Oenothera falfurriae

W. Dietrich & W. L. Wagner

Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74: 149. 1987.

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 10.

Herbs annual, moderately to sparsely strigillose and villous, sometimes glandular puberulent distally. Stems erect to ascend­ing, usually unbranched, 10–40 cm. Leaves in a basal rosette and cauline, basal 5–12 ×1.3–3.5 cm, cauline 2–8.5 ×1–3 cm; blade green, narrowly oblan­ceolate to narrowly elliptic or narrowly lance­o­late, margins usually dentate to pinnatifid, sometimes subentire; bracts spreading, flat. Flowers usually 1 opening per day near sunset; buds erect, with free tips erect, 0.5–2 mm; floral tube 25–40 mm; sepals 10–22 mm; petals yellow, fading orange or reddish tinged, broadly obovate or shallowly obcordate, 13–25 mm; filaments 10–17 mm, anthers 4–5 mm, pollen 85–100% fertile; style 35–50 mm, stigma slightly exserted beyond anthers at anthesis. Capsules cylindrical, sometimes slightly enlarged toward apex, 20–45 × 2–2.5 mm. Seeds ellipsoid, 0.8–1.4 × 0.3–0.6 mm. 2n = 14.

Phenology: Flowering Apr–Aug.
Habitat: Open, sandy sites.
Elevation: 0–300 m.


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Oenothera falfurriae is known only from southeastern Texas (Aransas, Brazos, Brooks, Cameron, Frio, Harris, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg, Maverick, Nueces, Refugio, Starr, Val Verde, Victoria, Webb, Willacy, Wilson, and Zapata counties). It is self-compatible and autogamous, but not a PTH species.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Oenothera falfurriae"
Warren L. Wagner +
W. Dietrich & W. L. Wagner +
Raimannia rose +
0–300 m. +
Open, sandy sites. +
Flowering Apr–Aug. +
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. +
Oenothera sect. +, Oenothera ser. +  and Oenothera subg. +
Oenothera falfurriae +
Oenothera subsect. Raimannia +
species +