Herbs perennial, 12–46 cm, sparsely hairy to densely villous, appressed-pubescent, or gla­brate. Stems erect or decum­bent, branched. Leaves pal­mate; stipules lanceolate or ovate, 1–5 cm, margins entire or denticulate, apex acuminate or acute; petiole 1–15 cm; petio­lules 1 mm; leaflets 3, blades linear, linear-elliptic, elliptic, lanceolate, lanceolate-oblong, or obovate, 1–5 × 0.4–1.2 cm, base cuneate, veins fine or ± thickened, margins denticulate or serrulate, apex acuminate or acute, surfaces appressed-pubescent abaxially, glabrous, densely villous, or sparsely or densely pilose adaxially. Peduncles bent distally, proximal to flowers, 3–18 cm. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, 25–70-flowered, inverted or horizontal, ellipsoid or globose to subglobose, 2–3 × 1–3 cm, rachis prolonged beyond flowers; involucres absent. Pedicels reflexed, to 0.3 mm; brac­teoles absent. Flowers 9–18 mm; calyx campanulate, curved in fruit, 4–11 mm, villous, veins 10, tube 1.5–2.5 mm, lobes unequal, 2–3 times tube, subulate, often strongly curved and twisted, plumose, orifice open; corolla white, cream, or purple, 8–16 mm, banner oblanceolate, 8–16 × 3–5 mm, apex rounded or retuse, recurved; ovaries pubescent distally. Legumes ovoid, 2–3.5 mm. Seeds (1 or)2–4, yellow-brown to brown, mitten-shaped or subglobose, 1.2–2 mm, smooth.


w United States.


Subspecies 6 (6 in the flora).

Trifolium eriocephalum was revised by J. M. Gillett (1971). The subspecies exhibit unusually complex distributional patterns, and overlapping morphological features sometimes make identifications problematic (M. Zohary and D. Heller 1984).

Selected References



1 Ovules usually 2, rarely 1 or 3; calyx lobes usually green, rarely purple, straight, subequal, 3–4 timestube. > 2
2 Herbs densely villous; leaflet blades of basal and median leaves elliptic or lanceolate-oblong; roots cylindric, thickened. Trifolium eriocephalum subsp. eriocephalum
2 Herbs slightly villous, appressed-pubescent, or glabrate; leaflet blades of basal and med­ian leaves usually narrowly lanceolate or lin­ear, rarely narrowly elliptic; roots fusiform-tuberous. Trifolium eriocephalum subsp. cascadense
1 Ovules 3 or 4; calyx lobes usually purple, contorted, abaxial lobes longer, lateral lobes 1–1.5 times tube. > 3
3 Leaflet blades of basal leaves linear or linear-elliptic, apex acute, surfaces sparsely or densely hairy adaxially; roots cylindric, thickened, branched, often rhizomelike. > 4
4 Blades of leaflets of median leaves linear or linear-elliptic; herbs slightly villous. Trifolium eriocephalum subsp. cusickii
4 Blades of leaflets of median leaves broadly elliptic; herbs densely villous. Trifolium eriocephalum subsp. villiferum
3 Leaflet blades of basal leaves obovate, apex rounded to retuse, surfaces usually glabrous adaxially, sometimes sparsely hairy; roots fusiform-tuberous. > 5
5 Inflorescences 2.5 cm diam., significantly overtopping distal leaves; leaflet blades of median leaves broadly lanceolate, surfaces sparsely hairy or glabrous adaxially. Trifolium eriocephalum subsp. arcuatum
5 Inflorescences 1 cm diam., scarcely over­topping distal leaves; leaflet blades of median leaves narrowly lanceolate or linear, surfaces densely villous adaxially. Trifolium eriocephalum subsp. martinii
... more about "Trifolium eriocephalum"
Michael A. Vincent +  and John M. Gillett† +
Nuttall in J. Torrey and A. Gray +
Woolly-headed clover +
w United States. +
Fl. N. Amer. +
Illustrated +  and Endemic +
Amoria +, Chrysaspis +  and Lupinaster +
Trifolium eriocephalum +
Trifolium +
species +