
Viola lithion

N. H. Holmgren & P. K. Holmgren

Brittonia 44: 300, fig. 1A – D. 1992.

Common names: Rock violet
Conservation concernEndemic
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 6. Treatment on page 136. Mentioned on page 117.

Plants perennial, caulescent, not stoloniferous, 5–15 cm. Stems 1–3, ascending to erect, glabrous, on caudex from fleshy rhizome. Leaves basal and cauline; basal: 1–4; stipules unknown; petiole 1–10 cm, glabrous, sometimes finely puberulent; blade broadly ovate or deltate to broadly deltate, 1–2.5(–2.9) × 0.6–2.2(–2.6) cm, base usually cordate to truncate, rarely rounded, margins crenate-dentate, eciliate, apex acute, surfaces glabrous; cauline similar to basal except: stipules lanceolate, margins usually fimbriate-toothed, sometimes entire, apex attenuate or acute; petiole 1.1–3.7 cm, sometimes finely puberulent; blade ovate to deltate, 0.7–2.2 × 0.4–1.2 cm, base sometimes rounded on distal blades. Peduncles 3–6(–10) cm, glabrous. Flowers: sepals lanceolate, margins eciliate, auricles 0.5–1 mm; petals blue to pale violet on both surfaces with yellow area basally, lower 3 purple-veined, lowest with yellow area, lateral 2 bearded, lowest 5.5–11 mm, spur white to pale violet, gibbous, 0.5–1.3 mm; style head bearded; cleistogamous flowers unknown. Capsules subglobose, ca. 5 mm, glabrous. Seeds dark brown, ca. 1.8 mm.

Phenology: Flowering Jun–Aug.
Habitat: Seasonally wet cracks and crevices, narrow ledges of rock outcrops, shaded northeast-facing avalanche chutes, cirque headwalls, subalpine conifer zone
Elevation: 2300–3100 m


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Nev., Utah.


Of conservation concern.

Viola lithion is known only from the White Pine Range in Nevada and the Pilot Range straddling the Nevada-Utah border. It is related to V. canadensis and V. flettii.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Viola lithion"
R. John Little +  and Landon E. McKinney† +
N. H. Holmgren & P. K. Holmgren +
Rock violet +
Nev. +  and Utah. +
2300–3100 m +
Seasonally wet cracks and crevices, narrow ledges of rock outcrops, shaded northeast-facing avalanche chutes, cirque headwalls, subalpine conifer zone +
Flowering Jun–Aug. +
Conservation concern +  and Endemic +
Chrysion +, Crocion +  and Lophion +
Viola lithion +
species +