Rosulabryum andersonii
Novon 19: 398. 2009.
Plants large, in tall turfs, bright green. Stems 3–6 cm, elongate, evenly foliate, innovations elongate, evenly foliate. Leaves of main stem and innovations similar, spirally twisted when dry, erect-spreading when moist, spathulate, flat to weakly concave, 3–4.5 mm; base somewhat decurrent; margins recurved proximally, plane distally, sharply serrate from near mid leaf to apex, limbidium strong, of 2 or 3 rows of cells; apex broadly acute; costa percurrent, awn short; proximal laminal cells rectangular; medial and distal cells rhomboidal, 15–18 µm wide, 3:1, walls thin, not porose. Specialized asexual reproduction unknown. Sexual condition probably dioicous. Capsule unknown.
Habitat: Moist humic soil in broad-leaved forests
Elevation: moderate elevations (1300 m)
Of conservation concern.
Rosulabryum andersonii was transferred from Brachymenium because it does not fit in the type section, which consists of tropical epiphytes with erect capsules. Rosulabryum andersonii is morphologically similar to several robust tropical species of Rosulabryum that have elongate, evenly foliate stems. Despite repeated searches, the population has never been relocated, and the species may be extinct. A specimen reportedly collected in 1988 from Mexico needs to be evaluated.
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