Penstemon ophianthus


Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 20: 343. 1920.

Common names: Arizona beardtongue
Synonyms: Penstemon jamesii subsp. ophianthus (Pennell) D. D. Keck
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 17. Treatment on page 141. Mentioned on page 127, 142.

Stems ascending to erect, (10–)13–36(–40) cm, glabrous or sparsely retrorsely hairy proximally, sometimes also sparsely glandular-pubescent. Leaves basal and cauline, not leathery, glabrous or sparsely retrorsely hairy along midvein; basal and proximal cauline petiolate, 16–75(–120) × 6–15(–22) mm, blade oblanceolate, base tapered, margins entire or sinuate-dentate, apex obtuse to acute; cauline 2–4 pairs, short-petiolate or sessile, 25–105 × 2–12 mm, blade lanceolate to linear, base tapered, margins entire or sinuate-dentate to dentate, apex acute, rarely obtuse. Thyrses interrupted to compact, secund, 6–20 cm, axis densely glandular-pubescent, verticillasters 4–9, cymes (1–)3–7-flowered, 2 per node; proximal bracts lanceolate, 12–70 × 2–8 mm; peduncles and pedicels glandular-pubescent. Flowers: calyx lobes lanceolate, 6–9 × 1.3–2.2 mm, glandular-pubescent; corolla lavender to violet, with deep violet nectar guides, ventricose-ampliate, 14–20(–22) mm, moderately white-pilose and glandular-pubescent internally abaxially, tube 5–8 mm, throat abruptly inflated, not constricted at orifice, 7–11 mm diam., rounded abaxially; stamens included, pollen sacs opposite, explanate, 0.8–1.2 mm, dehiscing completely, sutures smooth; staminode 11–13 mm, prominently exserted, 0.7–0.9 mm diam., tip recurved, distal 8–9 mm densely lanate, hairs yellow, to 2 mm, and medial hairs shorter, stiffer, and retrorse; style 11–13 mm. Capsules 6–11 × 5–6 mm.

Phenology: Flowering May–Jun.
Habitat: Sandy, gravelly, or clayey soils, sagebrush shrublands, pinyon-juniper and oak woodlands, ponderosa pine forests.
Elevation: 1500–2300 m.


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Ariz., Colo., N.Mex., Utah.


Penstemon ophianthus is confused most often with P. jamesii and less often with P. breviculus.

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Craig C. Freeman +
Pennell +
Penstemon +
Arizona beardtongue +
Ariz. +, Colo. +, N.Mex. +  and Utah. +
1500–2300 m. +
Sandy, gravelly, or clayey soils, sagebrush shrublands, pinyon-juniper and oak woodlands, ponderosa pine forests. +
Flowering May–Jun. +
Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. +
Penstemon jamesii subsp. ophianthus +
Penstemon ophianthus +
Penstemon sect. Cristati +
species +