
Showing 50 pages using this property.
Mesas, ravines, coastal sage scrub-chaparral  +
Dry granitic slopes, mesas, ravines, chaparral, pinyon woodlands  +
Wooded ravines, shaded banks, talus slopes, serpentine barrens, and coastal headlands (uncommon)  +
Moist calcareous cliffs, banks, and ledges along streams and rivers, walls of lime sinks, canyon walls (in the American southwest), around foundations, on mortar of storm drains  +
Banks and old walls  +
Seasonally moist, shaded, rocky banks, canyons, and ravines  +
Hammocks and limestone sinks in Everglades National Park  +
Rich, deciduous woodlands, often on humus-covered talus slopes and moist lime soils  +
Restricted to moist, shaded, limestone ledges, sink walls, and grottoes in the flora  +
Moist, shaded, limestone cliffs along streams and rivers, on boulders in creeks, and among rocks on steep slopes  +
Restricted to serpentine sites where it occurs in rock clefts, on talus slopes, and in well-developed serpentine soils  +
Moist coves, rocky woods, ledges, alluvial slopes, and thickets  +
Rocky slopes, dry canyons and washes, fields, roadsides, arroyos and hillsides near seeps, streambeds, chaparral, coastal sage scrub.  +
Open slopes and washes, rocky outcrops, limestone and igneous substrates, roadsides, chaparral, oak-juniper and mixed conifer-oak woodlands.  +
Roadsides, fields, sagebrush scrub, and open pine or aspen forests in valleys and foothills  +
Prairies, fields, river banks, and waste places  +
Roadsides and sites adjacent to gardens  +
Cliffs and banks near sea  +
North-facing cliffs in canyons and above sea  +
Bogs, wet flatwoods, hydric savannas, seepage slopes.  +
Tallgrass or loess hills or upland prairies, dry rocky or sandy soils over limestone, limestone bluffs, gravelly moraines.  +
Seasonally wet meadows, mesic prairies, glades, roadsides, fallow fields.  +
Oak woods, dry loamy soils.  +
Wet alkaline, saline meadows and marshes associated with springs and seeps.  +
Sand plain grasslands, dry prairie remnants, dry roadsides, cemeteries, margins and openings in mesic to dry mixed woodlands, serpentine grasslands.  +
Prairies, grassy roadsides, pastures, well-drained calcareous soils.  +
Dry open pine savannas, dry oak openings, dry sandy ground, mesic flatwoods, margins of bogs and seepage slopes, dry roadsides.  +
Grasslands, open rocky slopes, calcareous, clay or sandy soils.  +
Dry or wet sandy ground, waste places, roadsides, ditches, pastures, fallow fields, alluvial ground of streams, brackish soils, thickets, lawns.  +
Mesic to moist longleaf pine forests, moist prairies, shallow bogs, moist roadsides, remnant wiregrass communities, borrow pits.  +
Xeric, sandy, open pine forests, open coastal scrub habitats, dunes, open areas of pine flatwoods, hydric soils of pine flatwoods.  +
Mesic to moist soils, open, wiregrass-dominated longleaf pine systems, savannas, prairies, seepage slopes, depressed wetlands, disturbed ground.  +
Dry roadsides, open woodlands, forest margins, mesic prairies, glades, bluffs, exposed ridges, alvars, often in cherty limestone, or sandy, rocky soils.  +
Dry or moist longleaf pine savannas, oak openings, wiregrass-dominated seepage slopes, margins of bogs.  +
Wet to mesic savannas, bogs, wet prairies, borders of fresh to brackish marshes, roadsides and ditches, drier sites near these habitats.  +
Moist open sites, moist prairies, margins of mesic to wet forests, fallow fields, roadsides, ditches, margins of marshes and ponds, disturbed sandy soils.  +
Dry, open woodlands, dry to xeric sandy terrace communities above streams, dry roadsides, open sandy habitats.  +
Dry to mesic pinelands, pine and oak savannas, sand hills, openings in saw palmetto flatwoods, sandy soils.  +
Wet savannas and prairies, depressed areas of mesic savannas or open flatwoods, bogs, margins and centers of cypress domes, margins of ponds, lakes, brackish and freshwater marshes, open stream banks, roadsides, ditches.  +
Saline coastal areas, salt marshes, edges of saline or brackish pools, open salt terns, edges of ditches, salt flats, and tidal flats.  +
Salt marshes, salt flats, tidal flats, edges of saline or brackish pools, ditches.  +
Rocky prairie remnants on sandstone outcrops, sandy clay soils of longleaf pine savannas.  +
Sandy or peaty soils, margins of pools, lakes, bogs, estuaries, and marshes, sand flats, dune hollows, ditches.  +
Mesic to dry savannas, dry roadsides with native vegetation, open rocky ground, open pine flatwoods, cutover and edges of pine plantations, margins of bogs and seepage slopes.  +
Moist to dry longleaf pine savannas, edges of pine plantations, dry roadsides, chalky outcrops, seepage slopes of clay roadsides.  +
Dry to xeric, sandy, gravelly or clay roadsides, pine-oak forests, margins of savannas, disturbed ground.  +
Dry, open pine savannas, open pine-oak sandhills, dry upslope areas of wiregrass-dominated mesic prairies, chalky glades or roadsides, dry sandy or clay roadsides beside existing or remnant savannas.  +
Moist sandy, clay, or peaty soils at margins of ponds, lakes, streams, bogs, freshwater or brackish marshes, ditches, roadsides.  +
Moist sandy soils at margins of ponds, lakes, streams, bogs, freshwater and brackish marshes, ditches, pine barrens, meadows, prairies, coastal swales, dry soils, margins of pine plantations, inundated marl prairies.  +