Vitis rotundifolia var. rotundifolia

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 12. Treatment on page 7. Mentioned on page 8.

Plants high climbing. Leaf blade (4–)5–9(–12) cm diam. Berries usually 2–8 per infructescence, 15–25 mm diam. Seeds 9+ mm. 2n = 40.

Phenology: Flowering late Apr–May; fruiting late Jul–Sep.
Habitat: Upland and lowland forests, swamps, thickets, forest edges, rocky ledges, hammocks, dunes.
Elevation: 0–1900 m.


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Ala., Ark., Del., Fla., Ga., Ky., La., Md., Miss., Mo., N.C., Okla., S.C., Tenn., Tex., Va., W.Va.


Selected References


Lower Taxa

Michael O. Moore† +  and Jun Wen +
Michaux +
Vitis sect. Muscadinia +
Ala. +, Ark. +, Del. +, Fla. +, Ga. +, Ky. +, La. +, Md. +, Miss. +, Mo. +, N.C. +, Okla. +, S.C. +, Tenn. +, Tex. +, Va. +  and W.Va. +
0–1900 m. +
Upland and lowland forests, swamps, thickets, forest edges, rocky ledges, hammocks, dunes. +
Flowering late Apr–May +  and fruiting late Jul–Sep. +
Fl. Bor.-Amer. +
Illustrated +  and Endemic +
Muscadinia rotundifolia +
Vitis rotundifolia var. rotundifolia +
Vitis rotundifolia +
variety +