
Showing 250 pages using this property.
Bark, decorticated wood, on Quercus, siliceous rock, soil, humic soil, full sun or partial shade  +
Trunks and branches of Acer, Alnus, Populus, Prunus, Quercus, conifers, dead branches, snags, decorticated or decomposing logs, siliceous rock, soil, humus  +
Dry, gravelly outwash fans, talus slopes, roadsides  +
Sandy, gravelly limestone outwash fans, or calcareous silty soils, gypsum  +
Calcareous clay and clayey shales  +
Calcareous clays and shales, sometimes on gypsum  +
Gypseous shaley clay  +
Moist, exposed, sandy or silty soil of depressions, river and stream banks in montane coniferous forest regions, subalpine regions, mountains, and northern latitudes  +
Rock crevices, cliff faces, on igneous or volcanic substrates (mostly rhyolite)  +
Fields, usually on sandy soil, mossy and grassy sites, moist shade, gravelly roadsides, shady, bare patches in lawns, shallow soil pockets on rocky seashores, meadows, hillsides  +
Fields, sandy places  +
Vernally moist grasslands, chaparral, woodlands, clearings, rocky outcrops, cliffs, sandy beaches, waste ground, roadsides  +
Coastal shrublands, bluffs, saline sands  +
Soil, clay, along creeks or trails in places subject to inundation, rarely among other mosses  +
Sand or sandy clay, open scrub oak woodlands, mesquite savannas, fields, disturbed sites, roadsides  +
Sand and gravel bars, limestone soils, Larrea flats, mesquite savannas, roadsides, disturbed sites  +
Sand and sandy loam, black loam, silt, caliche, rocky limestone soils, stream bottoms, oak-juniper openings, mesquite pastures, roadsides, fencerows, disturbed sites  +
Open sites, often calcareous, often with scrubby oaks  +
Sandy or gravelly soils, often in matorral and scrublands  +
Sand, sandy loam, sandy clay, silt, gravel, river terraces, oak woodlands, mesquite savannas, fields, roadsides  +
Sand dunes near beaches, coastal sands, Rio Grande plains  +
Limestone slopes, subalpine valleys, wet cliffs, ridges, fine gravel saturated by snowmelt  +
Moist, deciduous, upland to swampy forests  +
Dung, animal remains  +
Roadsides, gravelly stream terraces, interfan alluvium, dunes, flats, rocky slopes, lava beds, grasslands, creosote scrub, Chihuahuan desert scrub of Flourensia-Larrea, mesquite, oak chaparral, oak-juniper woodlands  +
Quiet ponds  +
Disturbed places, coastal bluffs, margins of coastal wetlands, 0-100 m  +
Bogs, alluvial and upland rich woods  +
Cliff walls and talus slopes, usually on shale  +
Open woods, meadows, shores, and rock outcrops  +
Shaded or open woods, often around cliffs, rock outcrops, and forest edges  +
Rocky places in canyons, mostly along streams  +
Damp places in canyons  +
Open rocky slopes  +
Rocky slopes or near streams in open woodland or herbland  +
Rocky slopes or near streams, in open woodland or herbland  +
Rocky slopes or near streams, in open woodland or herbland  +
Open rocky places  +
Moist coniferous forests, especially along streams  +
Damp rocky places  +
Moist mountain meadows and alpine slopes  +
Mesic woods or shrublands  +
Mesic woods or shrublands  +
Dripping cliffs  +
Rocky places in limestone areas, usually subalpine  +
Rock crevices  +
Near streams or in damp rocky places in canyons  +
Seepy rock walls of canyons  +
Open rocky places, alpine or subalpine  +
Cliffs and rocky slopes, subalpine and alpine  +
Rocky slopes, woodlands, or meadows  +
Moist places in dry woodlands and shrublands  +
Disturbed habitats  +
Sandy beaches, gravel, flats of streambeds  +
Gravelly slopes, forests, gravel bars, high-elevation scree and talus, roadsides  +
Cliffs, ledges, thickets, stream and river banks, woods, limestone crevices and bluffs, sandstone hills and outcrops, serpentine rocks and barrens, shale, talus, sand dunes  +
Sand dunes, sand bars, tussocks, gravel, tundra, volcanic ash, stream terraces  +
Sandy areas along roadsides, stream banks, railroad tracks and embankments, open pastures, grassy flats, fields, prairies, floodplains, woods, lawns, limestone ledges and crevices, bluffs, shale and serpentine barrens, gravel, sandstone  +
Serpentine slopes, rocky hillsides  +
Crevices of limestone rocks, along streams, calcareous alpine meadows, Salix scrub on slopes with scree  +
Rocky hillsides and bluffs, grassy hillsides, slopes  +
Rare garden escape  +
Open woods, rocky bluffs, steep banks, canyon margins  +
Rocky slopes, crevices, and ledges, meadows, moist banks and grounds, granitic soil, wooded slopes  +
Open slopes, alpine meadows, cliffs, ridge crests  +
Stream banks, roadsides  +
Serpentine scrap and slopes, red serpentinized soil  +
Moist shaded banks, slopes, rocky canyon walls, talus, basaltic bluffs  +
Alpine and subalpine meadows and slopes, open woods, steep slopes and cliffs, mossy mats, dry or moist slopes and hillsides, ridge crests  +
Talus slopes near glacier  +
Moist granitic soil, rocky hillsides, chaparrals, steep banks  +
Rocky wooded slopes, shady stream banks, limestone ledges and bluffs  +
Ravines, pastures, cliffs, calcareous talus, dolomite glades, rich woods, bluffs, rocky ledges  +
Bluffs, cliffs, ledges, rocky hillsides, open woods, bottom lands, gravel bars, meadows, streamsides, upland prairies, grassy swales, hillsides, stream bottoms  +
Terrestrial along stream banks in woods  +
Riverine forests and oak parklands along seasonally moist waterways  +
Open forests, rocky slopes, ravines, foothills, and shores  +
Rough, stony hills, mountain slopes, calcareous ledges  +
Coniferous forests, especially with jack or lodgepole pine.  +
Coniferous forests generally with fir.  +
Coniferous forests with southwestern white pine.  +
Coniferous forests with southwestern white pine.  +
Coniferous forests with sugar pine or western white pine.  +
Coniferous forests with ponderosa or Jeffrey pine.  +
Coniferous forests, especially with western larch or mountain hemlock.  +
Closed-cone pine forests.  +
Coniferous forests, especially with blue or Engelmann spruce.  +
Coniferous forests, especially with western white pine.  +
Coniferous and mixed forests, especially with digger pine.  +
Coniferous forests, especially closed-cone pine forests with knobcone pine.  +
Pinyon-juniper woodlands.  +
Coniferous forests with Douglas fir.  +
Coniferous and mixed forests with Chihuahua pine.  +
Spruce forests within 500 m of coast and inland bogs, often within 2 km of lakes and rivers.  +
Coniferous forests with ponderosa pine.  +
Common on moist to wet soil, mud and sand around temporary pools, along ditches and roadsides, and in fields, occasional on sandstone and limestone outcrops  +
Uncommon on moist to dry soil along roadsides, in fields, rarely on rock  +
Uncommon to rare on moist open sandy or loamy soil, along roadsides and in grassy often disturbed areas  +
Uncommon on moist open sandy or loamy soil, along roadsides and in grassy often disturbed areas, or crevices and pockets in rock  +
Common on moist open sandy, loamy, or clay soils, mud, and rock outcrops in a wide variety of open habitats, including roadsides, ditches, meadows, prairies, sand dunes, and creeks  +
Common to uncommon on dry to moist sand, soil, in clearings, along roadsides, creek banks, open forests, pastures, often on soil of limestone and sandstone outcrops  +
Open, coastal, wet, brackish habitats on clay, sand, gravel or rocks, upper tidal marshes, brackish coastal meadows, coastal herbaceous or heath tundras, sloughs, coastal rocks, flood plains and bars at mouths of streams  +
Open, coastal, wet, brackish habitats on clay, sand, gravel, or rocks, beaches near tideline, coastal dunes, beach meadows, carex salt marshes, estuarine marshes and flood plains, coastal tundra  +
Waste places, roadsides, fields, forest clearings  +
Waste places, roadsides, fields, forest clearings  +
Waste places, roadsides, fields, forest clearings  +
Siliceous rock  +
Siliceous rock or soil  +
Siliceous rock or soil  +
Barren shales that are heavily gypsiferous or otherwise chemically unusual (borate-bearing, lithium-bearing), creosote bush zone  +
Barren, heavily gypsiferous shales, creosote bush zone  +
Barren, calcareous, scree slopes and weakly gypsiferous shales interbedded with marine limestones, creosote bush and blackbrush zones  +
Chaparral, edges of open forests  +
Chaparral, open, closed-cone conifer forests  +
Closed-cone conifer chaparral on serpentine soil  +
Closed-cone conifer chaparral on serpentine soil  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Chaparral, open woodlands  +
Chaparral, gaps and margins of conifer forests along coast, sometimes extending inland, open areas around rock outcrops  +
Island chaparral, open, closed-cone conifer forests  +
Maritime chaparral and open conifer forests  +
Maritime and marginal interior chaparral and closed-cone conifer forests  +
Maritime chaparral and closed-cone conifer forests on siliceous shales  +
Maritime chaparral on volcanic soils  +
Maritime chaparral and coastal bluffs, historic stable dunes  +
Maritime chaparral, grasslands on alluvial and fluvial soils  +
Acidic marine sands  +
Steep, rocky slopes and bluffs near ocean  +
Maritime chaparral, serpentine soils  +
Chaparral on decomposing granites  +
Interior chaparral chiefly on granitic rocks  +
Maritime chaparral and closed-cone conifer forests on sandstone coastal bluffs  +
Chaparral, often on steep, rocky slopes  +
interior chaparral on gabbroic soils  +
Rocky slopes, chaparral, woodlands  +
Chaparral, closed-cone conifer forests  +
Serpentine chaparral and open forests on sandstone  +
Maritime chaparral and closed-cone conifer forests on stable dunes and sandstone uplands  +
Chaparral, open conifer forests  +
Maritime chaparral on sandstone outcroppings  +
Island chaparral and woodlands  +
Open, subalpine forests on soils derived from gabbro  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Chaparral, upper foothill woodlands  +
Chaparral, foothill woodlands  +
Chaparral, foothill woodlands  +
Foothill woodlands, interior chaparral, sometimes in open conifer forests  +
Upper foothill woodlands, open conifer forests  +
Chaparral or along forest edges, often along ridge crests  +
Chaparral openings in mixed conifer forests  +
Chaparral on upland serpentine barrens  +
Maritime chaparral, coastal prairie on serpentine soils  +
Maritime chaparral  +
Maritime chaparral  +
Maritime chaparral on sandy soils near coast  +
Exposed acidic, whitish, clay soils (oxisols)  +
High-elevation forests and montane chaparral  +
High-elevation forests and montane chaparral  +
Shallow shale soils in chaparral and foothill woodlands  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Podsol soils in pygmy pine forests  +
Maritime chaparral, closed-cone conifer forests  +
Chaparral, open, closed-cone conifer forests  +
Knobcone pine chaparral, siliceous shale ridges  +
Maritime chaparral on volcanic uplands  +
Sandstone outcrops  +
Maritime chaparral on deep to shallow, sandy soils or sandstone outcroppings  +
Maritime chaparral, gaps in open forests  +
Chaparral on desert edges  +
Montane chaparral and forest openings  +
Mountain chaparral and forests  +
Maritime chaparral on siliceous shale soils  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Sand dunes, maritime chaparral, open, closed-cone conifer forests  +
Open pine forests, pinyon-juniper woodlands, chaparral  +
Maritime chaparral on deep, sandy soils  +
Chaparral of granite uplands  +
Chaparral, margins of open forests  +
Maritime chaparral on sandy soils  +
Sandstone uplands in maritime chaparral or closed-cone conifer forests near coast  +
Chaparral, open conifer forests  +
Chaparral, on or near serpentine  +
Maritime chaparral in stabilized dunes or on coastal uplands  +
Maritime chaparral on dacite buttes  +
Maritime chaparral on coastal uplands  +
Maritime chaparral on stabilized dunes or coastal uplands  +
Coastal dunes, open, acidic temperate and boreal forests, high montane on acidic, sandy, or rocky soils  +
Maritime chaparral, open, closed-cone conifer forests  +
Island chaparral, open forests  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Chaparral, open forests  +
Roadsides, old fields, other disturbed habitats  +
Roadsides, urban waste places  +
Roadsides, waste places, especially in sandy soils near coasts  +
Tundra, gravelly beach ridges, lichen heaths, open, boggy, coniferous woods, dry, wind-swept and snow-free fellfields in arctic and alpine tundra  +
Rocky and gravelly, arctic or alpine tundra, often in calcareous soils, coastal limestone heaths, swampy woods  +
Acidic soil of suburban and urban woodlands and hardwood hammocks  +
Roadsides, scrub, near villages, edges of fields, along coasts  +
Acidic soil  +
Open woodlands, limestone slopes and outcrops  +
Moist, calcareous gravels and rock crevices  +
Forests, limestone outcrops, moist hummocks, dunes  +
Forests, stream banks  +
Crevices of cliffs and bare walls  +
Gravelly, moist, montane areas, open alpine woods  +
Igneous soil on cliffs and ledges  +
Boggy meadows, freshwater marshes  +
Open, dry to slightly moist sand or gravel  +
Roadsides, open, sandy or rocky, disturbed sites  +
Roadsides, open, sandy or rocky, disturbed sites  +
Sphagnum bogs, coniferous swamps, calcareous treed to open fens, and moist, acid, sandy meadows  +
Dry plains and low hills, road and field margins  +
Waste places, roadsides, fields, beaches, dunes, coastal plains  +
Pastures and waste ground  +
Precipitous slopes  +
Fields, pastures, hills  +
Arid plains and mountains  +
Dry valleys and plains, especially around sand dune areas  +
Dry flats and slopes, stabilized dunes, washes, sandy or granitic soil  +
Washes and outwash plains, deserts  +
Prairies, slopes, and eastern foothills of the Laramie and Rocky mountains  +
Waste places, often a weed of roadsides, dooryards, fallow fields  +
Dry desert ranges  +
Dry foothills and slopes  +
Dry, rocky soil, full sun  +
Open slopes and foothills, full sun  +