. Tour N. Mexico, 95. 1848
Synonyms: Cactus clavatus (Engelmann) Lemaire Corynopuntia clavata (Engelmann) F. M. Knuth
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 4. Treatment on page 121. Mentioned on page 119, 120.

Shrubs, forming mats, widely spreading, 5–15 cm, in series of usually 1–2 stem segments. Roots diffuse. Stem segments short-clavate, strongly narrowed at base, 2.5–5(–7.5) × 1.5–3 cm; tubercles prominent, oval, 5–10(–16) mm, narrow, 4–6 times longer than wide, obscured by interlacing spines; areoles 3 mm in diam.; wool white to gray. Spines 7–15 per areole, primarily in distal areoles; major 3–5 abaxial spines deflexed, white, flattened, longest central spine daggerlike, broadly tapered, 12–35 × 1.5+ mm basally; major 1–3 adaxial spines ascending, white, yellow to tan, angular-flattened to subterete. Glochids in adaxial 1/4 of areole, yellowish white, ± 4 mm. Flowers: inner tepals bright yellow, to 25 mm; filaments light yellow-green to white; style and stigma lobes white. Fruits yellow, barrel-shaped to ellipsoid, 30–45 × 15–25 mm, fleshy, spineless, densely ± yellow-glochidiate; areoles 35–55. Seeds yellowish white, 4.5 × 4 mm, smooth. 2n = 22.

Phenology: Flowering late spring (May–Jun).
Habitat: Great Plains grasslands, open pinyon-juniper woodlands, rocky or sandy soils
Elevation: 1800-2500 m


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L. D. Benson (1982) mapped “Opuntia clavata” in northeast Arizona, but no supporting specimens have been found. The report may be based on low-growing specimens of Cylindropuntia whipplei, a cholla common in that area.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

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Donald J. Pinkava +
- Engelmann H. Robinson +
Opuntia clavata +
Club-c holla +
1800-2500 m +
Great Plains grasslands, open pinyon-juniper woodlands, rocky or sandy soils +
Flowering late spring - May–Jun. +
Illustrated +  and Endemic +
Cactus clavatus +  and Corynopuntia clavata +
Grusonia clavata +
Grusonia +
species +